Mobile Legends Oneshots

By kaythekat1

73.9K 1.6K 1.4K

➡Book is closed until further notice⬅ "ℓσvє ωнσ yσυ ωαทτ τσ ℓσvє, ทστ ωнσ yσυ αrє ƒσrcє∂ τσ ℓσvє" Characters... More

Refaela x Argus ♤ returning guard
Alucard x Granger ♤ learn to love
Kagura x reader [F] ♤ cherry tree
Hayabusa x Hanzo ♤ I promise
Granger x Guinevere ♤ repaint
Gusion x Lesley ♤ just one day
Harley x Nana ♤ run aways
Granger x reader [F] ♤ hero in black
X.Borg x reader [F] ♤ annoying pigeon
Leomord x Lunox ♤ hell knight
X.Borg x reader [M] ♤ whats cudding?
X.Borg x Claude ♤ thief
Ling x Zilong ♤ late night talks
Hercult x Cyclops ♤ meeting you
Vale x reader [F] ♤ gone
Vailr x [F] reader ♤ fight
Granger x Gusion ♤ broken
Dyrroth x reader [F] ♤ angels, demons and humans?
Leomord x Lunox ♤ hell knight pt.2
Leomord x Lunox ♤ into the unknown
Gusion x Lesley ♤ love letter
Chang'e x Harley x Lylia ♤ cake
Ling x Zilong ♤ late night talks pt.2
Deleted stuff idk if I should consider finishing
Alucard x Granger ♤ video game
1.04k wHoOp
Dyrroth x reader [F] ♤ angels, demons and humans? pt.2
Harith x Angela ♤ rest
X.Borg x Granger ♤ options
Harley x Harith ♤ date of fate
Zilong x Ling ♤ training
Zilong x Ling ♤ family
Dyrroth & Silvanna ♤ teasing
Harley x Harith ♤ love that cuts
Claude x [F] reader ♤ are you sure?
Dyrroth x [F] reader ♤ jealous
Zilong x [F] reader ♤ portal
Y'all are cute
Gusion x Granger ♤ hot but cold
X.Borg x Granger ♤ options pt.2
Dyrroth x Alucard ♤ secret
Saber x Gusion ♤ under this mask
Dyrroth x Guinevere ♤ trust issues
Harley x Harith ♤ love that cuts pt.2
Dyrroth x reader [F] ♤ what is Christmas?
Carmilla x Cecilion ♤ twisted
Happy new year! + 5.14k!
Granger x Gusion ♤ stars and bars
Saber x Alpha ♤ computerized emotion
Miya x Zilong ♤ A few minutes
Harith & Nana ♤ hang out
X.Borg x Kimmy ♤ robbery
Lancelot x Odette ♤ castle buying and cuddles

Gusion x Lesley ♤ just one day pt.2

756 14 5
By kaythekat1

406 words (short sorry ;^;)

Requested by ladymisanthropist

I hope you enjoy! <3

After Lesley made dinner, the three heroes talked about random things. Gusion had many interesting and deep questions he had to ask but nonetheless, Lesley answered them with a small smile on her face.

"Have you ever fell in love Lesley?" Gusion asked his eyes gleaming. Lesley snapped back to reality.

"No, I have not, " she sighed, "I've spent almost all my life protecting my brother, I didn't think I would have time for it."

Gusion nodded seriously, then asked another question,

"But wouldn't you like to be in a romantic relationship?"

"Not really, but if I take an interest in the person I would."

Gusion nodded again then sat back and enjoyed the silence. Harley interrupted.

"So, does this mean you like my sister, Gusion?"

Gusion stood up immediately after Harley had said that. A blush had rushed to his face.

"N-No! I just like asking questions like that! It just makes the people I'm talking to more interesting!" He quickly spilled out then ran to the door and left.

"Good job Harley, you made him run out," Lesley said sarcastically as she stood up and went after him.

"Meh, you chase after your soon to be boyfriend and tell me what happens," he said as he winked at his sister, she just gave him a glare.

"Fine," she said, it was her final words to Harley before she left.

She was now outside and back into nature the sun was about to set, which she kinda hated but liked at the same time.

"Gusion?!" She yelled as she walked around the house and to the arenas. She stumbled upon Chou, who was practicing on straw dummies.

"Chou? What are you doing here?" Lesley asked as he turned around, an exhausted smile came to his face as sweat poured down his neck and forehead. Lesley went up to him as he grabbed a towel from a nearby bench.

"I'm practicing, can't you see?" Chou grumbled as he wiped his sweat, Lesley let out a sigh.

"Have you seen Gusion? He kinda ran out on me."

"Gusion as in a tall brown-haired male with dark clothes and one purple slash thing on his shoulder that is standing right behind you?"


Lesley turned around to see indeed Gusion was behind her with a smile on his face, she also smiled at him.

"Did you miss me that much?"

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