
By the_taboo_authors

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"Don't fall in love." He whispers in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. "Why?" I gasp, keeping my eyes... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Three
Chapter Eighty Four
Chapter Eighty-Five
Chapter Eighty-Six
Chapter Eighty-Seven
Chapter Eighty-Eight
Chapter Eighty-Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety One
Chapter Ninety-Two
Chapter Ninety-Three
Chapter Ninety-Four
Chapter Ninety-Five
Chapter Ninety-Six
Chapter Ninety-Seven
Chapter Ninety-Eight
Chapter Ninety-Nine
Chapter One-Hundred
Chapter One Hundred-One
Chapter One hundred Two
Chapter One Hundred-Three
Chapter One Hundred-Four
Chapter One Hundred-Five
Chapter One Hundred-Six
Chapter One Hundred-Seven
Chapter One Hundred-Eight
Chapter One Hundred-Ten
Chapter One Hundred-Eleven
Chapter One Hundred-Twelve
Note to the Readers!
A Big Thank You!
Final update!!!!

Chapter One Hundred-Nine

126 4 0
By the_taboo_authors

Chapter One Hundred-Nine

"Dude, talking to your mom and Alec was a good idea," Reggie assured me.

"I think so too," I agreed although I hated having that conversation with them.

"What did they say when you told them," Nick pressed.

That hadn't been an easy conversation to have. Mom and Alec sat at the kitchen table with me alongside Kaylin and Liam who were there to support me. I explained everything to him along with showing them the evidence. As expected they had clear worry etched on all their faces.

"Ariel, why didn't you tell me about this sooner?" Mom questioned worry especially etching her lovely features.

"I didn't want to worry you I'm sorry," I had frowned unable to look at her so I focused on the tabletop.

"Sweetheart I am supposed to worry about you. I'm your mother," she insisted putting her hand over mine and I held it.

"I know it's just youve been worried so much."

"That doesn't mean I can't worry about you. That's the most important thing I should be worried about. When you're going through anything and especially something like this. If you or anyone is being bothered and harm is being threatened you don't need to keep it to yourself. None of you do."

"I'm sorry I thought I could handle it on my own. Honestly, it may be nothing serious and if it's not I'd hate to have you get worried about that. That's all I was thinking about that."

"I'm glad you told us. We need to go to the police whether this is a joke or not. Just to be safe," Alec assured.

"The police?" I frowned.

"Yes, we do in case it is something serious. Even if this is just someone playing around they should know better than to do things like that. A visit from the police might be what it takes to scare this person away and keep them from doing something like that again. Believe it or not, we have experience in that regard."

"What do you mean?" I looked up meeting his gaze.

"When we were teenagers I had a stalker," Mom admitted and I tore my gaze from him to her.

"A stalker?"

There were still new things I was learning about my mother and this was one of them. Lately, she'd been telling me all sorts of stories from her childhood and her teenage years I'd never heard before. Even so, I'd never heard this one and had no idea she'd had a stalker at all.

"Yes. He was a few years older than I was and he was someone I'd never met before. I believe he was following me for months before I realized he was there. I dating Alec at the time but tried to keep it to myself just like you did. Someone following me was scary but it didn't constitute as a crime even though it should. It all went to head when he approached me in a parking lot."

"What happened?" I frowned in fear afraid to hear what else she might have been through.

"It took me just a moment and I realized who he was. He told me he loved me and that we were meant to be together. He told me he was going to kill anybody who tried to keep him from me. I tried to get away from him and he grabbed me threatening to kill me. It was Kenneth who happened to be driving nearby and he's the one who saved me," she sighed her face carrying fresh pain at the memory and likely her impending divorce.

"I never knew that," I frowned.

"Of course you didn't, baby. There's so much I didn't want to tell you but this is one thing I selfishly didn't want to tell you about. It happened in less than a year but it was a horrible part of my life I didn't want to relive. I never wanted to talk about it and happened until now. It scares me it's happening to you." 

My mom had a stalker. She'd gone through the exact thing I had as a teenager. It was so shocking Kenneth would be the one to save her. Perhaps that was the faithful decision that had led her to marry him. The man who saved her life and became her husband ended up being the one who'd caused her so much pain with emotional and physical abuse and nearly ruined her life and her daughters. Their daughter's life. How was that even the same person? What had happened?

"Wait he couldn't be stalking Ariel could he?" Liam asked seriously.

Could that be it? Was this one of those situations where a man so obsessed with a woman he'd turn his attention to her daughter as an attempt to get even. A frightening similarity between us but it hardly seemed real. A man older than my mom wouldn't be a student in high school as he'd told me. While he could be lying about his age he wouldn't make it in the school and wouldn't attend all these high school parties either. Still, I was curious as to what had happened.

"That's not possible sweetheart. He killed himself not long after," she frowned. "He was a very mentally ill man. I'm not sure as to what made him that way or got him believing he was in love with me. But he hung himself in an apartment building. I was relieved but saddened."

"Mom I'm sorry you didn't tell me that," I admitted.

"Even though I knew he was dead I felt afraid he'd come back for me for years. I know that fear very well and it finally lessened as the years have passed. He can't come for me anymore so when it's my time to go I know it won't be because of him. It seems it's returned in other ways."

"I can't figure out who he is and he won't tell me," I continued.

"Well, we're going to find out who he is one way or another because he's not going to bother you anymore if we have anything to say about it," Alec insisted.

"I'll call the police tomorrow and see what can be done, she'd promised me.

"Okay," I'd accepted hoping this could be over soon.

"It's going to be okay I promise," she said with a comforting smile and as always I believed her.

What was it about both of us that made stalkers seem to like threatening us and our loved ones? This was yet another painful thing she'd gone through and didn't deserve. She'd even been attacked by this man and he could have hurt her, kidnapped her, raped her, killed her. If any of those had happened I wouldn't be here today and neither would she. Thankfully Kenneth had saved her. Perhaps that's what comforted him if he even felt bad about hurting her during their marriage.

It wasn't a good thing this man had killed himself as he should have gotten the help he needed before his death and before mom had to go through that. Her life had already been damaged once by suicide when her dad killed himself. She'd also lost her mom very young in life. At least she was safe from this man and knew he'd never be able to come back for her. I didn't have that assurance.

My stalker was still out there and could very well be dangerous. He could do anything to me if he got the chance. Whoever he was it seemed like he needed some serious mental help. I couldn't have him hurting anyone I cared about like he was threatening to do. This would be better for everyone. I could tell they were worried.

The last thing I wanted was to have them be worried about me. At the same time telling them both had taken a huge weight off my shoulders. I knew they could help me through this. We'd get through it together as a family.

Back in the present, I'd explained this to my friends over burgers and French fries. This had meant I also had to explain everything in front of Matt since he was hanging out with us. I feared he'd find me too complicated and wish he and Nicole could go running back to California to get away from me and all my drama. It would hurt my feelings but I wouldn't blame them. I might do the same.

"So your mom did call them?" Nick inquired.

"Yes, she did and Alec was there too.

"So when are you going to the police station?" Reggie asked with interest because of course, it involved the police station.

"After school tomorrow."

"Good, it's about time you did. I think it's for the best," Sunny insisted.

"Better safe than sorry," Maggie agreed.

Yes, better safe than sorry. I just wondered if I'd be sorry regardless. Who knew how this would all turn out? I'd been the one who foolishly let this go on for so long. Let myself not only be kind to him because it was the right thing to do but I'd taken advantage of him being a friend I could vent to. That was my mistake and I'd very likely fed his obsession just by texting with him.

I chewed my food as I thought back to the dangerous promises Miles and Zayn had both made to me. That they wouldn't stay away from me and would protect me even if it meant they could be harmed. I didn't want that and I wanted no one to be in danger because of me. I hoped this would be over soon and I wouldn't have to worry about Jane Doe anymore.

"I can't believe Luci had a stalker. How scary," Sunny exclaimed.

"Yeah, scary for Aris too, babe," Reggie reminded.

"Yes, I know and thats scary too. It just seems so terrifying. Think about it. An older man she never knew stalked her for months then attacked her in the parking lot. Anything could have happened. No wonder there were a lot of things she didn't want to share with anyone." 

She was right and I couldn't help thinking what if it was me? If I stopped talking to him completely would Jane Doe come to hurt me? Kill me then himself? Or would he just focus on my friends instead? I tried to repeat to myself it was just a joke but I knew better. This was real and this was serious. He may play games but he wasn't doing this as a prank.

I truly believed he was serious about thinking he loved me and hurting whoever he had to if it meant getting my attention. So then was going to the police a good idea? Would it change anything? Would they be able to protect us? Surely if they saw how scared I was they could do something. This could all be over and I'd never had to worry about it happening again.

"It worked out though didn't it? She was rescued and the guy can't come back," Nick commented. "Which will be the case here."

He was trying to comfort me and it was a nice thought. Not having to deal with him and what he might do are comforting thoughts. Unfortunately, they weren't realistic. Well unless Jane Doe did what this guy did and killed himself.

"I hope he doesn't kill himself," I groaned.

"Why not? That's one way to get rid of him for good."

"Yes, Reggie, but I wouldn't want someone's death on my conscience."

"It's not your fault if a sick guy decided to blow his brains out or any other way he does it," he insisted.

"I still don't want that."

The idea of whoever this was killing himself in any way was unsetting to think about. It made me wish I could help him but what could I do? He didn't let me know who he was and going to the police might be the only way to help him. Not to mention protect all of us. I hoped they could do something.

"Hopefully they'll get this guy and you won't have to worry anymore," Matt offered and I smiled at him.

He may be thinking about running away but at least he was trying to offer me comfort and encouraging words. He'd grown up and gotten a lot more handsome but some things about him stayed the same. I was very appreciative of that and him as well.

"He's probably just talking or in this case texting out of his ass too. I doubt he's going to hurt anyone. At least let's hope not," Nick said thoughtfully.

Yeah, let's hope not. I sincerely hoped not. I didn't know that though. The same thing could have been said about the man who had attacked mom. This could be the same case here. I just didn't know what could happen.

"We don't know that for sure though do we? That's why it's okay to check," Liam explained.

He was right, as Maggie said better safe than sorry. I hoped I wasn't sorry because I or someone else got hurt. This was the best thing to do for everyone. It could even protect Jane Doe from hurting himself.

"We are tomorrow."

"Why wait so long?" Reggie asked.

"I'm building up my confidence. They were ready to go first thing this morning but I asked them to wait. They just wouldn't let me wait any longer."

"It's better you get it done as soon as possible. So this can all be over," Liam said gazing at me.

"I know."

"I want a milkshake," Reggie whined.

"Me too," Sunny agreed."

"A milkshake does sound nice," Maggie mused.

"Looks like we're all getting milkshakes," Liam sighed.

"Okay, who's going to volunteer to go get them?" Nick asked.

"I can go," I suggested feeling like I should be getting up. As usual, a moment hanging out with all my friends turned into talking about me and what was going on in my crazy life. I owed it to all of them to be the ones to go get and deliver their milkshakes back to them.

"You can't carry all of them by yourself," Sunny said beginning to stand.

"I'll help you carry them," Matt said standing up.

"You sure?" I questioned.

"Yeah no problem," he insisted.

"So what kind does everyone want?" I questioned.

"Sunny and I will have chocolate."

"I want vanilla," Sunny poked his arm.

"Fine, we'll both have vanilla then."

"You can get chocolate if you want it."

"No both have to go get vanilla even though I don't like vanilla."

"No, we don't."

"Yes, we do."

"You're just being difficult."

"No I'm trying to see if you'd sacrifice and get chocolate but you can't."

"I'm not getting chocolate. You can make the sacrifice and get vanilla."

"I shouldn't have to make sacrifices. You're the dude."


"That is not sexist."

"Their first lovers' quarrel," Nick chuckled.

"Well, while they're arguing about that; we don't have a problem with us both getting chocolate," Maggie grinned.

"I don't want chocolate," Liam said and she glared at him. "Kidding kidding,"

"You better be," she glared but a smile appeared on her features.

"Okay I'll get chocolate and Sunshine can get vanilla," Reggie agreed.

"Knew we could compromise."Sunny smiled.

"Well I'm going to be the weirdo and get strawberry," Nick announced.

"Your always a weirdo," Liam commented.

"Thanks," he said proudly.

"Alright let's get going," I spoke breaking up their banter.

Everyone handed over their money and we took it up toward the line. While we were standing there Matt turned to me.

"I'm sorry you're going through all this but I do think you're doing the right thing."

"Thank you that means a lot."

"You know I was shocked at how much you've changed and how much you stayed the same. Your still mermaid to me."

"Mermaid," I chuckled.

"Do you still like that nickname after all this time? Or is it lame?"

"No, I love it. It's just something that I know only you would call me. It reminds me of the past and some good memories."

"So you wouldn't mind if I kept calling you that?"

"Not at all. I'd be kind of sad if you didn't."

"Seems like the others have nicknames for you too."

"Yeah, Aris, Gummy bear, Princess, and Gem."

"Gem, huh?"

" That's what Miles always called me. I used to joke that's what he thought my name was."

"Why that nickname?"

"He told me often when we were dating that I was a gem. The most beautiful thing he'd ever seen and he thought I was beautiful like a gem. His father also got a gem necklace for his mother when Miles was little and he thought it was one of the prettiest things he'd seen. I'm sure it sounds weird to you but for me, I knew he meant it. That was probably one of the nicest things anyone had ever said to me."

"No, it's not a bad nickname at all. I agree with him." He smiled, meeting my eyes with a faint redness in his cheeks.

"Thank you," I smiled gratefully.

"I remembered Aris and Princess. Zayn used to call you that all the time and it seems like he still does."

I tucked some hair behind my ear. "Yes, he does."

"Some things never change but he's changed. I guess we all have."

"Do you remember what he was like before?"

"Yeah, you don't?"

"No, I didn't. For some reason, I can barely remember anything about him. When I first started doing a project with him I didn't know who he was. I'd forgotten and that's one of the reasons he's so angry at me."

"He's angry at you? I didn't know that. I thought he was just angry in general these days."

"Well, he's that too."

"So he's mad at you for not remembering?"

"He was mad. I don't think he's mad about it anymore just confused. Can't say I blame him because I wish I remembered too."

"Do you know why you don't remember? Like a head injury or something?"

"Not that I know of. I'm sure I fell off the swing a few times but nothing serious that I can remember. Sometimes I think I suppressed them but then why would I do that?"

"I don't know. Maybe there was something I wanted to forget. I just don't know why I would have wanted to back then."

"So you don't remember anything about him?"

"Not really, just us playing on the beach one time and even that's hazy."

"Since I was just a kid too maybe my memories are hazy but he was happy I guess. A lot happier than he was now but his parents were still alive then too. That can change a person and I'm sure it has. Even at my age, the divorce affected me. Imagine that happening to a kid."

"It's horrible it happened and judging by that maybe it's a miracle he turned out as good as he did. He looked happy in the few pictures I saw and I want to know if he was truly like that. If he could ever be like that again."

"I'm sure he can if he wants to."

"I don't know if he does want to. Maybe he's just set in his ways."

"Some people are set in their ways but sometimes you have to learn to change. If not for yourself for other people."

"I don't want him to change for me." I shook my head.

"But maybe he does." Matt expresses, with a small smile. Did Zayn want to change for me? To prove to me that he wasn't as bad as I'd originally thought? No. He knew I didn't think of him as a bad person anymore. Maybe he wanted to change because he loved me? Wanted to show me he did love me by changing? How could he do that if he was still with Melinda? I loved him but I didn't want him to choose between her and me. I wanted him to be happy. I just wished for everyone to be happy.

"What about you? Are you happy," I questioned him.

He looked to in pleasant surprise that I'd asked him something like that but I wanted to know. I didn't want to use him just to find out information on Zayn. I wanted to rebuild my friendship with him as well. We'd been apart from each other for a while and I longed to know his thought process.

"More or less," he shrugged good-naturedly as we moved up in the line.

"What's that mean?" I pressed.

"I've lived a pretty basic life. It's been nothing special or amazing but it hasn't been so bad. It's never really been that unhappy. When I had to move the first time I was a little sad to be leaving here and all my friends but I was also excited. I'd never really been to Cali and I thought it would be an awesome place to live. Like I said it's fun and there's a lot of things to do but it wasn't home.

My parent's divorce has been a hit an miss type of situation. As kids, we never really think our parents aren't going to be together. In our minds, everyone has moms and dads and we never think it could be any other way. They stayed married for my childhood so when they actually told me they were divorcing it was a bit of a shock. They'd made it this long and now they were ending things?

Not to say I was angry about it. You hear all about these married couples who stay unhappy for years and the marriages are horrible. They have affairs, bitter custody battles, try to turn their kids against their spouse. It wasn't like that with us. They simply fell out of love as crazy as that sounds. How do you love someone and then not love them? They do respect and love each other as much as they can.

There are no ill feelings and I never wanted them to stay together just so I could say, my parents were still together. Were still a family and there are no ill feelings. I don't believe you should stay with someone you don't really love. You can be kind but don't cheat yourself that way. That's how I see it anyway," he grinned.

"That's a good way to look at it. You know my parents divorcing as well," I smiled.

"True but you're in a different situation than me."

"Right but you make a good point if there's no love there what's the point? Kenneth didn't treat Mom with love and now she's much happier."

"Which is wonderful."

"It is."

"So I'm surprised you asked me if I was happy."

"Why?" I laughed.

"That's not something people typically ask each other."

"They should. You should always check to see if the people around you are happy."

"Your right. If more people were like you then the world would be a better place. I mean that."

"Thank you," I smiled.

We ordered everyone's milkshakes, thanking the person that handed them over to us before we returned to our table. Reggie and Nick waste little time in grabbing theirs, leaving us all to laugh at them. We laughed even harder when Reggie got a massive brain freeze.

"Dang, these things hurt!" He complained, holding the side of his head.

"Here. Drink some of your drink." I offered, and he turned to me.


"Just do it." I chuckled.

He did as told and after a moment his eyes widened. He turned to me, his expression full of shock. "How did you do that?"

"I didn't do anything. I just know drinking something would get rid of it." I shrugged.

"But how?"

"Not sure. Miles was the one to show me that it worked." I explained remembering a time long ago. We were on a date and had decided to get some ice cream since it was hot outside. I got a brain freeze after eating too much at once and he handed me his Coca-Cola, saying it makes it go away. I had looked at him like he was crazy too. It worked though and he'd explained that his mom was the one who'd showed him.

"Miles, huh?" Nick arched an eyebrow.

I rolled my eyes, "It was years ago. About a year after we started dating."

"So what's the deal with him and Zayn?" Reggie asked. Hadn't we been over this?


"You know despite the fact the two are fighting over your nudes," Nick chuckled.

"What nudes? I don't send nudes," I said knowing my cheeks had to be flaming red right now.

"Not yet but you'll send them if they ask."

"I will not."

"They won't be fighting over pictures when they have the real thing," Maggie chuckled.

"Well, I figured they were fighting over her," Reggie sighed.

"Her nudes too because you know they're thinking about them. Or should I say imagining them since they've never seen them?"

"Nick do you have obsessions with her nudes?" Sunny accused.

"Well I still have yours too," he shrugged.

"You didn't delete them?"

"No, I liked them."

"You're not going to send them to anyone are you?"

"Only to Reggie since you don't send him any."

"How would you know that?" She snapped then turned to glare at Reggie.

"What? I didn't want to be mad about him still having your nudes so I asked him to send them to me."

"You knew about that?"


"You've already seen what I look like," she glared.

"So? You can't stay naked all the time."

"So you only like me when I'm naked?" She raised an eyebrow.

"No, I like you clothed too."

"Lucky me," she rolled her eyes.

"At least you've seen her. Those poor guys haven't seen pictures or the real thing."

"They've never asked and I wouldn't send pictures like that anyway."

"Geez thanks," Sunny frowned.

"You look better the I would," I comforted her.

"No one should be pressured into sending pictures," Maggie asserted.

Nick turned whispering to Liam.

"No I am not sending you pictures of Maggie and she hasn't sent me any either."

"Dang I must be a whore," Sunny frowned.

"You are perfect," Reggie smirked putting her arm around her shoulders.

"Your only saying that because of my pictures," she accused.

"You heard me say your perfect right?"

"So, you like me for my looks and nothing else?"

"Trust me, I like you for a lot more than that." He smirked.

"Anyway, back to Ariel's soap opera life," Nick grinned.

"It's not that much like a soap opera," I defended.

"It kind of is," Maggie offered.

"Thanks," I stated dryly.

"So this drama between Miles and Zayn," Nick continued.

"I don't think it has anything to do with me," I lied.

"It has everything to do with you," Liam corrected and I glared at him.

"How does it have anything to do with me?" I asked.


"Why don't we just ask them? They're walking in any way." Nick grinned and we all turned to the entrance to see they were all walking in. Every single one of them...Great.

I turned around and glared at Nick and Reggie. "Don't you dare--"

"Hey, guys!" Maggie called and I turned to gape at her. Seriously?! They all turned their attention this way and I instantly wished my seat could swallow me whole. Adam was the first to make a move towards us as he waved, walking over, ignoring the glare his girlfriend was giving him.

"Hey, guys! What are you doing here?" He asked, grinning down at us.

"Just enjoying some milkshakes. What about you guys?" Nick shrugged.

"Getting something to eat. I might want a milkshake too." Adam chuckled.

"Copy cat," Liam sulked.

"I think your girlfriend wants you." Sunny explained, peering over at them as she took a sip of her milkshake.

Adam turned his head, sighing as Emma was indeed glaring in our direction. He turned back to us, "It seems she does."

"You aren't going to go see what she wants?" Sunny continued.

"No. She doesn't want anything but for me to stop talking to you guys."

"You're not going to listen are you?" I sighed.

"No, she can come over here if she wants to," he shrugged again.

"Harsh!" Nick chuckled.

"Nick, don't you know we're the plague?" Reggie laughed along with him.

Nick shrugged, "For real though!" He grinned, sipping on his milkshake.

"Maybe you should get back over there before they decide -- nevermind." Liam sighed and Maggie chuckled, patting his shoulder as the rest of them came over to our table.

"Guys." Zayn nodded to us.

"What's up, K&D?" Nick snickered, earning a glare from Zayn and I both.

Why in the world was he mentioning this? Since when had we even discussed this? If I hadn't mentioned it I was sure Maggie had. The jerk knew exactly what he was doing. Let's hope no one asked about it. I wasn't explaining it and I doubted anyone needed to know. I also knew it would make some people angry if they heard about Zayn and I kissing. Let's not go there.

Matt turned to Nick, "K&D?"

Don't you dare.

"Oh, it means -- ouch!" Maggie cried as I kicked her from underneath the table. "Why did you kick me, Aris?!" She whined.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I shrugged innocently although I couldn't do it as well as she did.

"Liar." She muttered under her breath.

"Dang, and I thought Sunny was the mean one," Nick muttered.

"Oh, no. Aris can be just as mean." Reggie chuckled and Liam nodded in agreement.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Sunny glared.

"Nothing, babe." Reggie kissed her cheek.

Those two were so adorable I couldn't have stayed mad at them if I wanted to.

"Oh hey, Miles. You know I guess we could call you K&-

"Ouch Ariel!" she whined.

"We are not using that nickname for anyone," I ordered.

"Your mean today," Reggie turned to me.

"She always is," Nick laughed.

"I'm not mean," I defended.

"So you have a nickname for me?" Miles asked.

"Oh just something that sounds like both you and- don't you dare," she threatened me pulling her legs up into the seat where I couldn't kick her.

"Then don't say a word," I glared.

"Geez no nicknames," she sighs in defeat.

"Why are you talking to these losers again?" Melinda snapped angrily but glaring right at me.

She'd done a lot of things to me but considering I'd never done anything to her I didn't exactly understand her hatred for me. It seemed she'd hidden it so well all those years. It was a question I would never stop wondering about for the rest of my life. Her betrayal still stung all this time later.

"Why does it seem like we always attract them," Lita complained loudly.

"Apparently you do because you attracted Liam."

"Adam shut up," she and Liam both threatened.

"I also attracted Liam," Maggie insisted.

"Apparently you still are," Emma spoke and she glared back at her.

"Chill guys there's nothing wrong with us talking," Miles insisted.

"Of course not," Lita muttered.

"Well since we're here to eat why don't we go order," Zayn suggested.

"Yes and maybe they'll be gone by the time we get back," Melinda sneered.

"Something tells me they still will be," Emma sighed.

"Correct we're not going anywhere," Nick laughed.

"At least until we finish eating and I'm not done eating," Reggie agreed.

"Let's go," Zayn continued.

"Let's," Melinda agreed taking his hand.

"So I'm definitely getting a milkshake," Adam announced.

"What kind are you getting?" Maggie asked.

"I don't know they have so many kinds," he said thoughtfully.

"Ooo, chocolate!" Adam exclaimed, snatching up my milkshake that I was about to take a sip of. I gaped at him as he took a big sip of it.

"That's mine get your own," I snapped jerking it away from him.

"I wanted to know what it tasted like before I decided," He defended.

"You could have asked for a sample."

"They don't do samples here."

"How do you know? You didn't ask."

"Yours was closer."

"Since you drunk out of it and I can't finish it."

"Why not? I don't have germs or a cold."

"Maybe not but youve kissed Emma."

"So? She's a good kisser and she doesn't have germs."

"That doesn't mean I want to kiss her."

"Maybe if you tried you'd like it."

"I am not kissing her!" Emma growled.

"I'm not kissing you either," I shot back.

I couldn't believe I was arguing with a girl about how I didn't want to kiss her. More unbelievable she was arguing back.

"Why not?"

"Reggie shut up," Sunny snapped.

"It does sound kind of hot," Nick agreed.

"I know," Adam smirked.

"I am not kissing her," I growled.

"Sharing spit does not mean you're kissing each other," Liam offered.

"I'd never share spit with her," Emma rolled her eyes.

"You shouldn't she probably has diseases," Lita spat.

"I wouldn't share spit with you either," I glared back.

"You can tell that by looking at her."

"Melinda knock it off," Zayn sighed kissing her head.

Even when he was scolding her he showed her affection. Another example of why life just wasn't fair. Although with any luck maybe there was a guy out there just for me. Wouldn't hold my breath on that one but at least I could dream right?

"Hey you know considering youve kissed Zayn and Miles it's kind of like you kissed both Melinda and Lita."

We all turned looking at Maggie and she stared back."What?"

"Why would that even cross your mind?'Liam asked.

"It's true."

"Can we never talk about who kisses who?" I whined.

"Actually we've discussed this before," Reggie reminded us.

"Let's not," Sunny trailed off.

"I used mouthwash," Melinda spoke as she and Zayn finally headed toward the counter.

Of course, she used mouthwash because she just hated me that much. If this was any indication maybe I should start using it too.

Emma yanked Adam's arm and pulled him with her as she began fussing at him. "Why do you always have to talk to them?"

'What? I was making conversation."

"You drunk after her."

"I was thirsty!"

"You could have gotten your own."

"I wanted to try some of hers."

"You don't need to be drinking after her."

"She doesn't have germs."

"You don't know that and you don't need to drink anything she's had her lips on!"

"How charming," Maggie sighed.

"Sorry guys," Miles smiled apologetically as he and Lita followed after them and I decided to ignore the fact they were walking together.

"Bye K&D," Maggie called.

"You know Zayn's going to be upset he gave you your very own nickname and you make him share with Miles," I teased her.

"You might be right. Bye Zaynie boy!" she called.

Maggie and her nicknames. Although I had to admit they were pretty good.

"I think they're coming back," Sunny spoke.

"Quick let's leave before they get back," Liam suggested.

"They probably won't," Reggie chuckled.

Yes, I was sure their girlfriends wouldn't allow that and it was probably for the best. The last thing we needed was for anyone else to get upset and angry. Chances were somehow that would happen anyway and they'd probably even find a way to blame me for it. Typical.

"Wow those guys are so strange," Matt chuckled.

"Buddy you don't know the half of it," Nick patted him on the back.

"Seriously," Sunny agreed.

No doubt he was having a lot of interesting experiences since he'd been here. I wondered if he'd met anyone that interesting in California. Something told me they couldn't beat our people.

"Really? Looks like Adam is coming back over this way," Maggie pointed.

No! If he came back then the others probably would.

"Stop pointing," Liam chastised her.

"How did he even get back here so fast?"I asked.

"Here red," he said shoving his milkshake straw into my mouth.

"Adam, what are you doing?" I demanded pushing his hand away and wiping the milkshake off my mouth.

Can't say I'd ever had a milkshake forcibly shoved toward my face and in my mouth.

"Trying to give you some of my milkshake since I took yours."

"You really don't have to do that."

'By the way, Emma already had some too," he smirked.

"Why aren't you with them?" Liam asked in annoyance.

"I'll sit with them when they get done ordering."

"Let them hurry," Liam muttered.

"I get the feeling you don't like me Friher," he smirked.

"Because I don't. Although you're better than the other two"

"Hey, I'll take it."

"He doesn't mean that. He likes you," Maggie assured.

"I like him about as much as a deadly disease," Liam corrected.

"I didn't know we were still talking to Melinda and Lita," Maggie poked him. You sound just like them."

"I do not."

"I might not like you Friher but I like your girlfriend."

Please don't tell him that. Only seconds ago he'd said he liked him better than Zayn and Miles. This was to be expected but the way he was looking at him now made me wonder if he was rethinking it.

"Thank you," Maggie beamed.

"No problem," he winked at her.

"How about you pay attention to your own girlfriend," Liam snapped.

"Geez, you take things too seriously. Reggie wouldn't mind if I told him how Sunny was."

"Nope no problem at all because I know she is and she's all mine," Reggie beamed putting his arm around her.

"I'm not Reggie," Liam asserted.

"No your way too white to be Reggie."

"Racist," Reggie muttered.

"Why can't you be protective like he is?" Sunny asked.

"I am protective but I like bragging on the fact you look good. Sue me but I deserve to have a hot girlfriend. One thing in my life should go right."

"Counts for something I guess, she sighed.

I zoned them out as I focused on both Zayn and Miles who were still up at the counter with the girls. They hadn't really spoken to me since promising they wouldn't stay away from me. With any luck, this meant they'd change their minds and would stay away which was what Jane Doe wanted. I knew that wasn't really what I wanted. I wanted them in my life whether they needed to be there or not. I should stop pretending I felt any different about them than what I did.

"Ariel stop ogling them it's embarrassing."

"Why are you still here?" I glared at Adam.

"Believe me I'm wondering the same thing," Liam glared.

"Geez, I'll go. I know when I'm not wanted." he laughed.

"Apparently you don't."

"Liam be nice," Maggie chastised him.

"I am nice."

"Be nicer."

"I love you."

"I love you too but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be nice to other people," she reminded him.

I watched as Adam returned to the others and they went to the other side of the restaurant to eat. I turned away sadly wishing they would have set closer just to see if Adam or Zayn would talk to me. I was pretty desperate sure but I was even more confused by life these days.

"Good riddance," Liam sighed.

"I don't know they made things kind of interesting."

"Since you mentioned that Maggie why were you calling Miles and Zayn K&D?" I glared.

"It was funny," she smiled.


"Yes and plus I want them to realize what they did," she defended.

"I always did like this girl," Nick laughed.

"So whats K&D?" Matt questioned.

"Kiss and ditch," Maggie smirked.

"So they kissed and then ditched you?"

"Basically."I sighed.

"That's cold Right Matt?"

"Yes Nick it is," he frowned

"Ariels life has been a little messy as of late," Reggie offered.

Messy was putting it mildly. My life was more like a soap opera. If writing original books didn't work out maybe I could just write about my life. It would probably make for some good tv entertainment as well.

"Not because of her, Reg you're making it sound as If it's her fault," Liam defended me.

"No way is any of it her fault she just knows some really weird people."

"Yes Nick like you," I smiled.

"In my defense at least I throw some really cool parties. What's with those guys anyway? They both had girlfriends and decided to kiss the same girl who's not really interested in being with them at the moment."

"I don't know why they do what they do either," I allowed.

"They do keep things interesting," Maggie offered.

"Yeah, interesting alright," I sighed.

"So why don't you go over there and bother them now?" Sunny suggested.

"I don't feel like hearing those girls' mouths."

"I think that's a great idea," Nick said standing up.

"Where are you going?" I raised an eyebrow.

"To bother them duh."

"I'm not sure you want to do that. Those guys can get kind of mad. Especially Zayn."

"Oh I'm going to bother them," he smirked.

No Nick!

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