Silentmelody's Dream

By 0FoxWolf

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A new kit in ThunderClan is born.....a muted kit, Silentkit. As she grows up, adventure always clings onto he... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Sequel: Birchmist's Enemy

Chapter 8

209 16 3
By 0FoxWolf

Ice cold wind froze against Silentpaw as she recognized the familiar scent of Jayfeather. "Beware, Silentpaw....." He said, his silhouette glowing through the darkness. "Death from the bloodcough will come, to dearest ones.......Forever." His shape was dimming, hiding in the black. Silentpaw reached out for him, but he was gone.

Silentpaw awoke, shivering from her dream. Bloodcough, what's that? She thought. The apprentice only shrugged, and got up to see the rest of her friends. She saw Falconpaw and Snakepaw practicing battle moves with each other, while Echopaw was hopping and running around like her normal, wild self. "Hi, Silentpaw!" Echopaw greeted, and stopped by her. "Y'wanna exercise with me? It's really fun, I even made up my own obstacle course!" Silentpaw smiled and nodded, ready to get running, jumping and maybe even sweating. I'd do anything for the battle with ShadowClan. For our own territory! She thought as Echopaw lead the way.
"Now, don't go far," Hawkfire warned them. "You don't want to be caught by ShadowClan warriors, now, do you?" Echopaw shook her head. "Don't worry, Hawkfire. We'll be back when it's time to go."

"Wait, no, don't step there, Silentpaw! Those are the brambles that is going to be your enemy. Now, you're goal is to get to your enemy first, over the obstacle course. And then, once you reach the brambles, then you claw it up and kill it! 'K, you got that? Let's start!" Echopaw said, as she lead her friend over to the starting line. "So, you see those five pebbles lined up in front of us?" Silentpaw nodded. "You jump on each, trying not to loose your balance and fall on the ground. Once you finished that part--" Silentpaw followed her to the next obstacle. "--You jump on the tree and climb up, then down. Before you jump on the ground, you get to the lowest branch and--you see that mark in the sand? You're supposed to land on the mark when you jump off the branch.
"Now, the pond's next. I know we're not RiverClan, but this is only for training. Besides, you can't drown since the pond is very shallow. Anyway, you jump in the pond and spin around 10 times to make you dizzy for the next obstacle.
"Next--so now you're dizzy, and what you're trying to do is follow the path way to the brambles. But, you're supposed to run to the brambles to make it hard. And then, once you teared op the brambles, you're done!"
This sounds so fun! Silentpaw though jumping up and down to the starting line. She looked over next to her to see Echopaw smiling. "Ready.....Go!"
Silentpaw carefully pounced on each of the 5 pebbles, trying not to loose her perfect balance. Once she was done, see starred up at the tree--the first one she's seen in such a long time--and started climbing. Her heart beat wildly out of her chest as she slipped from the bark and fell hard on the ground. Sunflame never taught me how to climb before. Silentpaw thought, but that didn't stop her from climbing the tree. This time, for every step up, she dug her claws deep in the bark. Then, she found a couple of branches, and carefully stepped on one, but before letting go of the bark, she tested her weight on it to see if it can hold her properly. Fortunately, it can, and she slowly let go of the bark. That was close, Silentpaw thought, whipping her head around to look for Echopaw, but she was no where in sight. Maybe she's already ahead of me, Silentpaw wondered. The muted apprentice continued, stepping on branches until she got to the lowest one closest to the mark in the sand. The branch was pretty close to the ground, so it was easy for Silentpaw to jump off and land on the sand mark. Now's the pond, said Silentpaw. She walked over to the shallow circular shape of water, and put one of her paws in. Suddenly, she jumped in, ready to get absolutely dizzy. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten! Silentpaw counted. But before she could step out of the pond, she fell right over. The apprentice shook her head hard, to get rid of the dizziness. There, Silentpaw ran down the path way to her enemy. In a second, she ripped the brambles apart, leaving thorns and leaves tangled on the ground in a big mess around her. Where's Echopaw? Silentpaw thought worriedly.
"Silentpaw! Help!"
Silentpaw bursted out to the direction of Echopaw's voice. The tree! She fell! Silentpaw yelled. And then she heard another voice. "Echopaw! Silentpaw! C'mon, it's time!" It was Hawkfire.
Silentpaw reached her friend, already panting from the run. "Silentpaw, my leg.....I fell from the tree. It hurts so badly.....please help!" Silentpaw looked down at Echopaw's leg, which was scrunched up together, painfully. What am I supposed to do? Silentpaw asked. Hawkfire! She exclaimed. Silentpaw got up, and ran to camp, hearing only Echopaw's voice yell, "Silentpaw! Help! Please!"
Silentpaw saw Moonstar organizing the battle patrols. She suddenly spotted Hawkfire with them. The apprentice ran to her, nudging her back. "What, Silentpaw? Where's Echopaw?" Hawkfire said. Silentpaw dug the ground. Nobody understands me! She thought. What about Wolfheart? He always comes to help me. So Silentpaw ran to the grey warrior.
"We have to get her back to camp." Wolfheart said, picking up Echopaw. "C'mon." Silentpaw followed the junior warrior down to the rest of ThunderClan.
"I'm sorry, Echopaw, you won't be able to fight this battle." Stormwhisker said, shaking his head. Echopaw perked up. "Do you have bees in your brain? Only a mouse brain says that I'm not fighting ShadowClan today." She argued. "you're going to have to stay in here, Echopaw, it's the medicine cat's orders." Stormwhisker replied.
"And the leader's," Moonstar said, as she came in. "C'mon, Silentpaw. Sunflame is waiting for you at the front of the line." Silentpaw nodded and dashed through though long single file line of ThunderClan warriors.
"ThunderClan, ATTACK!" Moonstar exclaimed, as Silentpaw and Sunflame ran into ShadowClan's territory. She heard yells and screeches from ShadowClan. She met with another apprentice, but before she could react, he swiped his paw on her face and pinned her down. As soon as his teeth made contact with Silentpaw's neck, Sunflame shoved the apprentice off and hissed. Once the ShadowClan cat stood up, Sunflame pounced on top of him, letting Silentpaw go. The muted apprentice spotted Wolfheart struggling against--No!--Silentpaw thought. Wolfheart was under the same massive, broad-shouldered, brown tom that killed Cloudpaw. Silentpaw speeded across the battle field to Wolfheart, but fell hard as Cinderfire shoved her down. Before Silentpaw could get up, Cinderfire was already with Wolfheart, fighting off the strong ShadowClan tom. Silentpaw panted, but still was ready for anyone that attacked her. But not Cinderfire.......
"I will kill you, once and for all! I had had enough of you and Wolfheart! I told you, he's mine!" Cinderfire exclaimed, and sinked her teeth into Silentpaw's neck. As life was slipping out, Silentpaw barely saw Wolfheart run across, yelling, "Moonstar! Help!" Tears gloomed and messed up her vision, and Silentpaw took one last breath, and finally, everything turned black.

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