Fast Times At Clairemont High

By MusicIsMyLife7121415

4.8K 81 28

Vic is an English teacher and guidance counselor right out of college. He's focused on caring for Mike and ge... More

Fast Times At Clairemont High


84 3 1
By MusicIsMyLife7121415

"I'm going to ask you this now in the most respectful way possible; am I going to regret bringing you to a concert?" Vic asked. I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help but smile.

"Depends on how hardcore you are when it comes to bands." I answered. I was a pretty intense band-stalke--I mean watcher.

"Hmm, I don't know..." He said as he thought for a moment. I looked Vic up and down; he was short and pretty skinny, but I knew he was stronger than he looked. Still, I questioned whether or not it was a good idea to take him into the pit with me...

Vic and I waited in line for hours, just standing there talking until the doors opened. As soon as they did, mobs of people forced their way in. Vic grabbed my arm and yanked me up so I didn't get left behind in the crowd. As we got to the doors, we went through security as quickly as possible and ran inside. There were a lot of people at merch tables, but we were pretty far up in line so we were some of the first in.

"Let's just get up to the stage." I suggested as we weaved through the fans. Vic dragged me along beside him, as eager as I was to claim good spots. I almost fell down the stairs into the center of what looked like a hockey arena, but regained my balance and chased after Vic. We were six or seven rows back from the barricade and others quickly filled in behind us.

"Are you okay with pits? Because we're right in that area." Vic called over the fans screaming as a sound guy walked on stage. I gave Vic a confused look.

"I am, but are you?" I asked. He chuckled and shrugged.

"Cam, honestly, I think I've been to more concerts than you, and much more intense than Linkin Park." I rolled my eyes at his cocky attitude. We'll just see how tough he is.

About an hour after we finally got in, the band finally came out on stage. The crowd's screams were deafening, but I quickly got used to it as the band blasted us with their newest album. The lights beams flashed around the room, momentarily blinding me each time they shined in my eyes. I glanced over at Vic and he had a huge grin on his face as he stared at the stage. He glanced over at me and smirked. I rolled my eyes and looked back to the stage.

It was only halfway through the first song and I felt myself getting pulled back farther from the barricade. Vic grabbed my hand and yanked me back and we fell into the newly-opened mosh pit. People were bumping into us and falling down everywhere. Vic seemed to know what he was doing as he led me around the circle, jumping and dodging as many people as possible. Eventually though, he pulled me off tot he side and gave me another smirk.

"What?" I asked, confused by his expression. He looked to the other side of him were there was a group of people giving others a lift. I smiled; I had never been crowd surfing before, but how bad can it be. "Let's go." I said. Vic chuckled.

"Alright." He gave me a light shove over to the group and I was immediately thrown up onto the shoulders of two guys and tossed farther towards the barricade. "Meet you there!" I heard Vic shout up to me. I tried to give a wave back to let him know I heard him, but I was pushed over the raised rock-fists of unsuspecting concert-goers. Soon my feet dropped to the floor and I was squished up against the barricade.

Before I could register what had just happened, Vic was dropping down next to me and wrapped his arms around me in a tight grasp. We got pushed around and bumped into a lot more up here. All teh fans were trying to get where we were. As the front row adjusted to our added space, Vic let go of me and stood behind me, latching his hands on the barricade on either side of me. All the pressure from the people behind me disappeared and transferred onto Vic. I slid my hands over his and he held them.

"I like this cute couple in front!" Chester said into the mic as the song ended. I glanced to the side to see who he was talking about. I looked up at him to see that he was staring straight at Vic and I. I froze as Chester walked to the edge of the stage. "You two are adorable, how about you come up here and show us what an old fashioned concert-date is like?" He asked. He held out his hand to me and I glanced back at Vic. He shrugged and nodded and I took Chester's hand as he yanked me up on stage, quickly followed by Vic.

Vic and I stared out across the crowd, me surprised by how many people there were. I knew Linkin Park was big, but wow! This place was completely packed. Vic's eyes jumped from face to face as he scanned the audience. He smiled and squeezed my hand. How was he so calm up here? I was freaking out.

"So what are your names?" Chester asked. He held out the mic and I shakily introduced myself. Vic did the same and Chester continued. "So how long have you two been together?" He asked. I was shaking like crazy and could hardly think straight.

"This is actually our first date." Vic said. How about he just says everything? Yeah, I think that would be best. The crowd 'awwed' and Chester smiled.

"And Cameron, after a date like this, will you go out with him again?" I laughed and nodded. I would have gone out with anyone after this date. I would have probably gone out with Vic again even if he had just taken me to a movie or something.

"Of course I will." The crowd cheered again.

"That's fantastic. Now, since this is your first date, have you two kissed yet?" I blushed and shook my head as Vic chuckled nervously. "No? Well, how would you like to tell your kids that your first kiss with each other was on stage at a Linkin Park concert?" He was going to make us do this, wasn't he? Not that I had a problem with kissing Vic, but I didn't want to force him into it. I glanced at him and he bit his lip and looked unsure. "Come on, kiss! Kiss kiss kiss!" Chester chanted, and soon the entire room was yelling along with him. I giggled and Vic pulled me closer. He cupped my cheek and smiled as he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. As he pulled away I smiled and couldn't take my eyes off his. His eyes were sparkling from the bright lights that surrounded us and the room was filled with screams and applause. I think Vic finally saw me as more than just his illegal student relationship, and I couldn't have felt happier in that moment.

A/N: There needs to be a really smutty Jalex fanfic called Fap-Jack. That's what comes to my mind when I hear "flapjack."

Also sorry it's been a while, school hates me XP Anyway, thanks so much for reading this you guys! Love you!

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