The It Factor

By XxSwimmer_ChickxX

29.2K 1K 304

The It Factor is a popular TV show that features young talent in their quest to become a star. When Serenity... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 14

521 21 2
By XxSwimmer_ChickxX

Three months; that's how long it took my mom to wake up from her coma.  Three months of not knowing if she could be okay, and three months of constant fear.  I stayed in the hospital for the first month, but then Hope, Kyle's mom, told me I needed somewhere to stay.  Apparently it wasn't good to 'keep my mind on my problems twenty four seven.'

So, I moved into Kyle's house.  I stayed in their spare bedroom.  During those three months, I didn't really do much.  I was too depressed and worried about my mom to get out of the house and do something fun.  Don't get me wrong, I kept up with my school, and it's not like I wanted to be locked up, but I never felt like doing anything else.

When my mom woke up though, she didn't remember anything.  She couldn't remember who she was or what she was doing in a hospital.  That's when they found the head damage.  She had fallen and hit her head when she got into the bathtub - where she was the day I found her.

The doctors told me not to worry though, because they were almost certain they could get her memory back.  But, she couldn't come home for a while.  She had lost to much muscle mass during the three months, plus they weren't sure she was stable yet.

Everything was starting to take a tole on me, so I let it out through singing.  The boys had kept working on me after my 'intervention' and I was pretty comfortable singing around them after three months.  Actually, I was even able to sing in front of Hope.  She loved my voice, she said it was beautiful.

I still had my doubts, but I was starting to think maybe everyone was telling the truth.

The Vincent situation wasn't any better, either.  No one had seen him in three months, and I was starting to get really worried.  The rumors were that his mom had decided to move to LA.  But he would tell me, right?  He would let me know if he was moving.  Then again, who was I kidding?  We were'nt a couple, he didn't need to tell me anything.

One morning, I woke up to all the boys jumping on my bed.  I screamed, hitting the nearest one.

"You are all jerks!" I yelled, slapping Tristan.  He smirked at me, sticking out his tongue.  Rolling my eyes I jumped from my bed, running into the bathroom before someone could tackle me.  The boys were like my brothers, and I knew they wouldn't hesitate to take me down.

As I locked the door I could hear giggles coming through the wall.  I knew what was going to happen, it was nothing new.  Sighing, I grabbed a wash bucket from under the sink and started to fill it up with water from the sink.  Then I took the extra bottle of soap and put almost the whole thing in the tub, allowing the water to become bubbly.

The room had fallen silent, and I knew they were waiting for the shower to turn on.  Grabbing the bucket of soapy water, and almost dropping it, I turned on the shower and climbed inside, fully clothed.  I stepped out of the way of falling water and waited, already hearing the little picking sounds.

Two seconds later the door burst open, and I pushed back the shower curtain, throwing the water on the boys and then chucking the bucket at them.  Kyle was the wettest, looking like a little soaked puppy.

"Do you need something?" I asked, crossing my arms.  I had learned the hard way that the boys liked to scare me.  The first night I had stayed at Kyle's house they had broken into the bathroom and showered me with ice water.

The boys blinked at me a few times, not having anything to say.  Honestly, they didn't think I was stupid, did they?  No, wait, don't answer that.

"Out!" I said, shewing them so I could actually take a shower.  Grumbling, they made their way out of the room, which I slammed closed and locked.  They wouldn't try again, at least not in the same day.  I stripped from my clothes, taking as quick of a shower as possible.

When I was clean I hopped out and wrapped myself in a towel, slowly making my way into my room.  Thank the Lord there were no boys present.

Because it was the beginning of summer, it had started to get warm.  School had let out the week before, so all I had to worry about was my mom and music.  Vincent, I was starting to find out, was a lost cause.  I called and texted him at least twenty times a day, and I never received an answer.

I pulled on hot pink shorts and a baggy white t-shirt.  Sitting down at my desk, I brushed my wet hair through a few times.  My desk had a mirror behind it, and the hard wood surface was cluttered with my make up.  Picking up some make up I applied foundation, blush, silver eyeshadow, and mascara.  I pulled my dripping hair into a messy pony tail and decided I was good to go.

Skipping down stairs I found Hope standing over the stove, flipping pancakes and tending to bacon.  My stomach growled, making Hope look up at me.

"Hungry?" Hope laughed, shaking her head, "Better grab some now before those boys raid."  Honestly, I think Hope is the most amazing person ever.  She had been my mother while my mom was sick, and she treated the boys like they were her own sons. 

"Good point," I chuckled, grabbing a plate from the cabinet.  I took two pancakes and a piece of bacon, settling down at the table and grabbing a cup of orange juice that Hope had set out.  Not even two seconds later a herd of elephants came running into the room.

Nope, it was just Kyle and the boys, my bad.

"Food!" Kyle exclaimed, taking a plate and staking about eight pancakes on his plate. He also grabbed some bacon, kissing his mom on the cheek. "Thanks mom!"

"No problem," Hope said, stepping out of the way, "Help yourselves boys."  I rolled my eyes and focused on my food, I really didn't want to watch them tear each other apart for the last pancake.  Hope sat down besides me, patting my shoulder. "How do you put up with it?"

"I'm not sure," I admitted, shrugging my shoulders, "But these guys are my brothers, what're going to do?"

"True," Hope laughed.  The boys really had become my brothers.  They were my best friends and I loved them all to death, even if they did annoy me at times. 

"Rena!" Scott yelled from across the room.  Rena was his nickname for me.  I snapped my head to him, raising an eyebrow, "Catch!" A tub of butter came flying at me, and I barely caught it before it made contact with my face.

"God, be more careful next time!" I yelled, setting the butter down on the table.  If I didn't have fast reflexes I would've had a bleeding nose, and he would've been dead.  Well, maybe not dead, but close to it.

"Sorry," He chuckled, taking the seat next to mine.  All the boys sat down as well, digging into their food.  The way the shoved it into their mouths...It made me want to be sick.  Instead of paying attention to them I ate my food slowly, taking my time.

"Thanks, Hope!"  Tristan said, dumping his plate in the sink.  All the other boys said thanks as well, also putting their plates in the sink.

"No problem," Hope called, taking the last sip of her orange juice.

"Come down stairs when you're done, Ren!" Kyle told me, giving me a stern look.  I saluted him, a huge smile making it's way onto my face.  He rolled his eyes before disappearing down the stairs to the basement.

"I'll do dishes," I declared, picking up Hopes dirty dishes.  She crossed her arms, giving me the 'mom' look.

"Serenity, you know I never make you do the dishes." This was a normal argument for us, and I always won. "You're a guest here."

"I've been living with you for two months," I replied, already at the sink and rinsing the dishes, "I'm not a guest."  Whenever I could I tried to do litter chores around the house to pay Hope back for all she had done for me.  It was the least I could do.

She sighed, "Fine, but this is the last time."

"That's what you said yesterday," I laughed, "Why don't you just give up?"

"Never," She insisted, setting more cups in the sink.  Hope leaned against the counter, looking me over. "Are you going to visit your mom today?"

I nodded, "I go everyday, you know that."

"I know, sweetie," She sighed, running a hand through her hair, "I'm just not sure it's best for you, that's all.  You know they'll call you when there's a change."  I closed the dishwasher, wiping my hands on a towel.

"I know," I said, wrapping her into a hug, "But she's my mom, I have to visit her, even if she doesn't know who I am."  The only reason Hope worried was because I came home crying everyday, but it was something I had to do.

"If you're sure," She sighed, pulling away, "Now you better get downstairs before those boys have a heart attack.  They're not very patient."  I laughed, nodding and running downstairs.  As soon as I got there though, I could hear little voices whispering.

"We need to tell her!" Someone hissed, Scott.  I rose an eyebrow, tell who what?

"She'll flip out," That was Tristan, but I still had no clue what they were talking about.

"Ren will flip," That was Kyle.  I felt my gut clinch, they were talking about me.  Taking a deep breath I stepped out from behind the corner, letting them see me.  Their eyes widened in shock, obviously they haden't heard me.

"Hey guys," I said, trying to make it seem like I haden't heard anything. "What're you talking about?"

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