The Unexpected

By lovejeleah

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A life full of second chances. a lot of my stories end up similar.. :/ More



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By lovejeleah

Leahs pov

Veronica came back home yesterday. I slept over again just so Jen can have a helping hand since we needed to help Veronica take a bath, i helped make dinner and all that. But I left this morning since I had some errands to run and bills to pay.

I spent most of my day shopping for food for the house. Then on my way home I passed by a bakery that sold the most popular desserts. So I thought, maybe I should stop by and get something. So I did.

I walked into the crowded bakery and waited in line to order my food. It took about 10 minutes til it was my turn. And I knew I had to get chocolate chip cookies. I'm thinking about her and how she kind of got hurt that I didn't get her cookies the other day. But the cookies here are better than Panera bread.

After buying a few things, I left. Jen had taken a few days off after Veronica graduated kinder just so she can spend time with her since she works everyday till 3 pm. She never asked but if she wants me to watch Veronica every time she has work I'd love to. It means I get to spend more time with my daughter.


The next day, I went to Jens work to join her for her lunch. We are out at this patio of the cafeteria they have. It's super nice.

"I got you something else" I said and dug through the bag. She starts smiling a lot and reaches out for the cookies.

"Thaaaank you hehehe"

"You're welcome" I said.

"Best way to start my first day back." She says. I smile back.

"I have a question"


"Your mom is watching Ver right now. Right?" I asked.

"No I had hired a baby sitter for her. I forgot to tell you. Because mom works today and Vanessa does too"

"Jen you know I'm not working during the summer!" I exclaimed. I didn't mean to. She just widened her eyes. "Sorry" I said. "No you're right. I just felt bad leaving her to you"

"She's my daughter and we had this talk. I want to spend more time with her and this would be a perfect opportunity." I said and shook my head.

"Okay damn. I'm sorry. I'll have her stay at your place then"


"Okay" she repeats. Then it got awkward.

"I'm just curious why I wasn't your first thought. You're wasting money to pay some baby sitter. I work like a little bit more a few days after school ends and then the first few days before school starts but that's it." I said.

"I said I'm sorry"

I furrowed my brows then looked down at my food.

"I don't want us hiding shit from each other anymore so"

"I'm not hiding anything else Lee. I just felt guilty if I'd leave her to you. I knew if I asked that you'd say yes even if you can't just cause you'd feel bad." Jen says.

I didn't respond and continued to eat.

"Don't argue with me with this topic. I'll leave her to you tomorrow"

"We're not arguing" I said.

"Okay well..." she pauses and doesn't say anything else and just sighs.

"What did you do today so far?" She asks. "Nothing"

"So you just woke up and came here?"


"You wake up looking that good?" She asks. I roll my eyes hard and start to smile. She just didn't want it to be awkward anymore.

"Okay I got ready then I stopped by Starbucks to get your damn drink and food from somewhere else. Then I came here."

"You're so sweet" she says cutely.

"Shut up"

"Haha no"

I raise my brows and sipped my drink. Then I looked around at the area of this location.

"Your work is at a really nice spot. Lots of restaurants and shops close by. Friendly neighborhood."

"Mhm I know. I love it. I've always wondered how it's like to have someone bring me lunch and sit with me out here and it's finally g shy happening today. Usually my work friends, we go out to restaurants and eat whatever is close by." She says.

"That sounds fun too" I said.

"Yeah but this is better" she says and scrunches her nose.

After lunch, we both went to the bathroom in her building. She just wanted to make sure she looked okay for work.

"Are you coming over tonight?" She asks. "I can"

"Please" she pouts. I push her hair behind her ear and smiled. "Maybe we can order pizza for the little one"

"I want pizza too. Oh and breadsticks! Oh and their wings" she says. "We just ate and you're thinking about all that?" I joke. She crosses her arms. "Haha But Okay we can order all of that" I said. "Yay" She says. I leaned in to give her a soft kiss. Once I pulled back I looked into her eyes. They were glowing in a different gorgeous way now.

"Maybe we can have a sleepover too" I wink. She gasps and smirks. "Mmmm" she mumbles and closes her eyes. I laughed and pulled her closer. "Chill. Don't get flashbacks at work" I tell her. She opens her eyes and gives me a soft look. She placed her hand on my chest. "I'd fuck you now if I didn't have to get back to work" she tells me and smiles more.

"Sex at work? Naughty"

"Hehehe. That's nothing"

I raise my brows and cup her face and kissed her once more. Very softly. I didn't know she was this naughty. But the more we know each other the more fun and interesting it gets.

I let go and licked my lips.

"Oh nooo. Now I don't want you to leave" she whines. "Haha don't worry. I'll see you tonight"

"Yeah but that's hours from now. Ugh"

"Don't act like a baby" I said.

She rolls her eyes but I see her trying not to smile.

We left the bathroom and as we were saying our goodbyes, she hugged me tight, clinging onto me and looking right at me.

"You're at work!" I giggled. "They don't care" she assured me. I shake my head and kissed her once more before letting go.

"See you later"

"See youuuu" She says. I walked away and waved.

As I get back in my car I get a text from her right away.

"You have the sexiest walk ever"

"Well thanks lol"


Jens pov

I'm home now with Veronica but she's taking a nap. I showered right after then changed into shorts and a big T-shirt. Then I took a nap too.

Later when I woke up around 6 because of Leah calling me, I saw Veronica in my bed too. She must've tried waking me up but I was so tired from work. So she's asleep again too.

"Hey sorry. I was asleep" I called back Leah and said. "Oh sorry. I'm leaving soon and bringing Biscuit."

"Oh yay! Okay just let me know when you're here"

"Will do" she says.

We hung up. I faced Veronica and and kissed her forehead.

"Boo!" She says. "Agh you're awake!" I said and started tickling her. She starts laughing a lot and rolled around. But I made sure it was gentle because she still has stitches.

"My little baby thinks she's so shneakyyy" I tease her. She screams loud and kicks her legs repeatedly not being able to handle me tickling her.

"Mommy!!!" She squeals.

"Okay I'll stop. Your stitches bubs " I said and let go. She looks at me and exhales. Then I tickled her again and she screamed again. But I was being way more gentle.

"Stop tickle monster!" She exclaims. I look at her and pout. Then she laughs as I let go of her and gives me a hug.

"I'm just kidding mommy you're not a monster. I love you!" She says. "Awww haha I love you baby" I said and hugged her back tightly.

"Guess whose coming tonight? Well she's on the way now." I said as were cuddling.


"You gotta gueessss" I said.



"Auntie Nessa?"

"Nooo. The name starts with an L"

"Leah!!!!!" She screams. "Yeah!" I giggle. She gets excited and jumps out of my arms and starts jumping in bed. I immediately got my phone and recorded her.

Once I sent it to Leah I added 'her reaction when I told her that you're coming tonight'.

"Once she gets here we're gonna order pizza. Then we can watch a movie too!" I said.


'Omg I love her so much❤️' Leah texts me back.

'She loves you❤️'

Later on Leah arrived. Veronica ran up to her at the door and leaps into her arms. How does she have this much energy? That I don't know. She's been so happy lately though.

"Biscuit?!" Veronica says and looks down as she's still in Leahs arms.

"Yup I brought her" she said and put her down. I looked at Leah and gave her a tight hug while we let Veronica play with Biscuit.

"Leah, mommy said you're getting pizza?!"

"Yeah we'll order pizza in a bit" Leah says. "Yay!!"

We let her continue to play with biscuit.

"Just please be careful mama. Don't chase her around" I tell her. "I knoooow" She says.

I look at Leah and held her hands.

"How was your nap?" She asks.

"Well needed haha"

"Glad you got some rest. What time should I order pizza?"

"Maybe in 30 minutes. And I told her we're gonna watch a movie sooo yeah"

"Okay sounds fun!" She says.

So later we ordered the pizza and luckily it didn't take too long to arrive. I turned on the movie and chose a movie that was perfect for all of us to watch.

Leah was eating as much chicken wings as I was. I didn't realize she was a wings fan.

We both finished it so fast but continued with eating a couple slices of pizza. There wasn't a lot of wings which was why we were still hungry.

"Mommy I have to pee. Be right back" Veronica says and leaves. Biscuit of course followed her. I didn't mind though. Veronica knows how to use the bathroom and she leaves it a bit open cause I don't like her closing it. Just in case.

Anyways, I looked at Leah while eating the last piece of the crust from my pizza. Once I finished chewing she leaned in to give me a kiss.

"Oh hey" I said softly and smiled.

"Been waiting to kiss you" She says. I laugh and kissed her again for a second.

"I'm so full now" I pout. "Me too. We killed that" she giggles. "We did. I'm proud of us haha"

"I know. I didn't realize how hungry I was. Like our lunch together was good but whew...this was it"

"I know. I'll send you money to pay you back since you spent a lot for-"

Leah interrupts me by placing her finger on my lips. "My girls are my priority. No need to pay back" she says. I bite my lips and decided to kiss her again.

I hear a little gasp behind me. "You kiss?!" My innocent little daughter asked. We both quickly let go. I looked at Veronica.

"Did you not flush the toilet?"

"I did!"

"I didn't hear it" I said with a small attitude. "Actually I heard it" Leah said. I looked at Leah and lightly hit her arm. "Why didn't you stop me?"

"I tried to but I literally didn't have a chance. You came at me."

"Leah why're you kissing mommy?" Veronica asks curiously.


"Is that like what you said mommy?"

"What?" I asked. "When you said you like a lady. Like the one you showed me on your phone before" she says. At first I was confused. But I remembered shortly after. I didn't know she remembered what I told her. About me liking girls and explaining what that meant. Showing her a lesbian couples family that was on social media.

"Yeah..." I said. But I literally didn't know what else to say. I didn't want my daughter to randomly catch me kissing Leah. She's her old teacher so it's pretty weird for her to see this all happen. Her life's been so weird for her. I'm not even her actual mom. She knows that but it's not something that's at the top of her head because she was a baby when it happened. She doesn't remember.

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