Secrets, Lies and Love

By sklaphake

31.7K 348 39

Andria and her twin brother Andrew live in small town Minnesota. They are just starting their senior year of... More

(Prologue) Secrets, Lies and Love
(1) Secrets Lies and Love (Picture of Andria)
(2) Secrets, Lies and Love (Picture of Andrew)
(3) Secrets, Lies and Love (Picture of Chris)
(4) Secrets, Lies and Love
(5) Secrets, Lies and Love
(6) Secrets, Lies and Love
(7) Secrets, Lies and Love
(8) Secrets, Lies and Love
(9) Secrets, Lies and Love
(10) Secrets, Lies and Love
(11) Secrets, Lies and Love
(12) Secrets, Lies and Love
(13) Secrets, Lies and Love
(14) Secrets, Lies and Love
(15) Secrets, Lies and Love
(16) Secrets, Lies and Love
(18) Secrets, Lies, and Love
(19) Secrets, Lies and Love
(20) Secrets, Lies and Love
(21) Secrets, Lies and Love
(22) Secrets, Lies and Love
(23) Secrets, Lies and Love
(Epilogue) Secrets, Lies and Love

(17) Secrets, Lies, and Love

991 8 0
By sklaphake


I worked with Chasity and Kyle and told them about my thoughts on what Chris had said. They knew of my problem with remembering things so they just consulted me saying that I had probably talked about my parents and that is how he knew. I still had my doubts but they were slowly withering away.


Chapter 17

Spirit Day at Melrose High School was always a day where the whole school felt united. As weird as this may be to say, it is true. This was the one day where nearly everyone in the building (the elementary, middle school, and high school all totaling to about 1,400 students), students and teachers, dressed in the school colors of purple and gold. The other four days of the week were fun to dress up for but this was the day when everything looked the same because of the colors, however it was different because everyone had a unique twist to their outfit.

I dressed in purple shorts, yellow tank-top, and a whole bunch of purple beads. I even went as far as to wear yellow fishnet stockings under my shorts. I pulled on a pair of black converse and went to eat breakfast. Drew was nowhere to be found when it was time to go so I grabbed my backpack and car keys and walked out to the garage. I saw that Drew's car wasn't there so I didn't feel as guilty for leaving without making sure that Drew wasn't home.

Up until lunch time, the day went by quickly. The atmosphere buzzing around the building was a nearly tangible excitement. Everyone was looking forward to the big game that night. If we won we would be on the fast-track to going to state. If we lost...well let's think about that if it happens.

I was sitting next to Chris at lunch holding his hand when Melanie, a girl that I share some classes with came running up to me.

"Andy, you are supposed to come to the library right now. Something is wrong with Lucinda and she won't let anyone help her. She keeps screaming that she wants you to come and help her."

I was out of the cafeteria as fast as I could. Lucinda was a good friend of mine and I didn't want anything bad to happen to her.

I ran through the door of the library and up to the counter where a whole group of people were standing around in a circle. I also took note that there were paramedics there also.

"Lucinda-" I called out but she couldn't hear me because of all the chatter.

"MOVE!" Chris shouted from behind me. I hadn't even realized that he had followed me.

The people parted like the red sea and I was able to get to Lucinda and knelt down by her side.

"What's wrong Lucinda?"

"I don't know," she spat out through clenched teeth. "It's too early for the baby but it hurts so bad. Andy, what if I lose the baby? I couldn't make it through that."

"Shh, Lucinda. It's going to be OK. These nice paramedics are going to take you to the hospital to make sure that doesn't happen."

"Okay," she said weakly. The paramedics came into the circle with a wheelchair and got her into it. They wheeled her out of the library and out of the doors into the ambulance.

I wanted so badly to go with her to the hospital. I couldn't let anything happen to her, she always looked out for me.

She was adamant however, "You need to be in the parade. You are the queen and I picked out such I nice dress for you to wear. You can come and see me after you are done."

Even though I didn't see any reason in her argument, the hormonal mother-to-be won in the end. As the ambulance pulled away, I nearly started to hyperventilate.

"Hey, hey Andy. Shh" Chris said while putting comforting arms around me. "I promise that Lucinda is going to be okay."

"I know that, but what if the baby isn't? She is going to be so crushed that she will just blame herself."

"I don't have an answer for that, but we will do all that we can to help her through it if that does happen."

I was feeling better the longer that Chris held on to me. However, this didn't last too long as we heard a commanding cough from behind us.

"Isn't it time that you get ready for the parade Andria?" Ducky pointed out.

"Oh, yes," I said looking at the time. "Thank you for telling me sir."

With a nod of his head, Ducky turned and walked back toward his office. I said good-bye to Chris and walked to the locker room where I changed into my dress. Lucinda, Chasity and I had gone shopping for my dress on the Saturday before the coronation. She picked out a strapless dress for me that was a sky blue color. There was a black ribbon underneath the bust that tied in the back. The dress hung about my knees where it puffed out thanks to all of the black mesh-like material that hung out a bit at the bottom. I had to cut the line when she suggested that I wear high-heels. Even though I had some in my room, I couldn't wear them. I elected to wear a pair of shiny black flats. On the off chance that the day was going to be cold, I also bought a black scarf to go along with the outfit. Fortunately, I didn't need it.

Once at the start of the parade, we all got in to our proper vehicles. A local car dealership provided brand new convertibles for the royal party. Drew and I sat on the back of a silver Mustang that had the top down.

After waiting for fifteen minutes I decided that if the parade didn't start soon then I would be forced to leave and go to the hospital to see what was happening with Lucinda. As soon as this thought came to my head, the driver of the car started moving it along.

For about thirty minutes I sat in the car waving to all of the people came out of their workplaces, and all of the kids that walked up to the parade route. When we got to where we turned off of Main Street and onto the road that would eventually take us to the school, I saw Chris standing there. He was next to Mike but I also saw Amber standing right behind him. I could tell that she was trying to put the moves on him and he was trying to push her away while still being a gentleman.

I was furious at Amber. I trusted that Chris wouldn't do anything but I didn't trust that she wouldn't do anything. I was secretly wishing for Chris to just push her away. It is what I would have done. She looked to see where I was and saw me smugly smiling at her. She knew that she wasn't going to get me here, so she huffed and walked away. Chris, finally noticing that I was there, smiled at me.

We continued along our route and got back to school. I went to get my bag and books from my locker and went out into the parking lot. I saw Chris by my car so I unlocked the doors and got in while he did the same. I peeled out of the parking lot and took the back roads to the hospital to avoid the parade traffic that was still going on.

Once inside the doors I went up to the receptionist desk and asked to know what room Lucinda was in.

"She is currently not in a room. The doctor's have her in surgery right now," the nice lady informed me.

"Oh no, what's wrong. Is the baby okay?" I worriedly asked her.

"I am sorry, dear, but I can only tell her immediate family members that. If you want to sit in those chairs over in the waiting room I can let you know as soon as she wakes up."

"Thank you, that would be much appreciated," Chris said for me.

After an hour and a half of restless waiting, the nice receptionist told us that Lucinda was waking up. She directed us to her room and I would have run there if it weren't for Chris holding my hand.

We walked into the room and saw Lucinda on the bed. There was still a bump in her abdomen region so I let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey Lucinda," I said quietly.

"Hey Andy, how was the parade?" she asked me weakly.

"It was long. So...what happened?" I questioned.

"Would you believe that I went and had my appendix burst on me?"

"No, really?"

"Yeah, the doctors got me in to surgery right away and when I woke up they said that everything was fine and that we are both going to be okay."

"I am very glad to hear that."

We talked for a little while longer and then Lucinda pulled the mother act on me and said that I needed to go home and eat some dinner before I went to the game. I told her good-bye and said that I would be back in the next day to visit her.

Chris and I drove to my house and when we got there we saw my mom making dinner, Drew and Stefan sitting at the bar, and my dad standing with his back to everyone, facing the fridge. After picking up on the conversation I realized that Drew had told our parents that he was gay. My mom seemed- not overly ecstatic- but happy enough that Chris told her instead of keeping it a secret.

Dad, however, was a different story. As Chris helped my mom finish the food and Drew and Stefan set the table, I followed my dad into his study to have a talk with him.

"Did you know that Drew was afraid to tell me that he is gay because he thought that I wouldn't accept him? Did you also know that he said if I couldn't accept this he wouldn't know what to do? I, of course, am happy for him. Drew told Stefan that the only person he cared about accepting this was me. I don't think that is true. Drew has always looked up to you Dad. If you turn away from him now, at a time when he needs you, what is that going to say to him?" I said my speech as sternly as I could.

"That's the thing, Andria. I do accept him. I have absolutely nothing against gay or lesbian people. It has just come as a shock to me."

"Well, it has come as a shock to all of us. Not only you. But, the way you acted out there suggests that you are upset over this and don't you think that Drew can see that. He is more observant that you give him credit for."

"I know," my dad said. "I will try to show my supportiveness better."

"That is all he needs."

After our conversation, my dad and I walked into the kitchen to see that everyone was already seated, waiting for us. We sat down and the first few minutes of our dinner was in silence. This, however, was not destined to last.

Chris knew that I hadn't asked about going to California yet. He deemed this the right time to bring the subject up.

"Mr. and Mrs. Johnson," he started, "next weekend I am planning on going home to visit my mother in California. I was just wondering if it would be alright if Andria came with to meet my mom."

"That would be great dear," my mom responded.

I knew that my mom would have no problem with this; it was my dad I was worried about. He surprised me by not even putting up an argument against the idea. He agreed with my mom that it was okay for me to go. I was nearly shocked into silence. Nearly.

"I get to go to California," I was close to squealing as I sang this.

Once we were finished with dinner, Drew and Stefan left to go warm up and practice before the game. A few minutes after they left, so did we. Chris and I drove separate from my parents because they had to leave directly after the game. Once we got to the stands, we found a seat, sat down, and waited for the game to start.

The pep band played peppy music and the cheerleaders cheered as the team came on to the field. As the game started, the crowd was on its feet. This was the way it was for nearly every play. People were standing more than sitting. It was all for naught. At half time, the Sauk Centre Mainstreeters were winning 28-14. The team left the field with their heads low and for the first time all game, the people in the stands were quietly sitting.

There was a new air as the team came back on to the field. It was like they were ready to play a whole new game. And they did. Throughout the third quarter of the game, they were able to get two more touchdowns and hold Sauk Centre to their score of 28.

With 45 seconds left in the game and Sauk a mere five yard from a touchdown the crowd was watching in anticipation. As the ball was snapped to the Mainstreeter quarterback, he faked a handoff and threw the ball to a receiver in the end zone. He, however, did not see Jordan come up from behind until it was too late. Jordan grabbed the ball out of the air and made for the opposite side of the field. He got within thirty yards of his own end zone before being brought to the ground.

Our offense came onto the field and gathered together for the first down. The ball was snapped to Drew and almost immediately it was out of his hands and zooming through the air toward Kurt who was standing wide open in the end zone. The crowd held its breath as he deftly picked the pigskin out of the air for the touchdown.

The extra point was good and the Melrose Dutchmen were able to stop the Sauk Centre Mainstreeters from scoring. Our team had won the game.

The boys walked off the field with their heads held high and were greeted by all of their fans. After some time of chatter, the guys headed toward the locker-room to change out of their dirty uniforms and into clothes suitable for partying.

A mass text message was sent to all of the seniors and most of the juniors. The message let them know where the party was being held and where they were to park their cars.

Chris and I got in to m car and I sped home. Once there I changed into a pair of tight hip-hugging jeans and a dark blue, dressy tank-top. People arrived and the music played and the night seemed to go on forever and a day.

The house finally cleared of party-goers at 4:00. I locked the door out of habit and grabbed Chris' hand to pull him up the stairs and into my room. I stripped out of my clothes and put on comfortable pajamas, not even caring the Chris was still right in front of me.

I laid down in my bed, just wanting to be comfortable. Chris got in the other side, without his shirt on. He looked so yummy to me in my tipsy state. I was too tired to do anything but relax and sleep so I put my head on his bare chest and through one of my legs over his. I kissed his chest and fell asleep.

Of all of my homecoming weeks in my high school career, this would have to be the best of them.

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