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I could feel all four head's whip around to look at me, but my eyes are locked on Danielle after snapping at her to go fuck herself.

"Baby," Ross whispers, knocking his knee against mine.

I shake my head. "No, don't 'baby' me. I'm fucking serious. You know he has a problem with it and you keep bringing it around. You're an enabler and it's disgusting. I don't give a shit who you are in this world, own up to it and take responsibility for what it is and what you're doing. I don't give a fuck about your problem, but every time you come around and insist on bringing it with you - because god knows you're probably the one initiating it - you make it a problem for Ross," I go off, my anger seething out of me.

Ross needs to own up to it as well, but I fully believe she's the root of it all. I can talk about it later with him, but she's here and she's my problem.

She laughs. "Is it a problem for Ross or a problem for you? Ya know, with your mommy and daddy issues?"

"Enough," Ross raises his voice, attempting to stop this from escalating more.

But no, fuck you, I'm mad at you too so I'm not stopping.

"It's a problem that I don't want my boyfriend to have an addiction? To an illegal substance? Or are you only basking in what you see as the positives of it?"

"Oh like the weight loss? Here, babe, have some, you could use it," Danielle says, opening her purse.

"Shut the fuck up," Ross yells, the small vehicle echoing the noise. "Danielle, do not go down that road. You don't get to talk to her that way."

She pauses her movements. "Oh, fuck, right. I forgot she prefers forcing herself to throw up."

The car comes screeching to a halt and my eyes immediately land on Rocky who throws the car into park and whips around to face the three of us.

Kinda reminds me of a parent turning to scream at their kids when they argue during a road trip.

"Get out," he yells staring directly at Danielle. "I don't care how you're getting home, get out of my car."

She looks shocked.

She's definitely used to getting her way all the time so someone screaming and telling her what to do is throwing her off.

Rydel is simply watching because what could you possibly say?

I don't even know what to say.

Danielle looks like she's contemplating something then she opens her purse, grabbing her phone with the other hand. She takes out the small baggy. "Here - some advice, Ross said he prefers to fuck while on it. Trust me," she says, tossing it toward me then winking and getting out of the car. "Especially morning after when he wakes up all cuddled in your neck - ugh, the best!"

"Oh, fuck off, Danielle," I yell, leaning across Ross to look at her as she gets out. "Take this shit with you."

Ross looks down at the baggy on his lap, his hands still lifted, the blood on them definitely drying by now.

The door slams shut and I look from his lap then up to him. Danielle peers down into the window, winks and taps the side of her nose twice and walks away.

Preacher Man // ross lynch + driver eraWhere stories live. Discover now