Stronger, With Or Without You

By Steph_Cahill

114K 4.4K 2.3K

!!!TRAILER ATTACHED!!! Formally known as 'The Bad Boy Made Me Stronger' READ FULL DESCRIPTION PLEASE, THANK Y... More

01~what else can you do with those hands of yours?
02~ Mr Buttock
03~This is our PMSing friend Hunter
04~ Darling
05~ a man that models for heaven
06~blinding lights
07~smash his balls with my ice cream cone
08~I'm in love with you
09~go away
10~bitch alert
12~pickup up truck
13~Take my hand(1)
14~Take my hand(2)
15~my demons are back
16~I want it, I got it
17~fallen angel
19~sorry to spoil your fantasies
20~We are gonna have lot's of fun Roberts
21~white rose
I'm sorry
22~did you just quote The Lion King?
23~did you take my lighter?
24~ Payphone
Trailer/ New Title?!
25~kids, the drunk and the angry
26~ dance like no one's watching
27~ a relaxing episode of the Thundermans
28~ Chug Chucks
29~ professional hitmen
30~ bow down to your queen
31~ Bring it on
32~ a little angelic devil
33~ in a fucking pineapple under the sea
34~ Wakanda Forever
35~ real morbid shit
36~ somebody come get her (1)
37~ somebody come get her (2)
38~ be like other girls
39~ nuts and gossip
40~ it all ends tonight
41~ stronger, with or without you
Rebecca and Dylan's Story
Bonus Chapter- Addi and Jake /New ending for SWOWU/ New books

11~ Skittles, nerds, airheads and chocolate

2.6K 122 31
By Steph_Cahill

^Our favorite lady in pink.

Warning: this chapter may be a bit boring, but the one after is interesting. Please share, vote and comment💕

Chapter 11~Skittles, nerds, airheads and chocolate.

I haven't been to school for 8 days.

My suspension was lifted three days ago but I managed to convince Stephan to let me stay home till Monday. Today was Friday.

I haven't seen nor heard from anyone.

I ignore everyone of they're messages and never leave my house.

I even made sure to tighten security. So Hunter couldn't sneak in again.

The girls came to the house for 4 days straight before giving up. Colette came for 6 days before giving up and leaving me in peace.

Its not that I don't want to see them, I can't see them.

Stacy is someone who doesn't joke around with her threats. And if she tells everyone my past, I'll have no choice but to move again.

And there's no way I'm moving again. So I have to detach myself from them.

My door burst open and Steven popped his head, grinning at me.

"Well by all means please come in" I said sarcastically.

"Aww thanks sis" he slammed the door behind him and jumped on my bed before I could protest.

"What do you want Steven?" He's not even been here for a minute and I'm already feeling a migraine coming.

"Why would you think I want something? I just came to see my favourite sister" he said.

I rolled my eyes and used my feet to push him off my bed. He landed on the floor with a big thud.

"I'm your only sister" I deadpanned.

He froze for a minute but shook his head and sat on the floor.

"Now what do you want" I said ignoring his weird behaviour.


"And don't you dare say you don't want something, I know you do" I accused.

He gave a dejected sigh and gave me his best puppy eyes, "please could you go to the grocery store and get me more skittles"

I gave a huge sigh.

"Okay" I said getting up.

He looked stunned for a minute, "seriously?"

I shrugged, "we're out of chococolate"

Plus I need to go for a walk, its nice and breezy out.

He smiled but frowned when he assessed my outfit, "don't tell me you're going out in....that"

I was wearing an oversised black shirt with 'I eat kids for breakfast' written across it and black sweatpants.

"Yep" I said popping the 'p' and slipping my feet into my fluffy black slides.

"Atleast brush your hair" he shook his head.

I glanced in the mirror and saw my hair sticking in every direction and more puffy than usual.

I grabbed a black nike cap and put it on. "There" I smiled.

He looked at me in disbelief and muttered under his breath, "sometimes, I wonder if you're really my sister"

I don't think I was meant to hear so I pretended not to, avoiding the stinging pain in my heart.

I grabbed my phone and dashed out of the room, eager to get out of the house.

"Sometimes, I wonder whether I'm really your sister too" I said silently.


I made my into the store and grabbed a basket, feeling warmth from the store heating.

Humming to myself I walked to the sweets section, as I walked I noticed some disgusted looks coming from adults, covering their scared children's eyes. I wonder what they're problem is.

I started throwing bags of skittles, nerds, air heads and chocolate until my basket was full.

An old lady passed and gave me a sad sympethic glance, "poor child, don't know what you're getting yourself into" she muttered.

I chuckled and grabbed an apple from a pile nearby, there.

"Excuse me" a voice said.

I turned around and saw nothing. Am I imagining voices now?

"Down here" another voice said.

I looked down and saw four kids looking at me, two boys and two girls. I blinked, they blinked.

"Urr..yeah?" I said a little creeped out.

"Be quick Becca, so we can get out of here" a boy said and stared at me in fear.

A girl glared at him, "don't be a scaredy cat Tommy" she turned to me and smiled.

"I love your hair, can I touch it?" She exclaimed excitedly.

"Uhh..okay?" This is wierd, right?

Her green eyes shone and she gave me a heatwarming smile. I instantly liked her.

I took off my cap and shook my hair making it rise and frizz. She reached out and I crouched down to let her feel it.

The other kids were all hiding behind the second girl who rolled her eyes and pushed them of, "you're boys for fudge sake! Grow a pair!"

I burst out laughing, her voice was so cute that that sentence sounded very sweet instead of annoyed. How old was she?

One of the boys yelped at my laughter and tears started streaming down his face, "p-please d-d-don't e-eat us"

Eat them?

I looked down at my shirt and started laughing, trying to clutch the shelf for support. I missed it and slipped, hitting the shelf making almost everything fall and land on me.

Talk about embarassing.

"Steph?" A familiar voice calls. Shit.

I looked up and saw Didi looking at me with shock.

"Uh hey?" I said.

She burst out laughing, brought out her phone and took a picture.

"Hey! Delete that!" I got up and dusted myself.

"Nuh-uh" she shook her head chuckling. I rolled my eyes.

"You all are in big trouble" she turned to the children looking fierce.


"I don't wanna hear a word just go, Jane is waiting in the car" she pointed to the door, still looking as fierce as ever.

The boys scurried off immediately while the second girl rolled her eyes and followed them.

I looked at the first girl, "shouldn't you be going with them?"

She gave me a toothy grin, "I wanted to thank you for letting me play with your hair"

I smiled at her, "your welcome..."

"Rebecca" she stuck out her hand and my heart melted at her cuteness.

Or what's left of my heart.

"Stephanie" I smiled.

She smiled back and scurried off, leaving me with an aching heart.

I always wished I had a baby sister.

Didi was looking at me with amusement, "are you okay?"

I'm never okay.

"I'm fine" I smiled.

A fake one.

"So you wanna grab a milkshake?" She said looking at me with hope.


"Just a milkshake I promise, only you and I. I need to clear my head and distract myself, and I can't do that with anyone else" she said, her eyes potraying sadness and plead.

"What about-"

"Jake? He has a date with Addi, and I'd hate myself if I interrupt them. I need to stop doing that" she says with what I assume determination.

I sigh, knowing I'll regret what I'm about to do.



I regret it.

Because I'm having fun.

Oh boy.

"Then Jake got up and spilt it all over her, she didn't talk to him for 3 days" she finished and we both burst out laughing.

Didi is suprisingly really cool and reminds me of my old self alot. We talk about anything and everything.

Right now we were talking about Jake and his relationship skills, which were more horrible than his art.

I mean... Have you seen that guy's paintings?

"So tell me about Stacy" I said sipping my water. Huh, Hunter was right about me.

She rolled her eyes, "the bitch?"

"Yeah" I said. I needed to play my cards right.

"Well no one knows shit about her except that she's stinkin rich, gorgeous, a bitch, and she behaves like a whore" she shrugged. "Even though she isn't one"

I flinched at the word but couldn't say anything to defend Stacy because what Didi said was slightly true.

In my old school, she literally paid a guy to sleep with her, I saw it with my own eyes.

She has a lot of money but when a boy in school paid her 2 dollars she gave him a blowjob.

She even had a paper made on all the things she could do and the prices. Both boys and girls.

I didn't care much in the beginning, she was just Ronnie's very annoying cousin, in fact in a twisted way I was kind of amazed at her boldness.

I am one of those people that let people be, let them do whatever the hell they want cause it's their life not yours. That was what I believed in.

All that went down the drain when she and Veronica decided to stab me in the back.

"Anything else?" I said, feeling a little weary from the reminder of my past.

"Well she came when we were juniors, oh! And she sleeps with most teachers to keep good grades, she pays off the rest" she shuddered.

I already knew that though. I'd seen it, disturbing as that sounds I have.

But as much as I'd hate to admit... I could never judge her, I can never really say she is a horrible person. I don't know anything about her except that she's out to get me.

She noticed my unease and said, "she tried sleeping with Jake once, he screamed when she put her hand under his shirt" she laughed.

I chuckled, "when he was dating Addi?"

"Let's just say Stacy was sneezing glitter for a week"

I laughed, "hey, can I ask you something?"

She nodded. "Have you and Jake ever..."

She choked on her milkshake and started coughing, I chuckled at her reaction and patted her back.

"Hell no! Trust me, once you grow up with someone and see many things you aren't meant to see, any form of romantic feeling is washed away" she laughed.

Tell that to me and my ex.

"Tell that to Alex and Colette" I laughed.

We talked about their annoying relationship before I checked the time. "Shit. I should go"

She smiled, "yeah, me too. Thanks so much for this, I really needed it"

I smiled at her and she opened her purse, brought out a ticket and handed it to me.


"My ballet recital is tomorrow, I would love it if you came" she said.

"I don't know..." Everyone would be there.

"Steph, you are the second most strongest, don't give a shit about anyone person I know. You shouldn't let Stacy tell you what to do" she said softly.

I sighed, "I'll think about it"

She got up, "thank you again"

"Who's the first?" I asked, remembering her earlier statement

"You know" she winked and walked away.

Unfortunately, I do.

Hunter fucking Black.

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