Upon Shattered Wings

By xWintersolsticex

30.6K 1.7K 378

She was ripped away from him Drowned in the cold hands of death But he would do anything To have her back... More

Welcome, Young Fledglings
Prologue: Never Again
Chapter 1: The Human World
Chapter 2: Rescue Misson
Chapter 3: Maid to the Prince
Chapter 4: Strange Encounters
Chapter 5: Dinner
Chapter 6: The Familiar
Chapter 7: Preparation
Chapter 8: Princess Bitch
Chapter 9: We Shall
Chapter 10 Part 1: Meeting the Royals
Chapter 10 Part 2: Playing Victim
Chapter 10 Part 3: Dancing with the Prince
Chapter 11: Field of Poppies
Chapter 12: Arrows and Knives
Chapter 13: Serving the Bitch
Chapter 14: Attack
Chapter 15: See You Soon
Chapter 16: Shot
Chapter 17: Marriage
Chapter 18: A Glimpse of the Past
Chapter 19: Berry Red
Chapter 20: Casor
Chapter 21: Confrontation
Chapter 22: Stay
Chapter 23: Ellisar
Chapter 24: Stay Awake
Chapter 25: Awake
Chapter 26: Kiss
Chapter 27: It All Started With A Naked Painting
Chapter 28: Amaline
Chapter 29: Revelation
Chapter 30: A Trip Down Memory Lane Part 2
Chapter 31: Leave
Chapter 32: Found
Chapter 33: They're Here
Chapter 34: Reunion
Chapter 35: Promise
Chapter 36: More Time
Chapter 37: Divine Beads
Thank you!

Chapter 30: A Trip Down Memory Lane Part 1

539 35 2
By xWintersolsticex

(A/N): Keep in mind that these are pieces of memories. Specific details may not be included but the important things are. Whenever there's a "❉" it means there's a time skip and she gets older in each scene. :)

"Ama!" Hands shook me awake and I blinked.

Sitting up, I groaned at the harsh sunlight cutting into the room. "Sarpy, go back to sleep."

"I can't! Get up! Father is home!"

Say no more. I jumped off the bed and ran out the door with Ellisar laughing joyously behind. Father had gone to the villages for a few days but he was back! Our legs thundered down the carpeted hallway, the guards smiled and greeted us as we ran by.

We spotted our father standing at the door talking with the captain of the guards. "Father!" He laughed and knelt down, opening his arms just as we crashed into his chest.

"You two better have not caused any trouble?" His eyebrows were raised as he looked each of us in the eye.

Sarpy puffed out his chest. "No, sir!"

I frowned at him, "But you let one of the horses get away."

He glared at me, expression telling me to shut my mouth. "That's because you scared me. If you hadn't, I would've had it under control."

Father chuckled and ruffled our heads. "My Prince and Princess, go find your mother while I get freshened up. I've brought home gifts!"

Our eyes widened and with matching grins on our faces, we raced off towards the royal chambers.

It was night time and I was under my covers when I heard a creak. Must be Sarpy, he's always trying to scare me. Closing my eyes, I ignored the footsteps.

"Stop trying to scare me Sarpy. It's not gonna work."

No answer.

I rolled over and squinted in the darkness. "Sarpy?"

It happened quickly. A cloth was pushed against my nose as I opened my mouth. Small noises escaped my throat but no one heard. What happened to the guards? I punched anywhere I could, my fists meeting flesh.

"Shut up little girl." A dark voice hissed out.

I couldn't hold my breath too long but I can't breathe. Hands seized my throat and squeezed, I gasped. Immediately, a sweet aroma bombarded me and my body weakened.

"That's it. Now go to sleep."

And that's exactly what I did.

My head hurts. I could hear whispering a few feet away. They were frantic and slowly getting louder.

Slowly I blinked my eyes open. Where was I?

"The poor thing needs rest! We can't just throw her out!"

"We don't know where she came from or who she is. We have to be cautious about this, Hayate."

"What can a small girl do? She's barely seven years old!"

A deep breath was released. "Fine, she can stay. But you have to remember she's not ours. We can't just take her in."

"I know."

I coughed and reached up a hand to touch my head only to feel bandages. "W-who are you?"

A young man and woman leaned down and smiled warmly. "I'm Hayate and this is my husband, Riko. Can you tell us your name dear?"


They shared a look and Hayate turned back towards me. "Yes, do you have one?"

I licked my dry lips. "I don't know."

Riko placed a hand on my forehead. I welcomed the warmth. "What do you remember?"

"Um...nothing." I mumbled and looked around the place.

They shared a look again. It was a bit irritating but I ignored it. "Why don't you rest, you were pretty injured when we found you on our doorstep. If you need anything, you can call out for us, alright?"

I nodded my head and watched when they left. I stared up at the white ceiling.

Who was I?

I had decided to stay with Hayate and Riko. I couldn't remember anything from before they found me so I might as well. They were nice people, almost like the parents I never had. Hayate had taught me about the different kingdoms, how to read and write, and be a lady. Though the last one was a joke. I barely acted like one.

"Thank you," I smiled at the old man as he handed me my bag.

"You're very welcome, young lady. Say, you must be having suitors lining up at your feet. If not, I have a grandson if you are interested."

My face warmed as I laughed awkwardly. "No. I'm not really looking for anyone right now. But thank you though."

The old man shook his head with a smile. "Such a shame. But do let me know when you change your mind!"

Not knowing what else to say, I nodded my head and walked out of the shop. The warm sunlight hit my face and wings. I sighed and stretched them out behind me.

Suddenly the bag was snatched out of my hands. "Hey!"

The boy carrying my bag flew up towards the roofs. Before he could, a huge gust of wind appeared and the next thing I knew, a young man grabbed him by the shoulders and threw him back onto the ground.

I stared in shock as the man said something sternly at the boy who hung his head in shame. The man was handsome. He was wearing a plain white robe, tied with a golden belt at the waist. Strapped to his side was a sword. He must be a nobleman.

Shoot, he's coming over.

"Miss, here's your bag." He was more handsome up close. His snow white wings were held high above him, black hair contrasting with the light color. The robe was pulled taught around his chest and I gulped.

"T-thank you." I took the bag from him, heart stuttering stupidly when our hands brushed.

His amber eyes glittered as he smiled down at me. "You don't have to thank me. What's your name?"


"Mira," He tested my name on his tongue and I stared at him, dazed. Suddenly, he took my hand that wasn't holding the bag and bowed down to kiss it. "It's nice to meet you, Mira."

"Likewise." I blushed. He grinned at my red face.

"I'm actually short on time. But I hope I'll see you around?"

I nodded and as quick as he had appeared, he was gone before I could blink.

True to his words, I had seen the gentleman again. I haven't told Hayate and Riko about him and a small part of me didn't want to. After bumping into him again, we started hanging out with each other night after night.


"Hm?" He looked down at me laying on his arm. We were looking up at the stars on top of a hill and had inched closer together as the night got colder.

"Will you teach me how to fight?"

He furrowed his eyebrows. "You want to fight?"

I nodded. He watched me with contemplating eyes and I stared back with widened eyes. Eventually he caved and nodded. I grinned.

"Now, what are you going to give me for teaching you?" His voice held a teasing edge.

I pursed my lips. "That depends on how good of a teacher you are."

He placed his hand on his chest, acting offended. "I am the best swordsman out there. How dare you doubt me."

I laughed but leaned over and kissed his cheek. He grinned.

A flash above caught me eye. "Look!"

The night sky was coming alive with falling stars. They streaked across the sky as if racing against time. The flashes lit up the village below.

"It's beautiful." I turned my head towards Vulcrian only for him to place his lips firmly on mine. I kissed him back, hands crawling up and linking behind the back of his neck. Our wings folded over, intertwining around us to create a blanket of speckled brown and white.

And it was a blissful moment even if it didn't last long.

He was cold. Ever since the royal guards had dragged us to the kingdom, ever since I found out Vulcrian was Prince Vulcrian Quivaris, future heir and crown prince, the betrayal had hit me hard.

He lied. I trusted him.

I had tried speaking with him but the Queen had locked me in a room. My fate wasn't decided yet but the helplessness was something I've never felt before. He hadn't come see me for weeks.

The lock to the door clicked and I looked up. Vulcrian ran towards me and enveloped me in his arms. "I'm so sorry, Mira. I was doing it to protect you. If you knew who I was..."

I pushed him away. "What? Did you think I would've thought of you differently?" I smacked his reaching hand away as tears rolled down my cheeks. "The one thing I ask of you was to be honest."

"I'm sorry." He pulled me into his chest despite how much I fought. He rocked us back and forth, a hand stroking the back of my head. "I talked to Mother. You are to be treated as a guest here. No one will bother you."

Little did I know.

I limped up to my room as tears clouded my vision. But I had to stay strong. For him. I love him and I would do anything just like how he would for me. The rumors that went to him haven't gone unnoticed by me and he never did anything about them. He faced them with stone expressions and defended me when his parents slandered my name.

Slowly changing into a beautiful gown, I smoothed down the soft fabric. My hair was pinned halfway up, a simple flower pin was clipped on. The maids had left after that, not bothering to help with the make up. I didn't know what to do with them either.

When we flew towards the Lunar Celebration, I could feel Vulcrian watching me every now and then. He hadn't said anything about the dress and disappointment filled my stomach.

Music could be heard before we landed. A hand grabbed my wrist gently. "Go have fun. I'll look for you later alright?"

I nodded and he left. The good thing was that there were so many people that no one noticed me. Making a quick decision, I tried walking normally towards the food table. From where I stood, I could see Princess Lyra standing next to Vulcrian. Their hands were linked together. My heart ached as I looked away.

The rest of the night, I stood by the table, enjoying the food. The performances the Prince and Princesses did were beautiful. However, the Prince and Princess from the North had the best in my opinion.

Soft music flitted through the air as Wingeds got into pairs.

"What's a beautiful Winged like you doing alone at the food table?" I turned around. It was the Northern Prince.

I frowned at him. "What's wrong with being at the food table?"

He chuckled and watched me, hands tucked into the pockets of his pants. "Nothing, but why aren't you dancing?"

His golden eyes stared at me unblinkingly. It was a bit intimidating to say the least.

I scoffed at him. Such a hypocrite. "Why aren't you?"

He shrugged, "I don't want to."

"Then leave me alone with my food."

The Prince smirked suddenly. "Come dance with me."

And dance with him I did. 

Our girl is getting her memoriessss. Finally lol. 

There will be a part 2 and things does get a bit down hill. 

Vote, Comment, Enjoy!

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