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The next morning I woke up with Ross' hand placed on my bare stomach, my sweatshirt bunched up past my hips, our legs intertwined and his head against my neck. How? I have no idea.

I shift slightly and attempt to lift his hand up. He lets out a small groan into my ear, his hand gripping at my body before leaning his head up. "Where are you going?" His voice thick with sleep.

I smile and continue to wiggle out of his grip. "I need to pee and it's already 10 in the morning." Ross groans again in response, shoving his head into the pillow as I walk to the bathroom. I come out minutes later with freshly cleaned teeth and an empty bladder. "Come back," he whimpers, his voice hardly heard over the pillow against his mouth.

I crawl back into the warm bed. "Wake up," I say as I sit onto his butt, his bare back half covered by blankets.

"Not yet. A few more minutes."

I shake my head, my hands gripping onto his shoulders. "Noo. A few more minutes for you is an extra hour of sleep."

"I'm glad we are on the same page then," he laughs, his face turned to the side.

I feel him twist underneath me, him facing me now. "I need you to do me the biggest favor." I smile.


"Could you drive me back to my apartment at some point? I need to shower then I have work. But I'll walk there. I have work at 2 so it'll be only an hour walk. So if we could leave in about an hour-ish that would be perfect," I lean down and press kisses along his jaw.

"No, you're trapped here forever." His head pushes against the pillow, his eyes closing at my lip's simple assault on his jawline. "If you keep doing this then I don't know if we could leave in an hour," he mumbles, his hands trailing up to my hips.

I lean back after planting a final peck on his lips. "Now go shower, you smelly boy."

I plop my body besides his and he rolls his eyes before getting up to head into the bathroom. Once he's inside, I go into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee and see what he has laying around for food. The only breakfast thing he has are eggs and bacon. I begin cooking both of them and since they don't take long, I am cleaning off the pans by the time he comes out.

"It smells so good," his hair is soaking wet and the water drops roll from his tips down to his jeans.

Ross walks over, pressing his lips against mine and I smile against them. I pull away to grab the plates as he grabs the coffee mugs. I place the plates down and grab utensils.

"Thanks babe," he smiles at me while scooping a fork full of eggs into his mouth.

I'm standing in my apartment bedroom not too long after breakfast. "You don't have to stay. I can walk to work, trust me." I try to convince him. He continues his walk and jumps onto my bed.

"You said it'll take you an hour to walk to work. Absolutely not. It's cold out. No."

I groan, feeling bad for taking up so much of his time. "I was going to call tow trucks for my car as I walked to work so I can see what's wrong with it. I'm scared it'll get towed to a lot if I leave it for much longer in the parking lot."

"I already had it taken care of. Now, will you relax?"

That doesn't make me relax. It only gets me more anxious. "What do you mean you got it taken care of?"

"I had Rocky and my dad check it out this morning. It wouldn't start for them so I had a tow come grab it." He replies as though it was extremely easy.

I rush to my bag that's hanging on the doorknob. I pull out my wallet and grab the cash I have left. "Please take it. I don't know how much it cost, but please let me know how much more I owe you." I know I have at least $30, but I'm not sure if that even makes a dent since I don't know where the nearest shops are.

Preacher Man // ross lynch + driver eraWhere stories live. Discover now