Spring of Discovery (Celestia...

By megumimary6

348 62 0

Jade of Cresalda has been marked as the "Chosen One"Over the next year Jade must learn each of the five eleme... More

Foreword: Just so you know what you are getting into...
Chapter 1: Dawn of Darkness
Chapter 2: Jade of Cresalda
Chapter 3: Leaving Home
Chapter 4: Chosen One
Chapter 5: Strong Will
Chapter 6: Elemental Power: Seasonal
Chapter 7: Serenity
Chapter 8: The Catch
Chapter 9: Escape from Fort Balstar
Chapter 10: Arda of the Krystal
Chapter 11: Teleport Ambush
Chapter 12: Heart of Stone
Chapter 13: Xaug, Syvix, and Galof
Chapter 14: Down the Line
Chapter 15: Psychic Training
Chapter 16: The Elven Surplus Festival
Chapter 17: The Bitter Truths
Chapter 18: The Crystals of Hegasha
Chapter 20: Leaving the Elven Village
Chapter 21: "We Need to Be Honest"
Chapter 22: "Not the Chosen One"
Chapter 23: Basics of Energy Conservation
Chapter 24: The Deal Between a Master and Apprentice
Chapter 25: What it Means to Defy Fate
Chapter 26: Battle of Kred: Decision
Chapter 27: Battle of Kred: Defending the Town
Chapter 28: Battle of Kred: "This is My Choice!"
Chapter 29: Battle of Kred: Moving Forward
Chapter 30: The Dark One's Freedom

Chapter 19: Battle of Will

6 2 0
By megumimary6

"I need to go help your father secure the crystal inside," said Saje as he ran to the Temple.

This was it, Jade's first fight with Xaug. She drew her sword and ran up to him as he turned to her and did the same. The swords clashed and the sheer forced knocked Jade's from her hand. Xaug raised his sword again when she threw some sand at his arm. The sand formed a rock around his wrist and held him suspended in the air. She then moved the sand beneath her sword, drawing it back toward her. She readied her stance for another attack.

"So that's how you want to play," he remarked eagerly.

Xaug dropped his sword, catching it in his free hand. The sword morphed into his scepter and he shot a spell of red energy at Jade. She quickly dodged but lost control of the rock in the process. Xaug fell to the ground and hit the rock with the same spell, breaking it. He shot two more spells at Jade and she dodged both. He shot one final spell, which hit her square in the chest, throwing her backward.

"You're out of your league!" he shouted at her.

"Maybe," she yelled back, "but I'm still in my element!"

She threw her sword to the ground and started waving her arms around. At first Xaug didn't understand what she was doing, but as his vision fogged over, he realized that she was kicking up a sandstorm. He now found himself able to see nothing beyond the thick layer of sand in his face. He readied himself for an ambush in the sandstorm, when suddenly all of the sand descended violently, burying him up to his neck before turning to solid rock. Jade before him, her sword raised to his neck. She reared back and swung, inches from his throat when—

She couldn't do it. She was ready to kill this man but the red stain on her sword brought her right back to reality. She couldn't do it. This man was a monster, ruined the lives of so many and she had this chance to stop him from ruining so many more but just the thought of the kindly neighbor she killed in the heat of battle was enough to make her doubt everything. Maybe this is why I lose.

Sure enough Xaug noticed the weakness in her expression. "You can't kill me, can you?"

He was taunting her and yet she still couldn't find it in her heart to kill him.

"It's okay," he said. "The truth is you're not supposed to. You are not supposed to kill me. You are supposed to die."

Saje's words rang in her head: "He seems overconfident in his ability, feels like he's untouchable."

"What do you mean?" asked Jade, feigning curiosity.

"They won't tell you this but the prophecy says you will die," Xaug said with barely concealed smugness.

Jade needed this to be convincing. She let some of the rock turn back to sand as though losing control before she responded. "I don't believe you, prove it!"

"I have seen your death. You holding a different sword than the one in your hand but broken in two, rain falling around you as you bleed out, and you struggle to say something with your last breath," said Xaug, smiling.

"Really?" asked Jade, projecting skepticism. "And when exactly is this supposed to happen?"

Xaug smiled. "The one thousandth anniversary of the day the Dark One was sealed away. This coming vernal equinox: the Day of Destiny!"

Jade began laughing, much Xaug's utter confusion.

"I assure you it's no joke," he warned.

"But you are," said Jade between chuckles. "You have no idea what you just did. You fell for it! I already knew about the prophecy but you just gave me all the details of my death that I could ever want to know. I have the time and circumstances of my death, and while the location is still a mystery I have more than enough information to work with."

"But you will still die," said Xaug, his tone more threatening than before.

"Then I will make it mean something."

Xaug broke free of the rock pile and raised his scepter at her. There was a loud crash nearby and the Temple began sinking into the earth. Jade could see Syvix running from the front door holding a green crystal.

"I would love to finish this fight but I have to go now," said Xaug.

He ran up to Syvix and Galof and together they took off westward into the woods. Jade began to chase after them when she heard Hendok's voice in her head.

Saje, your mom and dad are still inside, Hendok said in her mind. Help me keep the temple from sinking.

Jade turned around and ran for the temple, where she saw Hendok struggling to keep it above ground telekinetically. She raised her arm out and tried to keep the stone temple from sinking into the ground. Even with the combination of her ability to control the earth and Hendok's psychic powers it was still heavy. She could also feel Hendok losing consciousness. She tried with all her might to keep the temple from sinking. The temple suddenly felt even heavier and she felt weaker and weaker. The last thing she remembered seeing was three shadows approaching.

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