The World Is Ugly, But You're...

By transferingworlds

161K 5.9K 3.5K

Elodea Sothabella just moved away from Illinois to New Jersey and it's her first day of high school. Back at... More

Chapter 1- The World Is Ugly, But You're Beautiful To Me.
Chapter 2- Blink 182: Helping People Find Friends Since 1992
Chapter 3- Mikey Way, What Are You Hiding?
Chapter 4- Frank..Just...Whhhhhyyyyy.
Chapter 6- Don't Hate The Player, Hate The Game.
Chapter 8- Paper Towels, Paper Towels EVERYWHERE.
Chapter 9- Awkwardness Seems To Run In The Family..
Chapter 10- Explanations.
Chapter 11- The Scary Monsters Always Dwell In The Basement...
Chapter 12- That Stupid Light.
Chapter 13- Stay Right Here, Stay With Me
Chapter 14- You WILL Be My Friend.
Chapter 15- Short Filler Because You All Hate Me!
Chapter 16- Frank's A Pretty Lady
Chapter 17- Happy Number Three Day!
Chapter 18- Find Happiness In Misery (written by: therapybegins)
Chapter 19: FanFiles Pt. 1: mychemely
Chapter 20: FanFiles Pt. 2: sarahthomasofficial
Chapter 21: FanFiles Pt. 3: TheKilljoysRevenge

Chapter 7- Rib Ticklers, How Yummy..

7.6K 279 138
By transferingworlds

Okay, anyone who had their hopes up because I promised Gerard to be in this chapter, I'M SO SORRY. I DIDN'T WANNA MAKE IT TOO LONG AND THE POINT I STOPPED AT WAS THE ONLY POINT I COULD REALLY STOP AT OR ELSE IT'D BE TOO LONG UNTIL I REACHED ANOTHER ACCEPTABLE STOPPING POINT. but do not fret too much, because Gerard WILL be in either the next chapter or the one after that (because I might wanna make him pop up in the middle of the night so Ellie freaks out even more, hehe.) but ANYWAY, caryy on reading! & I apologize for being a meany. :(


"HEY!" Mikey yelled while jumping onto my back, knocking me over.

"OWW!" I shouted at Mikey who was laying down next to me, having fallen over, too. Well, that wasn't such a smart idea, was it, Mikes?

"Ugh. That didn't go as planned..." Mikey grumbled while sitting up. He stood up and reached down to grab my hand. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up to my feet, picking up our stuff off the floor.

"Here." he handed me my bag and books and went back to picking up his own. 

"Well, you didn't splan that through well enough." I flashed him a big smile and he mocked it, then put back on his poker face. I chuckled and walked over to the tray pile, picking up two lunch trays. I handed Mikey his tray then got in the cafeteria line with Mikey behind me.

"Rib ticklers?" Mikey read off the lunch menu for today with disgust, "You know what? I rather not eat today.." Mikey got out of line and walked to our table, sitting down next to Frank and Bob. I laughed and continued on in the line, grabbing an apple juice and a plate of the weird, fake meat.

After scanning my ID, I walked to our lunch table and sat down next to Frank. 

"You know, you could have gotten all the other food still, Mikey." I said as I took a bite of the cookie that came with the lunch.

"Ehh, whatever. I'm not that hungry." Mikey went back to talking to Bob as Ray sat down across from Frank.

"Hey." Ray said to me and Frank, giving a little wave.

"Hey." I waved back and Ray looked at Frank who was eating his food, quietly.

Ray leaned over and whispered in my ear, "What's up with him?" He pulled away and nodded his head towards Frank.

"Oh," I turned to look at Frank, "Frank's just upset that I've gotten used to his little perverted jokes and started being all perverted back." I smiled and Frank glared at me.

"It's not fun anymore!" Frank put his head back down and continued to eat his food.

"That's the point." I smiled at took another bite out of my cookie. Frank looked back up at me and smirked. Oh God, what is he going to do now..

"Oh, so you're just PRETENDING to be okay with it so I'll stop? Well then, I think I'll continue." Frank smiled in triumph and I just glared at him.

He leaned forward and whispered in my ear, "And it's not like I was gonna stop finding you attractive just because of that." he pulled back and winked and Ray bursted out laughing.

"Already starting up again, eh, Frank?" Ray shook his head while smiling before returning to his food.

"WHATEVER, Frank," I leaned over Frank and poked Mikey's shoulder, catching his attention, "Aaaanyway, Mikey. I'm coming over right after school today, okay?" Mikey looked confused but nodded anyways.

"Ooooh, Mikey. Get some." Frank winked at Mikey, causing him to blush madly. I turned around and glared at Frank who just smirked. 

"Well, glad to see you're back to your old self.." Mikey mumbled while going back to eating his food.

I sat back down and finished my food, avoiding the "Rib Ticklers". After I was finished, I got up and dumped the garbage into the trash can and put my tray in the dirty tray pile. I walked back over to the lunch table and grabbed my stuff right as the bell rang.

"Bye, I'll see you guys after school." I turned around as all the guys mumbled their goodbyes and headed off to study hall.


I walked into my room and threw down my bag in front of my bed, walking over to my closet to grab some overnight clothes. Last time I went to Mikey's I ended up staying over so I might as well pack so I'll be ready if it happens again.

I grabbed a pair of batman pajama pants and a Green Day t-shirt, walking over to my bag and throwing them in it. 

"Okay, now I need clothes for tomorrow.." I walked back to my closet and pulled out a pair of red skinny jeans and a black v-neck t-shirt.

"OOH, I CAN WEAR MY CROSS NECKLACE WITH THIS!" For some reason I got excited and ran over to my jewelry box, pulling out my red and black cross necklace. I walked back over to my bed and threw the clothes and necklace into my bag and picked it up, turning around and walking out of my room.

"I'M GOING TO MIKEY'S!" I yelled for whoever was home to hear. I waited for a response and after a couple of minutes of silence I decided to just leave. I'll text my mom when I get there.

I walked into the kitchen and set my bag down on the table. I then walked over to the side of the kitchen island and filled up my dogs' food and water bowl. Right as I finished filling them up, one of my dogs, the golden retriever, came running down the stairs.

"Hi Mojojojo!" I squat down and opened my arms wide. He looked up when I said his name and starting running right at me while his tail wagged all over the place. 

Okay, considering he's super fat, he wasn't running right at me. He wasn't even really running, more like wobbling fastly in any direction his body took him towards me. 

"Ugg!" I groaned in pain as he landed right on top of me, knocking me down on the floor, "Mojo! Mojo, get up!" after wiggling around he finally got up off me, running over to the dogs' food bowl.

"Heh, go right for the food, figures." I got up straightened out my clothes, grabbing my bag off the counter.

"Bye Abby, Mojo, Tino!" I shouted while walking out of the room towards the front door. For some reason, I feel like I have to call all the names of every living thing inside my house at the time and say "Bye" when I leave. Even when I had my pet goldfish, Mertezilina, I'd call her name after saying "Bye".

I opened up my front door and stepped outside, running right into a person and falling over.

"Oww." I said while rubbing my head.

"Oh, sorry, Elodea." I looked up and saw Mikey reaching his hand down for me to take. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up before reaching down and picking up my bag and all the items that fell out of it. How many times is this going to happen today?

"Thanks." I said while taking my bag back from him. 

"You're welcome, sorry about that." Mikey nodded and I gave him a smile trying to show I wasn't mad.

"It's alright, but umm, why are you here exactly? I was just leaving to come over.." Mikey turned around and started walking towards his car, motioning me to follow.

"I had to stay after school to make up a test I missed last week and decided I'd just come pick you up since you lived close and would probably be leaving for my house soon." He unlocked the passanger's door and opened it for me, then went over to his door and unlocked it, getting in.

"Oh, well thanks." I got in the car and shut the door, setting my bag down on the floor and bucking my seatbelt as Mikey pulled out of my driveway and turned on the radio.

"No big deal." Mikey quickly smiled while keeping his eyes on the road.

Should I confront him about that kid now? Well, the guys will probably get to his house soon so yeah, I probably should.

"So, Mikey, can I ask you something?" I turned to look at him and he had a confused look on his face, eyes still locked on the road.

"Uh, yeah, sure. What is it?" he asked me while turning down the radio's volume.

"Who is that guy you're always talking to by my locker?" he looked a little nervous.

"He's just one of my parent's friend's kids. He's two grades ahead of us which is why you don't know him. I'm not really friends with him, though, I just talk to him because our parents are friends." he kept glancing over at me and I gave him a small smile, trying to reassure him that it wasn't a big deal.

"Oh, alright. I just wanted to know because I never saw him around except when you were by his locker, but okay." I turned my head towards the road and Mikey turned up the radio, his Misfits CD blasting.

After sitting in the car awkwardly for a couple more minutes, we pulled into Mikey's driveway. Just as I thought, Frank and Ray were sitting on Mikey's steps.

I saw Frank jump up and start waving his arms up and down dramatically with a huge smile on his face then start running towards the car. I looked over at Mikey fearfully and he just bursted out laughing.

"Come on." he said between laughter, getting out of the car and opening my door. When Mikey stepped out of the way, Frank was standing right in front of me and had a huge grin on his face.

"So, what'd you..give Mikey, ehh?" he winked and nudged my arms with his elbow.

I rolled my eyes, "Nothing, I just had to ask him a question." I moved past frank to see that Ray and Mikey were heading inside Mikey's house and started following them. After about 2 seconds Frank popped up in front of me.

"Oooh, talk to him, about what?" I stopped walking and glared at Frank for 2 whole minutes while he just stood there smiling. I rolled my eyes and walked around him, stepping into Mikey's house.

Two things:
ONE: Yes, Rib Ticklers is a real lunch food at my school. We had it last week, and, weirdly enough, it was kinda good. But you could totally tell it was fake meat. 
TWO: Yes, Mojojojo (Mojo for short) is an actual golden retriever & actually my dog, along with Abby & Tino. And I did have a goldfish named Mertezilina (who died after having her for over a year!) & I do say goodbye to all the living things in my house before leaving.

Okay, so that was more like four things, but whatever. WELL, comment/vote & tell me how you liked the chapter!  

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