Heartfelt Love (Male Rivals x...

By CuteFireFlareon

265K 6K 5.6K

All credits to Yandere Dev for making Yandere Simulator. After seeing his April Fools video a hundred times... More

1- Arrival
2- Untrusted
3- Day 1
4- Odd Dream, New Rivals
5- Power
6- Demon Realm
7- Reset
8- Dream
9- Repeated
10- Comforting
11- Video Game
12- False Lives?
13- Girl's Sleepover
14- Truth
15- Ex and Bully
16- Suspicions
17- Bullies
18- Fakes
19- Their Happy Ending
20- Real Selves
21- Reset Lives
22- Boys
23- Kitten
24- Another Rival
25- Taken
26- Help Me
27- Back
28- Mr Mido
29- Caught
30- Plans
31- I don't know
33- Music
34- Female Rival
35- Saikou Home
36- True Yandere
37- Contest
38- Careful
39- Old Souls
40- Damien
41- Questions
42- Stay Away
43- Company
44- Bullets
Valentine's Day Special
45- Date
46- Charity
47- Garden
Late Easter Special
48- Festival
49- Foxes
50- Coma
51- Angels
52- Time
53- Who
54- Embarrassed
Osorล is one of meh husbandos
55- Wake up
Announcing the relationship/ Jealous people
One Month
First Kiss + I Love You
Not being around them
He's sick
Catching up Damien and Hoshiko
Helping with their problems
Osorล x Reader x Megamo
He/She loses a bet
They're stressing/ Argument
Vacation Together- Part 1: Preparing
Vacation Together: Part 2- Time there

32- Dance

1.1K 34 30
By CuteFireFlareon

"Alright, let's see the five dresses again." Kizana cheered and I sighed nodded as Hanako took the other dresses as I put on the dresses one by one.

"Damn, still can't decide." Kizana said and the others nodded. I went back in and wore one of the dresses. "I kinda like this one..." I said, and they looked. "You do... look cute... why not..?" Oka asked and I blushed a bit. "So that dress? Alright, let's go!" Kizana said and Asu stopped her from dragging me. "She needs to change out Kizana. Calm down." "Right. We'll pick you from your house on Friday." I nodded to Kizana and changed out as I put the other four dresses away.


"I can't wait to see your dress!" Hanakō said and I blushed as I nodded. "Y-Yeah..." "Whats wrong?" "Well... this is gonna be my first dance... So I'm going to be very uncomfortable." "Don't worry. No one should judge you." "R-Right." I said and Hanakō hugged me as his sister skipped to us. "Hi (Y/n), hi Hanakō." "Hi Nako." We said and she smiled. "You aren't gonna see her dress until she enters the dance." Nako said to her brother and Hanakō pouted. "Why not?" "Because you're going to be surprised. The other seven are going to be surprised too." She said and we got to school. I saw the other girls with their brothers and they seemed disappointed.

They looked and saw us as I smiled to them. Kizano immediately walked up to me as the two next to me walked away to hang out with Tarō. "Hello Juliet." "Hi Kizano." I said and he smiled while bringing me away. "So what's your dress look like?" "Didn't Kizana tell you it was going to be a surprise?" "Yes, but I want to know." "You'll know after school." I pat his head as he pouted but sighed. "Oh alright. What does your mask look like?" "I actually never took a picture of it... I'll send you a picture after school." He nodded and hugged me by my waist. "Do you have to go to your job after school?" "No, I told the boss about the dance and he said that I'll have today off and obviously the contest days off. Same with Ayano." Kizano nodded and put his face in my neck. "K-Kizano? What are you doing? People will get the wrong idea." I said and he smiled against my skin and backed up after a minute. "I'm hugging a beauty." He said and I blushed. "I told you to stop practicing your lines on me!" I said and he smiled. "I know, but you just look too cute to stop." I rolled my eyes as the bell rang. "Oh, class time." I said and went to Mrs Kinaki's class. I skipped in and to my desk as Osano was also here.

"Hey (Y/n)." "Hey Osano." I said and he smiled. "Let me get this, you are going to the dance, just with our sisters as friends?" "And you eight too. You're my friends too." The other people that heard that held back laughter as Osano blushed. "Osano? Are you sick?" "I'm fine!" He yelled as I was confused. "Then why did you suddenly become red?" "No reason..." He muttered and I pet his hair. "Just don't get sick." "Right." He said and I smiled as we were ready for class.

"I assume everyone that is going to the dance has a mask?" We nodded and she nodded before going to teach the lesson.


When I opened my locker, I saw a couple notes fall out of my locker and stared confused as Kizano was next to me, equally as confused. I picked one up and read it. "Oh..." "What?" "It's a secret admirer... That's weird..." I muttered as I had grabbed the lunches. "Well, here you go. I'll check these out after school." I said and put them back on the small pile there. Kizano nodded as we walked to the roof. I smiled while feeding Kizano and he fed me after a bit. He smiled to me and pet my hair as I swallowed the food. "What are you smiling at?" "Oh nothing." He said and continued to feed me until my container was empty.

"Thanks Kizano." "Yep." He said and I fed him again. He smiled to me and hugged me as his container was empty. He pet my hair and muttered something about killing. "Kizano?" "Yes?" "What about killing were you talking about?" "Oh I'm just being killed to know your dress." "Well it's almost after school." "I know. But I just want to know." "Well I'm not telling you." I said and he frowned as he started to tickle me. "Ki-Kizano! Stop it! That tickles!" I said, laughing in between words and he spoke. "I will if you tell me or show me what your dress is like~." "Never!" I said and held his arms to stop him. I got back my breath and puffed out my cheeks. "That wasn't funny." "You're right. It was adorable." He said and I rolled my eyes before the bell rang. "Oh." I said and Kizano nodded as he handed me back my container.

After school

"Alright students. Remember that club activities are cancelled. However, the dance starts when club activities would be over," Mrs Kinaki said and we nodded as she said we were dismissed.

I was walking home with Osorō and we quickly got home. I went with my promise to Kizano to text him the mask and quickly did it. He texted me that it looked cute and I questioned why he wanted to see it.

(Y/n): So why did you want to see the mask?
Kizano: Obviously so I could at least find you. While now then, I'll let you change.

I smiled and the doorbell rang. I answered it and saw all 13 of the girls as Kizana spoke. "We told our brothers to go to the dance and wait for you there. Hope they kept their word." Hanako said and I nodded as Kizana brought out makeup. "Kizana, you know I don't wear makeup." "Special occasion!" She said and rushed me to my room. "Kizana, there's going to be masks, I wouldn't." Megami said and Kizana sighed, nodding as I noticed the girls had their dresses with them. We changed one by one and they were just holding their masks as Aoi looked as uncomfortable as Oso.

"This is what happens when I agree to this..." Aoi said, sighing as we each shrugged. "Anything funny happen (Y/n)? Like any men asking you to the dance?" "Look on my bed." I said and they looked at the small pile. Kizana held back laughter while I sighed, "I don't know why this happens to me..." I said and they looked at them. "Wow..." Amai said and I blushed as they laughed from my confusion of what to do.

Megamo's POV

"Megamo, are you actually going to that dance to see that Aishi?" Dad asked me, annoyed and I glared back at him. "She isn't dangerous, how many times do I need to say it?" I asked while picking up my suit. I saw Kencho by my door and he was smirking. "What do you want you inferior child?" "You're going to the school dance with a poor girl?" "At least she isn't stuck up." I growled and Kencho smirked. "She's still an enemy." "She's the daughter of an enemy and nothing like her mother. Now why don't you move out of my way?" "I'd rather not." I growled at him and Kencho smirked, "What are you going to do?" I said nothing but just glared at him. "You and I both know we want something to happen to Megami so you can be the heir." "And you want something bad to happen to both of us." "Fair. What's so special about this girl anyways? It's not like her family owns a business or is even rich." "And yet she's better than any suitor that could be brought." I said and shoved him away before entering my room. I locked the door and put on the suit.

Afterwards, I carried my mask and saw Kencho still by my door. "What do you want?" "I want to know what's so different with this girl than any others." "She doesn't care about money or my position in school." "And what if she's acting?" "She couldn't act if her life depended on it. Besides, anything she does is cute..." I muttered the last part but he still heard it. "Oh really? Why don't you bring her here then?" "Because she'd get kicked out." "Actually, I can convince father to let her stay the night." "And what's the catch?" I asked, pissed and he smirked. "Of course you'd know. I don't know... Maybe I could marry her if I like her." "As if she'd like you. Besides, I'm not making her unhappy to bring her here." I growled and he smirked as I looked at the time. The dance was just starting and I saw a text from Megami that I need to get going so the boys will all be there before (Y/n).

"Even Megami? Damn." Kencho said, looking over my shoulder. "Whatever." I said and walked to the car as I was holding my mask. I stepped in the car and heard dad. "What's important about this girl anyways?" "She doesn't care about money, unlike those greedy whores." "Megamo!" "It's true!" I yelled and heard him silent for a bit. "I want to meet her." "First you're telling me to stay away from her than you want to meet her." "I want to see what you like about this girl." "Alright..." I said and he spoke. "This wasn't Kencho's doing. There is no catch but if she shows herself to be dangerous in any way, she's getting kicked out." "That's a good joke. But alright." "What joke?" "Her being dangerous. She can't kill a fly." I said and he rolled his eyes as we were at school.

"Have fun." He said and I stepped out. I put on my mask and walked to the door where I saw the other seven. "Good, you're here." "My annoying brother was stopping me." "You have a brother?" "He's basically a shadow to us so we don't speak about him." I said to Hanakō and he nodded as we needed to take a picture together to prove we were all here.

Reader POV

"I'm so embarrassed..." I said, holding the dress down a bit as Amai smiled to me. "Don't worry. Oh, I got a text from Amao." They each got a text from their brother and we started to go to the dance. When we got to the entrance, we handed the headmaster our tickets and he let us in after seeing they weren't fake.

Their brothers, Musume and her friends, and most of the clubs were here. The boys turned to us and their eyes widened as I blushed and looked down. "I don't feel comfortable..." I muttered and they walked me to their brothers before leaving to do their own thing. "Um... hi..." I said and Kizano lifted my chin. "You look beautiful." He said and I smiled. "Thank you... I'm not used to this..." I said and they nodded. "We can tell. So you don't know how to dance?" "No..." I muttered to Megamo and he took my hand, pulling me to him. "Megamo?" "I'm going to help you dance." I nodded as he put one of his hands on my waist and he held my other hand. "You need to put your hand on my shoulder." "O-Okay..." I said and he smiled to me before having me follow his steps.

"You're doing great." "Thank you." I said and we stopped. "That was a simple dance. We'll go into the more advanced stuff later." "Right." I nodded and was pulled into a hug from Hanakō. "You look so cute!" He said and I was confused but thanked him as I hugged him back. I got a text and checked my phone. "Oh, Damien, Janice!" I said, turning around and going to them. "Wow, you look amazing." Damien said, looking at me and I blushed, smiling. "Thanks Damien. God I feel uncomfortable." "I know. You never liked dances." "(Y/n)! Are these your friends?" I heard Asu as she was coming towards me. "Yeah. This is Damien and Janice." I said and the other four girls came here too. "So these are your Nagoya friends." "Yeah, two. This is Damien and Janice. This is Amai, Kizana, Oka, Asu, and Osoro but we call her Oso." They nodded and Damien spoke when slow dancing music started. "May I have this dance?" He asked me, smiling as other people got to their couples and started to dance. "Sure. Sorry if I'm not good." "You'll be just fine." He took my hand and I put my hand on his shoulder as he put his hand on my waist and we started dancing around. "For not going to any dances, you're pretty good." "Oh, Megamo taught me this when the dance started." He nodded and the music ended.

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