Preacher Man // ross lynch +...

By DriverEra

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"Can you help me get away from this life of sin?" / Ross Lynch is like any typical college-aged boy. He's onl... More

The End


1.9K 46 4
By DriverEra

"I'm sorry I can't drive you to the airport," Ross mumbles into my neck, his body slouched slightly with his arms tight around my waist.

My hand is moving through his hair, the strands sliding between my fingers. "I understand. I never expected you to," I admit.

We spent the morning tangled in each other's arms, refusing to leave the bed until I needed to.

We stand in my hotel room, fifteen minutes before he told me I should leave for the airport. I thought I should've left an hour ago since I don't understand or know my way around LAX. I'm hoping I miss the flight so I can spend a bit more time with him.

"Please don't leave," he whispers.

I lean my head down against his. "Come visit me soon," I reply in a soft beg, my hand sliding to the back of his neck.

I'm just praying the next few months fly by so I can leave Colorado. I'm over it.

"I will, I promise," he mumbles, his voice muffled by the thin skin of my neck.

I press my hands to his cheeks and arch my back so I can look into his puppy dog face. "I should get going."

He leans in, straightening his legs so he's standing at his full potential to tower over me so I have to crank my chin upward when he pushes his lips on mine.

"Five more minutes," he mumbles, his hands cupping my cheeks now.

I smile into the kiss. His lips move quickly with mine as his arm goes around my waist so he can guide me backwards to the bed.

A puff of air releases from my mouth as he pushes me a bit eagerly onto the mattress, his slender body covering mine within seconds. His mouth moves to mine once more.

Between kisses, I manage to talk. "I'm going to miss my flight." He smiles with a soft laugh escaping before he kisses me again, disregarding everything I am saying. "Ross," I whine, leaning my head back so he can't continue pestering my lips.

"I'm sorry, I just missed you so much. You're leaving too fast," he frowns, the bottom half of his body leaning on mine with his forearms pressed near me.

I smile. "I feel like a lot happened this weekend," I say. "So you'll come visit me?"

He nods. "Yes," he repeats back to me.

Ross stands up and pulls my hands toward him, pulling me up as well. I walk toward my suitcase and place my hand on top of the handle. "You should head down first. I need to check out," I reply.

He nods again. "Good idea. I love you. I'll watch you get into the Uber and everything. Make sure nobody pesters you," he says, stepping closer to me to brush my hair behind my ear.

I smile. "I'll text you once I get to the airport and another once at my gate because I might get lost," I admit.

"You can call me and I can try helping you. Just follow the signs," he says simply.


I sigh and slide my hand onto his cheek. "I love you. I'll see you soon, right?" I ask, the tears now prickling the bottom of my eyes.

Ross pouts at me. "Yes, I can book the ticket right now if you want me to. Don't cry," he says, his hands sliding around my waist. "Baby," he whispers. He pulls me tight against his body.

I slide my hands around his neck. "I'm trying not to," I laugh, but it's shaky.

"I promise. I love you so much," he says, kissing my forehead. "Give me one more kiss then I'm heading down. No crying," he says, touching my nose gently with his finger.

I lean up and kiss him once more like he asked for. "I love you," I say.

He smiles and kisses me again before walking out of the door. I quickly go around the room once more to double check nothing was left behind. Once a few minutes have passed, I grab my suitcase and throw my backpack on and head downstairs.

I drop off the keys and head outside, my fingers gripping the handle of my small suitcase. I glance down at my phone, watching the little car on the Uber app head in my direction. A notification pops up and my eyes read it quickly.

Ross: I miss you already

I tighten my hand around the handle, one tear rolling down my face quickly. I glance up to look around the parking lot to find his car. He winks at me through the windshield.

Ross: no crying!!

Hayley: I don't want to leave here without you

I haven't really allowed myself to cry in months, but it all feels like it's going to come pouring out any second.

Of course as I'm in public and in front of Ross.

I watch as my Uber driver pulls up. He steps out and walks to the back, greeting me with a hello then putting my suitcase in the trunk.

I get into the backseat, my hands gripping my phone.

Ross: (1): attachment

I open my texts to find a flight confirmation in five days. Ross Lynch, departing LAX 1:24 PM. Arriving DEN 3:30 PM.

Hayley: wow, I'm so in love with you

I glance out of the window again as we turn onto the highway, the countdown already beginning in my head.


The next few days seemed to take forever to pass. I worked and did homework, trying desperately to clear up the weekend so we can have no interruptions. I managed to convince my coworkers to switch shifts with me. I work Friday until 4 which isn't bad since Ross lands shortly before that.

"Why do I have a feeling I'm slowly losing you more and more as the weeks go on?" Mike asks, watching as I cross the bookstore to put the cart away.

I close the side door. "Because I suck. So much has been going on lately, I'm sorry," I apologize and begin sweeping.

"What are your plans once you graduate?" He asks then shuts the register.

I give him an awkward smile. "I think I'm going to move to Los Angeles," I admit, holding the broom in my hand tightly. "I was going to tell you soon."

"Shit, no way," he replies.

I nod slowly. "Yeah, I'm sorry. Life has been crazy lately so I'm sorry I've been slacking. Life is throwing curveballs, but I'm trying to not make it hard on you."

"I think we are going to close down the shop soon," he admits suddenly.

I quickly glance over at him. "What? What do you mean? Why?"

"We don't really get business. Look at my hand, Hayley... this is a solid fucking fifty bucks," he replies and showing the cash in his hand as proof. "Maybe another fifty on card transactions."

I frown. "I'm sorry, Mike," I know this shop is like his child.

"I didn't mean to just throw that at you like another curveball you definitely don't need, but I think I'm going to start trying to sell it. We are in a good spot in town. It'll sell fast. I'm assuming within a month, we'll be out of here. Start liquidation sales soon, I guess," he replies with a sigh.

I nod and walk closer to the person I have worked with ever since I was 16. I wrap my arms around him and give him one good squeeze. "Let me know whatever you need. I'm not working this weekend, I switched with Julia, but text me if you need me, okay?"

As I pull back from my grip, the bell of the door rings as it's flung open quiet hard. It's nearly closing, who is possibly coming in here?

I glance over and my eyes lock onto Max's. He sighs and rolls his eyes. "I just need my paycheck," he states and continues his saunter to the back.

I glance back at Mike who laughs at Max's fake toughness as I place the broom back.

"I need you and Hayley to work a bit together within the next few weeks," Mike says, a sly smile on his face as he knows he's stirring the pot.

Max laughs. "No," he states simply.

"It's not a choice. Or you're fired, Max," Mike replies.

I roll my eyes yet again. "Max, grow up? I didn't do shit to you. Just because I didn't want to jump in your pants while I was going through a breakup doesn't make me a vile person, but keep acting like I am. You're 20, not 13, remember?"

"You hurt me," he replies, his stare turning to mine now.

I nod slowly. "I'm sorry if I hurt you, it wasn't my intention," I reply. "I never meant to hurt you." I follow as his eyes burned through mine.

"I guess this is my last paycheck then, huh?" He asks Mike.

"So you're quitting?" Mike asks him, making sure the message is clear as day.

My eyes are flickering between the two of them. "I can't stand looking at her face, Mike," he replies, his eyes focused on our managers.


"I'm closing down the shop. So if you want to quit - fine. You'd only have another month here anyway. So make your decision, but you have to make it now. I have to do the next week's schedule and I'm not trying to have you screw it up," our manager replies, without a care in the world.

He has nothing to hold back from now.

Max stands there, thinking it all through for a minute as Mike and I just glance at each other. "I'll help you close out the shop, but I'd prefer not to work with her," he says as though my name is acid on his tongue.

I roll my eyes. "Need me to do anything else?" I ask Mike. He shakes his head. "Great, have a good night!"

I walk toward the back as they continue Max's petty discussion. I grab my phone, jacket and keys then clock out. As I walk down the steps to my car, I scroll through my phone and respond to messages that I couldn't while I was working.

Ross: I miss you so much

With a smile on my face, I quickly respond.

Hayley: I miss you more. Can I call you?

I go back to my other messages.

Liv: late shift tonight, but I made some pasta for you. I officially think Kayla has abandoned sleeping in her own bed.

Hayley: thank you!! Not surprising. Have a good shift!

"I don't want to work with you, but if I have to - try not to make it hell, please?"

With my keys tight in my hand, I turn around to face where his voice came from. Chills come across my body and I immediately become uneasy. "I don't know why you're making me out to be vicious, especially in front of Mike. Quite a low blow," I reply.

My heart is slamming in my chest. I don't trust him.

"I'm serious, Hayley," he says, his voice shaking with his hand gripping something.

My eyes shift down to hand and I focus to try and see what it is.

"Max..." I say softly.

I remember he used to tell me about his past and his relationships with the mental illnesses he has.

He shakes his head. "I'm serious," he repeats.

I nod. "Yeah, I know. I won't," I say.

I see his keys gripped in his hand as they are shaking. I know he's had breakdowns before, but I just feel the need to be extra careful around him when he's... impulsive.

"Fuck you, Hayley," he replies simply. "Fuck you!"

I nod and bring my phone in front of me to text Mike. He's making me too uncomfortable.

He is quick to cross toward me and slams my phone down, the iPhone bouncing across the pavement. My breathing increases. "Max, come on. We don't have to do this," I reply quietly.

"It should've been me, Hayley," he replies, his body only inches from mine. "You've made me fucking crazy."

I shake my head and try to squeeze past him. "I thought we'd be best as friends," I say.

He is having an episode. I'm assuming a mood or manic episode.

With his eyes full of tears, he slams his hand onto my car and I jump from the noise. I slide my hand behind my back and pull at the handle. It quickly sets my alarm off and he looks thrown off.

"Now look at us. I can't stop thinking about you and you don't fucking care for me!" He yells over the alarm.

I shake my head. "I care about you," I reply.

"Please, just give me a chance, Hayley," he begs with his voice raised.

The employee door opens and Mike appears on top of the staircase. He is quick to sprint down the stairs and in our direction.

"Hey, hey, hey," our manager says, pulling Max's shoulders so he is out of my personal space.

He looks at Mike like he's a new person and just begins sobbing. My eyes are wide and my legs are shaking so much that I think I'm going to fall to the floor. My phone lights up on the floor and I can see the screen is cracked as I receive a call. Ross's name is in big letters across my screen and I pray Max doesn't see.

I stop my car alarm.

"Is there someone we should call?" I ask as Max drops to the ground with Mike essentially holding him.

My manager nods. "Yeah, he is having a bipolar episode I'm assuming. Go into his emergency contacts. His mother's name is listed."

I nod and walk over to his car where his phone is on the seat. I open his phone and click onto his call list. My name is still listed under one of his favorite contacts. I click his mom's name.

"Hi, Maxwell," she says shortly after it rings.

I clear my voice. "Hi, this is Hayley. I'm one of Max's coworkers. I'm here with our manager at work. Max is having an episode... we believe. He's crying on the floor now."

"I'll be right there," she responds then quickly hangs up.

Max cries. "Please get her away from me," he begs.

I glance at Mike and hand him Max's phone. He nods at me sadly. I quickly grab my keys and phone from the ground and get into my car.

I pull out of the parking lot as fast as I could, leaving my manager and coworker on the ground of the work parking lot.

With my hands shaking, I pull into a parking lot down the street. I call Ross back immediately.

"Hi baby," he says, laying in bed. "What's wrong?"

I shake my head. "I just had the fucking craziest night," I whisper, leaning my head against the headrest.

"What happened?"

I slowly breathe out to stabilize my rapid breathing. "Max came into work. Basically Mike told me that we might have to work together because the store is closing down because of lack of business. Then he had a manic episode and cornered me."

"Are you okay?" He asks, now sitting up in his bed.

I nod. "Yeah, I'm just... thrown off. He was so mad then so sad. He didn't hurt me at all. He was just yelling that I should've given him a chance because it should've been him. I don't know. I don't know, that was scary," I admit.

"I'm sorry, babe. I'm assuming you won't be working together?" He asks.

I nod. "I'm assuming so. I feel so bad," I whisper, my hand sliding over my bare face.

He shakes his head. "Don't."

"I just hope he gets the help he needs. His mom is coming so maybe she has his medication or something. I don't know."

"I'm sorry, but can you just please move here right now?" He asks.

"I wish."

a/n: petition to have Salem talk on CAOS

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