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By 6:30 PM, we were all settled into our hotel room. We were staying at the Aspen Snowmass in Aspen, Colorado. We had a beautiful view of the mountains from our bed.

"Ready?" Ross asks, putting on a jacket over his sweatshirt. "Have your gloves, right?"

I nod. "Yes and yes." It is currently 2 degrees Fahrenheit outside so the only option we have is bundling up or we will freeze.

We head downstairs to the car for dinner reservations Ross made at an Italian restaurant. All I have been thinking of since the car ride when he told me was chicken parm. To say the least, I am way too excited.

We rush outside and hurry into his car. "Fuck," he says, his hands going up to his mouth. "Let's move to California or Hawaii. I can't deal with this cold anymore."

I nod, bouncing my legs together to create more heat. "I know. It's so bad." As I speak, the air from my words swirl in front of me.

Ross begins to drive to the Italian restaurant. Thankfully it was only a 10-minute drive so we didn't have to be in the freezing car for too long.

"You excited to ski tomorrow in this weather?" He asks while laughing.

I nod. "Yes. I'm prepared for the frostbite too." Ross parks the car then glances at me. "The car was just beginning to get warm," I whine.

"Ready?" He asks, his eyebrows raised. I nod and he hops out of the car. I climb out, he grabs my hand and starts running to the entrance. Ross pulls open the door and I rush inside. He holds the door open for a few people before walking over to me. I cup his cheeks with my gloves. "Your nose is all red," he laughs.

I smile. "So is yours, Rudolph." I poke his nose before he grabs my hand and pulls me up to the hostess stand.

"Good?" He asks, his smile wide as I continue to eat my chicken and spaghetti.

I smile back at him. "Very." I lean my foot out and touch his. "Tell me something about you that I don't know."

"You know a lot about me," he hums. He picks up his fork and knife, cutting into his meat again. "I can play guitar. None of my friends know that only my siblings."

I nod. "No way. That's awesome." I'm genuinely impressed.

"Your turn," Ross replies.

I bite down on my lip as I rake through my brain for something to say. "I can twist my arms almost all the way around. I can't do that here. It's too fancy," I laugh.

"Have to show me later then."

I nod. "Of course. Tell me another about you."

"I would choose a sappy romantic movie over any other genre," he confesses.

This turns out into a full conversation about which Nicholas Sparks movie is best. I, of course, said A Walk to Remember. Ross insists the Notebook.

"They're both sad and romantic. The Notebook takes you through different times of their lives. You can't tell me that's not sick," he replies.

I nod. "It is. But the way Landon cares for Jamie even though they didn't know each other for long. Tell me that isn't love in such a pure form." I defend my favorite movie.

"How Noah and Allie never drift apart even after he went to war and how they were so determined to make it work even though her parents didn't approve. They were from two whole different levels of socioeconomic status and-"

I raise my eyebrows. I test Ross. "Cliché."

His head snaps up from his dinner. "What'd you just say?"

"What?" I innocently ask. I lean my foot out and tap it against his again.

He laughs. "Solid movie. No matter how cliché you insist it may be."

I smile and stick my tongue out at him. We finish dinner talking about other movies. We make it back to the hotel room and prepare for our early morning.

"Babe, can you grab me my pajamas please? They should be on top in my suitcase," I call to Ross. I'm freshly out of the shower and have a towel wrapped tightly around me. I hate changing outside of the bathroom because of the cold air from the lack of steam.

He yells. "Yeah." I hear the bed creek slightly as he climbs off. Moments later, he knocks on the door. I open it. A smirk is evident on his face. "This?" Ross pulls up a piece of lace lingerie.

My eyes widen and my mouth drops slightly. "Where did you get that?" I squeak.

"Top of your suitcase," he says with a matter-of-fact attitude.

I shake my head. "I didn't – that's not mine – I don't know where-" I stumble over my words and the heat growing in my cheeks.

"Relax, baby." His voice is smooth and convincing. "I'm just teasing. So I shouldn't show you these?" He shows the strip of condoms in his hand.

I close my eyes and shake my head. "Kayla helped me pack my bag this morning because I fell asleep halfway through packing," I explain.

"Sure, sure," he teases and hands me a pair of joggers with a loose tank top.

I smile. "Thank you," I close the door before he has time to make any more remarks.

I quickly change into the clothes he handed me. I walk out to the bedroom with my hands rubbing the towel against my thick hair. "Your cheeks are still so red. You know you have nothing to be embarrassed about with me," he hums.

His hands reach out and pull me into him. "I know," I whisper.

"Relax then," he says softly. Ross moves his hand against my bare shoulder and smiles up at me as he sits on the bed. "Let's watch a movie, YouTube or something-"

I decide to be bold for once in my life. I lean down and push my lips onto his. I can tell he was surprised as his hands froze for a few moments before gripping my hips.

Ross puts one arm around me and pulls me down onto the bed. My eyes focused on his bare chest as he leans over me. I smile at him and grab the back of his neck to pull him down to my mouth again.

He laughs softly and pushes his mouth on my lips again. I tug at his hair as I desperately kiss his lips. A moan escapes his mouth making me crave more of him.

His tongue pushes through my full lips and I happily oblige. My hands are running down his back then making its way back to his hair that I know he loves when I pull. Our kisses become sloppier as we simply try to find a way to get closer to one another. "Babe," he whimpers as he grabs me harder.

His panting becomes heavier as his hand makes its insanely slow way under my shirt. I feel it stop right on my ribcage. Ross pulls away from my mouth and kisses down my neck. My head is titled back with my eyes shut in pleasure.

He kisses back up my neck and I back up to look at him, his face smiling as he adjusts so he's directly in front of me. "Did I ever tell you that you're fucking amazing?" He whispers.

I smile and cup his cheek, kissing him once more. "I don't think I can ever get enough of you," I confess.

Although I have known Ross for around 2 almost 3 months, I think we are more like Landon and Jamie. It didn't take us long before I realized I think I love him.

Preacher Man // ross lynch + driver eraOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora