Spring of Discovery (Celestia...

By megumimary6

303 62 0

Jade of Cresalda has been marked as the "Chosen One"Over the next year Jade must learn each of the five eleme... More

Foreword: Just so you know what you are getting into...
Chapter 1: Dawn of Darkness
Chapter 2: Jade of Cresalda
Chapter 3: Leaving Home
Chapter 4: Chosen One
Chapter 5: Strong Will
Chapter 6: Elemental Power: Seasonal
Chapter 7: Serenity
Chapter 8: The Catch
Chapter 10: Arda of the Krystal
Chapter 11: Teleport Ambush
Chapter 12: Heart of Stone
Chapter 13: Xaug, Syvix, and Galof
Chapter 14: Down the Line
Chapter 15: Psychic Training
Chapter 16: The Elven Surplus Festival
Chapter 17: The Bitter Truths
Chapter 18: The Crystals of Hegasha
Chapter 19: Battle of Will
Chapter 20: Leaving the Elven Village
Chapter 21: "We Need to Be Honest"
Chapter 22: "Not the Chosen One"
Chapter 23: Basics of Energy Conservation
Chapter 24: The Deal Between a Master and Apprentice
Chapter 25: What it Means to Defy Fate
Chapter 26: Battle of Kred: Decision
Chapter 27: Battle of Kred: Defending the Town
Chapter 28: Battle of Kred: "This is My Choice!"
Chapter 29: Battle of Kred: Moving Forward
Chapter 30: The Dark One's Freedom

Chapter 9: Escape from Fort Balstar

9 2 0
By megumimary6

Chapter 9:

Escape from Fort Balstar

"-and that is why we must abandon Fort Balstar," announced Gremdar.

Gremdar had just proclaimed to his men his desire to abandon Fort Balstar. Needless to say his men were not impressed.

"Why must we run like cowards?" asked one man. "We should fight for our honor." A large group of soldiers cheered him on.

"You must understand," pleaded Gremdar. "The enemy is too powerful. As of right now we cannot hope to defeat him."

"So we should abandon hope?" asked another.

"No, we must employ a different strategy," he explained. "Right now the enemy is too powerful. Only one person has the power to stop him. The problem we face is that this power needs to be nurtured into something more. We must retreat for now and reassemble when the time is right— the Vernal Equinox. This time is almost a full year away but this day will be the deciding factor in this war. For now you must all retreat to our secret bunker to the north. It is imperative that you avoid all conflict until I send word to you. We will need an army next year; the fewer casualties before then the better our chances at winning."

"What about you, sir? Will you be joining us?" asked a newer recruit.

Gremdar frowned. "I'm sorry, but I need to escort the Chosen One and the smaller our group, the better. I will be in touch, but for now I wish you the best of luck. Dismissed."

While Gremdar addressed his men, Jade and Saje descended to the cellar of the fort and began digging an escape tunnel. Jade, using her newfound abilities, was creating massive tunnels with little effort. After the tunnel was a mile long she started to loose her breath.

"Take it easy," advised Saje. "You're burning too much energy. You need to pace yourself."

Jade had just realized something: Most of the time the energy created by the body is not enough to use magic, thus the common use of amulets, scepters, and other magical artifacts to amplify this energy and to reduce the effect on the body. Except this whole time, she had been using her powers without any outside assistance. She turned to Saje.

"What if I get a magical amplifier?"

"Won't work," he replied. "Your energy is unique not only in what it does, but in how it is harnessed. The guardians of the elements forged a sword that would be able to serve as a way to amplify the Chosen One's power. It was forged from the purest of metal from the earth, tempered with the hottest of fire, shaped by the strongest of wind, cooled to perfection by the richest of water. The sword of Elementus will be your weapon and amplifier."

"Where is it?"

"The Appaka Mountains to the north east, near the village of Kred. We will be headed that way as soon as we leave here. Getting that sword is top priority."

"Because I need a weapon," said Jade.

"There is also the possibility that you might not be the Chosen One. It's a slim possibility, but because of your lineage your body could have drawn the energy to you instead of to the real Chosen One. If that is the case a spell to force the energy from you will be necessary."

"Can't you do it before then?"

"If we are wrong and mistakenly banish the energy it will be lost along with all hope of victory,. Only the Chosen One can remove the sword from where it sits. If you cannot remove it you are not the one, simple as that."

Jade thought hard about the prospect of not being the Chosen One. While the ability to do great things like moving the earth and having magic was appealing, she could not help but think about what a great relief it would be to just be Normal. The burden of everyone's expectations was a little too much to bear and the idea of having to kill someone...she didn't want to think about that at all. She placed her hand on the wall and focused her energy.

"I can make an escape route here for twenty at a time," said Jade. "We are far enough into the woods to avoid the enemy's eyes."

She took a deep breath and opened a massive tunnel to the surface. She almost fell to the ground and was getting lightheaded. Saje steadied her and helped her to sit down.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I just need a minute" Said Jade.

Saje pulled some bread from his pocket and handed it to her. "Eat this, it will help," he offered. Jade ate the bread and started to feel her strength return.

"That's amazing. What's in that bread?"

"Nothing special," said Saje. "You haven't been eating much. Your body needs to replenish its energy and eating more is the best way to do that. You not only have to fuel your body but fuel your magic, as someone who never had magic you need to increase your food intake to compensate."

Jade finished the bread and saw the truth in what he said. After all, all life needed energy to survive and magic is an extension of that energy.

Saje took out a green orb and spoke to it. "The tunnel's made and we are ready for the evacuation."

"I'll be there in a minute" said Gremdar's voice from the orb.

Saje pocketed the orb and Jade looked at it with a bewildered expression. Saje noticed this and said, "Your mother has a real knack for making cool stuff like this. In her years she's made many powerful items of magic. She can be protective of her stuff, after all some of it in the wrong hands...." He trailed off.

Gremdar, Serenity, and Talon came down the tunnel to meet up with them. Suddenly, Serenity doubled over in pain screaming in agony. Saje went over to Serenity and picked her up.

"The Dragomorphis is taking its hold," explained Saje.

Talon looked at Saje. "My sister's not a dragon. She does not have the gift, tell him sis."

Serenity looked like she was about to cry. "I'm sorry, Talon. I didn't want it to be true."

Gremdar approached Serenity and asked "Why keep this to yourself?"

"Because I'm pregnant."

Jade could feel the unease among them. She knew a little about Dragomorphis. It was the process of a Dragon-warrior's transition into a dragon state for the first time. The effect on the body takes its toll and if Serenity was pregnant, there is no way the baby would survive such an ordeal.

"Saje, get her to the exit, help should be waiting there," advised Gremdar. "If anyone can help Serenity and the unborn child it's her."

Saje nodded and left for the exit, all the soldiers of Fort Balstar were now passing them. Gremdar enlisted the help of Talon and Jade for crowd control. Over the course of the next ten minutes they got every soldier out of the tunnel. Jade could feel the attackers discovering the tunnel.

"They found the tunnel," said Jade. "They'll figure out where we are escaping to."

"There has to be something we can do!" Talon exclaimed.

Jade started to make tunnels branching far to the left and right, adding twists and turns as they formed. Talon and Gremdar watched in awe. Gremdar then noticed her nose was starting to bleed. She then sealed off their tunnel from the others she made. She collapsed to the ground and Talon transformed into a dragon to carry her out of the tunnel. When they exited the tunnel a woman walked over to Jade and Jade felt energy pouring into her. She looked up to see the one person she wanted to see the most the past few days.


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