Multi-Fandom One-Shots

By SomeFanfic_Stories

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My favorite one-shots throughout the fandoms. More

Connection - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Pencil Lines - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Picking up the Pieces of Chloe Bourgeois - Chlonath (Miraculous Ladybug)
You're Ripped at Every Edge But you're a Masterpiece -Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Scars that Bind - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
The Perils of Fake-Dating a Superheroine - Chlonath (Miraculous Ladybug)
Spoiled - Chlonath (Miraculous Ladybug)
Sun, Moon, and Stars - Chlonath (Miraculous Ladybug)
No Use Crying - Sprace (Newsies)
Stripes - Sprace (Newsies)
A First Date - Sprace (Newsies)
Reunion - Sprace (Newsies)
Stupid with Love - Sprace (Newsies)
That was Legitness - Sprace (Newsies)
And They Were Roommates - Sprace (Newsies)
The Other Side - Sprace (Newsies)
"Screw It" Is Key When Making Important Decisions - Sprace (Newsies)
We've Gotta Stop Meeting Like This - Sprace (Newsies)
(Give Me That) Can't Sleep Love - Sprace (Newsies)
Bite Back - Sprace (Newsies)
Ink and Espressos - Sprace (Newsies)
Friday Night - Sprace (Newsies)
Just Peachy - Sprace (Newsies)
Don't Leave Me - Sprace (Newsies)
Jeux D'esprit - Chlonath (Miraculous Ladybug)
Par là Même - Chlonath (Miraculous Ladybug)
The Girl With The Peacock Tattoo - Chlonath (Miraculous Ladybug)
New Tradition - Chlonath (Miraculous Ladybug)
I Thought You Knew - Chlonath (Miraculous Ladybug)
Our Room Full of Love - Multi-Ships (Miraculous Ladybug)
Draw Me a Soulmate Tattoo - Chlonath (Miraculous Ladybug)
The Language of Flowers - Chlonath (Miraculous Ladybug)
These Memories Follow - Chlonath (Miraculous Ladybug)
His Girls - Jatherine (Newsies)
Good Morning - Jatherine (Newsies)
Paper Flowers - Jatherine (Newsies)
You Deserve to Be Okay - Sprace (Newsies)
Safeties - Jatherine (Newsies)
The Bright Sunlight- Sprace (Newsies)
Let it Ride - Sprace (Newsies)
Cute Sports Boy - Sprace (Newsies)
Growing Together - Sprace (Newsies)
Grimmauld Christmas Presents - Hinny (Harry Potter)
Five Times Scorpius Told Rose He Loved Her and the One Time He Didn't Have To
The Fake Relationship - Scorose (Harry Potter)
if you kissed me now I know you'd fool me again - Scorose (Harry Potter)
Aphrodite - Sprace (Newsies)
sick of losing soulmates - Sprace (Newsies)
Wrong - Scorose (Harry Potter)
Third Time's A Charm - Scorose (Harry Potter)
Racetrack Enchanted - Sprace (Newsies)
Betting Aces - Sprace (Newsies)
home is whenever i'm with you - Sprace (Newsies)
Hello, Brooklyn - Sprace (Newsies)
Pulitzer's Princess - Jatherine (Newsies)
Marry Me - Sprace (Newsies)
A New Headline - Jatherine (Newsies)
With You - Sprace (Newsies)
Happy Belated Birthday - Sprace (Newsies)
Sparks Fly - Sprace (Newsies)
Window Ledge Inspector - Sprace (Newsies)
Kiss Me - Sprace (Newsies)
Caffeine - Sprace (Newsies)
Primrose: I Can't Live Without You - Sprace (Newsies)
School Picture Day - Sprace (Newsies)
I Never Noticed - Sprace (Newsies)
Traces of Something - Sprace (Newsies)
who said romance was dead - Sprace (Newsies)
Not Her Type - Jatherine (Newsies)
Almost, but Definitely Not - Jatherine (Newsies)
Reasons - Sprace (Newsies)
You Kept It? - Sprace (Newsies)
Art - Jatherine (Newsies)
A Rose in a Garden Full of Weeds - Adrinette (Miraculous Ladybug)
Paper Airplanes - Sprace (Newsies)
i will find you here - Hinny (Harry Potter)
So Done! - Scorose (Harry Potter)
Epiphany - Adrienette/Chlonath (Miraculous Ladybug)
Falling Slow - DJWifi (Miraculous Ladybug)
Home Again - Shirbert (Anne of Green Gables)
listen, i just really like nutella - Sprace (Newsies)
i'll be yours, if you'll be mine - Shirbert (Anne of Green Gables)
All's well that ends well (to end up with you) - Shirbert (Anne of Green Gables)
Bliss - Shirbert (Anne of Green Gables)
all the stars align - Shirbert (Anne of Green Gables)
This Love Came Back to Me - Shirbert (Anne of Green Gables)
Chemistry - Shirbert (Anne of Green Gables)
swallow my breath and take what is mine - Shirbert (Anne of Green Gables)
The Tower Room - Shirbert (Anne of Green Gables)
A Wife-at daybreak I shall be - Shirbert (Anne of Green Gables)
I think to Live-may be a Bliss - Shirbert (Anne of Green Gables)
No name for me - Josie/Moody (Anne of Green Gables)
Honey, Honey - Chlonath (Miraculous Ladybug)
Walls of Feelings - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Little - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Worst Vacation Ever - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
She's Not in the Stands - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
That's How You Get the Girl - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Just One Night - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Clean Slate - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Be My Ariel - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Behind These Castle Walls - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
The Perfect Christmas - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Hand Me Two Brewskies - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Posterior Anatomy - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Two Idiots - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Remastered - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Just Like Heaven - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Chemistry - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Let The Future In - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
You don't know what you have -Stydia (Teen Wolf)
A Beautiful Sight, We're Happy Tonight - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Chicken, Misogyny and Other Reasons We Can Never Go Back to The Ritz - Stydia
Today - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Dynamic Duo - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Christmas Cheer - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
the sun began to rise when you came my way - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
before the kiss - Styida (Teen Wolf)
warmth - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
How I Married My High School Crush - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Come Inside (and Stay Forever) - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
"I love you. I know." - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Isn't She Lovely - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
time - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
fall asleep with me tonight - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
you're my backbone - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Take a Hint! - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
breathe - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Not falling short of love - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
calm and chaos - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Dance With Me - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
In Case of Medda-ling, Always Keep Your Phone On... - Jatherine (Newsies)
summer heat, boy and girl meet - Jatherine (Newsies)
chocolate and mint - Sprace (Newsies)
Sincerely, Eternity - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Strike Zone - Sprace (Newsies)
clumsy - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Different Kind of Cheerleader - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
if you jump, i'll jump (we'll fall together) - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Got All This Love, Can't Waste It On Another - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Well this is awkward - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
we should just kiss (like real people do) - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
to smooth that rough touch - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Last Chance Dance - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Confirmation Bias - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Don't Be So Bitter (You Know, Like an Espresso) - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Marry Me - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
The Winter Formal - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Intervention - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
482 Days - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
A Matter of Style - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Clumsy - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
A bit of a tradition - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Happy Birthday Noah, Indeed. - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Guy Talk - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Terabithia - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Found Out - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Surprise visitor - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Four Years On - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Are you my new Lost Boy? - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Feels So Right - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
And for a while - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Maybe You're Not Seeing The Side Of Me You Should - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
the fear in your eyes the very first time we snuck into the city pool - Stydia
Superlatives - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Oblivion - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Too little, too late - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
All the Prettiest of Lights - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
start of something new - Rini (HSMTMTS)
I Want Our Love to Last - Rini (HSMTMTS)
feeling some kind of way - Rini (HSMTMTS)
Hand-In-Hand Through It All - Rini (HSMTMTS)
Wondering - Redlynn (HSMTMTS)
After Party - Rini (HSMTMTS)
Once Upon a Winter's night - Shirbert (Anne of Green Gables)
Wednesday Evening - Scorose (Harry Potter)
What You're Sayin' 'Bout Me - Rini (HSMTMTS)
Everyday - Rini (HSMTMTS)
red yarn - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Almost Like Falling - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
i'll catch you, don't worry - Redlynn (HSMTMTS)
interested - Sprace (Newsies)
i'm only me when i'm with you - Rini (HSMTMTS)
This Song Is Still For You - Rini (HSMTMTS)
the tenderness in sentimental movies - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
I've been loving you for quite some time - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
Orange and blue, orange and blue everywhere - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
you'll be mine and I'll be yours - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
i promise you, they're dating - Rini (HSMTMTS)
I was right about you and what she deserved - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
the northern lights - Stydia (Teen Wolf)
The Difference Between Talking and Doing - Sprace (Newsies)
nothing's wrong with them, your honor, they're just dumb - Rini
and that's when i knew - Rini (HSMTMTS)
best friends (lovers on the side) - Rini (HSMTMTS)
This Song Is Still For You.... - Rini (HSMTMTS)
Agreements - Scorose (Harry Potter)
Don't Tell Ron - Scorose (Harry Potter)

fairy lights - Sprace (Newsies)

168 4 2
By SomeFanfic_Stories

Race feels like he's seeing stars. He guesses it's something about the first time that does that.

Whether or not this is the first time he's truly appreciating his friend or the first time he's realizing he loves him are two very different things.

Thinking about this is simultaneously terrifying and spectacular, so he focuses on the terrifying and manages to push it into the back of his mind. For now. ( He hopes. )

They're sitting in a coffee shop below ground level, next to a row of high windows. Outside, walls stand encroached with ivy, with steps running up out onto the brick sidewalk above. Boston is busy at this time of day, and so is the shop. People bustle in and out of the doors, ordering and picking up coffees, chatting with friends, scrolling on laptops in the cozy booths. It's a chaotic and calming atmosphere. He and Spot always come here, to chat, to work on homework, to get a coffee.

He looks across the table at his friend, desperately keeping a straight face. Spot has been rambling for ten minutes, ranting with a slightly incredulous smile over this one bio professor that was giving him a hard time ( not that Spot wouldn't be giving him a hard time as well. )

It's strange, because Race is usually slightly chattier than Spot. They both talk a lot when they're together, but not today.

There was something ironic about the entire situation.

That's it. It's irony. Or something. Just... Just irony. Shit.

Race drinks his coffee meekly, trying to listen. Usually, it's easy to listen and respond. He doesn't mind listening to Spot talk. But right now, it's almost impossible to focus. What, with Spot's eyes literally glowing like stars in the light flooding through the window, and him running a hand through his light brown hair, and the tiny silver hoop he gave him on his birthday last year glinting every time he makes another wild gesture as he talks. This was special, too. Loud, talkative... smiling? Not the usual Spot. Otherwise, he was cynical. Sarcastic. Generally an ass. Though that didn't really matter when you really thought about it-

"Hey, Race?"

He jumps. Shit. Was I staring? I wasn't. Why would I be? That's stupid. I wouldn't be staring. Fuck. "Yeah?"

"I'm gonna get us two more coffees. Be back in five." Spot gets up, the buttons on his jacket flashing before Race is left alone.

Fuck. Race drags a hand down his face, trying to wipe away the daze. The face that I'm in a daze is fucking pathetic. I'm pathetic. What's going on?

He tries to think if this has happened before. He doesn't have to think very hard. Race's known Spot for a grand total of five years, since junior year in high school. They'd basically grown into "adulthood" together ( And there is was. The irony. When they'd first met, Race had mistaken him for a freshman. Spot had almost murdered him. Race doesn't regret a thing. )

He finds himself smiling. Then he stops. Wait. Fuck, Race, pull it together! He breathes in, and almost slams his head down onto the table.

Calming down, Race glances over at the line for coffee, seeing Spot almost immediately. He's got his hands in the pockets of his jacket, and his eyes are scanning the various quotes mounted on stylized wooden plaques lining the walls. There's a group of girls standing near him in the line, giggling and glancing over at him every once and a while ( and though Race can't deny the twinge he feels at that, ) Spot pays them to attention. There's no angry pout on his face, no arms crossed across his chest. He's content. And he's...

Race stares across the coffee shop and understands.

He gets up, striding across the paneled floor quickly. Nudging gently through a few people, he reaches Spot in seconds, grinning at the barista shyly before turning to his friend. ( His friend. Race doesn't know what to call him now. The panic is returning. This has to happen quickly. )

"Hey, Spot," Spot looks up, eyebrows drawing together in a question, but before he can open his mouth to speak, Race gives him the "I-desperately-need-to-talk-to-you" look. Spot closes his mouth, but he's trying to read him. "We actually have to go. Have a... Bus to catch. So sorry!" The barista just smiles at him. A moment of understanding passes between them, and Race thanks every hypothetical deity he can. Race then closes his fingers around Spot's forearm lightly and pulls him out of the line, leading him out of the shop.

As soon as the glass door shuts with a small jingle behind them, Spot tries asking questions. But Race keeps moving, running up the steps with Spot in tow. His grip slips down the the cuff of Spot's jacket, and Race can just feel his hand brush against his own as Spot stumbles up the brick stairway.

There's a small alcove in between the building the coffee shop thrives underneath and the bookstore next to it, and Race pulls Spot into it. There are fairy lights hung in between the windows of the two buildings that would stay shut off until the evening. The alleyway was short, but it wasn't dark, and it wasn't dirty.

But Race's head is spinning too fast to think about his surroundings. He turns to face Spot, who is now determined to ask questions.

"Race, what the hell is going o-"

The question is never finished with a pair of lips blocking it. Race had grabbed the collar of Spot's jacket, pulling him forward. Spot sucks in a breath, his eyes wide for a moment that seems to last millennia. Race's mind stops moving so fast, and for a second, he contemplates pulling away. Shit. SHI- But Spot tangles his fingers in Race's hair, closes his eyes, and Race is gone. They stay like that for a few seconds, the alcove an impossible whirlwind of quiet and incredible noise.

Then, Race pulls away slightly, finding himself still tangled in Spot's arms. His eyes widen, and Spot watches him quietly. "Shit. SHIT, I'm so sorry, Spot. I shouldn't have done that? The coffee shop was so loud and I couldn't focus on what you were saying and you looked really nice in the light from the window and i don't understand why I was feeling all these things today and I can't stop thinking about how it's possible I've felt this before and i didn't tell you this would happened and i should've asked you first or told you something because now I'm overthinking everything and I-"

Race finds himself being tugged in in the middle of a sentence, Spot's lips on his and his eyes wide open in shock for a few moments before closing. This kiss lasts only a few short seconds compared to the first, but Race is left starstruck. He opens his eyes slowly, staring at Spot.

"You overthink things. A lot. And talk. A lot," Spot's cheeks are flushed pink. "I needed to shut you up."

It takes Race a few seconds to respond this time. "Is shutting me up with kisses going to become a trend?"

"That's up to you. Are you going to keep talking?" There it is. The smirk. Race almost laughs aloud.

"Depends on how much you want to hear."

The fairy lights flick on.

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