
By hey_Jacyyyy

2.5M 69.7K 9.1K

2013-2014 "You don't know me, no one does," I said in a voice just above a whisper. "Then let me in, I want... More

1. Goodbyes.
2. Morning After.
3. Home.
4. Nobody's perfect.
5. The mall.
6. My baby.
7. The first race.
8. Apology breakfast.
9. Class Teachers & Students.
10. True colours.
11. Whats wrong with you?
12. Its only a Scratch.
13. I'm fine.
14. Meeting Constable Frey.
15. Insults.
16. Dad?
17. Revenge best served even.
18. Jake.
19. The Happy Text.
20. Date Cut Short.
21. The Bitch is Back.
22. Death Notes.
23. Stick to the roads.
24. Tampered.
25. The Feather Design.
26. To Sad to be Mean.
27. The tip off.
28. False Evidence.
29. The Explosion.
30. Jesse.
31. I hate Puzzles.
32. New Friends.
33. Important calls.
34. Sharpie Wars.
35. She's my Sister.
36. Confrontations.
37. Logan's Luxury.
38. June Second.
39. Problems & Solutions.
40. Nasty Rumours.
41. Bad Luck Birthdays.
42. Britty's Secrets.
43. Meeting Fay.
44. The Note.
45. The Boys.
46. Private Jets.
47. Tiara.
48. Relatives.
49. Just Keep Swimming.
50. Deals.
51. Cars, Cars & More Cars.
52. Riverstone.
53. Rest In Peace.
54. Global Threat Operative.
55. Another Note.
56. Birds Of The Rainbow.
57. The Funeral.
58. Light & Dark.
59. The Hux's.
60. Beautiful Endings.
61. 3 Months Later.
62. I'm Back.
63. Hatred & Hospitals.
64. Explain.
65. Just My Luck.
66. Party?
67. Her.
68. Code.
69. The Arrest.
70. Snapping.
71. Letting Go.
73. Wasn't Your Fault.
74. Our Love.
75. In The End.

72. Was it Worth it?

17.1K 670 38
By hey_Jacyyyy

I coughed awkwardly as Tilly hugged me, she sniffled stepping back and apologising, "Sorry."

"Just have a safe flight..." I trailed off.

"Thank you Jackie," Charles said sincerely before opening the door and pulling Tilly's tear stained face with him.

I sighed running a hand through my red locks, pulling out the little black book I started to read it again.

Kelly is so easy to use, she doesn't even know what for either.

Playing the good guy is so easy, but why is she always sleeping in class? What is she up too?

I just love a good fight. Sisters are so pathetic. But jealous guys are the worst. And a few photos was all it took.

Family reunion, but Jackie just doesn't know it.

That was when my dad visited, and he met Toby. And then I had coffee with my dad and mum.

I skipped a few pages considering she must have unleashed her crazy and ranted about random stuff.

And finally Kain's earned himself freedom, the only thing it cost him was a few cut wires. Jake will do the rest, if he doesn't, he won't be getting Zoe back.


I gulped, that was when Toby and I were in put into hospital.

Poor Kain, he feels so bad. He confronted me today, yelled until couldn't anymore. I'll admit he has balls, but doesn't he know that I'll never stop, it's only the beginning.

Thanks for the help Kain, your last deed is done. It really was a special moment when we trashed her room together.

Playing the innocent.

Getting in with the group, the pity card.

Unite against a common enemy.

Ahh the bitch hasn't been a school for about a week, maybe she finally took my advice.

Don't you just hate rumours? They're so stupid sometimes? I mean who would tell the whole school that they got beaten up by a girl? Ahh Jesse don't leave your phone unattended.

I remembered that nasty rumour Jesse had apparently spread around school. I skipped a few pages getting bored.

Jakes been distant, I think I'm finally losing him, oh well, his expendable anyway.

Fucking boys, doesn't Jakey realise I go through her mail?

Agh I get it your a virgin Jackie, the whole school gets it, and it's annoying. Maybe someone should do something about that?

Making her believe she lost her virginity was to easy, sucks to be Wayne though. When Jackie tries to pin him for rape.

But she should know by now that everything should be seconded guessed, Wayne was only paid to say he did the deed. How embarrassing it'll be.

Scott why would you tell Connor? Don't you know that walls won't keep your secrets?

All it took was a threat to silence Connor.

Stupid bitch, got the fucking inheritance! She does deserve it! Stupid slut. I fucking hate my family, bloody idiots.

Ding dong, the witch is dead. And I got the satisfaction of doing it myself.

I wiped away an escaped tear as I thought of my mum.

Closing the book I sighed. I hated Penny for everything that she did to me. But I hated myself for not realising that I was too focused on Kate being the bad person that I didn't see it.

I looked up as the door cracked open smiling glumly at Justin.

"I brought you all of their case files, your brother is also upstairs asking for you," he passed me multiple folders.

"Thanks, send him down in five minutes, I want to talk with Connor first," I nodded at him and he left the room.

I leafed through the reports and started to sign it stating that I wasn't going to charge them with anything and they'd only appear in court as witnesses.

The door opened again and Connor walked in with a glum look, "What's happening?"

"I'm dropping my case against you," I answered him simply, "Once you tell me how she threatened you."

He gulped and cast his gaze aside, "She threatened my sister, she said that she'd end her career before it even started. I know that a life isn't as important as a job, but I didn't think she'd try and kill you, I thought it was just bullying. And maybe I was a coward for not speaking up, but she was a Conserntlia, they're above the law."

I offered him a small smile, "I understand, if I was in your shoes I would've done the same thing. The stuff I said yesterday wasn't me, and I'm sorry for putting you through this Connor. Just go home and forget that you ever met me, because I wasn't something that you needed to deal with."

He looked up finally making eye contact, "I'll go and do what you've said, but I'm not going to forget meeting you Jackie, your not a bad person, you just have a messed up life."

I didn't say anything back because he had already shut the door. I let out a ragged breath and ran my hand through my hair.

"You okay?" I looked up at Toby who stood in the doorway.

"Kind of... Not really," I rubbed my eyes with my one good hand and groaned.

"Dads been trying to text you," he mumbled.

I groaned again, pulling out my phone, 7 missed calls and 24 texts.

"Does he have a life? Damn," I chuckled.

"It's good to see you laugh Jackie," he smiled lightly, "Didn't think you would for a while."

I sighed, "if it had been two days ago, I would be thinking the same thing. But small things make a difference."

I held up the diary and he frowned, "What is it?"

"Penny's diary," I mumbled, "it has a part about you in it. What made you decide to teach at Jai Private?"

He shrugged slightly, "they offered me a job and the pay was better then others."

I nodded, "Penny arranged that you know."

"I kind of figured that, she had a lot of power."

I shook my head, "Everyone has a lot of power, Penny just knew how to manipulate it better."

"What are you going to do about everyone?" He questioned.

"I'm letting them go, this proves their innocent and that they were manipulated thus making them useless if I wanted to take them to court, my case would be majorly floored."

"So why didn't you just write your statement at the hospital? Why did you come here?" He frowned.

I shrugged slightly, "I honestly don't know, I think I just needed closure."

"People only need closure when they want to move on," he raised an eye brow.

I smiled half heartedly, "this time Toby, I'm leaving for good. There's nothing for me here, my place is else where."

He ran a hand through his hair, "I kind of figured you weren't staying, this came for you by the way," he held a golden envelope in his hand.

I took it frowning, sliding my thumb under the fold I opened it. I pulled out the silver card reading it:

Jackie Skye
You are invited to race in the championships on New Year's Eve in Kulte's show grounds.

Good luck.

I looked up from the short invitation at Toby, "I got one too, congrats Jackie."

"I forgot all about the championships. I didn't even get placed though."

"I was talking to the Fred guy, he said his boss picks the best racers, coming first is just a bonus. And technically there's no rules to say that girls can't race in the championships."

I glanced back down at the envelope, "I'll have to think it over, I'm leaving right after graduation-"

Toby cut me off, "that's this Friday though?"

I nodded, "I know, but it's no use hanging around."

"Are you at least going to visit?"

I chuckled, "Calm down, I'll text you and visit you whenever I'm in town, and you can come with me on holidays for Christmas."

"You better Jackie, I don't wanna be left in the dark about anything," He crossed his arms.

I rolled my eyes at his childish pose, "I'll keep you updated every night."

Justin stuck his head in, "do you want me to get anyone else for you? Or are you going back to the hospital?"

"Get me Kain and let the rest leave," I handed him the signed folders.

He nodded a left, "Have you talked to Jesse?"

I shook my head, "Some lose ends are better left untied."

He offered me a small smile, "Fair enough."

He waved before leaving the room too and I looked back down at the object in my hands, it was the first thing I ever wanted hen I came here, my first goal. And now that I had reached it, it didn't seem like much.


So sorry guys for the update, I've been so lazy and it's really bad. But I love you guys that are still reading.

Planing to update next Monday, but I am becoming hopeless. So we will see.

Anyways, I got a blister from my earphones.



Maybe it's the universe's way of telling me I listen to, too much music. I should stop.

Aha nah.

Ciao for now guys,


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