New Beginnings

By shellyjohnscns

26.3K 1.9K 365

What do you get when you cross an ex prostituting single mother to two wayward teenage daughters who trouble... More

Thirteen Years Later
Now or Never
How the Smith Stole Christmas
The Town With Pep
Meet the Andrews
Welcome to Riverdale High
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
Working 9 to 5
Love is in the Air?
The House on the Hill
Lies and Deception
The Attack of the PTA Moms
Let's Ride
Out of the Fire and into the Fire Again
Visible Cracks
Moving Swiftly Along
It All Falls Down
Repairing the Cracks
It's My Party, I'll Get Mad If I Want To
Suspensions and Confrontations
Tending to You
The Perfect Frame
There's Only One Bed
Return of the Mack
Deadbeat Dad
Parents Night
On the Road Again
Never Felt Love Like This Before
The Morning After
A Step into the Past
Papa, Can You Hear Me?
The Party and the After Party
Battle of the Bands
Change of Plans
Love, War and Tragedy
Life After Death
First Steps
Cat's out of the Bag
Prom Night I
Prom Night II
Fox Forest
Under Pressure
Facing Reality
Crashing Down
Trouble Ahead
Taking the Leap
An Announcement
An Announcement II
Modern Day Brady Brunch
The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 60
Struggling to Hold on

Never Break Up a Catfight

372 27 8
By shellyjohnscns

Alice didn't normally come across much crazy antics on her way to work but this Friday evening proved to be different with the commotion she heard in the alleyway by the bar.

"I almost got caught! I'm not doing it again." Toni furiously stated.

Before the young girl knew it, her face was met with a sharp slap followed by horrendous gut punch courtesy of Penny.

She gasped and yelped in pain, almost falling to the floor before catching Penny being pushed aside at the corner of her eye.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Alice roared as she pushed Penny up against the cold brick wall.

Toni turned her head up towards the two of them to watch the confrontation in full view, still clutching her abdominal area.

Growling at the grip Alice held onto her jacket, she furiously tried to push her off but the raven haired beauty was no match for her.

"Aww, I see you got your friends Mommy to help you out huh? What can't fight your battles?" She taunts with a chuckle as she looks down at a vulnerable Toni.

"Coming from someone who beats up teenage girls?" Alice snarled, tightening her grip as she did.

The menacing blonde smirked before running her sharp tongue along her teeth. "Watch the hands you old hooker. This jacket cost more than your nightly fee." She taunted.

Unbeknownst to the two sparring ladies, Toni had left her position in the cold and wet concrete floor and staggered into the bar in search of her boss.

"Toni?" FP said with a hint of worry in his voice. As she approached him closer and came more into the light, he saw the bruising on her face and immediately exit the bar to attend to her.

"What the hell happened to you?!" He screeched in worry as he directed her to sit down.

"Penny." The teen croaked our before writhing in pain, adjusting herself into a position that didn't put too much pressure into her abdomen.

"She did this?!" He yelled one disbelief as his eyes widened in shock, beaming with fury. He knew the female serpent was a little rough around the edges, she'd always had been but beating up teenagers was certainly a new low, even for her, and serpent teenagers at that.

"Alice is with her." She added.

"What?!" He responded in slight disbelief before immediately running outside to find her. Knowing what Penny was capable of.

He heard the commotion between the two women the minute he stepped outside and ran towards the alleyway to find Penny snarling at Alice while she had her pinned against the wall.

He sped down the narrow space and tried to push Alice off of Penny as calmly as possible.

"Alright Alice that's enough!" He warned as he kept a tight grip on her hands.

"Get off me." She mumbled as she removed herself from his grip. She couldn't understand why he was so serious, all she was doing was threatening some low rent child beating drug queen pin in an alley way. That was a regular Thursday for her.

On the surface, it seemed like he was trying to protect Penny from big bad Alice but it was actually the opposite, he just went about it the wrong way down to his fear and panic kicking into overdrive.

He was trying to protect Alice from Penny. He'd grown up with her form a young age and seen her at her best and at her worst and that woman was dangerous, menacingly dangerous. She could ruin ones life with the snap of a finger if she really wanted to.

He glared at her with a tightened jaw, but had a hint of worry in his eyes too.

He snapped out of his thoughts before shifting his eyes back to a giggling Penny.

"Your girlfriends got a little fire in her, cute." The blonde joked wittingly as she brought herself up.

Alice rolled her eyes with a hint of disgust at the sound of girlfriend.

"Just get the hell out of here Penny, NOW!" He spat before pulling lightly on Alice's arm and leading her towards the Wyrm entrance.

He turned around and watched the wild blonde storm off immediately, but he knew this wasn't over. As they got closer to the main entrance, Alice aggressively pulled herself from his grasp.

"I could've handled that thank you!" She stated angrily. As before walked through the door.

"By doing what? Helping towards getting yourself beaten to a pulp?!" FP snapped back.

"You think I'm scared of that skank? I could have her for breakfast!" Alice continued.

He sighed deeply, trying to calm himself and warn her in a rational way that wasn't too implicating before running his hand down his beard and chin area, lightly scratching it before pulling his hand back down.

"Look, it's not about that okay it's just, Penny's dangerous. That could've ended a very different way back there Alice."

"Oh what's she gonna do? Bite my kneecaps?" She scoffed condescendingly. "I've dealt with my fair share of bitches with all bark and no bite." She finished before going to open the main door.

"Alice I'm serious!" He bellowed sternly as he pulled her back, locking eyes with her instantly. Her face instantly fell soft with slight concern as she met his soft brown orbs, as if she had seen them for the first time ever.

"I don't want anything to happen to you. And Penny will make damn sure it will if you keep screwing with her." He pleaded tenderly.

She softened herself up before standing straight, her eyes gleaming with understanding and she continued to glare mindlessly into his and he into hers.

"Alright FP, fine." She whispered before slowly entering the bar with him following behind.

The two found Toni sat at the bar, still recovering from her injuries and seeing as FP was the only one out of the loop, he demanded an explanation.

"Toni, what the hell is going on? And I want a straight answer!" He demanded.

Alice pulled out a first aid kit and decided to tend to Toni's wounds as FP grilled her.

"She's making me do runs." Toni confessed with a straight face. "Look! She threatened my Dad okay? I had no choice!"

"Where's your stash?" He questioned bluntly.

She narrowed her eyes at him before pursing her lips in faux confusion.

"Don't give me that look. I know you've got it on you."

She rolled her eyes and reluctantly pulled multiple bags of cocaine out of her bag, placing them in FP's hands.

It made him truly sick to know Penny had teens shifting drugs as hard as cocaine throughout the neighbourhood and over the border, it was bad enough she was doing it with the adults but turning on innocent kids was a new low and a total violation of serpent law in his eyes.

"From now on, I'll deal with Penny. You don't have to worry about her."

"Why? What are you gonna do?" The teen asked innocently with a hint of concern in her voice.

"Nothing you need to know about." He took the stash and walked over to the men's bathroom, not paying attention to Alice following behind him.

He entered the cubicle and opened up the bags of powder, pouring them one by one down the toilet.

"Is that really wise?" Alice wondered with slightly widened eyes.

He sighed disappointedly before turning around and locking eyes with her. "Do we really have a choice?"

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