Done. (Emison)

By EmisonRoyalty

100K 2K 694

This starts when Emily has an argument with Alison in Season 5 Episode 10. It's based on the show but I've ch... More

I'm done, Ali.
Alison, can we talk?
A Jealous Ali.
Target Practice.
Drama, Lies and a Broken Heart.
Miss Moving On
Eye Contact.
Why is love so complicated?
Say bye to blondie.
The Devil Within.
Date Night.
The Ice Ball
Rest in Peace.
Author's Note

Out of the woods.

3.8K 73 51
By EmisonRoyalty

Emily’s POV

After school, Alison invited me to go home with her. Well, at least I’ll get to tell her then, my only fear is that she might not trust me after this. I let out a sigh and got in my car. “Em, are you alright?” Alison asked, getting in my car.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just tired from school.” I lied, not wanting to tell her right now. I drove to her house, trying to make conversation so I didn’t seem suspicious. We finally arrived and I got out of the car, Alison did the same and unlocked the door of her house.

She stepped aside, letting me pass. “After you, my lady.” She giggled. Dammit Alison, stop being so cute, it just makes this harder for me. Hiding my guilt, I smiled at her and walked in. Alison closed the door and led me upstairs to her room.

She immediately pushed me onto her bed and crawled on top of me. “Time for revenge on that stunt you pulled in the bathroom.” She smirked and kissed my neck, nibbling occasionally. I bit my lip. Yes, I was enjoying this but the guilt is killing me.

“Ali, stop…” I half said and half moaned.

“No way. I’m not letting you get away with anything.” She whispered in my ear.

“Alison, no. Seriously, I can’t do this.” She stopped and got off of me. Ali looked at me with a confused but disappointed look on her face.


“No it’s not you. It’s me.”

“Don’t blame yourself, Em… I was a bit forward and I understand that we’re going slow…. I think? We never really talked about it…” She trailed off.

“Alison. I-I.” I instantly broke down in tears. No, Emily stay strong. Alison reached out to hold me in her arms but I moved away. I didn’t deserve her comfort. I could feel her staring at me but I did my best to avoid her gaze.

I stood up with my back towards her. “Hanna kissed me and I… Didn’t pull away.” I said carefully, hoping that she might understand the situation. She didn’t say anything for a while and I didn’t dare turn around to look at her.

I continued to stand still till I gathered the courage to look into her eyes. I turned around and she wasn’t there. Tears streamed down my face and I touched the place where she had been sitting only minutes ago, still warm from her presence.

I walked downstairs. “Ali?” I called, just wishing she was still in the house. No answer. I pulled out my phone and called her. I heard ringing from upstairs and ended the call. Great, she left her phone here. Why did I look away? If I hadn’t had been such a coward I would have been able to stop her from leaving or at least known where she ran to.

‘SOS. Alison’s house.’ I texted the other girls, Hanna probably won’t come but it’s worth the try. I couldn’t stop the tears from falling. Alison running away is never a good sign. I’m just praying that she comes back sooner this time. I sat on the couch, trying to contain my tears while waiting for the girls to turn up.

There was a knock on the door and I shot up, running to the door and flinging it open. Aria and Spencer stood there. I looked behind them for any sign of Hanna but like I suspected she hadn’t turned up. I sighed and let the girls in.

I explained everything to them, trying my best to stop myself from crying. Spencer’s mouth hung open in shock and Aria’s expression stayed neutral. “Is there anywhere you think she might have gone? Somewhere special or anything like that?” Spencer asked, returning to her serious self.

I thought for a moment and then it hit me. “The kissing rock.” I blurted out. Of course Ali would go there. It’s close and within running distance. I stood up and ran outside. I turned towards the woods that were nearby and kept running, despite Spencer and Aria’s desperate calls for me to stop.

How could I stop now? I had to find Alison and if I don’t find her in time I’ve definitely lost her for good. A. Oh god, A had completely crossed my mind. Alison alone in the woods? A perfect chance for A to snatch her. My phone vibrated in my pocket. Yup, A probably knows.

‘Girlfriend on the run? Maybe I’ll join in on the fun. You better pray I don’t bring my gun. Kisses – A’

Crap. I ran even faster until I made it into the woods. I weaved in and out past trees and dodged low hanging branches. Until, of course, I tripped on a tree root. I fell to the ground and groaned in pain but I knew I had to keep going. I picked myself up and tried to run but my leg was killing me.

My surroundings started to get familiar and that’s when I realized I was close to the kissing rock, around two minutes away. I began to slow down, my leg wasn’t making this any easier. Come on Emily, nearly there. Keep going. I heard a twig snap in the distance. Fuck. Someone else is here but wait, maybe it’s Ali.

“Ali?” I shouted but immediately regretted it. I heard footsteps walking over to me, I closed my eyes and waited for A’s attack.

“Emily?” I heard Spencer say. I opened my eyes and hugged her. I was relieved it was only Spencer. Imagining what would have happened if it was A sent shivers down my spine.

“Wait, where’s Aria?” I asked, letting go of Spencer.

“We got separated. I thought she was right behind me but when I turned around she was gone. I was looking for her and then I found you.” Spencer worriedly said.

“A sent me a text and might be in the woods with us… We better find them quickly. Come on.” I said and ran towards the kissing rock, slightly limping on the way there.

“What happened to your leg?” Spencer asked from behind me.

“Doesn’t matter right now.” I could finally see the kissing rock. I saw a blonde figure with her head hanging low. “Alison…” I breathed out. I ran towards the figure and they turned around, which caused me to stop in my tracks. “Hanna?”

“Oh… Um. What are you doing here?”

“Didn’t you get my SOS?”

“No, I don’t have my phone…. Is everything okay?”

I sighed. “Alison is missing and so is Aria.” Spencer came up behind us, breathing heavily from running.

“Don’t stand there chatting. We have to find them.” Spencer said.

“Alright… Let’s split up.” Hanna said, obviously not wanting to be around me.

“That’s not such a good idea… Two of us are already missing and A’s on the loose so it’s best we stay together.” I nodded in agreement and we heard a scream. I took off and started running in the direction it came from, Spencer and Hanna at my heels.

That’s when I saw her. I saw her being strangled by someone in a hood. Anger rushed through me and I charged up to A and pushed them off of Alison. Ali fell to the ground, gasping for air. I made a bad decision by looking at her, since A was able to escape with me distracted.

I crawled over to Alison, wanting to hold her in my arms. “Don’t touch me.” She glared at me and all my hope had shattered. I backed off and just looked at her. She stood up and started walking away from us, cupping her neck and still trying to regain her steady breathing.

“Alison, where are you going?” Spencer said, trying to catch up to her but I stopped her.

“Let her go…” I choked as I watched the love of my life walk away from me.

“Are you crazy? She just got attacked by A and you’re letting her go alone.”

“She doesn’t want to see me Spencer! I hurt her and now she’ll never trust me again.” I shouted. Hanna stayed quiet, staring at the ground.

“You don’t know that, Em. Give her some time to think things through.”

“Spencer. You should know that Alison doesn’t hand out her trust easily. I’ve ruined it, she’s shut me out and now she’s done with me.” I sobbed. “Now, let’s find Aria.” I said, wanting to change the subject. I was dying inside but I had to keep it together, for Aria’s sake.

We wondered around the woods, in utter silence. We tried calling Aria a couple times but no answer. After what felt like hours of walking – well limping in my case – we finally found her.

“Oh, thank god you’re okay. Where the hell were you?” Spencer exclaimed, hugging Aria tightly.

“I was following you but I looked away for a second and you were gone. I’ve been walking around for ages. Did you find Alison?”

Spencer pulled away. “When we found her… She was being attacked by A. After we saved her, she just walked off.”

“Because of me.” I sighed. Nobody said anything and we started walking back to Alison’s house to get my car. Spencer went inside her house, promising to keep an eye on Ali since she could see her clearly through her window.

I offered to take Aria and Hanna home. The accepted and tiredly got in my car. I dropped off Aria first and then drove my way to Hanna’s house. “Han, Can I stay with you tonight? My leg is killing me and I’m exhausted.”

“Um… Yeah, of course.” Hanna replied awkwardly.

Right, I forgot things were awkward between us but I just want to curl up in a ball and sleep forever. Anything that keeps my mind off Alison, I know that if I keep thinking about her I’ll break. I pulled into Hanna’s driveway and climbed out of my car.

Hanna unlocked the house and walked in, I followed close behind and shut the door behind me. “Would you like anything? To eat or drink.” Hanna asked, avoiding looking at me.

“I’ll have some water, please.” I responded. Hanna nodded and went into the kitchen, coming back a minute later with a glass in her hand. She handed me the glass and I took a sip. The level of awkwardness in the room was over the roof. “Hanna, I don’t want things to be this way. Can we talk?”

“Okay…” She said as she sat down on the couch.

I sat down next to her. “D-do you have feelings for me, Han? Please be honest with me, I’m not mad I swear.”

“…I-I do. I have for a while now.” She admitted.

I nodded slowly, thinking for a minute. I have always been a bit attracted to Hanna but I never put much thought into it. I noticed a flask next to me and I grabbed it, drinking most of the liquid. Hanna stared at me, confused. I felt the effects of the alcohol within minutes, my thoughts were all over the place. I looked over at Hanna. I was hurt, lonely and hopeless from everything that had happened today so what the hell?

I slid over to Hanna and got up to straddle her. I wrapped my arms around her neck, pulling her close. My lips brushed against hers and I leaned in, kissing her desperately. She rested her hands against my stomach and deepened the kiss. She slowly slid her hands under my shirt and I moaned at her touch. All I had on my mind was Hanna, nothing else mattered to me at this moment. I wanted her.


Thank you so much for all the comments on the last chapter. I’m glad to hear that you’re enjoying this story so I made this chapter a little longer than usual as a way of showing my gratitude. I feel bad for Alison though… Hannily is taking over.

Thanks for reading.

Love ya.

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