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Hi everyone. Sorry this isn't an update, but as I'm writing this new chapter that should be out shortly - I didn't want to wait any longer to address this.

Ross's (& the rest of the Lynch siblings) mom, Stormie, was diagnosed with stage 3 uterine cancer in April.

My heart breaks for her and the entire family.

I'm not trying to bring this back to myself, but I can't help but feel some guilt considering what I wrote in this book regarding her. I wrote how she got cancer & ultimately passed away from it obviously months before the news ever broke. I know this story is 100% fake on every single aspect and nothing that's written here is real/will ever become real. I would NEVER write anything to upset or hurt the Lynch's and their fans.

I write from personal experiences, it's how I can tie in emotion the best. A lot of what I write - I went through.

I'm debating going back and changing some of the plot to a different illness as though not to manifest anything from my writing.

The story would stay the same with the same outcome, it just wouldn't be cancer because it's now too personal for their current situation.

Please let me know if you would agree with that or what I should do because I feel guilty.

During this time, please keep stormie and the family in your thoughts. If you pray, maybe add her to your list for prayers.

She is one of the kindest souls on this earth, she doesn't deserve the pain.

Please take care of yourselves, if you ever need to talk - my messages are open.


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