Unexpected Love

By Bambiiii_Boo

54.7K 1.2K 86

Miya's life was never normal but when she moved from her hometown of Hollow Grove, Maine to Chi-town; that's... More

•Chapter One•
•Chapter Two•
•Chapter Three•
•Chapter Four•
•Chapter Five•
•Chapter Six•
•Chapter Seven•
•Chapter Eight•
•Chapter Nine•
•Chapter Ten•
•Chapter Eleven•
•Chapter Twelve•
•Chapter Thirteen•
•Chapter Fourteen•
•Chapter Fifteen•
•Chapter Sixteen•
•Chapter Seventeen•
•Chapter Eighteen•
•Chapter Twenty•
•Chapter Twenty-One•
•Chapter Twenty-Two•
•Chapter Twenty-Three•
•Chapter Twenty-Four•
•Chapter Twenty-Five•
•Chapter Twenty-Six•
•Chapter Twenty-Seven•
•Chapter Twenty-Eight•
•Chapter Twenty-Nine•
•Chapter Thirty•
•Thirty Two•
•Thirty Three•
•Thirty Four•
•Thirty Five•
•Thirty Six•
•Thirty Seven•
•Thirty Eight•
•Thirty Nine•

•Chapter Nineteen•

878 19 1
By Bambiiii_Boo

They were making their way back up the stairs once they had the weapons. That's when they heard a knock on the door, Reece walked over answering it. "Hey, thanks for coming Evan and Cody" he said.

"Anything for you and Miya" Evan replied. He entered the house to see Nick with his crew. He didn't speak to him, there was a hint of jealousy. Evan had liked Miya for a while now but he didn't have the guts to tell her.

Reece nodded. He looked between Evan and Nick. He knew Evan had a thing for Miya but he would have to get over it. "Uh Nick you go get your sisters" Reece said. "Cody, Evan and myself will rescue Miya" he added.  The reason he suggested they saved Miya was because she was unpredictable, what if she ended up using magic in front of Nick. Reece didn't need to have that on his hands.

Nick agreed to it, he didn't want to disagree. "We'll take my car" Nick looked at them. The guys nodded their heads, then walked out the house.

This wasn't the dinner they were expecting. They had hoped it would be drama free but I guess anything can happen.  Reece got inside the other car, he looked over at Evan. "What's the matter? I know something is bothering you" he said. He pulled the clip out to count his bullets, there were six in there. He placed it back in the chamber and cocked it.

"Nothing" Evan paused for a second. "I don't see what Miya sees in him" he said. He glanced over at Reece before turning his attention back towards the road. "I mean he's a criminal" Evan scoffed.

"You can't stop what the heart wants" Reece replied.

After a while, they had pulled up to the warehouse. The germans didn't know Nick was with some agents. They actually assumed he would just save his two sisters, so more men were there.

"Are you guys ready?" Reece questioned. He was feeling a bit excited, he hadn't gotten to kill anyone in months. He needed to relieve some stress.

Cody nodded his head, he got out the car.

"I'll go to the roof, make sure it's clear" Reece said. He took off running towards the building across the street. He made his way up the latter. He positioned his sniper rifle, he made sure his silencer was on. Reece heart rate was up, he could feel his blood pumping through his body. He leaned in peeping into the scope, he moved it quickly. Soon a German's head popped up.

"Boom" Reece exhaled then pulled the trigger. He hit the man between his eyes, he dropped immediately.

Reece started to look for more, when he spotted them he took them out as well. When he finally noticed no one else was outside. He packed his things up and headed back down. He rushed over to Evan and Cody. "You both take the back, I'll go through the front" Reece said.

While they were getting ready to raid the building Nick was pulling up to the other place across town.

"We need a plan" Phoenix looked over at him.

Nick thought for a second, he was so worried that his mind went blank. He knew he needed to calm down so he could think of a right plan. "They know we're coming" Nick said.  "We need a distraction" he looked out the window.

That's when he spotted a car, it was good distance away from the building. "Let me see one of those grenades" Nick said.

Phoenix pulled one out, he handed it to Nick. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"You'll see" Nick got out the car. He made sure no one was watching, he lightly jogged to the car. He pulled the grenade handle off, then threw it under the car. He ran back over towardd his car. "Let's go now" he said.

Phoenix and the others got out, they ran over to some barrels that were in the distance. Within a matter of minutes the car exploded, which caused the germans to run out the building.

"It's time, let's move out" Nick said. He got up and took off towards the building. He walked inside looking around. "Phoenix you're with me" Nick said. "Mark and Elijah let me know if you find them" he added.

They nodded their heads, then walked away. "Let's do this" Nick started to walk away. He had his gun pointed, ready for anything.

When he came around the corner, there were some German's there watching a soccer game. There were about three of them sitting there, he knew Phoenix and himself could take them out. He looked over at his right hand man and nodded his head.

He reached for the knife, then turned the corner. He thew it hitting the bald man in his head. The man died instantly. It caused the others to jump up, they started to shoot towards them. Luckily Phoenix had his gun already drawn, he shot the brown haired one. But the last one he missed, which caused Nick to get hit in the shoulder.

Nick didn't care at that point, he needed to get to his family. He shot the man in his chest. When he did that, he heard some people coming.

"You go and I'll try to hold them off" Phoenix said.

"I'm not leaving you" Nick replied.

"Go! The girls need you" Phoenix said. He walked away from Nick, he started to shoot.

Nick ran towards the rooms, he continued until he finally found it. He peeped inside to see two guards in there. He reached inside his pocket taking out a smoke grenade. He eased the door open, then threw it inside there. The men jumped up quickly, their vision went blurry.

That was Nick's opportunity to come inside, he entered the room. He started to shoot. The gun fires could be heard by the girls.

Mykie looked down at her sister. She was finally awake, she clung to her sister for dear life. Mykie seen the fear in her eyes. "It's okay, just stay behind me" Mykie said.

Suddenly someone came up to the cell. It caused both girls to scream, Mykie looked closely to see it was Nick. "Nick" she walked up the gate with Ell.

Once it was unlocked they both ran out giving him a hug. "You've been shot" Mykie said.

"I'm fine but we need to leave now before more come" Nick picked Ell up. "Follow closely" he said. He wasn't going the same way he came in. They planned on going the back way, that's where the others were suppose to meet him.

"We're almost there" Nick said. The door was right in front of them but their hope was short lived. There was shooting in the air. Nick stopped, he placed Ell down. He looked at the girls. "Go, I'll be behind you" he shoved them out.

They were met by Mark and Elijah. Mykie didn't want to go with them, she wanted to stay with Nick but both men refused to let her.

Nick put his hand up, he turned towards the guy. "What do you want?" he asked.

"To see you suffer" the man shot Nick in his other shoulder. "You steal my warehouse, kill my son, you took everything from me" the man moved closer. "That boy at the zoo you killed, was my boy. He was going to run the family business one day. His mother blames me but this isn't on me. It's on you" He placed the gun to Nick's head. "I want you to beg for your life" he said.

"I beg no one" Nick said through gritted teeth.

"Your loss" the man said.

Before he could pull the trigger, Phoenix shot him. The man fell to the ground, he was dead. Phoenix walked over to Nick. "You lost a lot of blood" he said.

"I'll be fine but let's get out of here before the cops show" Nick said.

They both soon walked out the door, the car pulled up. When they both got inside, Elijah sped off.

"Text Reece, I need to know if Miya is safe" Nick looked over at Phoenix.

He nodded as he pulled his phone out, he quickly sent a text to Reece.

Reece was scalping one of the men when he received a text. It was something he did whenever he killed someone. Some people thought it was psychotic of him but he didn't care. "Let's go get Miya out" Reece said. "Seems like no one else is here" he added.

He stood up on his feet then made his way down the hallway. Soon he came to a room, he peeped in but no one was there. Reece proceeded inside the room. He looked around until he spotted the cell Miya was in. He started searching for the keys. Reece spotted them on the table. He walked over grabbing them.

Reece unlocked the cell door then walked inside. He started to use every key to free Miya. When he finally did he pulled them off, he picked her up. She was bleeding pretty badly, her face was bruised up. It pissed Reece off, he would make whoever the leader was pay. "Miya it's alright" Reece said.

Just as he said that two guys walked back inside the room. They pull their guns out on him. "You're not going anywhere" one said.

"Look boys, I don't want to have to kill you so lets us go" Reece said.

Both guys looked at each other and laughed. "We'd like to see you try" the other said.

"You asked for it" Reece said.

With that both guys throats were slit, it was Cody and Evan. "Sorry took us long" Evan said. "Someone had to take a selfie" he added.

"The guys at the office are going to be jealous" Cody said.

Reece shook his head, he walked passed the two. "Let's go" he said.

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