Winter Wolf

By AmazeGreenie

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-Book One in the Winter Wolf Series- Amelia Winters had a normal life. Parents who loved her, a home, friend... More

RavenHills: Chap 1
Full Moon Party: Chap 3
Confusion: Chap 4
Who Are You Really: Chap 5
Training: Chap 6
Bitten: Chap 7
Football Match: Chap 8
Lunar Eclipse: Chap 9
Gasoline Really?: Chap 10
Vampire King: Chap 11
Lots of Fire and Melting Ice: Chap 12
Family Reunion: Chap 13
Control: Chap 14
Ressurection: Chap 15
Guilt and Redemption: Chap 16
When the Darkness Seeps In: Chap 17
Cracking Bones and Breaking Hearts: Chap 18
Yin and Yang: Chap 19
The Battle on the Horizon: Chap 20
Ceremony of the Dead: Chap 21

First Day at Raven High: Chap 2

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By AmazeGreenie

Sebastian's POV

I watched her walk away not letting the cold air bother me. I sighed and started walking back towards my house before I was tackled to the ground. "You tricked us!" Tyler and Quinn yelled.

I laughed, "But you guys fell for it." Quinn lifted me off the ground.

"You're such an idiot Peters." He said shoving me away.

I laughed again, "You guys wouldn't want to go for a run would you?" That brought a smile to both of their faces.

"We have school tomorrow." Said Tyler rubbing his face with both his hands.

"And?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes. "You guys go. I'm going home before my mom freaks out." I looked at Quinn hopeful that he would run with me.

"Sorry bro, I promised my dad I would have dinner with him. But since you played us to make sure nothing happened to Amelia, I missed that dinner. I'll see you tomorrow." I groaned at his annoyed tone. All I know is that I had an instinct to protect Amelia. I don't know why, but I had to.

I shoved my hands in my pockets and walked all the way back to the school to pick up my motorcycle. It needed a little fix up but I still loved it. My mom said that it was dangerous to have a motorcycle and she was right. But why would I care? I started up the engine and pulled on my helmet. I put my feet on the ground and walked it to the exit before I sped my way home not caring about the fact that I was driving 50 km over the speed limit. I knew it would not be longer before I would have to put her away for the winter. 

Her scent hit my nose. Amelia's scent drifted in the air causing me to inhale deeply. Her scent was sweet and intoxicating. Her face popped up in my mind and I swerved my bike on a patch of ice, causing me to hit the ditch. My body was flung into the trees, a hard tree trunk connected with my back and I heard the horrifying crack. I yelled in agony and laid on the ground knowing I would heal... eventually.

I pushed myself up feeling the bones snap back into place. I groaned looking at my smashed bike. "F***!" I took off my helmet and threw it as hard as I could. My wolf howled in frustration, begging to come out. I could feel my fangs lengthen and my claws sharpened. My nose caught her scent again and I groaned.

A howl filled my ears and I shifted ripping my favourite jacket. It felt good to change after a long day. I shook my fur and dug my claws into the dirt. This has to be the best part about being a wolf. Running through the forest made me feel free. Truly alive. The howl rung inside my ears once again, I knew that my alpha was getting impatient. I started to run faster in the direction of the howl hoping he wasn't too angry.

I came to our usual spot and looked up at the almost full moon. The full moon was coming up and it made my stomach flip in fear. I just don't want to hurt anybody again. The alpha stood in the middle of the field, looking more than angry.

His glare was set directly on me and I don't think it was going anywhere. I lowered my head and kept my tail between my legs. Then a pair of human hands gripped my wolf-like shoulders and I looked up to see the one who bit me. I didn't shift back, I wanted to let my wolf have control for a little while.

"Bash, What is up with you?" I whimpered not knowing what else to do. I knew he was angry with me. I looked over his shoulder at his pack members. There were two new people added to the pack. I looked back into his blue eyes to see the concern behind them, "I'm just trying to see what's wrong with you. You've been defining orders just to protect a girl you don't even know." I lowered my head, a part of me knowing it was wrong to go against his orders but another part of me made my head lift. I stared into his eyes and snapped at him.

"YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT US! YOU ONLY WANT AN ARMY! WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE HER?! YOU COULD CHOOSE ANYONE BUT YOU CHOSE HER!" I yelled at him through our link. I shifted back feeling the cold air against my skin, "Why does it have to be her? Why right now? You should at least let her settle in before you put the burden of being a werewolf on her shoulders." The alpha sighed.

"Bash you won't understand."

"Enlighten me. Enlighten us." I snapped gesturing to the pack.

They all looked at him with curious eyes. "You just have to trust me."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Why did you call us here?" Asked Tyler shifting back into his human form, looking expectingly at the Alpha.

"We need to go to the pack house. I need to share some important information with you all." We only got to go to the pack house on full moons because it had chains and cages in the basement. It's also where we went when we were being punished, believe me I've been there many times.

"When?" Mia asked covering her breasts with her hands.

"Tomorrow night. Be there." He shifted back into his wolf and ran off leaving us staring at each other. The two newer wolves ran off with him leaving us alone.

"I hate secrets." said Mia.

"Glad to see you back on your feet." I said making her smile.

"The boys told me that you played them." I smiled walking beside her.

"Why are you protecting her?" She asked. I knitted my brows together.

"I don't know. I just feel like I need to protect her. I knew her a long time ago when we were kids. Her grandmother practically raised me also. I feel like I owe her, you know?" I scratched the back of my neck. "I really don't know." I said mostly to myself. Why did I protect her?

"You should probably get some rest. Coach is going to be mad that you missed practice." I nodded then face palmed.

"Damn! I forgot about practice!" I groaned thinking about how coach was going to react. She chuckled at me before patting me on the back.

"There's no way that people are going to replace you so relax. Just say you got sick and do your best at the next practice. He'll understand, he loves you and you're his best player." Mia squeezed my hand before she shifted, "Goodnight." She told me through the mind-link.

I nodded at her once before shifting myself. That's the thing about bitten wolves, we were different from born wolves. We weren't as strong or as fast, the moon affected us different because we weren't actually werewolves in the eyes of the Moon Goddess. We also don't get to hear our wolves like I've heard other people talk about. We don't have mates unless we were paired with a born wolf. We also had to be in the pack with the one who bit us, it was like a vampire and their sire. My alpha was cruel and a bitten wolf like the rest of us. Many people believed bitten wolves couldn't rule a pack, but my alpha seemed fine.

I ran back home climbing up the old oak tree before jumping on the roof. I had found a pair of basketball shorts in the hollow log near my house, that I hid a few days ago knowing I was going to need them. I slid my window open and crawled in jumping directly on my bed. 

My parents didn't know what I was or if they did they seemed to ignore it, but Quinn's dad did. Quinn's father was a wolf himself but he wasn't bitten. His mate was human meaning that Quinn could have become a wolf without the bite. He was bitten by the alpha, so he would never know if he had the genes. His father belonged to a different pack called Winter Mountain, it used to be ruled by Steven Winters, Amelia's father, until he fell to my alpha. There were rumours suggesting the rule went back to one of the elders in the pack, but no one had been able to prove it. But, it is believed Steven's great great grandfather Caine rules their pack now because of Steven's loss of powers. I laid back on my bed, put my hands behind my head and sighed. Then I shut my eyes and fell asleep thinking about Amelia.

Amelia's POV

I stared at myself in the mirror looking at the dark bags under my eyes. I couldn't sleep last night with the thoughts of that blue eyed wolf. Today was my first day of school here and being the new girl didn't make me feel any better. I didn't want to go but my grandmother insisted so I wouldn't get too far behind in the semester.

I put on some comfortable clothes this morning not caring about what people thought. I covered up the dark circles with some cover up, but it didn't hide them completely. I groaned in frustration before I grabbed my backpack and made my way downstairs to see that Grandma had made waffles. The aroma had filled the downstairs causing my stomach to ache with anticipation.

"Your parents are busy this morning so I'll be taking you to school. We haven't set you up in the bus route yet." I nodded taking the plate she held out to me. I drizzled syrup across my my plate before cutting a piece of my waffle and shoving it in my mouth. I moaned as my tastebuds tingled from the delicious powdered sugar and fresh strawberries.

"This is amazing!" I said taking another forkful.

"My specialty." She said giving me a wink. I smiled at her and took another forkful.

"Can we have these all the time?" She laughed and patted my hair.

"Not everyday, they're hard to make. Now eat up we have to go early to get your schedule." I nodded shoving a few more pieces in my mouth before grabbing my backpack.

"Okay let's go!" I said with my mouth still full. She grabbed her bag and draped it over her shoulder before we walked out to her car.

"Are you nervous?" She asked me when we were nearing the school.

"Is it bad if I say yes?" She laughed.

"Of course not. So I'll come in with you to sign some papers then you are on your own." I nodded as we pulled into the student parking lot.

We walked side by side into the school. I couldn't help but rub my sweaty palms on my pants. I was freaking out! People stared at me while I walked into the office. The principle sat nicely in her chair and talked sweetly to me. My locker was number 2213 which was located on the second floor. I was also given my classes. I had Math, Art, Gym and English. At least my classes weren't super hard... Well other than math.

"Amelia this is Megan Forestelle, she's on the student council. She will help you to your classes." I turned from the principal to the girl named Megan.

"Nice to meet you." I said holding out my hand she took it and smiled.

"It's nice to meet you too. We actually have all our classes together, which is totally cool. You are welcome to sit with me and my friends at lunch. We are totally chill with it." She smiled as we walked out of the office.

"Anyway the only class you are going to have problems in is math because we are already on the second unit." I nodded but I knew it wasn't going to be a problem. "The teacher is super nice though so he'll help you catch up. Our gym teacher though... yeah she's very hard core, push it to the max kind of person. Our english teacher is so hot!" She rambled on. I laughed as we approached my locker. "Here's your locker. Mine is in the next hallway."

I opened my locker and quickly put my stuff in it. Megan showed me where her locker was before we walked to math class together. "This is Mr. Bortilin. Mr. Bortilin this is our new student Amelia Winters." I held out my hand and he shook it.

"Its nice to meet you. Here is your textbook and I'm sure Megan will lend you her notes. You have quite some catching up to do." I took my textbook and wrote my name in it. Megan gave me her notes and I quickly began writing them.

"There's only 6 seats available." Megan told me pointing to some desks. "I'd pick this one. It's closer to me." I nodded and placed my stuff on the desk before continuing to write notes. "Well class starts in 10 so I'll be back." I nodded.

"Okay thank you." Mr. Bortilin was sitting at his desk as I wrote. I had to admit Megan's handwriting was amazing.

"Amelia?" I looked up to Mr. Bortilin.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Do you know anything about Quadratics?" I nodded.

"I'm actually quite good at math. You don't have to worry about me, I had math at my old school this semester so I'm pretty sure I'm all caught up." He nodded.

"Well if you don't understand anything you can come talk to me." I nodded before going back to writing. Besides I only missed a month and a half.

The bell ran and students began to file in class, most of them staring at me. When Quinn walked in however he gave me a huge goofy smile and sat down right beside me. "Well hello newby!" I smiled at him, "First day is always the toughest but welcome to High School. Would you like a tour?" I shook my head laughing.

"Actually that job is taken." Megan said patting his back. He frowned.

"Darn that girl. Well I can tell you now that people have been talking about you nonstop! Therefore you are quite famous. So I would suggest staying under the radar if you don't want to be noticed." I shook my head at him.

"Not that kind of girl Quinn." He smirked

"Of course you aren't. Well then do something awesome and you'll be super popular and don't do something embarrassing." I laughed.

"Not planning on it."

"Alright class lets get settled in. We have a new student joining us today. Please welcome Amelia Winters." People turned around and I gave them a small smile.

"Wow she's really pretty." I heard someone whisper.

"She looks like a whore." I heard someone else say. I rolled my eyes and went back to copying down down my notes.

"Nice of you to join us Sebastian." I froze. Why does he have to be in my class?

I finished the last sentence before I stood up and handed Megan her notes. "Thank you." I whispered before I turned around. Sebastian and I made eye contact and I looked away quickly before sitting down. The teacher began the lecture and handed out tonight's homework.

I got started on it knowing I didn't need the lecture. "Amelia can you come up to the board and solve this." I looked up and saw everyone staring at me. I stood up and took the piece of chalk from his hand. The equation was easy. I pressed the chalk to the board and simplified before turning it into vertex form. "The vertex is 3, 1/2." I stated turning back towards the class. Their mouths were hung open and I blushed, "Am I wrong?" I asked looking at the board.

"No you just did a method I haven't taught yet." I smiled before taking a seat.

"Nice one Winters." Quinn whispered to me.

"Thanks Manhattan." I looked over towards Sebastian to find him looking at me with his green eyes. He quickly looked away and stared at the clock until the bell rang. When it did ring he was gone, I have never seen someone walk out of class that fast.

"Amelia!" I heard Megan say as I closed my locker. "Our next class is downstairs."

"Lead the way." I said before we both walked to art class. My art teacher was nice to me and gave me all the assignments I had to do. I would finish them this weekend, I like art so it always seemed fun to me. Thanks to my luck, Sebastian wasn't in my class so I talked to Quinn and his friend Tyler the whole time. Tyler was super nice to me and made me laugh.

The bell rang signalling lunch so I stayed by my locker and called Kaelin. "Heyyy girrrl!" She said after picking up the phone.

"Hey." I smiled, sitting down with my lunch.

"How's your new school? Are there any hot guys?" She asked making me laugh.

"Its unbelievable how many attractive guys go to my school." She gasped.

"I am so jealous. That's it I'm moving!" I laughed again.

"I miss you guys so much." I said quietly. Then took a bite of my sandwich.

"We miss you too. Especially Tom." I rolled my eyes. "He's still not over his little crush." I heard Tom's voice yell in protest. "I'm gonna put you on speaker." She said before I started hearing a whole bunch of voices.

"Okay for the last time I never had a crush on you!" Tom protested.

"Not even a little one?" I gasped trying to sound hurt.

"Okay maybe a little one." he said making me laugh. I looked down the hall to see Megan and her friends.

"Hey guys I have to go! Call you soon! Miss you!"

"BYE!" I heard them yell before I ended the call.

"Amelia you should come sit with us." I nodded standing up and grabbing my half eaten sandwich. They dragged me all the way down to the cafe and I have to admit they are pretty cool. Megan told me the table situation. Theres a table for each grade and three extras that have random people sit at them. I was sitting at the grade 12 table with Megan's friends. I liked Violette the most, she was so funny and it helped me relax. But there were so many people I couldn't help but feel kind of squished.

After I finished my lunch I told them I had to talk to one of my teachers but instead I went outside to the football field. I sat down on one of the damp benches and pulled out my earphones. I set an alarm for myself before I blasted the music and sat back breathing in the October air. I closed my eyes and just relaxed.

I jumped when someone hit my arm. I took out my ear phones and stared at Quinn's face. "What are you doing out here?"

"Just wanted some fresh air. Hey, are they playing soccer down there?" I asked, He nodded "Lets go play!" I yelled before placing my iPod on the bench. We both ran onto the field and started playing with the group of guys. There was a set of twins but I couldn't keep everyone's name straight.

Quinn and I ended up on opposing teams so we both glared at each other before we broke out into a fit of laughter. I was on a breakaway when Quinn pulled up beside me. "I can't let you get away with this Winters." he said before trying to take the ball but I did a quick move out of the way making him miss and stumble forward. I kicked towards the net and scored raising my hands in the air. My team cheered before it turned into a mud fight.

I threw some at one of the twins, making him laugh before he tackled me to the ground. The mud sloshed around us as I wiggled myself from underneath him. Quinn threw a load of mud at my back making me scream from the cold water. "You are so going to pay for that!" I yelled. Charging at him but he quickly stepped out of the way making it so he was on top, "No fair!" I yelled laughing.

"We should probably get cleaned up." I nodded, still smiling.

"Yeah." I said with a laugh.

Quinn gave me a hoodie to change into after I showered and thank goodness I brought a change of shorts for gym. I shoved my wet muddy clothes into a plastic bag and shoved them in my locker before putting my hair into a wet ponytail. I managed to get the mud off in the change rooms but my makeup had come off showing my ugly bags.

I walked into gym class to find Quinn talking to Tyler. "Thanks for the sweater." I said as I walked up to him.

"It looks good on you." he said teasingly making me roll my eyes.

"It's comfortable." I stated.

"Uh oh." Tyler mumbled. I turned to look at what he was looking to see a girl walking towards us.

"Quinn. Tyler." She said but her eyes never looked at me, it was like I didn't even exist.

"Mia, this is Amelia. Amelia this is Mia." Quinn said introducing us.

"Hi." I said trying to be friendly but she scoffed. I looked down to the floor. "I have to go talk to my teacher." I said before walking away.

"Mia! What are you trying to do?" I heard Quinn snap.

I walked into the gym office and the teacher smiled at me. "Hey you must be... Amelia." I nodded, "Well I have to say, looking on your past success in sports you need to be on a few teams. Volleyball, cross country, track and field, rugby and soccer." I smiled shyly, "You have excellent skills according to your other coaches. I was even spoken to by the soccer team coach because he saw you play." I blushed thinking back to lunch time.

"Isn't it too late for soccer?" She nodded.

"But he wants you on the team." I smiled before she handed me a few notes. I also had to take the beep test today with everyone else. But hey I could do it. I held the record at my old school with 110.

I lined up with the other students and waited for the beep test to begin. The sound went off and I ran slowly to the other side saving up my energy. After the 30th beep people started to stop but I kept going along with Quinn, Tyler and Mia. We were the last ones left and it kept speeding up and I was getting tired which wasn't a good thing.

We were on our 100th beep when Tyler stopped. I pushed myself to keep going, I wanted to break my record. Quinn looked at me shocked as I sprinted to the other side. Since he was distracted his missed the beep forcing him out. It was just Mia and I left. 108. Run to one side. 109. Run to the other side. 110. Run back. 111. I sprinted to the end and made it before it beeped. Come on push it. Mia had stopped but I didn't notice until I got back to the other side. I was breathing heavily before I almost collapsed on the ground.

"Wow that's a new record! 123!" My gym teacher yelled. "Alright the next group get lined up!" I walked out of the gym to refill the bottle I had just chugged. I can't believe I just did that.

"Wow how did you get that good?" Quinn asked coming to the fountain.

"Lots of practice. But for some reason I've been quite good at running lately." he laughed. 

"Probably because of those wolves." I nodded with a smile. My face felt very hot, I bet I probably looked like a full blown tomato.

"Yep that's probably it." I took a huge sip of my water before I made my way back inside. "Can I go shower?" I asked the teacher. She nodded and I gladly made my way to the change rooms. I peeled off my clothes and showered off all my sweat off before putting my clothes back on, loving how comfy Quinn's sweatshirt was.

"Here." Megan said holding out some spray. I gladly put it on loving the smell of kiwi and blossoms. "These are the best things to invest in."

"Yeah I know. I just didn't bring extra extra clothes."

"Well next time don't roll around in the mud with some boys." she teased. "I'm just kidding because I totally would have too."

We both walked to our English class and I totally saw what Megan was saying. My english teacher was quite attractive. He had bright blue eyes and shaggy hair. He had glasses on his face and a slight beard. He was also dressed quite well. "Mr. Simpson this is Amelia our newest student." He held out his hand and I took it. "I saw you playing soccer and lunch. You are quite skilled."

"Are you the soccer coach?" I asked making him nod.

"You have quite a lot of homework to do since you missed almost two months." He handed me a bunch of assignments and two books that I had to read before Megan dragged me to a desk close to hers.

"I have to admit that you were right." I whispered.

"About what?" I gestured toward the teacher and she grinned evilly. "I know right!" I was in a good mood until Sebastian walked in giving Mr. Simpson a note.

They glared at each other for a while until he turned away and looked directly at me. I swallowed loudly before I turned my attention towards Quinn. "Hey Quinn, do you want to come over tonight? I might need some help on these projects." he smiled.

"No problem. I can drive you home."

"That would be great." I responded before returning my attention to my English teacher.

Sebastian's POV

Waking up late made me have to run to school. Since I was a wolf it didn't take long, but I was still angry about my bike. I walked into school and ran to math class. "Nice of you to join us Sebastian." I pasted a smile on my face ready to make an excuse but I caught a scent and my head snapped in the direction. Amelia. Great. I have math class with her. Notice the sarcasm.

"Thank you." I heard her whisper to Megan. She turned around slowly and I looked into her beautiful green eyes. She looked away as I took my seat. The teacher began the lecture and handed out tonight's homework.

I couldn't keep my eyes off her and her scent was driving me insane. "Amelia can you come up to the board and solve this." Everyone looked at Amelia as she stood up and took the piece of chalk from his hand. She pressed the chalk to the board and solved it in a matter of minutes.

How the hell did she figure that out?

"The vertex is 3, 1/2." She stated turning back towards the class. I stared at her in pure amazement before she blushed, "Am I wrong?" She asked looking back at the board.

"No you just did a method I have taught yet." Mr. Bortilin praised. She smiled walking back to her seat.

"Nice one Winters." Quinn whispered to her.

"Thanks Manhattan." I heard her whisper back. She turned her head towards me and I swear I could get lost in those eyes forever. I quickly looked away and stared at the clock until the bell rang. I jumped up the minute the bell rang and booked it out of class. I didn't bother going to my next class, I need some fresh air, I ran outside and stripped my clothes before shifting.

I have always had a bad temper but this was different. I shook out my fur and began to run deeper into the forest's autumn colours. I loved fall. Another wolf joined my side and I recognized it as Mia.

'What's got you so worked up?' She asked.

'I don't know.' I whimpered.

'Quinn and Tyler are planning something.' I side glanced at her and slowed my pace until I completely stopped.

'What do you mean?' She rolled her eyes at me

'What do you think I mean?'

Oh shit!

I started running back towards the school with Mia following. 'I also found out who those new wolves were. They're twins Jakob and Jackson. He's creating more.' I shook my head.

'He's creating an army Mia. I don't know why but I'm planning on finding out.'

By the time we got back it was already lunch time. I sniffed the air and immediately caught her scent. My eyes widened when I saw her playing soccer in the mud. She had a huge smile on her faces as she ran towards the net. I even watched her beat Quinn before scoring. She cheered loudly before all of them began to throw mud at each other. I growled when one of the twins tackled her but I could see he was just laughing, not trying to choke her to death.

Quinn chucked mud at her back before she charged at him but he was too fast and landed on top of her. I could smell his want for her and it made me angry. I was about to step out but I saw the alpha. Of course he's here. He shook his head at me. I lowered my head at his gaze before walking away. I changed back into my clothes and walked back into the school. "Hey Bash." Said Ally.

"Hey Ally." I said trying to keep the annoyance out of my voice.

"What would you say to going to Megan's party with me?" She asked. She's going to pester me about this for the next two days unless I say yes or get another date.

"Sorry I can't. I'm already going with someone." Her eyebrows furrowed before she pouted.

"With who?" She asked. Oh crap, I have to think of something.

"Um Mia." She wrinkled up her nose before she gave me a fake smile.

"Well have fun then. If you change your mind and want to have some real fun, you know where to find me." I nodded. Yeah because I'm gonna go to a party with a b!tch like her.

I then saw Mia and took the opportunity to get away from Ally. "Mia I have a favour to ask you... Well two." she raised her eyebrow at me questionably before she smirked.

"What do I get in return?" She asked.

"Whatever you want." I responded knowing that I was going to regret this in the future.

"Okay shoot." she said with an evil grin.

"First will you help me stop whatever those doorknobs are planning?" I asked.

"They are only following orders, you know that right?"

"Please." She groaned.

"Fine! Now what's the other favour?" I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Will you go to Megan's party with me?" Her mouth hung open and I had to hold in a laugh.


'I found out what they're planning.' Mia said to me while I was sitting in Religion class, 'They are trying to get her trust. That way if they tell her about the stuff she'll agree instead of being forced.' I rolled my eyes.

'They are so stupid! Why would they listen to him?'

'Because he's our alpha. We must follow his orders.' I already knew the answer but I was just so protective of Amelia.

The bell rang and I gathered my stuff before going to my locker. My locker was just down the hall from Amelia's and I could see she was wearing Quinn's hoodie. She smelled like him. I clenched my teeth against my anger and grabbed my agenda. My father was coming to pick me up because I had a headache, so I had a note but I decided to text my dad back telling him I can last through fourth period.

And since I had a note, I could be a little late to class. I followed Amelia after she grabbed her stuff. Megan joined her side and I realized Megan was in my fourth period English class, which meant Amelia will be too. I couldn't help but smile but then I remember who the teacher was. Oh great.

I went to the washroom and splashed cold water on my face. I looked into the mirror while the night Trina died played in my head. I closed my eyes as I felt my body heat up. When I opened my eyes to see that they changed into their wolf bright yellow. I opened my mouth and saw my fangs lengthen in the reflection of the mirror. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in.

My heart stopped beating rapidly and my eyes returned to their normal green colour. The full moon is getting closer. I'm pretty sure all of us could feel it. I sighed and gathered myself. I left the bathroom and walked into my English class showing Mr. Simpson my note. I glared at him before he stared right back at me. I turned away and looked directly at Amelia, her eyes were enchanting and called out to me.

She turned away and looked at Quinn. "Hey Quinn, do you want to come over tonight? I might need some help on these projects." he smiled at her.

"No problem. I can drive you home." I could smell his want. My hand curled into a fist, then relaxed.

"That would be great." I heard her respond. That's so not happening. I took a seat behind Amelia and breathed in her scent. Quinn looked at me with a worried expression.

'Say you can't go.' I told him.

'You can't boss me around Peters.' I growled glaring at the back of his head.

'Don't try and ruin our plan.' I chuckled.

'Do you really thinks she's going to trust you after you turn her into a monster. What if she doesn't even want it?'

'It doesn't matter she's going to turn no matter what.' I furrowed my brows together.

'What do you mean?'

'Her father is Steven Winters. She's a born wolf Bash. She's the spawn of an alpha.' I looked at the back of Amelia's head.

'Then why would he want to change her if she's already going to change?' I asked him.

'Maybe he wants her in our pack instead theirs.' Oh Goddess. Does he thinks that she's going to be some sort of peace treaty!? That is never going to fly with the Winter Mountain, especially since they have already lost territory due to us. He thinks that the war between the packs will stop if he has Amelia. That's not going to happen. I'm going to make sure that doesn't happen. I watched the clock for the next hour counting down the time I had left before I could tell her parents. 1 Minute left. My foot bounced up and down anxiously waiting for the next 30 seconds to pass. I raced out the door before the bell rang but I couldn't help it.

I threw everything I needed into my backpack before I ran out of the school and to the hospital. Mrs. Winters stared at me wide eyed. "Look no time to argue. I know what you are and that Amelia is in danger. I have information about my Alpha." She grabbed my arm tightly and dragged me into an empty hospital room.

"Speak." She demanded.

"My alpha believes that if he changes Amelia she'll be sired to him making some sort of treaty between our packs." She shook her head.

"That's not why he's after her but thank you for warning us. I need to ask you a questions though. What colour did you say the wolf that Amelia touched was?"

"How did you-"

"Don't ask questions boy."

"Pure white." I answered making her gasp, "Is that a bad thing?" I asked her.

"No it's a very good thing. We need to protect her from him. He knows what she'll become." I raised my hand to stop her.

"Wait what? What do you mean by that?" I asked

"Amelia is more powerful than any wolf alive or rather, she will be. He knows what we suspected but you confirmed our hopes. The alpha is trying to change Amelia because he knows that she won't be able to become her true self when she changes."

"I'm still confused."

"We haven't had one it our family for a few generations." she said holding her heart.

"What is she?" I asked impatiently

"A winter wolf."

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