Unexpected Love

By Bambiiii_Boo

54.8K 1.2K 86

Miya's life was never normal but when she moved from her hometown of Hollow Grove, Maine to Chi-town; that's... More

•Chapter One•
•Chapter Two•
•Chapter Three•
•Chapter Four•
•Chapter Five•
•Chapter Six•
•Chapter Seven•
•Chapter Eight•
•Chapter Nine•
•Chapter Ten•
•Chapter Eleven•
•Chapter Twelve•
•Chapter Thirteen•
•Chapter Fifteen•
•Chapter Sixteen•
•Chapter Seventeen•
•Chapter Eighteen•
•Chapter Nineteen•
•Chapter Twenty•
•Chapter Twenty-One•
•Chapter Twenty-Two•
•Chapter Twenty-Three•
•Chapter Twenty-Four•
•Chapter Twenty-Five•
•Chapter Twenty-Six•
•Chapter Twenty-Seven•
•Chapter Twenty-Eight•
•Chapter Twenty-Nine•
•Chapter Thirty•
•Thirty Two•
•Thirty Three•
•Thirty Four•
•Thirty Five•
•Thirty Six•
•Thirty Seven•
•Thirty Eight•
•Thirty Nine•

•Chapter Fourteen•

1K 27 2
By Bambiiii_Boo

Miya was walking out the apartment with Nik, they were holding hands. "I want you to call me when you make it home" Nik said. He lifted her hand giving it a kiss.

"Don't worry I will" Miya said.

When they walked out the door, both noticed someone near her car. It was cops, they had the K9s with them. Miya was quite cobfused. "Why are you near my car?" she asked.

The one cop turned around, he wasn't too happy. "Open the car door" he said. "We got a little tip about some drugs in your car" he added.

Miya couldn't help but laugh at the cop. "I can assure you, I don't do drugs" she said. Miya unlocked her car door. "Take a look, I have nothing to hide" she said.

"Don't move, either of you" the cop said. He opened up the door, then leaned inside. He started to look through her car. That's when he slipped his hand into his pocket, then pulled out a little baggie. He was setting them up, thanks to Amber. The man that was searching Miya's car was Amber's cousin. "Looks like I found something" he got out the car. "Cocaine, I assume" he stated.

"That's not mine" Miya looked over at Nik scared. She didn't know what to do at this point.

The cop made his way towards Miya, he started to read her miranda rights. She tried to get free but couldn't, they put the handcuffs on her. Took her towards the car. "Are you Nick Magnar?" he asked.

Nik nodded his head, he could have easily lied but he wasn't going to let Miya go alone.

"Well, you have the right to remain silent" the other cop started to say. He placed the handcuffs on Nik. Soon as he did that Mykie and Ell came running out.

"Nik what's going on?" Mykie asked. She was trying to not panic so Ell wouldn't be scared.

"Call Phoenix" Nik called out as he was put in the cop car.

Mykie nodded her head, she looked down at Ell who hid her face into Mykie's leg. "It's okay Ell, Nik will be out soon" she said. The girls made their way back inside the house. Mykie quickly called Phoenix, she had explained everything.

Nik and Miya were in separate cars, they had impounded Miya's car. When they arrived at the jail, they took finger prints then booked them.

One of the cops that booked Miya came inside her cell. He dragged her out to take her to the questioning room. "Your little boyfriend Nick told us everything" the cop said. "You're the one that brought the drugs to him" he added. He thought maybe Miya would crack under pressure but that was the opposite.

"Don't I get a free phone call?" she asked slightly annoyed. Miya knew she was innocent but who would do that to her? She didn't have any enemies, at least that's what she thought.

The cop nodded his head, he took out the phone then slide it to Miya.

She rolled her eyes, then picked up the phone. She called the only number she knew. Reece. She patiently  waited for him to answer. When he did he was whispering.

"Who the hell is this and how did you get my number?" Reece whispered. He was on top of a roof, doing a job.

"It's Miya, I've been arrested. I need you to bail me out or send Cooper" Miya said.

Reece was shocked by her response, he groaned slightly. "Had the phone over to whoever you're in front of" Reece said. 

Miya was a bit confused, she handed the phone to the cop. "He wants to speak with you" Miya said.

The cop took the phone, he placed it to the ear. "Yes sir" the cop replied. "I will" he added. He soon started to laugh a little. After a few minutes he uncuffed Miya. "Seems like you're free to go" he said. "You have friends in high places Miya" he added.

Once she was set free, she rubbed her wrists. "What about Nick?" she asked. "Let him free, he is innocent" Miya added.

"I can't do that, he's being charged with trafficking drugs, illegal weapons and even murder" the cop replied.

Miya shook her head, there was no way Nick could be doing that. "No, he's not that type of guy" Miya said.

"Well, seems like you don't know him at all" the cop replied. He got up opening the door, letting her free.

Miya walked out, she looked over seeing if Nick was around. She soon heard someone say his name. There was a brown skinned male, arguing with the cops. She decided to walk over to him. "What are they saying?" she asked.

Phoenix turned around to see a girl, her skin was milk chocolate but a little lighter. He brown eyes looked worried, like she wasn't going to see him again. "You must be Miya" he said. "But they're not giving him bail because the judge isn't in" Phoenix added. "We'll have to wait until Monday, by then I hope he gets a bond" he sighed.

Miya nodded her head, she tried not to cry. "What's going on with the girls?" she asked.

"I mean they can stay with me but I have a one bedroom" Phoenix replied.

"They can stay with me until Monday" Miya replied. "I'll give you the address so you can check in on them" she adds. She went over to a desk, she wrote down the address then turned around giving it to Phoenix.

He took it the placed it in his pocket, he gave her a smile. "I should be going but I'll be over later to check on the girls" he said.

Miya nodded her head, she walked out the police station. She had to call an Uber since her car was impounded. She didn't know how she was going to tell the girls about this.

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