Mistakes were made, but...

By Glitchy-Witchy

14.7K 536 398

Cover not mine!! They have known each other for a long time. They have hated each other for as long too. They... More

Chapter 1 - Intro
Staying in
Hotland Confession
Friendly visit
Finally out
Friends reunited
The plan
Is it my fault?
Waking up
It doesn't matter
Nightmare's revenge
The Nightmares continue
When shit goes down

Wrong words

585 22 12
By Glitchy-Witchy

Alright, so this one took me more time to make, but i hope it will be a good one :)


"Sorry, what did you said?" Ink said, after he stopped looking at Error like he had a potato for a head.

"ClOtHeS!! I. nEeD. cLoThEs!" Error replied, starting to get mad. "I'm NoT gOnNa WaLk ArOuNd LiKe ThAt!" He added, pointing at his naked body wrapped in bandages.

"Oh! Right, of course! Pfft-Ha-Ha-Ha!" Ink said. "Wait here then! I'll bring you back your things." He stood up and walked out of the room to go get Error's clothes in the washing machine that, somehow, was working. When he opened the small door, Error's jacket, shorts and shirt were ruined... "Oops..." Ink looked around and decided to go search for a new outfit.

Ink came back some time later with a clean hoodie, which had the same colors as Error's old jacket but short sleeves, with new black shorts, his old scarf and socks(Which were the only two things that hadn't broke..) "Uuhh... Your clothes are too broken for you to wear, so here! I got you these instead!" He gave Error the new outfit and left the room once again to give Error some privacy.

Once Error was fully dressed, he walked out of the room. Wanting to continue their search through the odd and empty universe, to find a way to go back home. When he did though, Ink looked at him and couldn't look away for some reason..

"W-wHaT?" Error asked, wondering if something was wrong with the Squid.

"O-oh! Nothing!" Ink said, looking away and smiling more to himself than anything else. "It looks nice on you..!" His cheekbones were turning a, faint but still visible, cute shade of rainbow. "But~!" Ink added, while turning to face Error again. "You missed something!" He said, mimicking two round circles around his eye sockets with his fingers, as to say 'Forgot the glasses'.

"... M-m-My GlAsSeS?" Error asked.

"Yeah! You should keep them on your face instead of your pockets! I'm sure you look good with them too!" Ink said, smiling and still blushing a bit.

"..." Error said nothing and just took his glasses out of his pocket. Looking at them, he wondered if this was a good idea, but then decided to put them on anyway, blushing and looking away. "s-S-sO?" Error asked, not really waiting for an answer.

Ink just looked at him, blushing a bit more. "wow..." He whispered, but was heard by Error anyway. (Of course he heard, this place is completely empty xD)

Wanting to just disappear, Error walked passed Ink. "L-l-LeT's JuS-jUsT kEeP gOiNg..." He said, walking down the stairs to finally get out of the Inn.

"You know, I thought you were just bad at aiming before, and acting like a sort of spider with your strings, but now that I know it's because you have bad eyes, it just makes sens!" Ink said, following Error out of the Inn.

"So? WhAt'S yOuR pOiNt?" Error asked, curiously.

"So, how long have you had bad eyesight? Seems like a bummer, it's showing a weakness to others. Is it why nobody knew about it?" Ink asked, walking with his hands behind his back.

"WhAt Do YoU tHiNk? CaN't HaVe AnYoNe UsE tHaT tO tHeIr AdVaNtAgE..." Error said, starting to get annoyed.

"Yeah, make sense, having you under control would be dangerous." Ink said, almost bumping into Error when he stopped walking. He then turned around to face Ink. "wHaT... dO yOu MeAn?" He asked.

"Well, you're crazy enough to destroy AU's with a single tug from a string, coupled with one of the others that I have fought, that's gonna be really bad!" Ink replied, looking the scenery around them, to not loose track of where they were and get lost.

"hEy! I'm NoT cRaZy!" Error said, but realized that Ink was right. "...Nevermind... WhAt'S yOuR pOiNt?" Crossing his arms, a bit angry, he looked at Ink.

Ink smiled. "I just think it's funny that I'm talking with you, even if you're my mortal enemy and that you're basically weak enough that I could just get rid of you!"

"..." Error's eyes widen a bit and got on his guards, just in case. "WhY dOn'T yOu...?

Ink snorted. "'Cause having you weak means less pain for me!"

"....." Error turned away, knowing Ink was right. His soul starting to hurt just like it happened before. He felt like Ink just stabbed him directly in the middle of it. He hated to feel that way, but thought he didn't had a choice. Ink didn't had a soul after all, he couldn't know that what he was saying was painful to others.

So, Error decided to leave Ink behind. Not because he wanted him to stay trapped forever, but because he had to find a place to hide!

Ink, however, didn't saw him walk away. "Wait... Was that harsh? I meant that If you're too weak to fight, then we can just talk and... Error...?" Ink looked around, but found himself alone.

Error successfully hid somewhere to try to calm down before he would break something or start crying, or both... Once he was certain that Ink wouldn't find him unless he comes out, Error sat down, his back on a wall close by, and got lost in his own thoughts while Ink started to search for his missing foe.


Well, that was something xD If what Ink says wasn't harsh enough, just let me know ;P I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please R&R xxxxxx

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