Highly Inappropriate

By ohfuckoff23

836K 28.2K 22.8K

Alex García is your typical badass lesbian starting her last year of highschool. She has a very complicated f... More



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By ohfuckoff23

"Yo, What the fuck?!", Matt growled as he stood up from his bed in just his underwear, a girl following his movements in utter panic and desperately looking for her clothes.

I took in what was happening in some sort of slow motion, my eyes wide in shock as I realized that I just walked in on my 15 year old brother having sex with a girl. Or almost, at least.

I stood there dumbfounded as the two teenagers frantically put some clothes on. My eyes fell on the girl: she was a petite redhead with long curly hair that fell gently on her shoulders and complimented her soft features. She had a tiny nose covered in adorable freckles and she had light blue eyes. Her body-

"Are you going to get the fuck out of my room anytime soon?!", Matt shouted, taking me back to the reality of the situation.

I think I have a serious problem.

"Shit. Yeah, sorry.", I mumbled as I turned around and left the room, the door slamming behind me.

I lingered there on the spot. I definitely wasn't ready to deal with this. I'm no parent! I shouldn't be thinking whether to lecture my brother on the subject or not, for fuck's sake!

Part of me wanted to turn around and give him a piece of my mind, but the other part was screaming for me not to do that since I didn't want to embarrass him any further. Just as I was about to make a decision, I heard footsteps behind the door and bolted down the stairs.

"Come on, Melanie! Just wait!", I heard Matt calling after her as they both rushed downstairs. "Please?"

When they came in sight, Melanie looked at me with an apologetic and sheepish smile, mouthing towards me an 'I'm sorry, Miss García', as she ran for the door, Matt still hot in her heels, helplessly trying to get her to stay.

God, I felt like shit now.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!", Matt growled at me as soon as the door slammed shut. "It took me 3 fucking months to get her to agree to spend some time alone with me!!"

"Oh, you mean to have sex?!", I frowned.

"Hell yes to have sex! Dammit! Shouldn't you be at work?!"

"I have tomorrow and tonight off, FYI."

"Perfect. Just perfect.", he groaned as he took a seat at the table and buried his head into his hands. "Nice job, Alex. That girl will never even look at me again and it's on you."

"Hey, don't put this on me Matt!", I retorted, starting to get pissed off myself. "This wouldn't have happened if you actually grew a pair and confronted me about what happened on Sunday! But, hell no! Let's avoid your fucking sister for three days, hoping that she'll let go!"

"You had no right to barge into my room like that!", he hissed, shooting daggers at me.

"I know, and I'm sorry! But I was done with you avoiding me and I was determined to finally have a conversation with you. I had no clue that you were with someone! So, I'm sorry. But me apologizing to you for walking in on you guys doesn't make it okay, Matt!"

"Well, don't worry sis. That's definitely not going to happen again anytime soon."

An awkward silence fell between the two of us. I had no idea how to go on about it and I could tell that Matt was pissed but mostly embarrassed by the whole thing, and I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"Matt.. since you're here now, can we talk about Sunday?", I asked in a soft voice. "I'm concerned-"

"Don't be, Alex.", he sighed out loud, looking up to meet my gaze, his features softening. "Look, given our family history, I completely get why you're concerned. But I'm telling you: don't be. It was a mistake okay? Some older guys from my team managed to get their hands on some beers and since we were celebrating I had some myself. I deserved you giving me shit about it, and I shouldn't have avoided you. I'm young, I made a mistake, I'll probably make a thousand more, but I promise you that it won't happen again."

"You sure..?", I asked, extremely relieved that he was smart enough to own his own mistakes.

"Positive.", he assured me. "I have absolutely no intention to turn into that poor excuse for a human being such as our lovely daddy.", he spat, his eyes full of anger at his mention. "I'm so glad-"

"Don't.", I whispered under my breath as I shut my eyes and raised my hand for him to shut up. I definitely didn't need to hear what he was about to say.

"Sorry..", he mumbled.

"Back to us.", I cleared my throat and pulled myself together. "I'm glad we cleared that up. Moving on..", I trailed off, slightly embarrassed.

"Oh god, please no Alex.", he whined, covering his face behind his hands and turning red.

"I'm sorry, Matt. I have to.", I chuckled, trying to loosen up the situation. "Trust me, this is no fun for me just as much as it isn't for you."

"Come on! I didn't even make it to having sex goddamit!"

"What about sex?", Jess appeared in the kitchen behind me, clearly amused.

"Well, great! Do we wanna call our neighbors too at this point? It's not like this whole situation couldn't get any more embarrassing anyways.", Matt theatrically threw his arms into the air causing me to laugh at him.

"I may have walked in on Matt and a girl-"

"Matt!!!! You popped your cherry?!", Jess squealed as she jumped towards him and hugged him.

"God. Please. Kill me. Now.", Matt mumbled before slipping away from Jess's grip and pleading me with his eyes. "Can I go now? Please?"

"Yes, you can.", I chuckled, as he shot up from his seat. "But, wait. Just let me tell you a few last things, then I'll never bother you about this ever again. Despite the fact that I think that you're too young to be having sex, I also know that you'll do it anyways, whether or not I allow you. So, with that being said: please, be respectful towards the girl and be the gentleman that I know you can be; please, always wear a condom; girls are not allowed to stay the night unless I agree to it; and lastly, no sex in the house."

"Wait, What?!", he scoffed in disbelief. "Where am I supposed to go?! But, most importantly: why would that rule apply to me but not to you?! It's unfair!"

"Fair point.", Jess pointed out.

"Not. Helping.", I hissed at her.

"Seriously, you'd rather have me messing around somewhere in the streets instead of in my own goddamn room?"

"My house, my rul-"

"May I suggest a win win solution?", Jess jumped in, winking confidently at Matt, earning a hopeful smile from him and a silent death sentence from me.

"What about no sex when Alex is home?", she smirked devilishly.

"What?! I'm never home J-"

"Deal!", Matt obviously agreed on the spot. "Thank you Jess, I owe you one!", he yelled, already halfway up the stairs before I could even reply.

"How is that a win win for me, exactly?!", I snapped my head towards Jess.

"Well, your brother won't have sex in a public place therefore he won't get his ass arrested in the process, and you won't be around the house to hear about it. So, win win.", she excitedly concluded before planting a kiss on my cheek and flashing me a satisfied grin.

"Ugh, I give up.", I rolled my eyes, raising my hands in defeat and grabbing two beers from the fridge, handing one to Jess.

"Shouldn't you be at work, by the way?", she frowned, taking a sip from the bottle.

"Plumbing issues at the bar. I'll go back on Monday.", I shrugged, mimicking her.


"What's with the 'oh'?", I arched my eyebrow and gave her an inquisitive look.

"Nothing.. it's just that Tyler was supposed to come over and watch a movie, but I'll canc-"

"Hell no, Jess.", I cut her short. "No way I'm letting you cancel. I'll get out of your hair and leave you the place to yourselves."



"Don't shush me!", she playfully hit my arm. "Seriously, I'm not going to kick you out your own house, Alex."

"It's no biggie, Jess. I had plans anyways.", I lied, trying to put up a convincing front.

"Really?", she eyed me suspiciously. "With who?"

"Jamie.", I lied again.

I had no idea what I was going to do, but fuck it I guess. I might as well call her and hook up with her at her place, right? No way in hell that I'm staying here.

"You know you suck at lying, right?", Jess mocked me.

"What are you talking about?", I giggled, surprised that I got busted so easily.

"You twitch your nose every time you're about to lie, idiot.", she eyed me, amused.

Do I? Woah, I guess I'm just full of surprises.

"Okay, fine. I lied.", I sighed in resignation.

"Of course you did."

"But that doesn't mean I can't hit her up. So, I'll go change into something more appealing and I suggest you take a shower and do the same. Okay? Just.. no sex on the couch, please.", I pleaded her with a teasing smirk.

"Shut up.", she blurted as she blushed furiously. "Let me at least get to first base before making sexual comments."

"Why stop at first base when you can go for a home run?", I wiggled my eyebrows as I mischievously grinned at her.

"Get out of my face before I shove this banana down your throat.", she threatened me, grabbing a banana from the fruit basket.

"Why shove that banana down my throat when Tyl-"

"GO!", she growled as she forced me up the stairs, causing me to laugh out loud at how uncomfortable I was making her.

A while later, right after dinner I was heading out. I didn't even try to hit Jamie up since as I got dressed, a wild idea popped into my mind. I grabbed my car keys and drove to the nearest liquor shop to buy two of the best wine bottles that I could find, and shortly after that I was parking my car not too far away from my house.

I hesitated for a couple of minutes, wondering if this was a good idea. Probably not, but hey, it's always me we're talking about. That's why I found myself already knocking on the front door, wondering if she was even home. After several knocks and no answer, I was silently giving up. I slowly headed back to my car when, as soon as I was off the front porch, the door swung open, causing me to smirk and turn around.

"I come bearing gifts."

"Alex? What are you doing here?", Ashley asked surprised, nervously wrapping herself into her bathrobe and standing in the doorway.

"As I said. I come bearing gifts.", I smirked, holding up the two bottles of wine for her to see.

"I can see that.", Ashley chuckled.

"So, are you going to let the gift bearer in? Cause I'm freezing and I'm pretty sure my nipples are going to fall off any second now.", I boldly asked, noticing that Ashley wasn't inviting me in.


"I'll take that as a yes.", I smiled victoriously as I confidently pushed her inside and closed the door behind me.

"Are you always so conceited?", she asked me as I made myself at home and headed for the kitchen.

"Where's the corkscrew?", I ignored her and started to randomly opening and closing some drawers.

"Top drawer to your left.", she sighed, leaning against the fridge behind me.


I quickly unscrewed a bottle, an audible pop resonating in the process. I then proceeded to grab two wine glasses from one of the cabinets and headed for the living room, a bewildered Ashley hot in my heels.

"So, are you?"

"I guess you'll find out.", I shrugged, flashing her a cocky smile and causing her to roll her eyes. "Now go put something on, cause picturing you naked under that is very distracting."

She looked down at her bathrobe and blushed simultaneously, quickly disappearing upstairs.

Don't get me wrong, I wanted to rip that thing off with my own teeth, but I knew that that wasn't going to happen. Highly inappropriate, right?

I made myself comfortable on the couch, poured ourselves some wine and waited for Ashley to come join me, which she did shortly after, wearing a casual pair of black sweatpants and an oversized grey sweater, her hair tied up into a messy bun. How could someone look hot in that?!

"Still distracting?", she teased as she sat next to me and crossed her legs, facing me.

"Very, actually.", I replied, offering her a glass and shamelessly checking her out as I got into her same position.

"Shut up.", she chuckled, blushing again and taking a sip of wine. "Mmmh this is good!"

"Glad you like it, Miss Stevens.", I smirked, taking a sip myself.

"So, to what do I owe the unexpected pleasure?"

"Oh, so now's a pleasure huh? It sure didn't seem like it since you were obviously considering to let me freeze to death 10 minutes ago.", I teasingly pointed out.

"Gosh, you're so dramatic."

"Maybe.", I stuck out my tongue at her. "Anyways. To be brutally honest, I kind of kicked myself out of my house in order to allow Jess to have the place to herself and have her crush over. Technically, I had a shift at work tonight so she didn't think twice to invite him over, but long story short, I won't be working till Monday. And since I didn't want her to cancel her plans, I got rid of the problem: yours truly."

"I'm not really following.", Ashley frowned, tilting her head. "Why would Jess be having her crush over at your house?"

"Oh, right. Uhm.. Jess is kind of living with me at the moment. She had some family issues, but I don't want to bore you to death with the details. Besides, it's not really my place to tell."

"Okay, now that makes a little more sense."

"It does, doesn't it?", I chuckled sarcastically.

"And why did you come here? I mean, I'm pretty sure that a normal 19 year old would have sneaked into some club or something and go have fun instead of showing up at her teacher's house.."

"Well, I tried to hit up the girl that I've been hooking up with lately, but she was busy, so..", I trailed off, studying her reaction.

She still was pretty unreadable to me when she wanted to, but I swear that she was slightly hurt by what I said.

"I'm messing with you, dumbass.", I whispered softly, nudging her playfully. "I'll be honest with you though, I was going to call her and hook up with her, but then I thought about you and I didn't even bother. I just came over. And I can't believe I'm telling you this.", I scoffed in surprise.

"Why?", she asked, clearly amused but most importantly relieved that I was just messing with her.

"Cause now you'll flatter yourself.", I smirked, arching an eyebrow.

"You really are conceited, uh?"

"Shut up.", I rolled my eyes, downing the rest of my wine and leaning towards the coffee table to get a refill for the both of us.

"Wait, what about your brothers? Aren't they gonna get in your friend's way?"

"Nah, I highly doubt that. Chase was beyond exhausted after dinner, he basically fell asleep at the kitchen table. As for Matt, I'm pretty sure he won't leave his room unless strictly necessary. I.. I may have walked in on him almost having sex with a girl this afternoon..?", I sheepishly confessed.

"Shut the front door!", she bursted out laughing, her eyes wide in astonishment.

"I clearly should have kept that door shut.", I joked and joined her laughing, the effect of the wine definitely kicking in as we both couldn't stop ourselves from giggling.

"So..", Ashley started in a more serious tone once we pulled ourselves together, grabbing my attention as our eyes locked. "About that girl you ditched for me tonight.. who is she to you?"

"First of, I didn't ditch her for you.", I playfully defended myself, fully aware of the fact that she was messing with me. "Second of, I honestly don't know how to answer that. At first it was just a random flirt that turned into a one nightstand with no strings attached when someone decided to piss me off in the bathroom during homecoming. But then, I got to know her better and I don't know, we sort of became friends I guess. She's a nice girl and she's fun to hang out with. Plus, the sex is quite good, which is a bonus.", I shrugged, taking another sip of wine which I definitely didn't need since I was clearly beyond tipsy at this point.

Why am I spilling everything out? Jesus.

"You're basically telling me that you started to fuck her because of me..?", she said in a low voice, frowning with curiosity.

"Language, Miss Stevens."

"Shut up.", she chuckled. "I don't believe it for a second that it bothers you if I say the word 'fuck'."

I smirked as I grabbed both our glasses and put them on the coffee table, slowly scooting closer to her as she tensed up and her eyes widened. I then leaned forward to whisper in her ear.

"It doesn't bother me, Miss Stevens. As a matter of fact, it fucking turns me on.", I uttered under my breath in my most seductive voice before gently biting her earlobe and refraining in order to look at her in the eyes, our faces inches apart. "As for your previous question..", I gently pushed her back taking her by surprise, and quickly straddled her, pinning her wrists above her head and bringing my face inches apart from hers. "..wouldn't you like to know the answer to that?", I whispered, flashing her a cocky smile and biting my lip, never breaking eye contact.

"Yup.. definitely conceited.", Ashley mumbled, her sparkling grey eyes full of lust as her breathing became uneven.

"Admit it, you're kind of starting to like it.", I teased as I slowly tilted my head and leaned closer to her lips.

"Alex..", she weakly pleaded me to stop as we both knew how this would end.

"Let me guess.. highly inappropriate?", I frowned with a devious smirk.

She silently nodded, her eyes frantically flickering from my gaze to my lips.

"Well, take I wild guess yourself Miss Stevens. Cause right now I don't give a flyin fuck.", I groaned under my breath as I could no longer contain myself and smashed my lips against hers, my heart pounding and my body screaming for her touch.

It took her a couple of long seconds before eventually giving in, at which point I released my grip on her wrists and cupped her face, deepening  the kiss and begging her for entrance as I pulled her closer. She wasn't giving me the satisfaction though, her lips dancing against my own but never parting for me to slide my tongue into her throat, her fingers tangled into my hair while the other hand subtly grabbed my ass, slightly startling me.

"I wanna taste you so bad, Miss Stevens.", I whispered in her ear as I parted from her lips and moved to her neck, gently biting every inch of it causing her to release little, soft moans as I simultaneously wedged my body in between her legs and applied pressure with my thigh against her core.

"F-fuck..!", Ashley instantly moaned in pleasure at the touch, her breath hitching in her throat, causing me to smile mischievously to myself as I planted wet kisses all over her neck and jawline. I slowly lowered my left hand to her hip, snaking it around her lower back and moved her slightly in order for my thigh to have better friction against her core.

I noticed she was literally soaked down there as she started grinding her hips against my thigh and I could feel the warmth of her juices despite us both being still fully dressed. The thought that I could turn her on like that almost sent me over the edge, especially the way she was shamelessly moaning right now.

"I like the sound of that.", I husked before fearlessly kissing her lips, this time immediately sliding my tongue against hers, causing a wave of electricity throughout my entire body as I pressed my thigh against her bundle of nerves even further, her hips still grinding it as I slipped a hand under her sweater and slowly made my way towards her breasts.

"Holy shit!", Ashley suddenly parted from my lips and tilted her head backwards, her back arching and her entire body trembling before unfolding under me, her chest quickly rising and lowering as she tried to catch her breath, her eyes  tightly shut.

And then? She sneezed.

I was completely clueless about what to do next.

Are you kidding me right now? I barely even touched her!! I mean, I knew exactly what just happened but part of me didn't want to believe it, while the other part wanted to burst out laughing. But that would be completely rude and heartless on my part. So I literally swallowed it, if that's even a thing.

"Ashley..", I called her in a soft and reassuring way, still laying on top of her as I cupped her face and brushed my thumb against her cheek. "Look at me.."

She instantly shook her head, her eyes still shut as her face went 50 shades of a whole different red.

"Ashley, if you don't open your eyes and look at me, I swear I'm going to tie you to the coffee table and go down on you so hard that I'll actually give you a good reason to wake the entire neighborhood.", I threatened her, causing her to shoot her eyes wide open, a mix of fear and shame.

She looked like a deer caught in the headlights, but beautiful nonetheless. Yes, I really said that.

"Good.", I whispered and smiled warmly, searching her eyes till she allowed her gaze to lock with mine. "You sneezed."

"I sneezed.", she repeated in some sort of weird mumble.

"And if I recall correctly, you sneeze when you-"

"Yes, Alex. Yes. I sneeze after I cum.", she snapped, covering her face by burying it in her hands. "God, this is so embarrassing."

"No need to bring God into this.", I chuckled, trying to loosen her up.

"Are you making fun of me now?", she groaned.

"No, Ashley.", I rolled my eyes and quickly replied, taking her hands away from her face and locking our gazes together once again. "I actually find it quite adorable and weirdly sexy that you sneeze after an orgasm."

"I can't believe you just said that.", she shook her head, letting out a nervous laugh as she slightly relaxed, sensing honesty in my awkward statement.

"Yeah, me neither. Ironic, huh?", I smirked at her, leaning in to kiss her softly before pulling away and a getting off of her.

"You're pissed off, aren't you?", she asked me as she pulled herself up and scooted closer to me.

"What? Absolutely not, weirdo.", I reassured her, giving her a genuine smile as I reached for her hand and intertwined our fingers together. "I'm surprised, if we really want to define my current state. But the thought of being pissed didn't even cross my mind. Like, in the slightest. It happens, Ash. I mean, it never happened to me before but apparently it happens nonetheless. It would be stupid of me to get pissed over this. In fact, I'm kind of flattered to be completely honest with you.", I nudged her playfully. "I'm that good, huh?", I mocked her, wiggling my eyebrows.

"Ugh, you're so full of shit.", she scoffed, trying to retrieve her hand from my grip but to no avail. Hence, she punched my arm quite hard.

"Ouch! I guess I deserved that.", I giggled in pain, blatantly faking it and pulling her closer to me. "Seriously Ash, apart from my stupid ass messing with you, I really meant what I said. It happened, and I'm already over it. I just want to make sure that you don't make a big deal out of it, cause there's literally no point in doing so. Okay?", I whispered, planting a kiss on her temple.

"Okay..", she whispered back, burying her head in the crook of my neck as I rested my cheek on her forehead.

We stayed like this in silence for a while, just enjoying each other's company without really feeling the need to talk about whatsoever. It was a comfortable kind of silence, and I was kind of lost in my own thoughts anyways as I mentally replayed what happened.

I couldn't stop thinking about how I reacted to the whole thing. As harsh as it sounds, if a random girl did happen to cum by just grinding against my fucking leg, I would definitely just up and leave, most certainly after laughing out loud right into her face and telling her to lose my number.

I know, I can be a bitch.

Instead, with Ashley I felt compelled to do exactly the opposite. I stayed. I comforted her. I reassured her. And yeah, I also kind of subtly made fun of her, but I did that in the attempt to cheer and loosen her up, not to tear her down.

Why though? Why did I feel compelled to do that? Why am I still here, apparently cuddling with her on the couch without a care in the world?

I snapped out of my mental interrogation towards myself as my phone buzzed, revealing a text from Jess:

Jess 0.07am
'Hey babe, Tyler left. Matt is fast asleep and so is Chase. Where r u at? Want me to wait up for your slutty ass? :* love u (and thank u, again)'

I smirked to myself, sensing that my best friend was in a weirdly good mood and I wanted to know exactly what happened. But most importantly I wanted to check for myself that Chase was really fast asleep. I typed in a quick reply before sighing and break the silence.

"As much as I'd like to stay here a little longer, it's getting late. We both have school in the morning and I really have to head home to check on Chase.", I whispered softly.


"Ash?", I cleared my throat and spoke up.


"Really?!", I groaned internally.

By the way she was breathing, she was clearly asleep.

I stood up from the couch and laid her down into a more comfortable position, covering her sleepy ass with a warm and soft blanket that was placed on the nearest armchair. I could have carried her to bed, but first of, I had no clue where that was, and second of, I really didn't want to wake her up.

So I quietly scanned the living room for a piece of paper and a pen, and quickly left her a note on the coffee table. After I cleared the empty bottle of wine along with the glasses, I started to look around for the spare key to the front door, but to no avail. I then added a small P.S. on the original note and planted a soft kiss on her forehead before heading for the door, grabbing the keys that were conveniently placed next to her purse and locking the door behind me as I stepped out in the cold night.

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