#1 Falling for the guy that h...

By Lill_miss_ash

56.7K 1.5K 480

Ashleigh and Anna have been friends since before they could remember. Ashleigh has an older brother, his nam... More

Falling for my best friends brother / brothers best friend
1- Did he just turn cute?
2- Living with the family.
3- Were like scooby do thats me and you.
4- Calm down bro.....
5- We may. not be close, but I got your back.
6- Hate is a strong word. Try Love.
7- Stage One: Denail
8- Stage two: Hiding these feelings
9- #TeamUn-Coordinated
10- Love-Hate relationships
11- How hypocritical of you
12- Circle of love
13- To girls one guy (part 1)
14- Two girls one guy (part 2)
15- Anna's News
16- Princesses advice
17- Telling you both
18- Anna knows
19- Telling one more
20- A journey to cadet camp
21- Settling in at camp
22- Chilling with my new guy friend
23- What are we?
24- Relationship?
25-School changes things....
26- Birthday awkwardness
27- Summer Of Nomance
28- Stage three : Managing the awkward feelings
30- The only way to get over him
31- Telling Him
32- The get away
33- Suspicious behaviour
34- Even our parents talk about it cringe much!
35- Spreading Rumours
36- The guy
37- A broken heart - (The final chapter)

29- Brithday wars

770 30 6
By Lill_miss_ash

OMFG!!! I'm on 2K😬 that may not seem like allot but i'm really proud of myself😬Thank you guys❤️❤️

This is a really long chapter, thanks for being great readers.


I had gotten to Anna's house 2 minutes later. I had text-ed her telling her to open the door.

"PINCH PUNCH FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH!" I screamed as I lunged at the unsuspecting Anna.

After we had pinched and punched each other, we went straight into her kitchen; she had a new cookie making pack. We began to get out the ingredients, when I sensed a third presence.

Anna had lied to me, Ryan was here.


My heart stopped for a second, and not in a cliché way, in a way where it hurts. A way where for the slip second I think I'm going to die. It was like something made me jump, only more painful.

He came down, to get a drink, then left.

Anna only noticed when he left; she smirked at me as he left. She was going to say something but I shot her a deadly look. She had called him back into the room. She told him to say hi, he didn't. She told me to say hi. I looked at the floor,

Oh what pretty tiles.

I was officially worse than shy, I was frightened, I was afraid, and I couldn't even breathe. What was happening to me?

You know when girls hit stuff when it's not working?

Well that's what I was doing, but times 12. At that moment in time I was beating my iPod up. I felt shy, I felt awkward. We were watching X-factor, me, Anna, Ryan and their mum. That wasn't why I felt awkward, I felt awkward because Anna had fallen asleep.

Their mum was engrossed into a book, so she basically wasn't here, so I and Ryan were sitting in an awkward silence for an hour. To make matters worse, the radio was playing from the room next door; it was on some classical-romantic station. The music was loud, and it wasn't my house to turn it off.

I tried to distract myself by playing on my iPod but that didn't work. You see, my iPod kept crashing. I was playing GTA Vice-city and the app kept crashing and freezing, or worse, closing. It was really frustrated. When I'm why, like allot of girls to I act up? Or it is just me?

So anyway, I striated lightly hitting my iPod, it was still frozen. I hit it again but harder, the app closed. I started to beat up my iPod, Ryan gave me a 'Dam...This girl is fucked' look. In the end, I had to put my iPod away and try to watch the TV and not him.

He was right next to the TV and I was opposite him. So if I look at the TV, I'm also looking at him. I tried to focus on the TV and not the annoying boy to the left of it. I didn't actually look at him, the whole time. The only time I looked at him for a mere 3 seconds Anna woke up. She had thought I was staring the whole time.

Awkward misunderstandings CHECK!!!

Anna had blackmailed me all day, the kept making me say that she was the best, that she was a boss. It was evil but funny to her. She kept threatening to tell him, I was forced to complement her constantly.

I went home soon after she had woken up; Anna had a family event to attend. Anna's mum had dropped me home; Anna was in the car with me.

"I can't believe you." I said as we buckled up.

"Say I'm the best." She said.

"No!' I said.

"I will do it."

"No you won't."

"Fine then...."

She got out her phone and called Ryan. She had even confirmed with her mum that that was his number.

The phone rang.

He answered.

"Hi Ryan....." She said taking it off speaker.

"I wanted to tell you something...." She said giving me an evil look.


She can't, she wouldn't.

"Your the best!" I rushed out,

"Hello!....That was it." She said before ending the call with a laugh.

Oh Anna...Evil evil Anna......

The drive was short, so a minute later, I was outside my house.

"See you in December for your month late birthday party" I laughed as I stepped out of the car.

When I got home, I sighed in relief.

She better not tell him, I thought.

He shall never no.


He will never know.


I skipped down the familiar road that leads to Anna's house. I wore black trousers, a white smiley face crop top. My hair was all poofy, brown and blonde, and I wore a smile across my face.

I was over Ryan.

I told Anna I was.

I believed I was.

I had to be.

I must be.

I am.

Anna opened the door, we were going Ice-Skating. It was her 15th birthday."Happy late birthday!' I cheered as I entered her house, with a present and belated birthday vouchers. I got her what I have been getting everyone lately.


Yes yes, I know, I know. I'm awesome.

I got to meet one of Anna's new friends, her name was Megan. Princess was here to. When I got to Anna's, we waited for Princess to come. Ryan and Ben were playing on the Xbox.

For some reason, I didn't feel shy anymore. I felt normal.

"Is that GTAV?" I had asked.

"Yes." He said glancing at me for a second.

"Cool how much did it cost?" I asked as Princess arrived.

"Forty." He said as me and Anna left the room.

As soon as Princess arrived, the four of us left. It was really fun, Megan was nice. She was crazy like the rest of us, but not as intelligent. Apparently her and Anna were roommates. Megan travelled far to get here, very far.

I also had my change in friend group. I now hang out with a new group of girls; Tiffany, whom I'm closest to; Haley, she's nice; Kimberly, she scares me; Shakira, she's too nice to be Innocent.

Ice-skating was fun, after that we went back to Anna's for a sleepover. It was Saturday, we had school on Monday. It wasn't a half term; she had her party on a random weekend in December.

The boys were still playing on the Xbox when we arrived, Anna made Ryan and Ben leave to go upstairs and play. Normally Chris would be here playing with them, but he was now abroad with Dad.


We watched movies, and ordered Pizza. We played games on our devices. I had brought my iPad mini. We played Hungry shark, and Tetris. After getting changed into our onze's we all laid down in the living room.

Occasionally the boys would come down stairs, I would he having a laughed fit on the floor, at one point everyone just looked at me in utter confusion. Ryan had smirked at me, I suddenly felt self conscious in my crop top, when he started at me. Anna had said that I was a freak, I had slapped her forehead in response. Then started laughing again but this time in silence, I sat there clapping like a seal.

Anna fell asleep first, then Princess, then Megan, then me......
I was the first to wake up. I had completed three GTA missions on my iPad, gotten up, packed away my sleeping bag, brushed my teeth and had gotten changed.

Eventually everyone had woken up, I knew that the boys were awake before me as I could hear the TV from upstairs. I was glad I could hear the TV, the silence would have scared me.

Anna had made me bring my Nerf n BB guns. We had a war that morning, Ryan had taken my phone. I wanted it back.
As children we used to play fight, but this one was brutal. We started of all shooting each other, me, Anna, Megan and Princess. V.S Ben, Jason who came over that morning and the devil himself Voldam-Ryan.....

"Charge!" Princess cried as we jumped over the sofa and tackled Jason to the ground. I tried to restrain Jason, but Ben pulled me off. I glared at Ben and shot a few pellets at his arm. My phone was in my pocket when Ryan tried to pull my gun out of my hands. My phone fell out, as Ryan pushed me onto the sofa, all three boys looked at my phone, then at each other.

After a 5 seconds pause all four of us, lunged for my phone. Ben had pulled me back dragging me away from my phone, Jason picked it up. "Jason!" I moaned as he helps my phone up to high for me to reach.

"Give it back!" I said jumping up.
Ryan had pulled me back on the floor.
"Lets get more Ammo." Ryan said to Ben.

They had left Jason in the room, with four ninja-like, crazy girls. We pulled him onto the floor, the girls held him down, whilst I kept on repeatedly slapping his forehead. I took my phone out of his pocket, thank god it was his front pocket.
Jason had called for help, the boy's game down stairs and helped him get free. That was when Ryan had managed to pry my phone right out of my innocent and soft hands. Curse my terrible grip, I thought as I chased the evil boy out of the living room and up the stairs.
I had picked a good nerf gun up from the floor, and reputedly shot him on the neck. He had tried to take the gun from me, I had tried to get my phone. We ended up fighting each other with the phone and the gun left at the top of the stairs.
"Just give me the phone." I said whilst being restrained on the floor
"No." He said holding my arms down.
"Why." I frowned looking up at him.
"Cuz." He said smirking down at me.
I narrowed me eyes. his hands were holding my wrists to the floor. I had to get away, I could get up, if I did this correctly. I thought as I planned my escape. I still had access to my lower half, I had seen this on TV. All I had to do was flip this over.
I tried to roll over and end up holding him down, I had failed. I rolled over, but he didn't move. Instead he held me down harder, and this time I was lying on my front. He held me down as if he was a police officer, holding down a criminal.
"Let me go." I said.
"Only if you go back down stairs."

"Never!" I cried.

"Then you Will NEVER!....Get your phone back." He said.

We had wrestled on the floor for what felt like half an hour, before Ben came up. Both boys held me down. I glared at the two amused looking boys, I was hugging one of the really good BB guns. The bullets hurt a bit.

"She won't let go."Ryan huffed as he tried to open my hands.

"You know she's ticklish right...." Ben informed him.

Ben....How could you? I thought in my head.

How did he know that anyway? He's never touched me.....

Ryan smirked....That smirk.......

My mind came back down to earth, when his hands touched my sides-

"AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA" I said like one of those baby dolls that you squeeze.

I had let go off the toy, Ben had taken my phone.

"I barely touched you." Ryan said as he and Ben, walked off into his room.



He fricken attacked my spine.

I laid down on the floor and made a high-pitched screech. I had lost my gun and phone. On the bright side, I had all their ammunition.

"Did you get your phone?" Anna laughed as I entered the living room.

"No." I sulked.

I looked in the mirror, my hair was a mess, and I was covered in sweat. My newly iron T-shirt was crumpled, I looked like a SLLLLLLUUUUUUUTTTTTT.

"Did you have fun?" Megan asked.

For some reason, I imagined her saying that in an American accent.


In pain I slowly walked up the stairs. I was now at home. Mum found the story funny, I didn't....

I had gotten home later on that day and thought, I thought long, I thought hard.

I regretted it.

I had realized that I did still like him, and that the only way I have ever gotten over a guy in the past is by telling them that I like them...Myself.


This was too long so the rest of the 'battle' will be in the next chapter.

Do you think she gets her phone,

I wanted to give you guys a sort of Clithhanger thing.

Thank you so much for reading until now.

You know what to do :)

The next chapter should upload in the early next week😬

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