Switched (Nash Grier and Came...

By Matt_Taylor

690K 17.7K 3.6K

Lexi Grier and Kaya Dallas are two normal girls with famous viner brothers,right?...no they were switched at... More

And we're out-1
Whatever- 2
Good or Bad?-4
Bonding Time and Fights-6
Lets Talk-8
Small talk-9
Concerts and magcon-11
Won't Stop-12
Explanations -16
Goodbye- 17
(A/N:I don't Have a title name)-18
California it is-19
Secret Concerts-20
Pink Hair-21
Taking The Blame-22
I love you-23
Twitter War-24
Lost phones-29
Sick Of It-30
Forgive Me-32
Where We Belong-34
Love Square?-36
Come on!-37
Drunk In Love-38
Austin Mahone-39
I choose Matt-43
Boy Problems Be Gone-44
Your the one I want-45
Hospital Visits-46
First dates-47
Michael's accident-49
Calm Down-50
Blonde Drama-52
Pajama day-53
Couples, Couples Everywhere54
Keeping Secrets-56
heartbreak girl-57
The Actual First-58
Drunk truths-59
To lexi!-61
Uh Oh-62
That 1 Person Tho-64
I came in like a wrecking ball -65
Miss Movin On???-66
Title your Story Part
Music is My Getaway-68
Old memories -71
Matt Vs Luke-76
Guess who's back-77
Tin can dallas Jr.-79
Nash and Cam Jr.-80
Mixed Emotions-82
The Good, The Bad and The Jealous
Time to decide (and sequel info)
Last Choices-86


3.5K 120 30
By Matt_Taylor

Kaya POV

I woke up realizing my crutches weren't near my bed,but I didn't want to wake anyone up.

So basically I flopped onto the floor by my stomach which wasn't a good idea.

"Ow." I groaned.

"Oh gosh Kaya." Someone said walking over to me.

"Hey Calum." I chuckled.

"What are you doing?" He smiled.

"Nothing much. Just chillin." I struck a pose.

"Just lesuring around." Michael laughed walking in.

"Michael understands." I laughed.

"C'mere." Calum laughed lifting me up.

"Calum your only in boxers put some clothes on." I laughed as he walked out of the hotel room and to Cam's.

He knocked on the door and soon Lexi opened the door.

"Hey Calum. Hey Kay." Lexi smiled.

"Hey is Cam here?" Calum asked.

"CAM!" Lexi called and soon my brother came to the door with a horrific case of bed head.

"Calum why are you holding my sister whilst only wearring boxers?" Cam stifled a laugh.

"We can't find her crutches." Calum said.

"Oh I actually got a wheel chair last night so thats good.stay here." Cam walked out of view.

"So we leave to go today right?" Lexi asked.

"Yeah. But everyone's coming back with us." Calum sighed.

"Cal-pal why are you so sad?" I laughed.

Calum grinned at his nickname.

"I'm just happy to have you back that's it." He said kissing my forehead.

"Here we go." Cam came back with a wheelchair that Calum put me in.

"Can I push you?" He asked.

"Yeah sure. I don't think I'd be as good as Arty anyway." I laughed.

"Is Arty one of your boyfriends?" Cam asked.

"No Arty from glee duh." I rolled my eyes.

"Well see ya later Kay." Lexi hugged me goodbye and so did Cam.

"Calum can we get breakfast now?" I asked as he wheeled me back to our room.

"Yeah let me just throw on some pants and a shirt." He laughed.

"Okay lets go."

Lexi POV

"Who was that?" Matt asked groggily sitting up.

"Just Calum and Kaya." I shrugged running a brush through my messy hair.

"So do you guys want to get breakfast?" Carter asked.

"Sure lets go." I got up walking towards the door as Matt and Carter sleepily followed.

"So Carter how's maggie?" Matt asked.

"Good. She's flying out to NY to hang out with us tomorrow." Carter smiled.

"Who's uh Maggie?" I asked.

"Carter's girlfriend." Matt smirked and my heart dropped I still had some feelings for Carter,but what did I expect him to just wait around for me.

"That's so cool." I faked a smile as we all sat down at a table.

"Hey guys." Kaya and Calum joined us.

Kaya POV

"Want me to get your food so you don't have to move?" Calum asked.

"Yes please." I smiled abit as the four got up and went over to the food area.

"Why hello beautiful." Someone said sitting next to me.

"Hello Harry." I sighed.

"What's wrong,you seem sad." He looked at me confusedly.

Harry POV

"Whats wrong,you seem sad." I said confusedly.

"Harry I don't think I'm ready to date anyone if that's what your looking for. I just need a friend okay?" She sighed.

"Yeah of course. That's why I came. I missed being your best friend." I smiled,a little white lie couldn't hurt right.

"Well i best be going,but I'll see you in ny tomorrow." I hugged her goodbye seeing Calum approaching.

"See ya har."

*back in NY*

Lexi POV

"Home sweet home." I smiled.

"In New York something something something something the lights will inspire you." Kaya sang.

"Jay Z wouldn't be happy." Calum laughed at Kaya's lack of knowledge towards the song.

"So who's staying at who's house?" Nash asked as we all sat in the limo.

"Well Joey's gone. I have a guest bedroom and a couch,Joey's bedroom since he's letting people use it,and the cot." I said.

"Harry can stay with you. I heard he's coming tomorrow." Luke said.

"Dibs on staying with Kaya!" Taylor and Shawn called at the same time.

"I'll stay to help you with your wheelchair." Calum smiled at me.

"Shawn can someone stay in your room then?" I asked.

"Yeah sure,why not?" He asked.

"Okay Nash,Cam,Carter,and Matt can stay with me then." I said.

"YES I DONT HAVE TO SHARE THE XBOX WITH ANYONE!" Michael cheered as the limo stopped.

"Well looks like we're at my house." Kaya said as we unloaded all the luggage and said goodbye.

Next was the 5sos house then mine.

"It's beautiful Lex." Matt smiled.

"Just like you." I heard someone mumble,I turned to see Carter.

Kaya POV

"We should jam out." Calum said to shawn as he took out his Bass.

"Yeah I'll get my guitar." Shawn ran grabbing the case and coming back. Taylor was so jet lagged he went to sleep so it was just us three.

"Lets do walls (video up top or to the side) by all time low." I smiled as they both started strumming and I sang along.


"Wow usually when you sing with so much passion your singing towards someone." Shawn smiled.

"I was." I smiled staring out the window,it was great to be home.

"Oh who?" Calum asked.

"Calum." I mumbled absent mindedly.

I'm sorry if this is bad but I tried 😭


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