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After spending the rest of the day in bed, night time finally came. We were watching a new Netflix show on the hotel's television so the both of us felt completely relaxed without having to worry about getting "caught."

As Netflix prompts us with the question are you still watching? Ross clicks yes, but winds up pausing it immediately after.

I lean my head off his shoulder and press my hand against the mattress so I could look at him. "I feel like our eyes are going to bleed if we watch anymore," he tells me, extending his hand out so he can cup my cheek and rub his thumb along the skin.

I nod. "I know," I agree, resting my head into his palm.

"Did you bring clothes for tomorrow?"

I shake my head slowly. "No, I forgot. I was too excited."

He laughs. "We'll stop by there before dinner then," he tells me before putting his arm around my neck and pulling me into him to attack my face with more kisses.

"We should go soon," I murmur as his lips move down to my cheek and making their way to my neck. "Before it's too late."

Ross smiles against my skin, pressing one more kiss. "Yeah, yeah."

He leans up, kissing my lips once then rolls off the bed to slide on his shoes. I smile and follow suit. It wasn't too long of a drive back to my apartment complex.

I grab my bag and unbuckle, glancing quickly over at him. "I'll be fast," I tell him.

"Want me to come up?" He asks, looking over to the entrance.

I shrug. "I don't know who's home, but you can if you want. Whatever you want."

"Kayla doesn't know right?" He asks me.

I shake my head. "No. She's too much of a big mouth. Plus she's never really home, she's so far up Chance's ass."

Ross nods and leans over, cupping my cheeks to bring my face closer to him. "I'll wait here. Better safe than sorry," he murmurs, pressing a kiss to my lips then letting go of his hold.

I nod. "Okay. I'll be down in five, I promise!"

"Take your time. I'll respond to some emails," he smiles and pulls out his phone.

I climb out of the car and hurry up to my room. After entering the apartment, I walk straight to my room. I throw some leggings, jeans and t shirts into a bag. I didn't really attempt to make any outfits because I didn't want to take long. Knowing Ross's low amount of patience, I knew to rush.

My door opens slightly and I immediately peek my head out of my closet. "Hi," Liv says. "I wasn't sure if I heard you or not."

"Hey! What have you been doing?" I ask her, pulling a shirt off the hanger and folding it quickly.

She shrugs. "Haven't really done much. Kayla came back for a bit. She left a few minutes before you came in."

I nod. "Have you had dinner? Ross and I were going to grab something if you wanted to come," I ask her.

A smile comes across her face. "Really? I wouldn't impose? I was debating have soup for the third night in a row."

I nod again. "Absolutely. Do you need a few minutes to get ready?"

"Yes, just let me brush my hair!" She says before darting out of my room.

I quickly pull my phone out and text Ross to give him a heads up.

Hayley: Liv was here alone about to eat soup for the third day in a row so I invited her to grab dinner with us. Is that okay?

Preacher Man // ross lynch + driver eraWhere stories live. Discover now