Mobile Legends Oneshots

By kaythekat1

73.9K 1.6K 1.4K

➡Book is closed until further notice⬅ "ℓσvє ωнσ yσυ ωαทτ τσ ℓσvє, ทστ ωнσ yσυ αrє ƒσrcє∂ τσ ℓσvє" Characters... More

Refaela x Argus ♤ returning guard
Alucard x Granger ♤ learn to love
Kagura x reader [F] ♤ cherry tree
Hayabusa x Hanzo ♤ I promise
Granger x Guinevere ♤ repaint
Harley x Nana ♤ run aways
Granger x reader [F] ♤ hero in black
X.Borg x reader [F] ♤ annoying pigeon
Leomord x Lunox ♤ hell knight
X.Borg x reader [M] ♤ whats cudding?
X.Borg x Claude ♤ thief
Ling x Zilong ♤ late night talks
Hercult x Cyclops ♤ meeting you
Vale x reader [F] ♤ gone
Vailr x [F] reader ♤ fight
Granger x Gusion ♤ broken
Dyrroth x reader [F] ♤ angels, demons and humans?
Leomord x Lunox ♤ hell knight pt.2
Gusion x Lesley ♤ just one day pt.2
Leomord x Lunox ♤ into the unknown
Gusion x Lesley ♤ love letter
Chang'e x Harley x Lylia ♤ cake
Ling x Zilong ♤ late night talks pt.2
Deleted stuff idk if I should consider finishing
Alucard x Granger ♤ video game
1.04k wHoOp
Dyrroth x reader [F] ♤ angels, demons and humans? pt.2
Harith x Angela ♤ rest
X.Borg x Granger ♤ options
Harley x Harith ♤ date of fate
Zilong x Ling ♤ training
Zilong x Ling ♤ family
Dyrroth & Silvanna ♤ teasing
Harley x Harith ♤ love that cuts
Claude x [F] reader ♤ are you sure?
Dyrroth x [F] reader ♤ jealous
Zilong x [F] reader ♤ portal
Y'all are cute
Gusion x Granger ♤ hot but cold
X.Borg x Granger ♤ options pt.2
Dyrroth x Alucard ♤ secret
Saber x Gusion ♤ under this mask
Dyrroth x Guinevere ♤ trust issues
Harley x Harith ♤ love that cuts pt.2
Dyrroth x reader [F] ♤ what is Christmas?
Carmilla x Cecilion ♤ twisted
Happy new year! + 5.14k!
Granger x Gusion ♤ stars and bars
Saber x Alpha ♤ computerized emotion
Miya x Zilong ♤ A few minutes
Harith & Nana ♤ hang out
X.Borg x Kimmy ♤ robbery
Lancelot x Odette ♤ castle buying and cuddles

Gusion x Lesley ♤ just one day

1.4K 28 8
By kaythekat1

930 words

Requested by rereca_

I hope you enjoy! <3

Lesley was never one to give up, not even when given a target. She had to look after her little brother so of course, she wouldn't. She watched from afar to check in on him all the time. It was like stalking she had to admit but Harley was getting better and nothing would get in his way of doing that.

She knew of his friends, but this one she never knew about.

She was doing the usual, just watching her brother when a tall, brunette male walked up to him. Lesley was worried at first, but the two seemed to have a very friendly conversation. The male seemed to do nothing but talk to Harley. They seemed to have a history she never knew about.

But how?

She looked at every file she could find on Harley. His family, friends, acquaintances, everything, not a single thing on the brunette male.

So she sat in the bushes and listened in to their conversation. They were talking about the pros and cons of the new hero that had just come in and Nana, one of Harley's crushes.

The male eventually walked away, then Lesley made her move.



Harley screamed. Then noticed it was Lesley, but it was too late. The male he was talking to already saw her.

And he didn't look too happy.

"Guison, wait! Don't attack her!" Harley jumped in front of Lesley. The male seemed to stop in his tracks.

"You know her?" he asked, confusion clear on his face.

"Yes, I do actually she is my sister."

"Your sister? But she doesn't even look like you.."

"I told you I was adopted, idiot." Harley rolled his eyes and Gusion's lips made an 'o' shape.

"I forgot sorry, what's your name?" he asked Harley stepped back to his original spot.

"I'm Lesley, and you are?"

"Gusion Paxley, nice to meet you, Lesley."

"Nice to meet you too, I guess." Lesley shrugged and continued, "anyway, Harley I was wondering if we could hang out?"

Harley sighed, "Sorry Lesley but I already made plans with Gusion today, unless you want to come with us?" Harley gave her puppy eyes and she sighed. She could never say no to the puppy eyes.

"Fine, what will you two be doing?" she asked and Harley let out a squeak.

"As I am getting stronger, I wanted to train with Gusion and see who would win!"

Harley looked happy to be challenged by Gusion. Lesley found it odd. He was never one to get into battles without her.

"Okay, I would like to watch then."

"That's fine! Why don't we head to the arena? I'm dying to know what weapon you use Gusion!"

Harley and Gusion started walking while Lesley followed from behind, making a few comments here and there. They babbled on until they reached the arena. It was smaller then the others Lesley had seen Harley fight on, but it was just 1v1.

"Are you ready to fight?" Gusion smirked at Harley as he pulled out a few daggers. Harley stared at them in awe.

"Heck yeah, I am!" he jumped up excitedly. Lesley quietly chuckled at her little brother.

The two started. As the fight went on Lesley peered at Guison the most. He had very unique fighting skills that seemed to help him do a lot. He was very quick too, nothing seemed to get past him. He was an excellent assassin and mage.

"Go, Harley!" Lesley cheered. It was only them in the arena so her voice echoed. Harley could hear her from the ground and gave her a thumbs up.

In the end, Harley gave up and let Gusion win. Harley was a mage but his magic seemed so much weaker then Gusions.

"Good game Harley, you really put up a fight," Gusion commented with a smirk. Harley scoffed.

"Whatever! You are way too strong anyway!" Harley crossed his arms and huffed. Lesley smiled at her brother.

"Let's go now Lil' bro, we have a lot to talk about."

"Can we being Gusion?"

Lesley looked at Gusion then at her brother.

"Only if he can, " she said, sighing as he jumped up happily.

"Yay!" he smiled, "can you come with us Gusion?"

Gusion also smiled. "Sure! I would be happy to."

The three set off to the sibling's house. Talking about random things just like before, Lesley just talked a lot more.

And asked a lot more questions.

But not about Harley, about Gusion.

"Lesley?" Harley, cut her off and tilted his head.

"Why are you so interested in Gusion all of the sudden?"

Lesley turned all shades of pink, an embarrassed look on her face.

"Meet you guys there!" Lesley said, then ran off to the house.

I'm just worried about my brother, right?

I could never-

No, why am I thinking about this? He probably has a girlfriend anyway Lesley. Knowing how handsome he is would make any girl faint, plus he is a great fighter and that damn smirk-

I need to stop.

Lesley finally reached her house. Not bothering and waiting for the boys, she went inside and make herself a snack. A girls gotta eat, k?

Shortly after, the two came into the door smiles on their faces. Which was slightly suspicious to Lesley but shrugged it off.

"Hey Lesley, Gusion wanted to know if you're single." Harley nudged Gusion, who blushed.

"Single. What about you?"

"S-same..." Gusion scratched the back of his neck nervously.

One day, that will change.

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