Highly Inappropriate

By ohfuckoff23

801K 27.2K 22.3K

Alex García is your typical badass lesbian starting her last year of highschool. She has a very complicated f... More



8.7K 303 83
By ohfuckoff23

The following day, I made my way to Ashley's house right after school, just like she asked me to. Needless to say, I was curious about her surprise but nervous nonetheless since the only gift she ever gave me was probably worth my entire house, if not more.

Which reminds me.. I still had a lot of questions about her grandparents leaving her and Sky their inheritance, I just didn't want her to think I was greedy or interested in it cause I wasn't. I was just curious, but hesitant whether to bring it up or not.

"Hey baby.", she greeted me at the door, smiling at me and letting me in.

"Hey.", I smirked, placing a tender kiss on her lips as soon as she closed the door. "How was your day?"

"Long.", she huffed, motioning towards the kitchen as I followed. "Do you want something to eat? I'm making mac and cheese."

"You haven't eaten yet?", I frowned, taking a seat at the island as I watched her moving in the kitchen.

"Nope. During my lunch break I finished some gradings since I really didn't want to do it at home. So, want some?"

"I mean, I already had lunch but yeah.. I could eat.", I shrugged, smiling sheepishly.

"Where do you put all the food you eat?", she teased, her eyes traveling down my body.

"What can I say.. I like physical activity.", I smirked, winking at her.

"Of course you do.", she chuckled, rolling her eyes.

"So, where's my surprise?"

"I thought you didn't like surprises?"

"I'm sucking it up, so hit me.", I retorted, a cheeky grin playing on my lips.


I stuck my tongue out at her, watching her leave the kitchen just to reappear a few seconds later with a small red box in her hand, a tiny ribbon attached to it as I studied it. She took a seat next to me and placed it in front of me, silently waiting for me to open it.

"Well, judging by the size of it, it surely isn't another Rolex."

"You disappointed?", she teased, fully aware that I was messing with her.

"Very much, Miss Stevens.", I replied, smiling at her as I eventually opened it.

I frowned as I stared at a single key attached to a heart shaped keychain.

"A key?"

"It's a key to my place.", she whispered, causing me to bring my eyes up to hers in surprise and utter confusion.

"Say what now?"

"Well, since you've made it an habit to just show up to my door, I figured you could use one.", she halfheartedly joked, releasing a nervous laugh before grabbing my hand and squeezing it. "Maybe it's too soon, maybe I'm just scaring the shit out of you, and you don't have to take it if you don't want it.. The school year isn't over yet, so if you decide to take it you should use it wisely, but I totally get it if this is too much. It's just my way of telling you that I am serious about us and that I see a future with you, and I want you to feel free to come over whenever you want. I-"

I cut her off by cupping her face and bringing her lips to mine, effectively shutting her up for good. I was on cloud nine, to be honest. This woman kept sweeping me off my feet over and over again without even trying, and now she wanted me to have a key to her house.

A fucking key to her house. Like, hello?

"You sure ramble a lot, Ash.", I teased as we parted, my hand tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I know, it's just-"

"I love it.", I whispered, smiling warmly at her.

"You do?"

"I do.", I nodded, our gazes never breaking. "Are you sure about this though? Cause I might just come over to raid your fridge and drink your wine."

"I'll make sure to buy groceries then.", she smirked, pecking my lips. "But yes, I'm sure Alex. I know it's a big step, but I wanted you to know that you mean a lot to me. You don't have to take it if you don't want it though."

"Thanks..", I replied shyly. "You mean a lot to me too, Ash."

I took out my house keys and carefully placed her key along with the others, silently telling her that I did want it and that I was sure as hell keeping it. I did not know what the future had in store for us, but I knew she was going to be part of it. I wanted her to be part of it, maybe I even needed her to be.

Can someone please punch me in the face?

"Hungry?", she questioned with a cheeky grin, her eyes going from the keys in my hands to my lips.


We ate our food, talking about whatever came to mind. I enjoyed every single minute of it, just having a meal together and talking about what was going on in our lives. With all the secrecy and sneaking around in school, we definitely didn't have time or the possibility to do just this, you know, normal stuff that normal couples do.

Jesus, it's still weird for me to think this way.

But I loved it, and it allowed me to see different and new sides of her, always learning new little things about her personality. For example, I learned that she hates basically all her fellow male colleagues.

"I mean, Mr. Banks keeps asking me out despite me telling him that I'm gay, and last time I told him so, he just shrugged and said 'so what? I'm sure I can make you leave the dark side.' I literally had to bite my tongue in order not to laugh in his face."

"That's gross.", I gagged, laughing along with her. "And sleazy. That man can't even have the decency to change his kaki pants, let alone someone's sexuality."

"Exactly! Next time he asks me I'm just going to tell him I'm in a relationship with the most beautiful girl in the world and to keep his balls a mile away from me."

"Good.", I grinned. "Make sure you tell that to all your colleagues, Miss Stevens. Or I will have to rent a car and casually run them over."

"And I'm the jealous one?", she chuckled, shaking her head in amusement. "And why rent a car if you have one?"

"Huh, hello? Have you seen my baby? It's too nice to commit a murder."

"True. You have to let me drive it once."

"Yeah, don't you even think about it.", I smirked, causing her to frown. "No way in hell I'm letting you or anyone else drive my car."

"But.. I'm your girlfriend?", she pouted childishly.

"You did not just pull the 'I'm your girlfriend' card."

"Did it work?"

"Not in the slightest, Ash. But you're terribly cute, I'll give you that.", I grinned, earning a playful roll of the eyes.

"I hate you."

"We should get a tattoo as well."

It was now Friday: I had the day off at work since I eventually accepted Dean's offer, and Jess, Matt and I were at the tattoo parlour. Staying true to my promise, I brought my now 16 year old brother to get inked, and even though I wasn't planning on getting a tattoo myself, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted.

"We already have matching tattoos babe."

"One more isn't gonna kill you Alex.", Jess retorted, playfully nudging me in the side.

"Besides, our pandas could use a friend."

"Yeah, like what?"



"Cause they're cute. And funny. And one day they'll conquer the world."

"You're so weird.", I chuckled, shaking my head in amusement as Matt made his way into the waiting room, shirtless and the stencil of his tattoo already on his chest. "You ready bud?"

"I hate needles.", he mumbled, studying the design in the mirror in front of him.

"Don't be a pussy, Matthew.", Jess chipped in, causing him to blush and me to stiffle a laugh.

"You like it, by the way?", I asked, taking a look myself.

"I'm not a hundred percent sure, to be honest. I mean, I like it but.."

"It could use some adjustments, huh?"

He nodded silently, causing my brain to start working out a new idea. I came here convinced that Matt would be inked by my former foster brother, but instead there was another artist today since Freddie was out of the country for a convention.

When he first started his job, I would spend countless hours with him in the studio just doodling and sketching tattoo ideas, resulting in pretty good stuff, some of which he also managed to get inked on people.

Matt's design was nice, but I'm sure Freddie would have put a little more effort into it. Biting my lip, I grabbed a pencil and a piece of paper from the front desk and started sketching a new design real quick under the confused glare of my best friend.

"What about this?", I questioned, showing it to him and placing it on his chest next to the original one for him to see the differences. "The font is totally different, it's more gothic than anything.. I think you're looking for something more manly than what you have there.", I suggested, studying his reaction.

"Yeah, I definitely like it better this way.", he replied, smiling gratefully. "Thanks sis, it's awesome."

"Are we all set?", the tattoo artist walked in, shamelessly checking Jess and I out.

"Actually, we have a last minute change of heart.", I replied, annoyed at how he was looking at us. "He'd like to get this instead of that.", I added, handing him the piece of paper and nodding towards my brother's chest.

"Oh, this is actually really good.", he complimented, smiling creepily at me. "You're a tattoo artist as well?"

"If I was, I'd be the one inking my brother, don't you think?"

"Right.", he mumbled, scratching the back of his neck. "Well, if you draw like this, you should really consider it. Anyway.. are you girls planning on getting tattoos as well?"


"Good, thanks.", Jess cut me off, causing him and my brother to disappear in the other room. "He's a creep and he's staying away from my body.", she then mumbled, making a gag noise.

"Amen to that.", I chuckled, taking a seat next to her on the couch and absentmindedly checking my phone, seeing that I had a text from Ashley.

Ash 4.58pm
'Coming over tonight? :)'

Alex 5.11pm
'Don't know baby.. It's Matt's birthday and I don't really know what his plans are for tonight. I'll get back to you okay?'

Ash 5.12pm
'Sounds good sweetie.'

"The creep was right though.", Jess's voice snapped me out of my texting session, causing me to look up from my phone and stare at her in confusion. "That sketch was really good, Alex. You should actually consider it."

"Becoming a tattoo artist?"

"Yeah, why not?", she shrugged, smiling at me.
"You'd kick ass babe.. Besides, it's not like we have big plans for after we graduate. I don't think bartending is what you wanna do for the rest of your life, right?"

"It's not..", I mumbled, pondering on the subject. "But I mean, the money's good and I actually enjoy my job, so.."

"Just think about it.", she encouraged. "You could also do both, you know? Badass tattoo artist by day and sexy bartender by night."

"I also have a life, Jess."

"You mean Ashley?", she teased, smirking deviously at me.

"Shut your mouth.", I rolled my eyes at her, failing miserably at hiding the shy smile creeping up on my lips. "So.. college is out of the question for you?"

Before her parents had financial issues, Jess always told me she wanted to go to college and become a therapist, which in my opinion, she'd be great at.

"I don't know babe.", she breathed out. "It's probably out of the question for the next year, but maybe I could enroll in two? I still have to talk to my parents about it all to be honest, I'm just trying to survive high school for now."

"Don't be so dramatic.", I chuckled. "You're doing just fine, even in calculus class."

"Yeah, and that's all because of you tutoring me.", she giggled, rolling her eyes at me. "I just made a decision."


"Before that, we shake hands."

"Huh, nope. I'm not shaking hands with you. Especially not when you're looking at me like that.", I retorted, not missing the devious smile plastered on her lips.

"Ever since you got with Ashley you're no fun.", she huffed, crossing her arms in frustration.

"You're calling me boring?"

"Yes, party pooper."

"Fine.", I groaned sticking my hand out for her to shake. "I already know I'm gonna regret this."

"That's very true.", she grinned cheekily, giving my hand a firm squeeze. "You and me, we're getting piercings."

Fuck me sideways.

"I hav a-.. in my mout."

"A what now?", Ashley chuckled, clearly making fun of me.

In the end, I allowed Matt to have Melanie over at our house while Chase was having a sleepover at a friend's. As for Jess, I had to get out of the house before I kicked her ass since I couldn't even insult her properly. I can't believe she talked me into this.

"I- ugh.", I groaned in frustration, realizing that speaking was out of the question.

I took my phone out and texted her even though she was sitting right next to me on the couch.

Alex 10.31pm
'I have a fucking rubber boat in my mouth and stop teasing me Miss Stevens.'

"That's what happens when you force a needle through your tongue.", she smirked, causing me to huff and roll my eyes at her. "It must be annoying not being able to bite back, huh?"

"Very much."

"Where did Jess get hers?"

Alex 10.35pm
'Where the sun doesn't shine.'

"You're messing with me.", she replied, her jaw hanging wide open as she stared at me in shock. "Why would she do that?! I'm in pain just by thinking about it!"

I shrugged, not really knowing what was actually going through my best friend's head when she decided to get that piercing.

"Teenagers are dumb.", she sighed, shaking her head with an amused smile.

"You're dating one.", I retorted, surprisingly without slurring my speech.

"Shoot, I almost forgot about that.", she grinned, causing me to laugh at her. "Anyway..", she then trailed off, eyeing me carefully.


"My parents and Sky are coming over for lunch on Sunday.. I was wondering if you managed to give it some thought about joining-"

"I did.", I nodded, smiling at her. "Since I- fuck this."

I gestured for her to hold up a second, going back to my phone and typing like an idiot since my tongue was swollen and hurting like a motherfucker.

Alex 10.45pm
'As I was saying, I did give it some thought. I probably won't be able to speak and embarrass myself, so I would love to join you for lunch.'

I watched her as a small laugh escaped her throat, the biggest smile ever plastered on her lips as she brought her eyes up to mine. Without another word, she leaned forward and kissed me softly, gently biting my lower lip before parting, her forehead leaning against mine.

"Thank you baby.. I know how nervous you are about it, but it really means a lot."

"You're welcome.", I smiled warmly at her, pecking her lips once again.

"Can you stay the night?", she questioned, causing me to smirk and nod. "Great! Netflix and chill in bed?"

"Sounds good."

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