Heartfelt Love (Male Rivals x...

By CuteFireFlareon

264K 6K 5.6K

All credits to Yandere Dev for making Yandere Simulator. After seeing his April Fools video a hundred times... More

1- Arrival
2- Untrusted
3- Day 1
4- Odd Dream, New Rivals
5- Power
6- Demon Realm
7- Reset
8- Dream
9- Repeated
10- Comforting
11- Video Game
12- False Lives?
13- Girl's Sleepover
14- Truth
15- Ex and Bully
16- Suspicions
17- Bullies
18- Fakes
19- Their Happy Ending
20- Real Selves
21- Reset Lives
22- Boys
23- Kitten
24- Another Rival
25- Taken
26- Help Me
27- Back
28- Mr Mido
29- Caught
31- I don't know
32- Dance
33- Music
34- Female Rival
35- Saikou Home
36- True Yandere
37- Contest
38- Careful
39- Old Souls
40- Damien
41- Questions
42- Stay Away
43- Company
44- Bullets
Valentine's Day Special
45- Date
46- Charity
47- Garden
Late Easter Special
48- Festival
49- Foxes
50- Coma
51- Angels
52- Time
53- Who
54- Embarrassed
Osorō is one of meh husbandos
55- Wake up
Announcing the relationship/ Jealous people
One Month
First Kiss + I Love You
Not being around them
He's sick
Catching up Damien and Hoshiko
Helping with their problems
Osorō x Reader x Megamo
He/She loses a bet
They're stressing/ Argument
Vacation Together- Part 1: Preparing
Vacation Together: Part 2- Time there

30- Plans

1.1K 35 23
By CuteFireFlareon

Amao's POV

"You got caught Megamo?" Osorō yelled at him and Megamo nodded. "And we needed to reset the whole week because we didn't have a 'checkpoint'." I said in annoyance. "Just let Mido get fired." Kizano said, "It's not a good idea to use your 10 resets so early." He finished and we nodded as Megamo growled. "Really wanted to kill him for touching (Y/n)." "What did it say?" "He was touching her, simple as that."

"Are we... not gonna talk about... the main problem..?" Oko asked and we nodded. "The bullies. Let's just keep (Y/n) away from them..." We nodded to Aso's suggestion. "It happened after school-" "Megamo!" We heard Megami yell and saw her storming towards him. "What now Megami?" "Why'd you kill Mido?" "What are you talking about?" "Megamo killed? When? He's been talking to us the whole time." Osano said and she glared at all of us. "So you don't know what's going to happen after school?" "What are you talking about?" "Keep (Y/n) from the bullies..." Megami said and walked away suspicious of us still. We walked down the school stairs and ran into the bullies. They were laughing and we heard something from them.

"So after school?" "Yep. Alright, Hana, you get the syringe, I'll befriend (Y/n)." "I'd suggest you stay away from (Y/n)." Osorō growled to them and they jumped. "O-Osorō!" Kokoro said in shock and he growled. "We wouldn't want to have to report a few missing people." I smiled sweetly with poison in my voice. "I've got to go to my club. Bye." I said as I walked away. "What does that mean?"  Kirashi asked but the rest of us walked away to do our after school activities.

Reader POV- After Activities

"Alright, see you Amao and Amai." They waved as they said they'd clean up the room. "Go to Osorō. You don't want to keep him waiting anymore." "I know." I said to Amao and skipped away before I was pulled back. I was pulled into the empty room with the music box in it and was unable to scream as a chloroform cloth went over my mouth. I fell asleep upon hearing Musume and her friends.

Osorō's POV

Osorō: She isn't here.
Amao: I told her not to keep you waiting. Are you sure?
Osorō: It's been 10 minutes Amao, she's normally out here in two if she isn't helping clean but she didn't text me that she was.
Amao: She isn't... great...
Kizano: Check the empty room.
Osorō: Hold up. Musume and her group are carrying the music box.

I saw Musume and her friends walk out with the music box. They were looking around and didn't see me until I approached. "What are you doing?" I growled and they jumped, dropping the box as the lid slightly opened, showing (Y/n). I growled and punched Musume before opening the box and carrying (Y/n) away. "I was being nice. Never touch (Y/n)." I said and they stared back in shock as I laid her against a tree before texting the others what happened.

Osorō: They took her.
Megamo: Of course they did. Is she alright?
Osorō: She's knocked out. I'll carry her home.

Ayano ran up to me as I was walking with (Y/n)'s body. "Is she alright? What happened?" "Musume and her friends took her. She's just fainted." She sighed in relief as I said I'd carry her home. "Are you sure? We can do it." "I'm positive. I'll put her in her room." Ayano nodded as Ayato was growling. "How'd you find out they had her?" "They walked out with a music box large enough to fit a person and dropped it when I surprised them. I saw (Y/n) when the lid opened a bit." They nodded as (Y/n) stirred. "Osorō..?" She asked when she saw me and Ayano pet her hair. "Sh, just relax." I said and she leaned against my chest, falling asleep again. We got to her house and Ayano led me to her room. When we got to her bed, I laid her down as she smiled and curled up.

"She should wake up soon. Thank you Osorō." "Yeah. Just make sure she's fine." They nodded as I walked out afterwards.

"Why were you carrying (Y/n)?" "Musume and her friends tried to kidnap her and she was asleep so I carried her home." Oso nodded as mom just gave me her troll face. "That's it?" "Yes. That's all that happened." "Sure~" Mom said and we both just sighed before heading to our rooms. Angrily, I immediately punched my punching bag as I cursed Musume's group.

Reader POV- Next day

"Osorō did that? Alright... sorry for worrying you." "It's alright. What happened?" "I was going to Osorō before I was pulled into the empty room and had a chloroform cloth over my mouth... that's all I remember..." I said and they nodded as Sen rubbed her head against my leg. I smiled and picked her up as she mewed in happiness. "Can I kill them dearie?" "What? No." I said to Succubus as Ayano and Ayato knew who I was talking to. "What did Succubus say?" "She asked to kill them. No one deserves that." I said and continued to pet Sen. Ayato shrugged and spoke, "They do. Who knows what they would've done to you if Osorō didn't see them." He said and I just looked down as the doorbell rang. Ayato held his puppy so it didn't make any noise and I went to open it. I saw that Hanakō, Nako, Oso, and Osorō were here. "Oh, hi you four." I said and let them in.

"Are you okay?" Oso asked as the Yamada's hugged me. "Fine. Why?" "What happened?" "I don't remember much but I do remember getting pulled into the empty room as I was heading to walk home with Osorō and then had a chloroform cloth over my mouth... I don't remember anything else..." I said and Osorō hugged me. "It's good you're alright." "Yeah, thanks for helping me Osorō." "Of course." He simply said and messed my hair up.

We walked to school together and spoke until we got to the front where we changed our shoes. Oso and Osorō went to the back of the school, Ayano went with Budo, Hanakō and Nako went to the fountain, Ayato went to the roof and I went to the cooking club. When I opened the door, powder was thrown at my face, "Really you two?" I said and saw the club room looked like a cloud. "Sorry (Y/n)." Amai said and I sighed as I wiped my face. "I'll leave you two to continue." I said and walked away, closing the door. The door opened again and I was tackled. "Ah!" I said in surprise as I heard Amai. "Come on! Why don't you join us?" "Get off me Amai..." I said and she got off but also got me up. "Come on, join us (Y/n)." Amao said and seemed nervous. He moved to my face and licked some of the powder off my cheek.

I flushed red and he backed up. He smiled and I put my face down as Amai was surprised. "It's still everywhere on your face." Amao said with amusement in his voice. "Was there any reason to do that?" I asked and he just smiled to me. "I'll help clean the room." I said and we walked inside to clean.

"Shouldn't we be preparing for the club contest?" I asked and they nodded. "We should but we all mess around." "So it's going to be interesting there..." I muttered as we were cleaning. "Yeah, you'll get along with the other schools clubs great." Amai assured and I nodded before Amao spoke. "(Y/n), sorry for licking your face." I flushed red and nodded. "It's fine... Just don't do it again..." "Of course." He smiled and hugged me from behind when I stood up and put his face in my neck. "A-Amao?" "Yes?" He asked, bringing his face up and I shivered. "What are you doing?" "Just hugging you. Is there something wrong with that?" I shook my head and he smiled as he held me to him.

Amai was just standing there and seemed nervous. "Come on Amao, let her go." Amai said and Amao seemed sad but let me go. "Oh alright." He smiled to me and I walked out as the bell rang. "I'll see you after school." I waved and they waved back, smiling.

Last class

"Alright, did everyone get the papers signed? You do still have until Friday." Mrs Kinaki said and a few students handed their papers in, me included. "Alright, so you 15 are certain to get a good room for the contest time. It takes place for two weeks." She said and we nodded, seeing as we most likely read the papers and that was there.

"The cooking club will have their own stations to cook with and many ingredients there. The martial arts club already have mats there for spacing, the art club has canvases, canvas holders and paint ready, the gaming club... has video game consoles there to compete, the occult club will have their room and props moved over... the Student Council will be having a debate, talk about how safe their school is, etc." she explained the other clubs too and spoke. "That's right, don't forget, the fall dance is on Friday. It's a masquerade ball so please get a mask that coves the top of your face." She said and we nodded as I saw Osano blushing. "Are you planning to ask the girl you like to the dance?" "Maybe..." He said and I smiled while packing up.

We nodded as the bell rang. "Alright, it's cleaning time." Osano and I walked to the closet together for supplies as I grabbed a sponge, soap and water as Osano grabbed windex and a towel to wipe the windows with. I went with Oka to clean the bathrooms and when we got the the second floor bathroom, we saw Musume and her friends talking instead of cleaning. "Shouldn't you five be helping clean?" I asked and pressed the record button. Kokoro scoffed and the group turned to me. Oka looked worried and turned to me. "Let them... be (Y/n)..." She said and I looked at her. "They need to help too. This school isn't gonna clean itself and there are extra supplies waiting in the closet." I said and they were angry. "We don't have any need to do work when other people do it for us." "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard." I said and they growled as Musume walked up to me. Oka was cleaning a toilet and I told her to let me clean three of them. She nodded and Musume punched me as the other four joined in. Oka was surprised and hugged me. "Stop... she's sorry..." Oka said and they scoffed before walking away.

"Are you... okay?" I nodded and she hugged me. "Don't do that... again... they won't hesitate to... hurt you..." She said and I nodded. "I was just mad that they thought they were entitled enough that they didn't need to clean..." "They do that... every day..." She said and I hugged her. "Why don't you tell anyone?" "They don't... believe me... and there's no proof... for the Student Council..." I nodded and went into the stall I'm first cleaning, changing the tape. "I think I got evidence." I said and Oka spoke. "Video proof..?" "Yeah." I said and finished cleaning the first toilet. Oka and I finished and I saw Oka cleaning the sink when I was done with the last toilet.

We walked out and put away the supplies. "So what proof... do you have?" "It's more of a secret." I said and she nodded. "Sorry, But I think it'll work." She nodded and her eyes widened. "What?" "Y-You have a... bruise on your... cheek..." She said and I seemed surprised and Oko walked to the closet and was surprised. "(Y/n)..? What happened..?" He asked and I explained it. "It's fine. It'll heal." I said and walked away. He nodded and I walked to the Student Council room. Megamo was checking the cameras and he looked at the door when I opened it. "(Y/n)! What happened?" "It was nothing much. Here's the tapes." I said and he held me, staring into my eyes. "Just tell me what happened." He said and I stared at him in confusion. "It was Musume and her friends." I said and got out of his grip. I went to the club room and went in, smiling. "What happened to your cheek (Y/n)?" Amai asked and hugged me. "It's just a small bruise. It'll heal." "But what happened?" Amao asked and I spoke. "It was Musume and her friends. They weren't cleaning and it was annoying me." "...Okay..." Amao and Amai said and I nodded.

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