Lost girls hidden

By Bluethewolf

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The Pierce sisters escape New York where the most powerful vampires rule over the streets. When they move to... More

Lost girls hidden
Chapter 1- Subway Getaway
Chapter 2- Saviors
Chapter 3- Death Becomes Us All
Chapter 4- The Journey to the Northwest
Chapter 5- What Once Was
Chapter 6- The Enchanted Lovers
Chapter 7- Who They Are Now?
Chapter 8- Living the Life
Chapter 9- Private Academy Interview
Chapter 10- The Mountains' Blessings
Chapter 11- First Day of School
Chapter 12- First Day of School Pt. 2
Chapter 13- The Four Leaders
Chapter 14- Haunted
Chapter 16- Academy Life
Chapter 17- The Trouble-Some Welcoming
Chapter 18- The Alpha's Graditude
Chapter 19-Destructive Mongrels
Chapter 20- The Aftermath
Chapter 21- Covens, Clans, and Conflict, Oh My!
Chapter 22- Harnessing Power
Chapter 23- The Harvest of Samhain
Chapter 24- Devil's Night
Chapter 25- Devil's Night pt. 2
Chapter 26- Crisis at Hand
Chapter 27- The Veil Between Worlds
Chapter 28- Dia De Los Muertos
Chapter 29- All Saints Day
Chapter 30-Dreams, Nightmares, Memories
Chapter 31- Family Rumble
Chapter 32-Family Rumble pt. 2
Chapter 33- Empty Graves
Chapter 34- Looking Back
Chapter 35- Pachakuti
Chapter 36- Past Dictates Future
Chapter 37- Winter Games pt.1
Chapter 38- Winter Games pt. 2
Chapter 39-The Forgotten Miracle
Chapter 40-Broken Refuge
Chapter 41-The New Year's Ball
Chapter 42-New Year's Ball pt 2
Chapter 43- Conquering Enemies
Chapter 44- The Fallen Comrade
Chapter 45- Divination
Chapter 46-Comrade in Arms
Chapter 47- Duties & Responsibilities
Chapter 48- Power of Attorney
Chapter 49-Balancing the Scale
Chapter 50-Recuperation
Chapter 51-Old Blood Against New Blood
Chapter 52- Onward
Chapter 53-Here After pt. 1
Chapter 54- Here After pt. 2
Chapter 55- Return of Farrell Pack
Chapter 56- Bloodline Of the Farrell Pack

Chapter 15- The Coming Arrival

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By Bluethewolf

Lydia's pov

On the first day of the academy, Mom, Tia Lyra, and Grandma got a call from the academy. Ace beat the living shi_snot lights out of the Alpha Ivor Lockson's son Ethan. Ace has been suspended for a week.

As the girls and Manuel return home, the arguments started but Manuel actually defended Ace from Tia Lyra. He explained that Ethan took her journal from her. Everyone in the house knows to never touch her journal, Santino did it once and she threw him out the window. From that day on everyone never asks or takes the journal wherever she leave it, she'll eventually finds it.

Thus, Ace is suspended and Tia Lyra's angry was beyond words. Grandma enlisted Ace's help away from her mother's warth and to be by my side since my due date is coming up. I needed someone's help to put my shoes on, putting shirts on and placing lotion on my round belly. Ace learned the recipe for the tea that grandma makes for me when the baby doesn't sleep.

Since then Ace has been by my side never leaving me alone for a second. Even as I sleep now I can see Ace already up, listening to music quietly now that I see from the upper view. Ace seems so cute I don't know what it is maybe be cause she's the youngest other than Manuel. 

From what I remember when she was little, no matter how big the plates, pots, and pans were she would go out of her way to make sure everyone had what they needed even if it was a hug and kiss on their cheeks. A sweetheart to everyone, still shocks me how she beat the crap out of the Alpha's son.

"Ah!" I gapsed getting up too quickly from the bed. My baby was squirming around more lately that I can barely get two hours of sleep. My room was cold just what I needed when I am the size of a whale. Then I felt someone tug my shirt. It was Ace, she had my tea ready. My room was kept dark with the help of Ace since her room is really dark.

She placed a pillow between my legs to help my hips and keep my belly in a good position. I sip my tea while Ace took some lotion, and started rubbing my feet gently yet had so much force in her knuckles that the pain gets pushed aside.

"Ah that feels nice." I purred Ace smiles while I hugged my belly humming a song that me and Henry sing in the car whenever we drive out to town. Or just making a small video for the baby. Still everytime, I sing this to calm the baby which never fails. Ace taps my shoulder. Her phone shines through the dark with a message.

"Is the baby a boy or girl?" I read out loud with a chuckle.

"Oh, me and Henry decide to wait until the baby is born to find out. You know old school," I told her our reasonings. She nods and then I heard my phone started to ring; it was Henry he was in L.A. for a match that hold tournments. He needs 3-4 matches to complete and move on to the finals.

"Oh it's Henry, I gotta take this." I told her, Ace nods and sits quietly while I answered the phone.

"Hi honey, I knew you were gonna be up, our boy keeping you up?" My husband's voice greeted me.

"Yes, it seems our girl is getting impatient since our due date is approaching." I added into the mix feeling my chid stir towards the sound of Henry's voice.

"Yeah, our kid is a fussy one, hope we can get a few hours of sleep when he or she is out." He mentions I didn't want to think of it. I just want to see the baby safe and healthy. Surrounded by us and our families.

"That's what we pray for_ when is Mama Ayana coming here?" I asked him, he pauses and I know he's checking his messages between him and Mama Ayana.

"The next morning train, Grandpa Fernando is going to pick her up and she and Mama Pacha will go out shopping like last time." He told me luckily our familes get along with one another I only wished his brother could be here to see the baby and Mama Ayana.

"Is Ace with you?" He asked out of nowhere, Ace looks at me reacting to her name.

"Yes, she's here. Had the tea ready as soon as I woke up. How'd you know I would wake up, Ace?" She shrugs her shoulder Henry asks if I can put him on speaker. I did as he asked.

"Ace thank you for looking after my wife and my child. I'll make it up to you. Name and I'll get it." Ace looks at me and I laughed, I wanted Henry to have his moment in being serious ,but I can't help it. Over the fact that Henry cries at every StarWars opening and ending credits whenever we watch it at home or the theater. 

Ace types her answer to me and ask if he can do that she'll accept his gratitude. The most often thing Ace, the bad ass little cousin of mine desires is well cake. Yep, oreo cake to be specfic. 

"Wait! Really? Umm okay I'll get that on my way back to the house. Hang in there, babe and baby." He shouted I laughed told him to beat the other guy and to save his face. I didn't want our baby to look at Henry with swollen lips, eyes or black and blue. I want my child to look at Henry as I do strong, protective, and precious. 

I hanged up and I started to cry, worried that he might get hurt through more matches. I'm worried that he might get injuried where he won't be able to make it home in time for the birth of our first child. Ace gently wipes away my tears then types in her phone again.

Be strong for the baby. It needs you to be strong, save your tears, and happines when you see your baby alive and well in your arms. Do it for Henry and for yourself. She encouraged me, I smiled and hugged her close to me. She pats my back, and goes to get breakfast ready for everyone. Since I didn't want to be left alone, I decide to sit in the kitchen and keep her company while I sipped my tea and smelling the wonderful cooking of my little cousin.

"ARGH! Morning." My little brother Santino with a scruffy beard greeted yawning away after his nightshift at 4am. Also the one that made sure that the Alpha's wife didn't press charges on Ace for assulting her son. In terms, they had a video evidence that it was Ethan that caused her to defend herself first.

Ace's ears perked up and brought Santino's coffee towards him. It smelled good while I watch my brother take sips not minding my lingering eyes. My lips trembled with the thought of morning coffee again once the baby is born.

"Ah thanks Ace it's great," Santino expressed and I groaned with a pouted lip. My brother smiles at me then looks at Ace, I know what he was thinking, but I wanted him to see it in her point of view and I know she doesn't mean to cause trouble. 

"Morning. Buenas Dias." Tia Lyra and Abuelita Pacha and Mom came down for breakfast. Ace quickly avoided Tia shutting off the stove top and placing the plates aside the stove. Mom exchange looks at me and Santino. 

Ace has been even more silent while avoiding Tia Lyra. She knew how upset she would be but when she saw the video posted around the area. She was furious that her powers lifted Ace up from the ground and held her there when she was scolding her. We were all so surprised.

Abuelita had to get involved before Tia did something she regreted, but Ace didn't look at her Mom since then and avoids her every time. Ace has been by my side or Grandma's. 

"Mihja Lydia are you ok?" Abuelita asked me. I nodded as she takes my hands into hers, I smiled I knew what she was doing.

"Hmm the baby's strong like you and Henry. Abuelo will be right back with Ayana. Then we can start preparing where it'll be safe to give birth." Mom explained to me but I sighed in responds.

"Why can't I have the baby here? I mean a home birth surely has to be safer than out in the woods or mountains somewhere." I asked her when Mama Pacha and Mom and Tia looked at one another and chuckled.

"I know you're worried mija, but trust me when we say that it'll be safer to have the baby where the sky and earth are touch together. Now that Tia and primas are here, we'll have more hands to help with the birth. There's nothing to worry about." Mama Pacha adds she made a good point but still I wished I had more control of my birth than my family did.

"But still this isn't this suspose to be my birth?" I questioned, Tia Lyra sat down beside me. Her power overwhemling heighten my senses. It's been so long since she ascended to her powers, she probably forgot how to mask it. 

"Your Mom's right mija. When I had the girls it not only caused me great pain. The birth itself summoned a strange hurricane with lightning and fire that the humans had no name for it." She told me back when I was maybe seven or nine when we were living in South Florida 

"I remember when Manny was born it started snowing. We were in Florida! Mom and us had to leave the next day to New York." I remembered when Dad and Mom heard about the storm starting in our area. We had to leave all our stuff behind and sent for them when we arrived at Tia and Uncle's house. 

"With hybrids, it's different. There's many things that can happen during the birth that your Dad may not know what to do. That why it's impotant that we're far away from the city."

"I been meaning to ask you about the baby, Tia," I asked her, she looks at me concern of my question. Mom and Dad warned me and Henry not to ask her or my cousins about anything about hybrids, but I can't when its my baby.

I grabbed her hands tightly that she flinched from my grip, but I couldn't help myself. The worry began when I first found I was pregnant the happiness and joy was replaced with worry. Why was I worried I knew I would love my life with Henry and our child but why am I so worried.

"My child is a hybrid. Both my blood and Henry's blood flows together within me. I'm sorry if I'm getting ahead of myself asking you. But you and the girls are the only hybrids I know who can help me with my baby. Please, I need your guidence." I pleaded to her I didn't know that my nails dugged into her arms that Ace appear and took my hands off from Tia's.

Quick and swiftly, I didn't even feel her remove my hands. Ace placed a towel over Tia's arms putting preassure over them. When the door opens to Mama Ayana who was happy to see everyone her in-laws and me.

"Oh sweetie don't you worry about a thing now. We're all here to help you through the birth." She announces hugging me greeting my abuela with respect as a fellow mage. Both Mama Pacha and Mama Ayana are of the old magic, before the colognizers took over their lands. 

When Henry and I gotten serious in our relationship, our parents met to place both of traditions within the wedding cermony. Both of African and South American descant.

"Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Lyra, Lydia's Tia." Tia introduced herself to Mama Ayana they both embraced as Mama Ayana stepped back to take a look at Tia Lyra

"Oh your mother and Paula told me alot about you and your daughters. Where are the kids?" Mama Ayana asks putting her bags down while Tia Lyra left to the kitchen to serve some coffee and tea to the group. All the women in the family surrounded me after my little episode. Still I was feeling uneasy.

"The rest of the kids are at the Academy, Henry's tournament will go longer then we thought. Hopefully he can make it in time for the baby's arrival." Mom was concern especially since this is my first pregnancy.

"Don't you worry when Henry's father was alive. He was there holding my hand throughout the birth next thing I know he fainted from the sight of my pum and his son. Hahaha!" She laughed so did everyone else. I excused myself as everyone started to talk about the plans and what to bring to make the journey for my birthing plan. While I left to the garden, I met the cold breeze.

I lift my head and took a breath, closing my eyes feeling the earth's embrace all over me and my child growing inside of me. I opened my eyes to see newly bloomed flowers, vines and roots surrounding me and sometime can bloom off of me.

For witches when life grows within us, everything around us is touched by the power of life and rebirth. It brings me comfront to know nature is accepting and welcoming a new life force, my baby. Then I sense a power force behind me, I turned to see Ace behind me.

"I-I'm sorry Ace I just overreacted . . ." Then Ace shook her head then signed o and k, it's okay. I gave a slight smile to her she comes by me. The blooming life flowing through me to the ground I touch. I noticed the ground beneath Ace's feet dies, the weeds and flowers grass dried up to black and dust. 

A witch's magic is attached to nature and the surrounding energies. To take energy and power, we draw from the core of our magic the light of our power. For me and my family's magic we draw on all things in this world, it's energies, it's elements both of natural and unnatural. 

"Ace please tell me . . . if your Mom can't- I have no one else to turn to." I shivered she sighs sitting down on the pile of dead weeds, grass and flowers I sat on the bench in the gazebo, while Ace was writing out her responds to me. I waited calmly as she took the time to type her responds on her phone.

Her message about how hybrids are different from one another. There's a possiblitity that my baby can born in two ways. One that they grow in the womb normally, and the birth can be simple but the baby can possibly not be a hybrid at all. Second the baby is born a hybrid and is getting stronger, it can be possible that once its born it can start developing a taste for blood, and the urge can cause it to attack me drive it to follow its instincts rather than its thoughts.

"Is? There anything else I shoud know? Ace?" I asked her she sighs and types in her phone.

Ace claims that throughout their lives some hybrids aren't strong enough to survive that their bodies cannot function and eventually die off. The other is that hybrids can live and survive on blood substains or magical resources. The most likely is they are killed by their own kind. 

I looked at her when she said it, "killed by one of their own." I repeated she nodded like it wasn't a big deal at all. 

"I uh I'm a bit light head I'm gonna take a nap," I told her she gets up to escort me back. I quickly stopped her with my hands.

"No no Ace it's ok Mom and Henry's Mom can help. Take a break." I told her she shrugs her shoulders and sits down to where she was sitting before. Lookng out at the woods smirking.

I came inside the women were gathering excited about the birth that now I'm worried about, not worried more frighten for my child. I looked to my Tia and knew what she told us before it can't be a lie? Why would she lie to us? Her family. 

"I uh a bit tried I'm going to take a nap," I claimed when Tia Lyra got up with Mom Grandma and Mama Ayana.

"Umm can Mom and Mama help me, please? I'm sure you can rest too, Auntie Lyra. You too abuelita" I told them they shrugged it off awhile Mom and Mama Ayana helped me up the stairs to my old room closer to the stairs and with a bathroom attached.

Mom and Mama Ayana helped me get into bed, tucked me in. Played some insturmental classical music to help me to try to sleep the fear away.

Before I drifted off to sleep Mom and Mama Ayana placed a new blanket on me. Bright colored patterns of ecuadorian and nigerian patterns. I smiled brightly and hugged the blanket tighter wishing it to keep me and the baby safe from harm.

Lyra's pov 

I looked at how tightly Lydia held my arm for, I know what was happening. With her being so close to her due date and the baby being up half the night, there's no doubt there maybe trouble ahead. 

I stayed downstairs with Mama respinning out silk and threading together wool from alpaca that were dyed in different colors that made a quilt for the baby and Lydia. What made it different from what Mama makes. Mama Ayana was adding patterns from her culture and ours combining the two sharing culturals that the baby is born of.

Paula and Mama Ayana came down after making sure Lydia fall deep asleep. Then Paula came to me quickly.

"Lyra, I can tell something's bothering you." I sighed not wanting to hide it from Paula. She's worried about her daughter and I would be too, a hybrids birth is complaicated enough especially if the parents are not hybrids themselves. 

"The baby is getting stronger as the day approuches, we have to make sure that it is calm. Nothing can make it active for no more than a few hours." I advised her not wanting to get her even more worried than she already is.

"What do you mean?" She asks being a nurse herself she knows how limited immortals that can conceive children naturally and those who cannot conceive a child at all.

"But Lydia doesn't have the urge for blood like some of us, only Adrian and Manual only need a few ounce a month when their blood pressure gets low." Paula mentions and sighs heavily holds herself.

"That doesn't matter the fact that hybrids have a survival instinct and all their genes combined from both parents can either fight each other or are working steady within the baby's body." I told her I knew it well the first years that the girls were growing there were days they'd stay in bed with no energy at all some days were they had too much energy

"Okay once Adrian gets home we can run one last check over on the baby's heartbeat and Lydia's blood pressure contractions. And-and," I took her hands into mine, Mama and Mama Ayana came by her side hugging her as she shook in fear. 

"Yo también tenía miedo, todos éramos Paula. Todo lo que podemos hacer es ayudar y estar allí para Lydia. Ella es una madre también como el resto de nosotros, haciendo lo mejor para nuestros hijos." (I was scared too we all were Paula. All we can do is help and be there for Lydia. She's a mother too like the rest of us, doing what's best for our children.) Mama told Paula holding her close Paula nodded as Mama Ayana comfronted Paula too, there were many worries when Lydia got married and when she was expecting but all that worry can be put aside all we need to focus on is Lydia and the baby and help Henry and her prepare for the baby's growth.

Paula sighs and wipes her tears away, when Santino came out from his room ready heading out with Papa to get the location ready for the birth. They took some blankets a large tub and axes to chop up some wood in case the tempt get low.

"Bendición al recién nacido." Mom says I repeated so did Paula blessing to the child for it is born into a world of hate, violence and magic, beauty.

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