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My friends immediately look at me with wide eyes, trying to figure out who this person is and why did he just call me 'book princess.' I tilt my head back up as Ross leans into me and puts one hand onto my hip. I take one huge step back and lean into his ear, "I don't know you. What do you want?"

I examine the drunk boy's features. He has shaggy blonde hair with some brown roots mixed in. His eyes are a nice hazel. He has a prominent jaw line and stands around 6 feet so he towers over my 5'3" body. His lips are – what am I doing?

"I think you seem like... a cool person," he slurs into my ear.

I turn to him with my eyes squinted, "and I think you're way too drunk to talk to me right now, buddy." I smile and gently put my hand on his toned chest, giving a slight push to move him.

"I think you're being a bitch," Ross says before turning away and walking back to the bar.

I feel Olivia grab my hand to pull me near them again. I'm slightly fazed at his comment, but decide to not let it get to me. There are people everywhere – the majority of them standing in the middle of the dance floor.

I'm not much of a drinker, but tonight I am. "Let's get another shot," I say loudly to Liv. Moments later Kayla comes back, balancing three small glasses in her hand. Olivia passes on the shot, knowing she had to drive later so I take the shot Kayla brought for her.

It was only three shots later when I knew I was feeling something. My brain felt tingly and all I wanted to do is dance with my friends. The music is blaring and filling my head, making my heart race along to the beat. I make an excuse to my friends before walking over to the bar.

"Can I have an Everclear shot, please?" I ask, my body craving the small amount of liquid containing 95% alcohol.

As it is an open bar and I paid way too much to get in here, I sit onto the little stool and wait for the bartender to get it. She smiles and slides it across the bar top, "one Everclear."

I thank her and reach my hand out to grab the little glass when it is suddenly pulled from my view. I turn my head to find the blonde annoyance sitting beside me, my glass in his hand. I growl, "Give me it."

"You sure you need more liquor? I saw you stumbling your way over here," Ross laughs and starts to bring the cup to his lips.

I put my hand over the top of the opening. "Yes. Coming from you? You were drunk when you walked into the bookstore. You're drunk now. I am not taking any advice from you. So please give it back."

"What's your name?" He asks randomly, I watch as he tightens his long fingers around that tiny glass that contains the liquor that should already be making its way to my stomach.

I look at him as if he has five heads. "My name? I just want my drink, please stop being difficult." I groan and turn my head back to the bartender. "Can I have another Everclear shot please?"

"I'll give it back if you answer my question."

Does he think this is some game? I didn't know him 24 hours ago and now this kid won't leave me alone.

I give him a fake smile, "Hayley. Thank you!" I grab the glass from him and bring it to my lips just as the bartender puts the other one down. I immediately reach for it. Ross takes the shot back like a champ, seconds after it was placed. He gets up and walks away from the bar without another word.

I watch Ross walk toward a couple making out. I immediately spot the red hair that belongs to Kayla. He pats the man on the back and I rake through my mind before figuring out who it was. Chance.

I look around to find Olivia who also seems to be missing in action. I'm not popular at school – I never was. I always kept to myself and just focused on whatever needed to be focused on. I hated social events because I am not the type of person to walk up to just anybody and start a conversation.

So this – this is a nightmare.

I wish I was a person who has liquid courage, the source of boldness coming from the liquor coursing through my veins. But I don't.

I get off of the stool and the final shot hits me like a train. Suddenly, I clutch onto the bar top and stabilize myself. I walk around the big dance floor trying desperately to find Liv. I dial in her number and no answer. Ten minutes later, I can't even find Kayla and I am way too drunk to keep up this game of hide-and-seek.

Ask me why I'm looking for Ross right now? He is one of three that I know here.

My eyes scan the room for a Santa suit on a tall blonde boy. I finally spot him sitting on a couch, a little blonde girl beside him with her leg swung over his. A beer is pressed up to his lips as the girl talks into his ear and kisses his neck. I walk over to him, my ankles feeling like they will collapse soon from soreness and from my dizzy head.

I look into his red-rimmed drunk eyes, "I need your help."

"I'm a bit busy here," he laughs and takes another swig of his beer. The girl beside him giggles.

I begin to panic, my mind trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do. I drove here with the girls and only Kayla has the apartment key. Even if I Uber home, how am I supposed to get inside? I'm too drunk – the most drunk I have ever been and my anxiety is slowly beginning to get worse.

My eyes swell with water as I beg, "Please Ross. Please."

"How many other girls are you having sex with?" The little blonde asks him while laughing obnoxiously at me. "You have a type 5 clinger on your hands."

My frustrations and anxiety getting the best of me as one of the tears roll down my cheek. "I'm not having sex with him. And Ross, you're so fucking aggravating."

"So are you, Princess."

I walk outside to the freezing Colorado air and find a little bench to sit on. I lean my head back and take in a few deep breaths to try and subside my awaiting tears. Twenty minutes later, I hear heels clicking against the pavement. "Hayley! I've been looking for you everywhere. There's about to be a huge fight inside and I don't know where Kayla is." Liv says. I take that as a sign to get up and follow her inside even though all I want to do is go home and sleep, but I could never leave my friend alone.

There is a minimal crowd around the two individuals. Olivia walks toward it and I see Ross with a guy about five inches taller than him in a verbal argument, but you can tell it is about to get physical. Somehow throughout this whole night, I seem to keep gravitating more toward Ross and I don't know why. I don't like it.

The other guy is screaming about how Ross knocked into him. I don't know what took over me as I am the only person to walk into the circle that was formed around the two. I walk right up to Ross and grab hold of his hand with both of mine. "Come with me, please." He looks at me with bewilderment in his eyes, the other guy shouting at me to get out of the way. His chest is moving rapidly, his breath showing how angry he is and I am afraid at how he is going to act.

"Get the fuck away from me, Hayley," he growls and tries to pull from my grip. I'm surprised he still remembers my name.

I shake my head, my brain immediately sobering up and thinking how bad of an idea this might be. But I don't give up. "Please, Ross. Come on. I need to talk to you, it's important." I lean up and push his hair gently off his face and keep my hand there, while staring at his eyes. "Please."

Why do I care if I get his face knocked in since all he does is be rude to me?

I don't know.

I also don't know what came over him when he tightens his hand around my one hand still gripped on his and follows me outside.

Preacher Man // ross lynch + driver eraDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora