Highly Inappropriate

By ohfuckoff23

801K 27.2K 22.3K

Alex García is your typical badass lesbian starting her last year of highschool. She has a very complicated f... More



16.8K 553 464
By ohfuckoff23

After my shift at the bar I went straight home to catch some sleep. Jess was still awake, making sure that I got home safe and sound. I considered telling her about Ashley, but I wasn't really in a talkative mood to be honest, and thankfully she took the hint and decided not to push me. Since I smelled like cigarettes and alcohol, I decided to take a quick shower before going to bed. But when I got there, my mind wasn't really agreeing with my physical need of sleep.

I couldn't take my mind off of Ashley and the way she looked at me, nor I could take my mind off of how I felt when I saw her with that girl. The thought that she might be with her in bed in this very moment made me want to punch someone in the face, preferably that very bitch.

This woman is managing to drive me insane without even talking to me! Why do I even bother so much? She clearly doesn't give a shit. And do I? No, I don't. I can't.

I tossed in my bed several times, not managing to fall asleep. I also considered for a brief moment to text that girl, Jamie, but I soon realized that it was almost 6 in the morning, so I did the only logical thing that I could think of in order to finally sleep: I rolled myself a spliff, smoked it, downed three shots of vodka and topped it all by shotgunning a beer. It wasn't the smartest idea, but hey, it worked.


I woke up to the sound of music blasting from the living room. I groaned in frustration as I rolled over my bed and grabbed my phone, just to realize it was 4 in the afternoon.

Have I really just slept for 10 hours?

I lazily stood up from my bed and made my way downstairs. What I saw down there made me pinch myself to make sure that I was actually awake, as I never thought, in a thousand years, to see my two little brothers and Jess... cleaning? Matt and Chase wouldn't even bother to clean after themselves, how the hell did Jess get them to clean the living room and make it seem like a lot of fun?!

Maybe I'm still high. Cause there's no way I'm actually seeing this.

"What are you guys doing?", I asked dumbfounded, probably not loud enough since none of them realized I was even in the room. I repeated myself, this time shouting over the music with an amused look on my face, eventually grabbing their attention.

"Oh, look who came back from the dead.", Jess teased me, turning off the vacuum cleaner and nudging Matt in his side as she passed by him and made her way towards me.

"What does it look like, sis?", he smirked, going back to rubbing an old wine stain from off the carpet after shamelessly checking out Jess's ass as she walked away.

"I like cleaning!", Chase screamed as he frantically ran around with a broom, causing me to laugh out loud.

"How the hell did you get them to clean?", I whispered under my breath as Jess followed me into the kitchen.

"I just asked.", she shrugged, clearly oblivious to the fact that I've tried to get them to do that for the past year, never succeeding once.

"You just asked. Wow.", I scoffed in shock, pouring myself a cup of coffee and taking a seat at the table next to her.

"So, How was work last night?"

And there she was. I knew she noticed I was pissed when I got back from my shift, but I was honestly hoping that she wouldn't bring it up again. Clearly, I was wrong.

"It was okay.. I met a girl from our school.", I bluntly stated, taking a sip of coffee and glancing at her, who was silently waiting for me to continue. "Her name's Jamie, she's in our Spanish class."

"Oh, I know who she is! She's fiiiine!"

"You sure you're not gay?", I chuckled at her overreaction. 

"Pretty sure, yeah.", she giggled, leaning back in her chair and studying me carefully. Yeah, this girl knew me well, and she knew I wasn't telling the whole story.

"And then, out of the blue, I saw Ashley. What are the chances that of all the bars in the Chicago, she had to come to the one I work at?!", I mumbled, letting out a sigh and running my fingers through my hair.

"Why am I not surprised that your shitty mood had something to do with her?", she whispered softly, knowing by now how she could easily affect my mood. "What happened?"

"Nothing happened actually.. I had just finished talking to Jamie, who was obviously flirting with me, and then I walked over to Max, the other bartender, to make sure he was doing okay. He then made a stupid joke about me 'breaking hearts' since he saw me talking to her, and after noticing my confused look, he nodded towards the crowd and I noticed Ashley staring at me. Hell, for Max to tell me that, it means that he noticed her looking at me for quite some time, right?"

"Yeah, maybe..? What's the point?", she asked, narrowing her eyes.

"The point is.. when our eyes met, she had a very weird look on her face. Did she see me flirting with Jamie? Was she bothered by it? How long has she even been there?", I started rambling, as usual.

"I'm still missing the part that made you come home pissed, Alex.", she frowned at me, suppressing a small laugh.

"Well.. as I was looking at her, this random bitch out of nowhere leans into her ear and whispers something, before taking her hand and dragging her who the fuck knows where, probably at her place.", I groaned, leaning back into my seat and pushing away my cup of coffee. "And just a second before following her, Max told me that she glanced back towards the bar, looking for me, but I was already gone."

"Wait, are you telling me that you're.. jealous?", she asked me, her eyes wide in shock.

"I'm not.", I hissed back, trying to convince myself rather than her.

"Oh god, you so are!", Jess slammed her fist on the table, a devious smile on her face as I rolled my eyes.

I didn't complain. It was pointless since I knew I was in fact jealous, and I was so bothered by this feeling that I would do anything to get rid of it.

Silence fell between us, the music still blasting from the living room as I started to absentmindedly play with my hair.

"Alex..", Jess started in a soft voice. "Do you.. do you like her more than you're admitting to yourself?", she cautiously asked me, a concerned look on her face.

"I know nothing about her, Jess. I don't like her, okay? I just so happened to have mind blowing sex with her before finding out she was my teacher.", I sighed, silently cursing myself for even going out that night. All this mess, all these feelings that I was experiencing.. they would have never existed.

"But, something about her intrigues you, Alex.. I've never seen you so hung up on someone, and you've been having serious mood-swings ever since you two kissed.."

She was right. She was always right, for that matter. I've been grumpy and on edge ever since, and yeah.. something about her did intrigue me. And I hated it.

"What am I going to do?", I groaned in frustration, resting my head on her shoulder.

"There's not much that you can do right now, babe.", she kissed my forehead and pulled me into a hug. "What you can do though is to get on your feet and start getting ready for tonight. Oh and dress sexy, make sure some random teacher won't be able to take her eyes off of you."

"Fuck off.", I chuckled and flashed her a genuine smile as I released myself from her embrace and slowly headed upstairs. This is gonna be a long ass night.


Homecoming went by pretty fast, and Tyler, Jess, Jason and I were standing by the dance floor, taking turns to chug on my flask: no way we were coming here without some alcohol.

Tyler and Jason were both wearing a black suit, and I may as well tell you that they did clean up pretty decently. Jess, on the other hand, was looking drop dead gorgeous: she had her long blonde hair tied into a side braid, she applied a little more makeup than usual achieving a pair of perfect black smokey shades which complimented her piercing blue eyes, and she was wearing a long silver dress with a side slit which occasionally showed her slender legs.

As for me, well.. I decided to give into Jess's advice: I let my long curly hair fall loose onto my shoulders, and I chose to wear a tight backless skinny black dress that went mid thigh and had a v-neck that showed a lot of my cleavage, topping it with sparkling red high heels. I let Jess make my makeup, which was on point and similar to hers, with the exception that I applied a bold red lipstick and added a little more mascara in order to let my green eyes pop out even more.

All in all, I felt like a hooker. But that's just because I didn't like to wear dresses I guess, and judging by the heads I turned, I was looking good. So screw it, right?

"Jess, uh.. wanna dance?", Tyler asked her hesitantly after he gave me my flask back.

I probably had the most idiotic smirk cause Jess actually managed to terrify me with just one glance. But I didn't care, my heart was doing multiple flips at the fact that finally one of these two morons decided to make a move on one another, proving my point.

"Y-Yeah, sure..?", she replied, startled and slightly panicking at the sudden request. "Alex-"

"Oh, no. I'm good here. You guys have fun.", I cut her off, a devious grin on my face as I took another sip from my flask. There was no way I was putting myself into the third wheel position.

They took off, Jess flashing me deathly glares as she mouthed a 'I know where you sleep, bitch' and disappeared into the crowd, leaving me with a horny Jason that couldn't stop drooling over me.

"So, how are you liking Chicago so far?", I asked him in the attempt to make small talk and distracting him from looking at my body. "Missing NY?"

"Nah, not really.", he shrugged, finally looking up from my tits and into my eyes. "I needed a change after I basically fucked up at my old school, so my parents thought that sending me here was a good idea. I didn't like it at first, but having Tyler here made it a lot easier, and Chicago is kind of growing on me now."

"What did you do?", I curiously asked him.

Usually I wouldn't pry, but he seemed at ease talking to me, so I gave it a shot.

"Well.. there was this teacher. She was a real bitch, and I don't know why but she never missed a chance to pick on me or giving me bad grades since the very first day. No matter how hard I tried in her class, I always seemed to fail. Long story short, halfway through the school year she brought back the results to a test that I was sure I aced, and instead she gave me an F. It was a cross check test, and as soon as I looked at it, I realized it wasn't the test that I filled out."

"You mean.. she changed it and made it look like you failed?!", I gasped in reply, not believing that someone would do something like this, let alone a teacher.

"Basically, yeah. I mean, crazy, right?!"

"That's insane! Why would she do that??"

"I have no fucking clue, Alex. For whatever reason, this bitch hated me."

"Why didn't you report it?"

"Who would have believed me?", he replied, letting out a sigh. "It was my word against hers. There wasn't really nothing I could do about it. I confronted her, trying to figure out why she was going out of her way to screw me over.. but she obviously pretended to be oblivious to all of it."

"Jeez, that sucks! So.. what did you do?", I asked, still missing the point in which he allegedly fucked up.

"I...", he paused, slightly blushing as he scratched the back of his head. "At that point I couldn't take it anymore, nor I could think straight. Like, at all.. So, I might have brought a baseball bat to her car and set it on fire in the school's parking lot."

"No fucking way!!!", I laughed out loud as I almost chocked myself to death, my eyes wide in shock.

"Yeah.. not my best moment, not to mention the fact it wasn't even her car.", he chuckled in embarrassment. "Anyway, they knew it was me, but they had no actual proof since I disabled the school's cameras. So they let it slide but I couldn't stay there, I needed to change school before I actually killed the woman."

"Wow.. that's quite the story man. Hell, I would have hit her with my car if that happened to me. Not my car though, it's definitely too nice to ruin it over a lousy bitch.", I joked, nudging him playfully.

"Anyway.. wanna dance? No strings attached, I promise.", he changed the subject, winking at me and nodding towards the dance floor.

"Ha! As if you wouldn't like that.", I winked back. "But no, thanks. My heels are already killing me to be honest, and this music sucks."

"Okay okay.. I'll catch you later then?", he raised his hands in defeat.

I nodded, giving him a genuine smile as he left and made his way through a bunch of people. I stood there for a while, realizing that I had been so distracted that I haven't even looked around for Ashley yet. I quickly scanned the room and, as if on cue, my gaze soon locked with those familiar grey eyes that, surprise surprise, were already on my figure.

Ugh, how does she do that?!

We stared at each other from across the room for what seemed to me like ages before she broke eye contact to take in my figure as I couldn't help myself and did the same.

She was wrapped into a beautiful sleeveless long red dress that hugged her curves perfectly, it's neckline showing her defined collarbones and just enough cleavage as her hair was pinned up, allowing me to take in her slender neck.

I caught myself biting my lower lip, my mouth dry as I could only think how badly I wanted to just rip her clothes off right now. I looked up again, locking our eyes as I saw them darken: she was thinking the exact same thing, I could tell.

Suddenly though, a random douchebag decided to bump into me, his drink spilling all over my arm, causing me to look away and almost bite his head off.

"Oh, sorr-"

"Asshole.", I simply hissed at him, suppressing the urge to shove the guy and heading for the bathroom in order to clean myself up.

I was desperately looking in my purse for some tissues since the bathroom was conveniently out of paper towel when I heard the door open, followed by the sound of high heels and the click of the lock closing. I didn't even have to turn around to figure out who it was, and honestly? I didn't want to, cause I didn't trust myself enough to look at her without jumping her with all my strength.

"Here.", Ashley whispered as she joined me at the sink and handed me a pack of tissues.

I'm not gonna lie, being this close to her was dangerous right now as the tequila was definitely kicking in, making me dizzy and mostly horny.

"So we're talking now?", I groaned, grabbing the tissues from her hand and never looking at her as I wiped my arm.

"Just wanted to help and make sure you were okay.", she said quietly.

I could feel her eyes burning holes into my body, making me feel nervous as hell. This was the closest I got to her since we kissed, and my heart was speeding a hundred miles an hour.

I kept cleaning myself up in complete silence, mainly not wanting her to notice how nervous she could make me just by standing next to me. But, whatever. She probably noticed anyways as her figure disappeared from the corner of my eyes.

I was about to release a sigh of relief as I thought she was leaving, but clearly I was once again mistaken as I felt her hands gently grabbing my hips from behind and pressing her body against mine, pushing me against the sink, her breasts brushing against my bare back as my breath hitched in my throat and I felt goosebumps raising all over my body.

"You look beautiful by the way, Alex.", she whispered in my ear with a husky voice, her nose barely brushing against my neck as I felt my body tense and shivers down my spine.

And just like that, she was gone, leaving me literally petrified, my body on fire as it craved more of her touch.

I was speechless, and I couldn't bring my body to move as I stared at my reflection in the mirror, my knees weak as they threatened to collapse. If I needed to release my sexual frustration before this, god only knows how much I needed it now. She was completely fucking with my head and I soon started to feel anger build up in my body, to the point that I got pissed real quick.

I grabbed my purse and stormed out of the bathroom, determined to get the hell out of here and go home to drown my sorrows in alcohol and weed. But, as I bumped into a familiar face on the dance floor, I actually had to reconsider it all.

Maybe there was a better way to lighten my mood after all.

"Hey you!", Jamie yelled over the sound of music, grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards her. "You going somewhere?", she asked me, leaning forward to allow me to hear her.

I quickly checked her out, taking in how good she was looking tonight. After all, who was I kidding, I was so frustrated that I could have jumped Jason as far as I knew. And that was actually desperate. Ew, gross.

But Jamie, fuck me. She was really something.

"I'm going home. Wanna get out of here and join me?", I smirked mischievously at her, her face lightening up at the offer as she intertwined our fingers together.

"Lead the way beautiful.", she teased me as I dragged her across the crowd and towards the exit.

Just before we got to the door, my eyes locked with Ashley's for a split second. I didn't even bother to try and read her. I was so confused, and pissed, and frustrated, that I couldn't be arsed with any more of her bullshit. So I glanced away and left, never looking back.

Fuck her.


"Well.. that was something.", Jamie panted, trying to catch her breath as I threw myself next to her.

"Are you guys done yet?! I'm trying to fucking sleep here!", Matt growled from his room, causing us both to laugh hysterically.

"Shit.", I chuckled as I could feel my cheeks flush. "Damn girl, you're loud!"

"Hey! Don't mock me! It's not my fault if you're that good!", she giggled embarrassed, playfully nudging me.

I stuck my tongue out at her, then turned my gaze towards the ceiling as a comfortable silence fell between us, Jamie's breathing getting more and more even by the minute.

"So.. to whom do I owe the great sex we just had for the past 5 hours?", she eventually asked, causing me to look at her, her eyebrows arched as she glanced at me with a devious smirk.

"Uh.. to me, duh?", I scoffed, not really following.

"Yeah, obviously. Come on, who is she?", Jamie asked in a soft voice.

"What are you talking about?", I replied, letting out a nervous giggle.

"Alex, I know what angry sex looks like, and since I'm pretty sure I wasn't the cause of it, I'm asking: who is she? Why did she piss you off that much?"

I looked away from her, uncertain of what to say and really embarrassed that she noticed that I took it out on her.

God, I'm a terrible person. And Ashley's a bitch since she managed to screw me over without even being here.

"Hey, I'm not saying that I minded. At all, actually..", she smirked, trying to reassure me.

"It.. it doesn't really matter, Jamie. I really don't wanna talk about it right now. Or never, for that matter.", I sighed, feeling like shit.

Jamie turned out to be not only sexy as hell, but also a really cool and nice girl. And it bothered me because I blatantly used her and she knows it. I wanted to slap myself multiple times at this point.

"I'm really sorry, Jamie. I feel like crap for doing this to you and I'm so, so sorry."

"Don't be, Alex. I honestly had a great time..", she reached over to squeeze my hand. "I really like you, but at the same time I knew what I was getting myself into.. no offense."

"Non taken..", I giggled nervously. "I see that my reputation precedes me."

"Yeah, kinda.. but hey, if you ever wanna do this again or if you ever wanna talk or hang out, you have my number, okay?"

"Sure.. wait, where are you going?", I asked her confused as she stood up from my bed and started to get dressed.

"I don't know if you've noticed, but it's 6 in the morning and I have to swing by my house, change and get to work in less than an hour. I'm so gonna be late.", she uttered under her breath as she searched the room for her clothes.

"You work on sundays?", I furrowed my brows, following her with my eyes.

"Yeah, I work at a cafè a couple of blocks away from our school. Have you seen my other heel?"

"Nope.", I chuckled, studying her and noticing we were more or less the same size. "Hey, why don't you take a shower here, borrow some of my clothes and I can give you a lift to work? It shouldn't take you too much to get ready like this..", I suggested.

"Are you being nice just because you used me for sex?", she mocked me, giving up on looking for her shoe.

"No, jerk.", I retorted, getting up from my bed. "I'm being nice so I can talk you into giving me a free cup of coffee once I drop you off."

"Bitch.", she smirked as she passed by me and grabbed the fresh towel that I was handing out to her, then heading for the bathroom.


I spent a couple hours at the cafè where Jamie worked, grabbing breakfast with her and mainly feeling ashamed for how things went down between us. She made herself clear multiple times by telling me that she was completely fine, and I believed her, but I couldn't shake this guilty feeling off of me. She was being really nice about the whole thing, and I didn't deserve it. Plus, the fact that the more I talked to her and the more I got to know her made me actually like her, well, it wasn't helping at all.

I hugged her goodbye and headed back home around 9.30, wondering if Jess made it home since she definitely wasn't in her bed when I left earlier. I wonder if something happened with Tyler.. I guess I'll have to find out.

I crawled into my house, exhausted, and was greeted by the smell of bacon and the clashing of pans coming from the kitchen.

"Hey babe.", I addressed Jess who was fully absorbed into her cooking task as I threw my car keys onto the table and sunk into a seat.

"Don't 'babe' me.", she retorted, looking up to meet my gaze.

"Good morning..?", I frowned, flashing her a sheepish smile even though I had no idea why she was mad at me.

"You're unbelievable, Alex.", she grunted. "First, you leave me alone with Tyler. Then, you leave me there again, fully aware that you were my ride!"

"Oh, come on Jess!", I giggled, trying to loosen her up. "You were having a great time with Tyler, and I knew that he would have given you a ride home. It wasn't like I left you there to deal with your own faith! Plus, I didn't want to intrude."

"Yeah yeah, whatever.", she mumbled, focusing her attention back to what she was doing as I noticed a slight blush creeping on her cheeks.

"Spill it, Jess.", I inquired, standing up from my seat and placing myself in front of her from across the island, staring at her with a confident smile.

"Spill what?", she nervously asked, never looking up at me.

"Tyler. What happened?", I insisted, well aware that she was about to crack.

"We almost kissed.", she blurted, finally looking at me with a disappointed face.


"Yeah, almost.", she sighed, stuffing two plates of bacon and eggs and placing them to the side. "We were inches apart when Jason the idiot decided to wake up in Tyler's backseats and puke all over the place.", she stomped, frustrated.


"'Ew' doesn't even start to describe what came out from that boy's mouth."

"I'm sorry, Jess.. but, on the bright side, it almost happened. Which most likely means that it'll happen sooner or later.", I reassured her, teasing her by wiggling my eyebrows.

She was about to reply when we heard footsteps coming downstairs, soon revealing two grumpy and sleepy boys.

"Morning.", Matt and Chase said in unison as Jess handed them their breakfast and they took a seat.

"Morning guys.", Jess and I greeted them, forcefully dropping the Tyler subject.

"Alex.. next time you have sex with someone, would you please keep it down? Honestly, it felt like I was in the room with you guys. Not that I would have minded a threesome, but still..", Matt mumbled, eyeing me from his seat and causing me to blush in embarrassment.

"Sex!", Chase shouted, stuffing eggs in his mouth.

"Chase!", I admonished him, hardly containing my laughter though.

I ignored Matt's joke and turned around to face a very confused Jess, waiting for an explanation.

"I left with Jamie yesterday night.", I clarified, part of me wondering if she thought that I left with some random teacher. Again.

"Jamie slept over?", she asked me frowning.

"Oh, they didn't sleep at all.", Matt replied, earning a sheepish smile on my part even though I honestly wanted to shove his head into his plate and let him choke on his own food.

"And I suppose that happened because..?", Jess addressed me, her hands resting on her hips as she gave me an inquisitive look. I totally knew where this was going.

"We'll talk about it later, okay?", I cut her short, hinting her that this wasn't the right time or place to talk about it.

"Ugh. Fine."

"Good. With that being said, have a wonderful Sunday guys, cause I'm dragging my ass to bed. I'll see you when I'll see you.", I dismissed myself, yawning all the way upstairs and plunging into my bed, drifting asleep almost immediately.

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