One Cup of Coffee, Now I am a...

By lauren4859009

178K 1.3K 147

Jade has not had an eventful life. She is a total geek and a stranger to dating. One night she is walking hom... More

my thank page!!!!


4.7K 32 4
By lauren4859009

This time I want 6 votes and 3 comments!!! I can’t keep up with u guys!!


***JADE’S POV***

These people questioned me and questioned me. They asked who I was, where I was, what happened. I remember it clearly. I was at a party with Penny and on my way home I hit a tree with my car. They even asked me about this rockstar named Xavier Grass. Why does it matter if I remember him or not? It’s not like I knew him. Soon I was let out to go home.

***Penny’s POV***

So Jade is clueless. She is absolutely clueless. She knows that there is a man named Xavier Grass but she has no memories of him. The doctors say that she may never remember him. She pretty much chose which memories she wanted to keep or let go. I guess she was hurt enough that she didn’t want to see him ever again. I didn’t think that seeing Xavier naked was bad enough to forget about him but that’s just me. Well, I guess we all have different feelings about things. This is going to be a long day. Xavier is probably going to wonder why on earth I am calling him. Yes, I am calling him. Maybe Jade hearing his voice will . . . I don’t know . . . trigger something? Oh no! I just realized something. Xavier will want to see her. He will make her even sadder. Well, I don’t really know that. It might hurt him more than her. I pressed the end button before he could answer. It is better for him to know that she is still in coma. He probably will wonder why I called him but my excuse is that I wanted to tell him that she is still in coma. I wonder if he will believe me. Oh well!

“So how are you feeling Jade?” I asked.

She looked at me tiredly, “I am fine I guess. Can you tell me something and tell me truthfully?” She asked. It seemed like she was begging for the answer to a question.

“I can tell you the answer to anything that you want to know,” I stated.

“Why is it important if I know Xavier Grass or not?”

I gulped, “I will be right back.” I whispered. I ran up to her room and grabbed the magazines about her and Xavier that were stashed under her bed. I ran downstairs back to the couch were Jade stared at me curiously.

((You know I think this is going to go a different way than you might expect))

I dropped the magazines on her lap and she stared at all the headlines. After a few minutes of waiting for a response I finally asked, “You okay Jade?”

Then she screamed. I’m not talking about a little scream, I am talking about the scream that can shack a whole house. “I KNEW XAVIER GRASS? I KISSED XAVIER GRASS? WHY DIDN’T ANYONE TELL ME THAT I KNEW XAVIER GRASS!?” She screamed with delight. Wow, I thought she would be sad or something. Maybe even angry. She is actually . . . happy.

“Read the articles,” I muttered. So, she did. After she was done reading all of them she looked confused. “Do you want me to go get the other magazines? There are tons of new ones out now. You won’t want to read them. They are . . . well, you saw the other magazines.”

There was hurtfulness in her eyes, “I-I knew him? How could I have loved someone so cruel?” She whispered.

Actually, I was thinking the same thing before. How could she love him? I saw her at the party. She had lust in her beautiful eyes. “He doesn’t even have to know that you’re awake. Of course he might figure it out but still,” I was trying to comfort her.

Small clear tears streamed down her pale face. “And the worst part is that I can’t remember any of it,” She whispered. I can’t imagine what it must feel like for her. I don’t think I want to imagine. I hugged her and didn’t let go of her. She is too sad to do anything. I can’t see my friend this sad. She cried for about an hour and so I sat there for an hour. I didn’t complain but my foot was asleep. I don’t think I could have let go if I wanted to because Jade had a firm grip around me.

Jade let go and stared at my shirt. It was drenched in tears. “I am so sorry Penny!” She gasped.

I smiled, “What are friends for if they can’t spare one hour with their upset friend and have a shirt completely drenched in tears?” Wow, that actually kind of sounded bad. It sounded like I noted all of it. I did, but that’s because I had sat there for an hour.

She smiled and gave me a quick hug. “Thank you so much. I don’t remember him at all but I can tell that it must have been bad if I cried for an hour about something that I don’t even remember.”

I faked a smile. Inside I was frowning. I thought that after crying for an hour she would remember something. Well, at least that was a motive of mine. Oh well. Soon enough she will remember . . . I hope. Even if Xavier was a bad part of her life I think that this might have changed him. I remember that he would sit there for hours staring at Jade in the hospital. I am not going to tell her this now because she has more important things to care about.

Then my phone rang. I jumped up and looked at the caller ID. Xavier. “I got to go! It’s my parents. They are probably wondering where I am,” I whispered. I didn’t want to lie but it was for the best. I ran out the door and had just enough time before Xavier got to voice mail to answer his call. “Xavier. When are you coming back to Chicago?” I asked.

I heard Xavier sigh, “I want to come back to see Jade as soon as possible but it seems that I will be back in 2 months for a concert. Is Jade awake yet?” He asked.

Maybe seeing Xavier sing will trigger something in Jade’s mind. That might just work. I didn’t tell Xavier that though, “She is still asleep,” I whispered.

He sighed and hung up. Poor guy, I do have to feel sorry for him.

So that’s it so far and I know its nothing special but I am tired and more worried about my grades *ahem* so give me a bit before I upload again.

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