Mobile Legends Oneshots

By kaythekat1

73.9K 1.6K 1.4K

➡Book is closed until further notice⬅ "ℓσvє ωнσ yσυ ωαทτ τσ ℓσvє, ทστ ωнσ yσυ αrє ƒσrcє∂ τσ ℓσvє" Characters... More

Refaela x Argus ♤ returning guard
Alucard x Granger ♤ learn to love
Kagura x reader [F] ♤ cherry tree
Hayabusa x Hanzo ♤ I promise
Granger x Guinevere ♤ repaint
Gusion x Lesley ♤ just one day
Harley x Nana ♤ run aways
Granger x reader [F] ♤ hero in black
X.Borg x reader [F] ♤ annoying pigeon
Leomord x Lunox ♤ hell knight
X.Borg x reader [M] ♤ whats cudding?
X.Borg x Claude ♤ thief
Ling x Zilong ♤ late night talks
Vale x reader [F] ♤ gone
Vailr x [F] reader ♤ fight
Granger x Gusion ♤ broken
Dyrroth x reader [F] ♤ angels, demons and humans?
Leomord x Lunox ♤ hell knight pt.2
Gusion x Lesley ♤ just one day pt.2
Leomord x Lunox ♤ into the unknown
Gusion x Lesley ♤ love letter
Chang'e x Harley x Lylia ♤ cake
Ling x Zilong ♤ late night talks pt.2
Deleted stuff idk if I should consider finishing
Alucard x Granger ♤ video game
1.04k wHoOp
Dyrroth x reader [F] ♤ angels, demons and humans? pt.2
Harith x Angela ♤ rest
X.Borg x Granger ♤ options
Harley x Harith ♤ date of fate
Zilong x Ling ♤ training
Zilong x Ling ♤ family
Dyrroth & Silvanna ♤ teasing
Harley x Harith ♤ love that cuts
Claude x [F] reader ♤ are you sure?
Dyrroth x [F] reader ♤ jealous
Zilong x [F] reader ♤ portal
Y'all are cute
Gusion x Granger ♤ hot but cold
X.Borg x Granger ♤ options pt.2
Dyrroth x Alucard ♤ secret
Saber x Gusion ♤ under this mask
Dyrroth x Guinevere ♤ trust issues
Harley x Harith ♤ love that cuts pt.2
Dyrroth x reader [F] ♤ what is Christmas?
Carmilla x Cecilion ♤ twisted
Happy new year! + 5.14k!
Granger x Gusion ♤ stars and bars
Saber x Alpha ♤ computerized emotion
Miya x Zilong ♤ A few minutes
Harith & Nana ♤ hang out
X.Borg x Kimmy ♤ robbery
Lancelot x Odette ♤ castle buying and cuddles

Hercult x Cyclops ♤ meeting you

762 11 8
By kaythekat1

1020 words

Requested by legitimatechels

They are human-like, almost like that one person's art you requested me to see!

I hope you enjoy! <3

"It seems like your sick, again, " Rafaela sighed as she checked Cyclops' temperature, Cyclops huffed.

"Why am I getting sick all the time now? Can't the plants move faster!?" he said, frustrated with his health. Rafaela looked at him with an apologetic look, then healed him with her staff.

"I don't know why Cyclops, but you are going to have to stay here again okay?"

Cyclops nodded sadly as Rafaela left the room. He looked around the place. Rafaela's operating room was basically his room with how many times he has been sick. It was terrible for Cyclops, being stuck in a room all day was not something he liked or enjoyed.

He flopped down on the bed, then sighed while staring at the ceiling.

It was quiet, then a sudden knock on the window broke it, knocking Cyclops out of his trance.

He got up from the bed and moved the windows curtains, to see a figure in a cloak. He had white hair, eyes and mouth that seemed to glow, and a hand on the window. Cyclops looked at his hand in caution, before moving his hand to the glass. Their hands couldn't meet because of the window, but to Cyclops he felt like the mystery figure was actually touching him.


"Yes, Rafaela?!" Cyclops quickly closed the curtain and turned to Rafaela, a panicked look on his face.

"Are you okay? You seem in a rush…" Rafaela looked at Cyclops worried, he nervously walked over to his bed, keeping his eyes locked with Rafaela.

"It was nothing! What is it?" Cyclops asked, still worrying about the window.

"Well… I was just coming to check in on you and also tell you that Esmeralda is going to be visiting later to check on you since I won't be here." Rafaela said as she put a cup of water on the bedside table, then put a clipboard on the front of the bed.

"Where are you going to be?" the small mage asked, Rafaela smiled.

"Argus is taking me to a little picnic date on the park." Rafaela smiled lovingly at the thought of the two finally having peace after so many years of terror.

"That seems nice, I hope you have fun." Cyclops said cheerfully, a smile shining on his face.

"Thank you, Cyclops, hopefully your little sickness gets better."

And with the wave of her staff, she had healed Cyclops and was gone. Cyclops sighed then remembered the person in the window.

He ran over to the window and ripped it open, but no one was there.

"He must have left then I shut it…" Cyclops disappointingly looked out the window, desperate to find the mysterious figure.

He then sighed when he realized the figure wouldn't come back. Walking back to bed, he couldn't get the feeling of them holding his hand, even if they weren't even touching.

"Don't worry, I didn't."

A new voice rang in Cyclops's ears. It wasn't one he knew of or heard before. It sounded menacing and full of evil, but for some reason sounded cute?

Cyclops turned around to see the same figure he had seen in the window. He gasped.


"Yeah, me."

The figure slowly walked over to Cyclops. Cyclops, on the other hand, stood still in place, like a rock that couldn't be moved.

"Did you know who I am, Cyclops?" The shadowy figure asked, Cyclops looked at him- or it- nervously.

"N-No, I don't."

"My name is Helcurt, and I have been watching you for awhile."

"Watching me?! What?!" Cyclops quickly stepped away and to his bed, backing up until he hit the wall.

"Are you afraid?" Helcurt asked as he tilted his head. Jumping onto the bed.

"S-so what if I am?!" Cyclops yelled as his brows knitted together.

"That would be what everyone thinks when they meet me, which makes me quite sad, " Helcurt smiled, but Cyclops could see the sadness under his smile. 

"I am not trying to be rude, but why are you here?" Cyclops asked, a little worried for his new friend. 

"I was worried, you haven't come outside to look at the planets or stars."

Cyclops sighed. He couldn't forget about anything, couldn't he?

"I've been sick for about a week, maybe even more..."

Helcurt let out a hum with his answer. Then tilted his head.

"Why are you sick?"

"The planets are basically my only problem, they don't want to move any faster," Cyclops disappointingly sighed as he sadly picked up his blanket and pulled it around him, his head was popping out from the giant heap of white.

"What does your sickness have to do with the planets?" Helcurt questioned again. It seemed he was just full of questions.

"They are my source of power and health. If they suddenly stop moving, slow down or if one of them is destroyed, I can't really function." Cyclops looked over to the window, it was about sundown. The sky was a beautiful orange-red colour. Cyclops looked outside in awe.

"Look! The sun is going down!" Cyclops quickly got up then was hit with sharp pain, causing him to grab his stomach in pain.

Helcurt went over to help the small mage with a worried look on his face, sitting him back on the bed.

"You shouldn't be so quick with your movements, it'll hurt."

Cyclops weakly smiled, "thanks Helcurt, you don't look like a nice person or demon thing but you actually have a really kind heart."

Helcurt smiled, blushing at the comment, "you're welcome, Cyclops."

"I didn't mean that you look ugly or anything if that's what you thought I meant!" Cyclops yelled, not too loud.

"No, I get what you mean," Helcurt's smile widened. Cyclops smiled back.

"Can you take me outside? I want to watch the stars..."

"I might want to as well but I think I'm already watching them."


"I think there are stars in your eyes."

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