Katie Holt, I presume

By BlueDemon1999

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Kidge fan fic...first time trying this...if you hate it sorry!! More

Meeting Katie Holt
I suck at titles, sorry~
Downtime before Next Mission
Big Sis
Boys are Slow
Truth or dare???
Dangerous turn
The long walk back
Sleeping Arrangements
Insomnia and Advice
Town Adventures
Chapter 20 Reality Check
Pidge's Revelation
Figuring Things Out
Chapter 26
CH 27
Ch 28 Planning time
Chapter 29

Bar Fight!!!!

280 11 7
By BlueDemon1999

Sorry I've been MIA-just trying to get my life together!!! Enjoy!

Pidge POV

This is my FIRST bar fight! I'm so excited!!!! I've always thought I'd be awesome in a bar brawl! Seriously, I'm small so I can hide well, am smart so I can plan an attack and let's face it...I'm a beast!!! I may have fought an intergalactic war but the idea of telling people I was in a bar fight is beyond my wildest dreams! Damn, Matt is going to be so jealous!! He likes to act like he's so cool now, with his long hair, psht!!! Shit my dad will be pissed when he finds out but oh well, I think I can live with that. And it's all because of Keith! Or well, he may say it's really my fault but I wasn't the one who threw the first punch!

Obviously the fight didn't last long. I mean we are amazing at fighting so when Hank turns and starts yelling about what a tease I was, Keith essentially laid him out with one punch. Then I pivoted, throat punched a guy that was going to hit Keith from behind. He went down so fast I almost felt bad. Then the four assholes at the bar got up and thought they were going to get the jump on us. Yeah right!

WE handled them actually pretty quick too. We definitely didn't even use our real skills, this was like a playground fight compared to what we've done in the past. I didn't even need to hide! I sneak a quick glance at Lance and Veronica and they both look amused. I think I see money exchange hands so I'm not sure who won or bet on who but I smile at them both. When I turn to James and Ryan, Ryan is somehow still eating and well, James does not look happy. I know he hates when rules aren't followed so I don't think he's impressed by the bar fight.

I quickly start filtering through excuses so he won't tattle on us. I definitely don't want Keith to get in trouble because of this. By this time the bartender had pulled out a gun and told us to get out of his bar...and not come back. I think we were both a little sweaty and Keith threw his arm around my shoulder, threw some money on the bar and we left. I don't know what the rest of the team was thinking at this point but I'm sure they will be fine. Hopefully we all managed to keep our respective covers.

I start to head back to where our stuff was, when Keith's arm tightened on me and drew me closer. He brushed a kiss on my temple and whispered, "Stay loose."

We took a few turns down different streets and while I don't know what spooked him, I know he's right. And funnily enough I was ready for it. I felt excited...alive! We were a team and could handle anything the world threw at us! I mean we handled the universe I so yeah I was feeling confident back on Earth.

As we kept a brisk pace I didn't question Keith, after all, I know he has phenomenal instincts and if they are telling him that someone was on our trail, then they were. I don't know when I developed that level of faith in him but...I do. So that's what we are going to do. I instead was taking a mental map of the town and mentally matching with the maps we had and our previous intel. I could tell there was small differences but nothing crazy. The weather here felt warmer than I expected though and I couldn't help but wonder why. By right, it should be in the 60's edging downward but it still felt like it was in the 70's.

And if I was tucked super close to Keith with his scent overwhelming my senses, then I wasn't going to think about it. I know, I should think this through but ignoring my feelings always worked for me in the past. But then my mind veered off...I stumble, I can't believe we kissed. I mean really kissed. Like passionate, not sibling or friend kissed but KISSED!!!  He was probably just acting and I'm sure it meant nothing...but...it was my first non family kiss. So wow. I was just starting to relive it when...

Keith abruptly pulled me in an alley and we were enveloped by darkness. I freeze and try to hone my senses. I shouldn't be distracted like this! I need to be ready, and I think I can make out footsteps but aren't one hundred percent sure. Keith is tense, battle ready, and of course in front of me. I try not to get annoyed because I know he'd put himself in front of any of us and I know, he knows, that I got his back; we got this.

Suddenly someone crashes into us and Keith grabs them and body slams them to the ground. He's about to hit him when I see his knife on his leg...uh oh...he's a Blade!!

I instinctively grab Keith's arm and he freezes. I whisper, "Blade" and he freezes. He holds his own blade to the guy's neck and whispers, "Talk."

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