Silentmelody's Dream

By 0FoxWolf

6.9K 392 127

A new kit in ThunderClan is born.....a muted kit, Silentkit. As she grows up, adventure always clings onto he... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Sequel: Birchmist's Enemy

Chapter 5

226 12 2
By 0FoxWolf

They slept in an abandoned cave, for the next night. Nighfeather snuggled up close to her only kit. Silentkit dreamed calmly. At the first light of the blazing sun-rays, Metalclaw summoned the rest of the group to awake. With no sound, the left the cave.
Finally, Silentkit spotted the familiar trees of ThunderClan's old peaceful territory. The travelers sat down for a plan.
"Okay," Metalclaw started, "Not only are we here to get Cloudpaw--" he glanced at Nightfeather. "But we are also here to spy on ShadowClan for Moonstar. So we need a plan for both. Hawkfire, how about you hunt for us while we make the plans, will you?" Hawkfire nodded, and dashed away. "So," Metalclaw started again. "Any ideas?"
Silentkit thought for a while, but didn't come out with anything. Ah, I wouldn't be a help anyway, since I'm muted.
Mudfur spoke up. "How about we capture Cloupaw first." He said. Nightfeather rolled her eyes. "Of course, snotbrain! We were already going to do that first!" She exclaimed. Silentkit stared at Metalclaw. He seemed to be concentrating very hard. Suddenly, he jumped up. "How about me and Mudfur make a random distraction, like a weird sound, while you, and Hawkfire get Cloupaw." He said. Silentkit nodded, very much liking the idea.
Hawkfire came back, and Metalclaw explaining the edited plan to her. She nodded. "Now," Metalclaw smiled. "Let's go trick some ShadowClan butts!"

Nightfeather, Hawkfire, Metalclaw, Mudpelt, and Silentkit sneaked through the trees and bushes. "Now, we just listen for anything we might need to hear." Mudpelt told them. "Nightfeather, and Hawkfire, you go through the border between RiverClan, while me, Metalclaw, and Silentkit stay hear. Got it?" Without arguing, Nightfeather and Hawkfire ran to the border to RiverClan.

Silentkit watched as Lightningstar called a Clan meeting. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here for a clan meeting!" He yelled, as the sun shone brightly in his golden fur.
"Now," he started again. "We finally have ThunderClan's new territory! We are also here, to bring honor to Tumblepaw, a old apprentice who accidentally ate the death-berries, that ThunderClan left behind." Silentkit spotted a small grey she-cat quietly whining of her lost kit. "But we still stand strong in front of anything." He growled, glancing at the queen. "So, ShadowClan, do you really expect ThunderClan to give up so easily? I swear by StarClan the mousebrains are planing something against us. I'll give out extra patrols and more fighting training. You hear that, lousy mentors? We need some useful cats here!" He exclaimed harshly. "Everybody here this," Lightningstar went on again. "When ThunderClan comes back for their territory, I want you to kill them, even if it is against the stupid warrior code. KILL!"
The meeting broke up by the single word. Silentkit saw a pretty young grey and smoky black she-cat murmur something. "Ever since Lightninstar became leader, he's been more bloodthirsty. When he was a deputy, he was loyal to the warrior code, and he loved me more then anything else. Now I have a mate that's a betrayer!" She yelled. Silenkit saw Lightningstar pounding down, stopping at his mate. "What did you say, Smokeflame, my love?" He said, drawing his sharp claw under her chin. Without an answer from the young she-cat, Lighningstar tore her up with his own claws. He's killing his own mate! Silentkit thought. How horrible! She saw Mudfur's and Metalclaw's eyes widen by the horrible cries of the dying Smokeflame.
"No one calls me a betrayer!" Lightningstar howled, covered in his mate's blood. Silentkit recognized Tornjaw, who seemed to the the deputy, pick Smokeflame up and throw her on the other side of the border, without burying her. A small tear rolled down Silentkit's cheek. How horrible!
At the end of the long day, the five travelers explained their imformation. It seemed that Nightfeather and Hawkfire already captured Cloudpaw successfully. "Good job." Metalclaw said. "Now we head home."

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