Stronger, With Or Without You

By Steph_Cahill

113K 4.4K 2.3K

!!!TRAILER ATTACHED!!! Formally known as 'The Bad Boy Made Me Stronger' READ FULL DESCRIPTION PLEASE, THANK Y... More

01~what else can you do with those hands of yours?
02~ Mr Buttock
03~This is our PMSing friend Hunter
04~ Darling
05~ a man that models for heaven
06~blinding lights
07~smash his balls with my ice cream cone
08~I'm in love with you
09~go away
10~bitch alert
11~ Skittles, nerds, airheads and chocolate
12~pickup up truck
13~Take my hand(1)
14~Take my hand(2)
15~my demons are back
17~fallen angel
19~sorry to spoil your fantasies
20~We are gonna have lot's of fun Roberts
21~white rose
I'm sorry
22~did you just quote The Lion King?
23~did you take my lighter?
24~ Payphone
Trailer/ New Title?!
25~kids, the drunk and the angry
26~ dance like no one's watching
27~ a relaxing episode of the Thundermans
28~ Chug Chucks
29~ professional hitmen
30~ bow down to your queen
31~ Bring it on
32~ a little angelic devil
33~ in a fucking pineapple under the sea
34~ Wakanda Forever
35~ real morbid shit
36~ somebody come get her (1)
37~ somebody come get her (2)
38~ be like other girls
39~ nuts and gossip
40~ it all ends tonight
41~ stronger, with or without you
Rebecca and Dylan's Story
Bonus Chapter- Addi and Jake /New ending for SWOWU/ New books

16~I want it, I got it

2.3K 123 43
By Steph_Cahill

Pls put a smile on my face by voting!☺

Chapter 16~ I want it, I got it.

I can't believe I'm back in this hellhole.

The first thing I noticed was that I was getting more attention than before, people whispering and glaring at me.

Like I give a fuck.

I made my way to my locker and slammed it open, not caring about the noise it made.

"Steph! Omg" I heard the excited squeal of Colette but I didn't turn around.

A pair of hands turned me around to face them and I heard gasps.

Colette, Didi, Addison, Alex and Jake stared at me with wide eyes.

"What the fuck Steph?" Alex muttered.

My eyes were probably red and swollen, my hair scattered all over the place and I was wearing a hoodie with joggers and slides.

"You look horrible, what happened?" Colette asked.

I wasn't dumb. Didi probably filled them in on how I tried to drown myself in her pool, they were just pitying me.

I don't need anyone's pity.

"Get the fuck away from me" I glared at them.

They all looked taken aback.

"D-don't be ridiculous, we're your friends" Didi said with wide eyes.

I gave her a blank look, "I only have one friend"

I slammed my locker shut and gave them a full teeth smile, "Satan"

I walked away before they could say anything else.


I leaned on the wall of the back of the school with my eyes closed, I haven't gone to any class yet.

I heard a sound and my eyes snapped open, not suprised at all with what I saw.

Hunter was leaning on a tree nearby with a cancer stick in his mouth, his hair falling slightly over his eyes and his eyes closed.

I narrowed my eyes at his hair, more of it was blond than before, leaving the back of his hair black.

"Better take a picture, it'll last longer" he said, his eyes still closed and blowing a puff of smoke.

I remained unnerved, walking over to him and snatching the cigar from his hands, taking a puff myself.

"You smoke?"

"Only when I need to" I muttered, feeling more relaxed.

He remained quiet.

I looked at him upclose and noticed he was sporting a black eye and a small cut on his cheek.

My hand reached out and traced it.

He flinched and I frowned slightly.

Its still fresh, probably just happened this morning in fact.

"Did you know?" I asked in a quiet voice.

He opened his eyes for a brief moment and I noticed it was bloodshot red. "Yes"

I didn't reply, not suprised in the slightest that he knew about my sister.

"Do you know anything else?" I asked hopefully.

He gave a sad smile, "yes"

That one word answer was enough for me to know that he couldn't tell me. I nodded my head.

He sighed, "did my dad tell you to stay away from me?"

I didn't answer.

His eyes remained closed, "he's right you know"

I raised an eyebrow.

"I killed my mom, so what makes it difficult for me to kill you" he spat. Shaking in rage, his jaw clenched. "I'm the perfect monster"

I put the cigarette in his hand and softly touched his black eye, he flinched.

"He's not any different himself" I muttered.

He didn't reply.

"I wouldn't mind if you killed me though" I whispered.

His eyes snapped open and stared into mine.

I shrugged my shoulders and gave a small smile, "I'll still end up dead eventually"

He shook his head at me, "who fucked you up like this?" He said in a tone I couldn't recognized.

I took his cigarette and puffed more smoke, blowing it into his face and turned around.


I gave a pained smile and walked away.


I bit out of my dairy milk chocolate bar and hit my head on the wall repeatedly. I just realised I don't have anywhere to go, I ran away from Didi's, no way in hell am I going back to mine, and Colette is a big fat no.

Hit. Stupid. Hit. Stupid. Hit.Stup-

"Did you know banging your head against a wall for an hour burns 150 calories?"

I let out a small shriek and jumped swivelling my head in the direction of the voice.

Jake stood up and dusted himself, "you're slim enough Steph, you don't need any more weight loss" he gave a half smile.

How long had he been sitting there?

"What are you doing here?!" I whisper yelled.

He grinned, "last time I checked, this is a public park Steph"

I blinked.

He sighed, "No one wants to be around me, Colette is loosing her shit because of you and Hunter, Alex is caught up in the head with something and is constantly by Colette's side and Adds......"

I scrunched my eyebrows in confunsion.

He kicked a rock on the ground, "she's beign secretive as always" he muttered.

My shoulders dropped and I sat down, he sat down beside me.

"Go ahead" I said softly.

Jake was like a big baby, its hard to be mean to him.

He sighed, "I just wish she would talk to me, you know?"

I nodded, understanding perfectly well how it felt when a loved one constantly shut you out.

"One minute we're good, she's laughing with me and in my arms. Next minute she's running off to God knows where to do God knows what" he laughed bitterly.

"Maybe she's just trying to protect you" I said in a quiet voice. "Cause she really loves you"

"If she loved me, she wouldn't lie to me" he threw a piece of bread from his pocket into the pond.

I blinked in surprise, "you carry bread in your pockets?"

He shrugged and smiled at me reaching out and petting a duck.

"Before I used to think it was me but then I realised I am awesome" he fanned himself.

"Then I thought it was the sex, but it-"

"Woah! Woah! Woah. You sure don't sugarcoat things, do you?" I said with wide eyes at him.

"Why would I? I'm not Willy Wonka" replied with a smile.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Just give her time Jake, she's probably not used to people caring about her and if it gets to a point where its to much, talk to her. Tell her how important she is to you and how you just want to be there for her and protect her"

He smiled, "wow"

"What?" I questioned.

"The guy that broke your heart....he just missed out on the best thing that could ever happen to him" he gave a soft smile.

That was enough for me to feel a slight warmth and I gave a genuine smile. "Thanks J"

I didn't question how he knew.

He stood up, "come on!" He started jumping up and excitedly.

I stared at him in confusion, "what?

"You're officially my friend now, so you have to go out with me" he said excitedly.

I stared at him in shock, about to say no I stopped. Isn't this exactly what I need? An afternoon of relaxing fun without secrets, mystery, just a 5 year old boy in an 18 yr old body.

I smiled and took the hand he was offering me, enjoying his playful chatter, it was a nice change from the silence I was used to.

He screamed.

I widenened my eyes in horror as everyone passing stopped and stared at us.

"What are you doing?" I hissed.

"Cotton candy!" He took off running, dragging me with him.

Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into.


I burst out laughing and licked my chocolate icecream as he continued driving.

Its been the most fun 4hours ever.

"Where are we going?" I asked, going through the pictures he took. I smiled when I saw a picture of me arm wrestling with a burly man from the bar.

Easiest $100 I've ever made.

"I need to pick up something from Hunter's house" he said, munching on his pretzel.

I nodded, "what?"

He shifted uncomfortably, "guy stuff, you wouldn't want to know"

I giggled, not wanting to know at all.

He pulled up at the gate, "Oi! Richard! Get your ass up here and open the freakin gate!"

Richard turned around and I noticed he was talking to a beautiful lady in a maid uniform.

"Ohhh I get it! Go get some Richy! Show em who's the man!" Jake bellowed with a laugh.

I put my head down and started laughing hesterically.

The now red Richard went to the post and pressed the button for the gate.

As we were passing Jake wiggled his eyes at him and Richard threw a banana at his head, "get on you bloody asshat"

We both laughed and went through the driveway.

"Ah Richard, my favourite British idiot"

I shook my head at him and got out of the car, groaning at all the stairs.

"Oh you're coming?" He locked the car and swivelled the key in his fingers.

"I don't see why not" I shrugged my shoulders, Its not like I have anything to do.

He went sideways and I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion.

"There's a multi elevator Annie" he said with a disbelieving smile.

"I knew that" I huffed and walked passed him.

He laughed.

"I thought we agreed for you to not call me that" I muttered, as we entered the elevator I never noticed.

"Either that, trap queen or cat girl" he shrugged.

I rolled my eyes at him, "you make the worst nicknames ever J"

He pressed a button and I screamed at how fast it moved.

"Woohooooo!" Jake screamed.

It stopped and I put my hand on my chest, panting heavily, "is it meant to go that fast?"

He smiled and pressed the door bell, "nope"

"I'm going to strangle you" I put my hands on his neck and the door burst open.

I put my hands down immediately.

"Everything alright?" The maid asked, looking like she would call security any moment.

"It's fine Rosey" Jake pulled me inside.

The girl rolled her eyes, "Rose, my name is Rose. I always remind you" she muttered, walking away.

"So, you wait in the second kitchen, I'll be back soon okay? Okay. Byeee" he ran off.

I blinked, "wait, what?!" I called after him but he was to far now.

Huffing in furstration, I started walking, having no idea where anything was in this huge house.

I went into an elevator, pressing the 2nd floor out of the three.

The place was wide but wasn't tall.

Making my way out, I heard faint music and shouting.

What's that?

I found the door and pushed it slightly open, my jaw dropped.

"Breakfast at Tiffany's! And bubbles of bottles!" Becca sang.

Hunter put the hairbrush to his mouth, "lashes and diamonds, ATM machines. Buy myself all of my favourite things!"

I put my hand over my mouth, as tears were threatening to spill from how I was holding in my laughter.

He had his hair tied into two awful looking pigtails and wore a matching tiara with Becca. They danced together in sync like they had done it a thousand times and the dance moves were completely ridiculous, mostly consistent of twirls and alot of hip shaking.

I brought out my phone and hit record, one hand still over my mouth.

They continued and Hunter sang the chorus, "I want it, I got it. I want it, I got it! You like my hair! Gee thanks just bought it! I see it I like it I want it I g-"

Hunter made eye contact with me and collided with Becca, both of them falling on the floor with groans.

I paused the music and started clapping, "bravo! Bravo! Anchor! Anchor!"

Becca stood up and ran into my arms, "Stephy!"

I hugged her back and laughed, looking at Hunter who was still sprawled out on the floor.

"You okay Hunt?" I giggled.

His ears turned bright pink, "please don't tell me you got it on video" he whined.

I smirked, "I did"

"Alright..." He got up and stretched, "hand it over"

I scoffed, "no way in hell"

"Princess...we can either do this the easy way or the-"

I took off.

"Hard way it is then!" He ran after me.

"Go Stephy go Stephy go!" Becca cheered, holding pompoms all of a sudden.

I ran down the stairs, knowing Hunter would take the Elevator.

Lazy ass.

I ran through the kitchen, so this is where it is.

"Annie where've you been" Jake asked, his mouth filled with chocolate cake.

"No time for questions!" I whizzed passed him when I heard footsteps behind me.

I found my self in the garden and stopped. The place was beautiful.

I walked through a rose pathway and saw a beautiful pond, with little fishes inside.

Smiling to myself I opened my phone and played the video.

I couldn't help but laugh, it was even funnier watching it again, when he started the chorus with his amazing diva moves, I couldn't help but notice something.

He actually had a really good voice...

"Aha!" I felt a pair of arms wrap around my torso and lift me up, tickling me in the process.

I screamed and started laughing, "stop! Stop!" I took in breaths.

"Do you yield?" He said witha a mischevous smile, tickling me more.

Laughing, "yes! Yes! Whatever that is I do it!"

He let me go and I landed on the floor, laughing and clutching my sides.

He smiled at me and sat down. "Phone" he brought out his hand.

"On one condition" I said.

He groaned, "do I have to tickle you again?"

I moved slightly away from him, "I want you to sing for me"

His eyes widened and he shook his head, "no, absolutely not"

"Why? your voice is beautiful" I reached into the water and laughed as a goldfish tickled my finger.

He clenched his jaw, "I just don't like singing"

His tone told me to drop it, so I did, not wanting to be a hypocrite.

I'm doing the exact same he's doing but with a different reason.

I played the video again, "let me watch it one more time atleast"

His ears turked pink whenever it was his turn to sing and he would cringe.

When he started dancing in the chorus he covered his face, "oh God"

I giggled when he landed on the floor with Becca and the video ended.

Giving him my phone, I laid down on the soft grass and closed my eyes.

"You too" he muttered.

"What?" I questioned.

"You also have a beautiful voice" he said lying down beside me.

My eyes widened in suprise, "y-you've heard me sing?"

He scoffed, "who hasn't? You were all over the internet after that World singing competion you did"


He smirked, "and lets not forget that charity ball three years ago"

I shot up from my lying position, "you were there?!"

A wave of emotions passed through his face, "not for long, left immediately I came" he said quickly.

I raised an eyebrow, "so how do you know I sang?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I saw the video" he looked at anything but me.

I sighed, "Oh, I can't remember anything from that night and I don't know why" I muttered.

"Maybe, you can't remember for a reason Princess" he muttered.

"What do you mean?"

"Just saying. What if it wasn't good things that happened that ball, and you can't remember because you don't want to remember"

I blinked. "I never thought of it like that"

He smiled at me and sighed, " the ball, you were-"

He was cut of by a bullet that landed right beside his head.

I screamed.

Hunter immediately sprung up and pushed me behind him.

More guns went off and I ran.

I didn't get far before 6 men stopped me, each having a black mask over their face.

"Oh, you so don't want to mess with me" I said.

They laughed and lunged foward but I anticipated all of their moves, striking first and using their weapons against them.

I finished of the last one and was about to go when a foot came, kicked hard at my leg and I heard it crack.

I fell on the floor screaming in pain, "YOU SON OF A-"

"You're coming with us girly" the person said.

I growled in rage, allowing my fist to connect with his face, enjoying the crunching sound of a broken bone.

Two ran up but unlike the rest they looked scared.

I got up, ignoring the searing pain in my leg.

One of them finally had the balls to shoot but I dodged.

He tried to shoot again but he was out of bullets.

I grabbed both of their heads and smashed it together, using my fist to punch their stomachs.

Limping away, I tried to look for Hunter, "Hunter!"

A pair of hands grabbed me and I made eye contact. I gasped recognizing immediately who it was.

"Montblac" I spat.

How the fuck did he escape prison.

He cackled and I head butted him, landing my strong knee into his groin.

He let go off me immediately screaming in pain and I removed a foot of my slides using it to slap him across the face.

"Bastard" I limped away and saw that more men were coming but they had the Black logo on their uniform.

"Well its about fucking time!" I sat on the floor clutching my broken leg and popping my shoulder back in it's place.

I saw Hunter run over to me and kneel down, "are you okay?" He pushed a strand of my hair and scooped me up in his arms.

I hissed in pain at the movement and looked at Hunter as he was moving fast towards an ambulance in the distance.

"Who were those guys?" I asked him.

"I have no fucking idea but..." He wavered.

"What? But what?" I asked.

"They didn't come for me Steph, or break in the house, they were all hell bent on" he said the last part quietly but I still heared him.

"I-I don't understand" I said quietly.

"It means, someone tried to kidnap you today Princess. And whoever the person is didn't do it themselves but sent others to the dirty work for him"

I blinked.

"You're in danger"

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