Liar | Dukeceit

By bobthebuilder2017

33.2K 2K 1.2K

Deceit has had enough, and he can't do it anymore. He can't deal with the pain of burdening the others. His... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 18

1K 70 25
By bobthebuilder2017

It was simple, really.

All he had to do, was not tell anyone that he was the same person as he was before, just that after, he had no memories.

Perhaps, everyone will be nice to him.

Maybe they'll accept him.

Sure, he'll tell Remus... eventually.

But he can't at the moment.

Deceit knows that he can't, because he knows that Remus wouldn't be mentally prepared for it.

So, when the memories stopped coming, and he was sure that he was back to normal, Deceit felt sad again.

Because he was alive.

And when he saw how desperate Remus was to hold onto him, he wished that he could've turned back the time.

When he fell, he saw the spell fade, and he watched the fear in his lover's eyes return.

He was selfish, and he deeply regretted it.

But now, he was here, alive. Though, he would now have to face everyone. He knew, that he had to tell them all he was back, as himself.

One day.

But for now, it was time to try and make friends.


It was around four in the afternoon, and Patton was cooking their dinner for the night, when Deceit appeared in the kitchen.

He hadn't had his gloves on since he arrived, which was strange; the scales on his hands were unusually brighter.

Patton had just put the mince in the pan, when he turned, and saw Deceit standing there awkwardly.

"Hey there, Kiddo! Would you like to help me?" He asked, a huge smile on his face.

Deceit nodded sheepishly, and took a step forward.

The fatherly trait snapped his fingers, and an apron appeared, tied up around Deceit. It matched his colour scheme, and had little snake patterns on it.

"Wash your hands quick, and then break up the meat with the spatula. I'm making my special tonight, lasagne."

Deceit followed orders: he washed his hands, and then dried them.

Then, he walked over to the stove with the frying pan on top, and grabbed the spatula, before jabbing the meat directly in the middle, clueless.

Patton saw this and giggled.

"Okay, well you can do it that way too! Just do that again, but repeatedly, and make sure that it's all over, so that the meat separates."

Deceit followed each of Patton's instructions, and he felt an overwhelming sense of happiness as he helped out.


Whilst Patton continued to cook the dinner, Deceit decided that he would try and talk to Logan.

So, when he left the kitchen, and when he arrived at Logan's door, he knocked, then entered.

And knowing that he had been speaking in complete truth since he came back, (which kind of defeats one of the purposes of his existence), he would have to start talking in lies again at some point.

"Hey, Loga- what the hell?"

Deceit was shocked to see Logan, on his bed, sprawled out, and reading 'The Fault In Our Stars' whilst Patton was kissing him on the cheek over and over again; trying to get as close as he could to him.

"Greetings, Deceit. Patton and I are going to be spending a few more moments together, whilst the food is being kept warm in the oven."

Deceit was confused more than ever.

"Pump the breaks a second, are you two... together?"

"Yep! We have been for a while now, and we're glad that someone finally knows!" Patton said excitedly, as he leant up to kiss Logan's cheek again.

"Indeed. Even though I am not fully on top of my emotions yet, I do still feel an extremely strong connection to Patton, which I think is described, as love?"

Deceit didn't dare miss the look of pure joy on the fatherly trait's face.

"Okay, this is far too pure for me. So, I'm gonna leave you two lovebirds in peace."

The pair didn't seem to take much notice of his comment, as Logan placed his book down on the bed, ultimately losing the page as he went to kiss Patton.

Deceit took this as his leave.

He didn't bother sinking out, instead, he walked out into the hallway, making sure to close the door behind him.

As he made his way back down to the kitchen, to keep an eye on the food,
the big question still lingered in his mind.

Patton and Logan, are a thing?

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