Good Enough

By luxuryt

169K 6.4K 552

"You're pretty cute for a dark girl." Self destruction at it's finest. Society's image of "real beauty"... L... More

Why me?
New Me.
On Edge.
Past is the past
The truth.
Secret is out
Long Over Due

Darkness Falls..

12.4K 523 63
By luxuryt

Tabitha Pov

( Tab-ith-ah )


Waking up at 5:50 AM was a struggle. I picked out my outfit which consisted of combat boots, black fitted tee, a flannel and shorts.

The weather here is great, better than Nigeria. That's one thing that i would give the states. California weather is great.

I went to my vanity and started my make up. I don't cake my face but i did wear little eye liner & mascara.

I then curled my hair after that checking the time it was 6:50 AM I quickly put on my clothes grabbed my book bag and keys. Then went down stairs, " Good Morning Tabitha" My mother, Kahruchie ( Kah-ru-chee ) Said.

" Morning mother, father." I said kissing my father's cheek, " Morning daughter" My father, Kasin said. Grabbing a banana i quickly went out the door.

Then started my 15 minute walk to the hell hole most people call school. I do have a car but i just felt like walking. As i arrive i look straight up and make my way up to my locker.

" You need to go back to Africa, with ya dark ass." I ignored the comment. " I know you hear me girl" I see she's persistent. " And when i do go to Africa i hope to never see you there because i promise you you'd be one headless ass female, huh?" I smartly replied. Slamming my locker.

She just stood there looking dumbfounded. The day went on and i'm now in my speech class. This is my favorite class. It's like when i write i can be myself. And not have to worry about what anyone thinks.

" Okay class we are now doing a new project. I will be handing out topics and partnering you up. I don't want to hear no whines nor disagreements." Mis Davito ( Da-Vee-To ) said to the students.

" Great, partners.." I mumbled to myself instantly rolling my eyes.

David & Micah - Teen Pregnancy
Selena & Quan - Loyalty
Mark & Chris - Love
Dj & Monroe - Racial Profiling
Tabitha & Dimitri - Society's outlook on Beauty

" What ?! Why i gotta be paired with darkness falls? Mrs D. " Dimitri ( De-Me-Tree ) asks. As soon as he said that the whole classes filled with laughter.

Dimitri is the most arrogant self centered uneducated bafoon i ever seen in my life. He literally irks my soul every time he says anything.

"Work with it, and you now owe me detention & an apology to Mis.Alymarate" ( Al-Ma-Ra-Te ) Mrs.Davito says.

" I don't owe her shit" Dimitri said. I gathered all my things and stormed out the room. I went into the girl's bathroom and broke down.

I herd knocking on the door but i didn't care. I can't believe i let him get to me. Once my whimpers started to clam, i gather my books and made my way to the mirror.

Looking at my chocolaty skin just made me cry again. " You're pathetic Tabitha , Ugly Dark African. "

Darkness Falls. Replayed in my head walking out the bathroom. I felt someone grab my wrist. Looking who it is, anger filled my body.

I slapped his face leaving the brightest red mark on his, perfect light skin. He grabbed my neck and pinned me to the wall, choking me.

" Do it ''  I said gasping for air, waiting for him to finish me off.

He just furrowed his eyebrows and let me go. I picked up my belongings " Punk ass " I spat at him and stormed away.

Sitting at my assigned seat. A girl that sits next to me asked " What happened to you're neck Tabitha?"I was taken back, no body asks about me or how i am nor how I'm feeling but i said nothing.

" You know, you're not that dark to the point where i can't see an obvious red mark on you're neck. " The girl said which caused me to turn to her.

" Just save it. I don't reach societies level of beauty so i don't need you're sympathy. Not like you weren't laughing right along with them." I said looking down rolling my eyes

" I wasn't, and don't talk like that. You're very beautiful, & I'm quite jealous of you rich reddish brown color. " She says smiling trying to lighten the mood.

" & why is that? " I asked turning around.

" Because my whole family is more tan and I'm very pale i hate being called " the whitey ". But it's okay because i know I'm beautiful & i make it work. Maybe you should start having that mentality." And with that the bell rang signaling school was over.

" Wait , can i ask you're name? And can i have you're number ?" I asked shyly looking at my fingers.

" Yeah sure, and it's Marisol " She say's handing my phone back to me. " I'll see you around girly" And with that she was gone.

" Miss Alymarate, I'll make an exception and trade partner's, with Mari- No, Mrs.Davito i got it this time." I said , cutting Mrs.Davito off.

I parted from the school 10 minutes into my walk there was a sports car beside me. I turned to look who it was and i just shook my head and increased my pace.

" Tabitha, please.. I'm not gonna hurt you.. can i at least give you a ride" Dimitri pleaded but i ignored him and walked up to the steps of my home. Before walking into my house i flipped him off.

Going straight into my bathroom i grabbed all 23 bottles of bleaching creams from Africa and headed to the garbage. Thank god my mother wasn't here if she would of seen these i would of died.

i dumped them in the garbage covering them up. " Maybe you should start having that mentality "

I shall.

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