Fix You (Percy Jackson Fanfic...

By MaybeKindaFresh

52.1K 2.1K 588

There are some things that even Leo can't fix. Leo/Nico boyxboy More

Unscathed? Not a Chance.
The Best Distraction
It Wasn't Pretty
Not a Machine
Good as New
Percy's Plan
Braver than Me
With You
You Want Fun?
The Last Bus
As Per Usual
I Bring News
Technically Not a Quest
I Need You
I Remember
Gutting the Bus
Love Saved Them
Aslan-Godzilla-Billy Goat
I Spy
Ghost King
It Hurts
Where's My Angel
But Is He Safe?
A Terrible Idea
He's Mine
A Monologue from Leo
The Saddest Kiss
Sleep. Seduce. Sulk.
Tea with Nana
Son of Hephaestus
Train Ride
Let's Be Honest - Filler Chapter XD
Brilliant Minds
You Need to Chill
I Love Him
Catching Up
Greatest Blanket Fort Known To Man
Sentry Duty
Not Fair
I Am Loved

Your Presence Is Requested

1K 38 9
By MaybeKindaFresh

"We're going to be killed in our sleep."
That was the first thing out of Leo's mouth once the pair staggered into the lobby.

There's the Hilton, and then there's Motel 6, and then there's vintage buildings with leaky roofs and greasy employees. Nico and Leo found the latter.

The ceiling was excessively tall with an ancient painting of sleeping (or dead) children sprawled about. Adding to the creepiness was the way the artwork was distorted by the rot of rain seeping through the material.

Behind the front desk leaned a scrawny pale man with massive bags under his eyes, presumably due to exhaustion. The dark mass of hair on his head was thick with grease and unruly. Less like Leo's fluffy curls after a hard days work, more like a homeless man who hasn't washed his hair in a month.

Without approaching the man, both Leo and Nico paused for a silent debate. Leo's wide eyes gestured towards the creepy man and Nico's exasperated eyes jerked towards the raging storm they'd just come from.

After all they'd been through a murder seemed like a more appropriate end than a severe cold. They trudged cautiously towards the creep, eyes on full alert, hearts pounding.

Nico opened his mouth when the mans form flashed and he suddenly had yellowed eyes, jagged teeth and a furry face. Before they could blink he was just a greasy guy again.

"Oh my gods!' What the? Who the?" Exclaimed Leo. The two stepped back in horror. Nico made a decision as the man sneered and said "Something the matter?"

"Er yes. Well we need to call for a ride. Would you happen to have a phone we could borrow?" Asked the younger boy.

His boyfriend looked at him with absolute gratitude. His body jerked forward and back as if he couldn't decided whether it was appropriate to attack his lover with kisses.

Both Nico and Leo felt uneasy at the sinister smirk the man bore.

"Sure, sure. Right in here." The creep gestured to a tiny gap in the wall with a phone at the back. Leo looked nervous but Nico took a deep breath and squeezed inside to reach the phone. Instantly a gate dropped from above locking the young boy inside. He slammed against the bars and yelled in rage.

Leo panicked; he rushed forward whilst rummaging through his tool bag. Suddenly two other figures came through the door.

"Hello demigod," said one.

"Your presence is requested," said the other.

With that they attacked. Leo threw flames and wrenches and pulled out a hammer in an attempt to thwart his enemies.

Meanwhile Nico was trying to sort how he could help. Despite his better judgment he attempted shadow travel. He was successful but exhausted and unstable.

The situation only worsened. Creep caught Leo off guard and knocked him unconscious with the swing of a vase. The curly haired boy crumpled and his boyfriend let out a cry of anguish. Nico fell to his knees as Leo was dragged out into the storm. Moments later he fell asleep.


Nico was running. He wasn't sure what he was trying to evade but the terror that welled within him was enough to keep him from slowing to check. Out of nowhere a wall rose up before him and he clamored desperately at the rising slab of concrete. His attempts were futile as his nails scratched down the surface leaving him trapped and in pain.

Turning around he found Creep standing before him. Fury rose within and his eyes stung at the thought of what could be happening to his love.

"I swear on the name of my Father I will send you straight to the Fields of Punishment," he growled.

Creep smiled. "Oh little prince I already reside in your fathers land. Do you not know me? Or is this form more familiar?"

The man morphed into a wolf and recognition crossed Nico's face.

"Phobetor. You have no peace with my father. He despises you. What is mans greatest fear his most attainable nightmare? Death. You have abused my fathers generosity and he will support me fully as I end you."

The wolf morphed into an ink black serpent.

"How will you accomplish such a tassssk? What with your shadowssss sssssso feeble child? My mother issss the goddesssss of night!"

The declaration gave Nico an idea and he grinned. "And your father, the god of dreams. Come at me Phobetor. Do your worst."

He closed his eyes as the snake lunged. When he opened his eyes he was back in the motel on the lobby floor drenched in sweat from his psychological encounter with the god of nightmares.

He took in the shards of pottery and the drops of blood and his heart clenched. The words of the man who attacked his sweet Latino rang in his mind.

"Your presence is requested."

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