By loyalbooklover

946 154 55

*Previously known as MAKE ME UNDERSTAND * She never wanted more than a normal life, move past her past and ne... More

Chapter One (edited)
Chapter two: Make me like them
Chapter three: Make me angry
Chapter four: Make me compete
Chapter five: Make me friendly
Chapter six: Make me do weird things
Chapter seven: Make me sleep
Chapter eight: Make me shocked
Chapter nine: Make me not punch her
Chapter ten: Make me stop it
Chapter eleven: Make me spill it out
Chapter twelve: Make me capture the moment
Chapter thirteen: Make me tell the truth
Chapter fourteen: Make me not kiss him
Chapter fifteen: Make me stay put
Chapter sixteen: Make me yell
Chapter seventeen:Make me have fun
Chapter eighteen: Make me find my friends
Chapter nineteen: Make me understand
Chapter twenty: Make me think this is all a dream
Chapter twenty-one: Make me wake up
Chapter twenty-two: Make me not break down
Chapter twenty-three:Make me hate him
Chapter twenty-four:Make me feel better
Chapter twenty-five:Make me not kick you out
Chapter twenty-six: Make me stay sane
Chapter twenty-seven: Make me trust you
Chapter twenty-eight: Make me be different
Chapter twenty-nine: Make me- Help me stay alive
Chapter thirty: Make me remember - Part One
Chapter thirty-one:Make me remember - Part two
Chapter thirty-two:Make me breathe
Chapter thirty-three: Make me sing
Chapter thirty-four: Make me sing - Part Two
Chapter thirty-six: Make me think about something else
Chapter thirty-seven: Make me be yours
Chapter thirty-eight: Make me feel better
Chapter thirty-nine: Make me say no
Chapter forty: Make me not be stupid
Chapter forty-one: Make me know the difference between a dream and reality
Chapter forty-two: Make that burrito stop looking like him
Chapter forty-three: Make me stop being a victim
Chapter forty-four: Make me trust you Part One
Chapter forty-five: Make me trust you Part Two
Chapter forty-six: Make me trust you Part Three
Chapter forty-seven: Make me understand the new normal
Chapter forty-eight: Make me be different
Chapter forty-nine: Make me stop feeling guilty
Chapter fifty: Make me continue

Chapter thirty-five: Make him promise

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By loyalbooklover


After our heartfelt moment we spent in the classroom, Becca, Tom and I went to our classes. My first period was chemistry, a class I was not dreading for two reasons. One it was not my favorite subject and two, my lab partner is no one other than Joshua Jonson. Someone who I would rather not speak at this moment.

Here I am, in the chemistry class with him beside me not paying a bit of attention. My life has become a mess that I can't solve on my own, like that experiment our teacher was telling us about that I didn't care to listen.

''Now it's your turn. You and your partner will do the same experiment with no help from me. When you're done just raise your hand for me to come and see the outcome.'' was the only thing I actually heard coming out of her mouth.

An experiment, of something I payed no attention to, with my lab partner whom I am not on speaking terms with. Wow, this will turn out just great. Hashtag eye roll.

I don't move to face him, and neither does he. Another person who is not moving is our teacher, sitting in front of the class, her hands crossed watching us like a hawk. She must have noticed we were the only ones who did not started to work.

''What's going on here?'' she asks now standing in front of our table

''We're not exactly on speaking terms.'' I explain

''I see. Well you two are going to have to figure it out, now please start the experiment. If you paid any attention to it, you will have no problem with it. '' she tells us and starts walking between the tables to watch others work.

I couldn't give a crap of this experiment, it's not gonna help me with anything in life. Being my stubborn self I decide to just rest my head on the table hopefully to fall asleep. But the moment I tried her voice resonated in the air again.

''That's it. Principal's office, both of you.'' she tells us from behind the class, knowing everyone must be staring right now.

I roll my eyes and pick up my bag. I don't look one time behind me to see if he is coming or not. I couldn't care less.

''Casey'' he tells my name from behind me. My steps becoming faster, not wanting to be beside him anymore. I ignore his attempt of talking to me.

''I am sorry.'' he tells me and I can hear his voice being more further. He must have stopped walking, something I did to when I heard those words.

''You're sorry?'' I turn and ask him, the distance between us now visible. ''You hid him in your house and protected him all this time. You betrayed me and showed me you care when you didn't. And you're sorry?'' Great case. Way to be emotional.

''Just- hear me out. ''

''Why so you could spread more lies?''

''I am not lying. I can explain Casey. If you would just let me.''

He's asking for a second chance, more like begging for one. I don't even know what he wants to explain, the fact is there laid on a blank sheet of paper, he hid him. Period. But then again, there's always more behind the story. I gave Tom a second chance, so it should only be fair if I give him a second chance too.

I take a deep breath hoping I am not gonna regret it.

''Tonight 7pm, your house. You have an hour. '' I tell him and head to the principal's office.

After the discussion we had on our behavior with the principal we were given the rest of the class free to work on out problem. Given the fact that we already established on a place and a hour to talk about this ,I preferred to spend the rest of the class alone in the library.

At the end of the class I headed to the next class where I was surprised to see Becca, Joshua and Tom. You could literally sense the tension between those two. I usually sit beside Becca and Joshua sits in the row before us, alone. The rest of the class is pretty full, so Tom and Joshua were fighting over the seat.

''This is my seat. What can you not understand?'' Joshua asked

''Yeah well there is no other place to sit, and I sure as hell don't want to sit next to you.'' Tom told him

Oh for God's sake.

''What makes you think I want to sit next to you anyway?''

Ok this is going too far. I sigh and make my way to the place where they were.

''You two are acting like 12 years old children.'' I tell them ''Becca can you please sit with Joshua? '' I ask her

She eyes the two of us suspiciously before she nods in agreement. The teacher soon comes in, so sit in Becca's normal place which is behind Joshua, and Tom behind Becca.

I notice Joshua's head trying to turn, but then sighs when he sees Tom where I was supposed to sit. Now I wonder if that's why he chose to sit there in the first place. I take a deep breath trying to remember what he did.

I still haven't told the others what I found out. I know it may be selfish to keep it to myself, but as much as I hate Joshua right now, I don't want the others to be pissed at him the same way I am. Plus, if Tom knew anything about this, he would tell me ''I told you so'' , something I don't really want to hear, oh and he would also probably throw a few punches at him.

So I would like to think of this as avoiding a physical incident, though I am not sure how avoidable it is, after all Tom is definitely gonna get back on the football team, and Joshua is also on the team with the guys.

Becca turns her head a bit just to look at me and mouths ''You okay?'' , to which I just nod. I get nudged on my elbow and I instantly look at Tom with a questioning look. He points his look at something on my desk. It's a not. I open it out and read what's written on it.

Are you okay?

Sure. Why wouldn't I be?

I don't know. I am sorry again Case, for everything.

Stop apologizing, okay? I gave you a second chance, just don't make me regret it.

I know it's none of my business, but is anything

going on between you and this Joshua guy?

I read his question over and over again trying to come up with an answer, but the truth is, I don't even know what we are anymore. Are we going back to being friends? Will I even forgive him?

I sense Tom noticing my hesitation so I decide to just write something, anything.

We're just friends. Or at least I thought we were.

Were? Did something happen?

We uh we kind of had a fight.

I am sorry to hear that. I am here if you want to talk.

Why? So you could punch him afterwards?

Why do you think I would punch him? Did he do something to you?

I watch him answering the answer and his grip on the pencil increases. Did my question made him so mad?

Tom, what happened in London?

He never got this angry before, something happened in London that changed him, that made him stop any communication with me and Becca and I need to know what it is.


Come on. I know something happened, you were never like this before.

Like what?

His grip on the pencil still hasn't loosened. Maybe I should just drop it.

You became aggressive. That pen won't have a long lifespan if you keep on strangling it, and lately you have punched every person you've seen, except me and Becca. First Ryan and then Joshua.

I am sorry if I come too aggressive. I just, I have been through a lot.

Like what?

I don't want to talk about it.

I am your friend. You can talk to me.

''I SAID I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT, OKAY?'' he screams and the entire class including the teacher turn their attention to him. ''Yeah yeah I know. Principal's office.'' he murmurs while taking his backpack and getting out of the class.

After his departure, the stares didn't end. They were directed at me. I just buried my head on the table.

I notice the paper we were talking through is no longer on his desk. He might have taken it with him. I should have just dropped it. Why couldn't I drop it?

Maybe because you're too goddamn stubborn, that's why.

Shut up inner voice.

The classes went on in a blur, I can already feel my marks drowning. It is now 6.50pm and I don't know if meeting up with Joshua would be a great idea right now. Today has been chaotic as it is, I don't want to piss anyone else off today.

Staring at my closet, I don't know what to put on. I mean, it is not a date, it's just a meeting. A meeting to ''explain'' what he did. But I still couldn't go to his house dressed how I usually stay in my house.

I decide on a white top with Minnie and sweatpants, while my hair is up in a somehow decent form. I just hope this won't take long, I can already feel my tiredness closing my eyes.

I grab my phone and head downstairs where I find my mom and sister cooking. Let me rephrase that, where my mom cooks and my sister is watching while face timing with her boyfriend.

''Hey honey, where are you going?''

''I am just going on a walk.'' I lie through my teeth

''You walk?'' my sister asks

''Yes I walk.'' I tell her

''You're such a liar.'' she calls me out

''Why would you even care?'' I say and roll my eyes, knowing full well what she's about to do.

''Mom, do you see how bad Casey is speaking to me?'' she says like a spoiled kid, which she is

''Casey be nice to your sister. ''

''I always am. '' I say and put on my shoes, once I am done I can see my sister sticking her tongue out to me in victory when my mom is not watching.

Tsss. Typical.

''I am going with Becca. '' I lie again, not that anyone is listening. I sigh one more time and get out of the house, heading to Joshua's.

Once on his porch, I hesitate to knock for a second. I take a deep breath before gaining the courage to knock for the first time.


I knock once again. Maybe he forgot about it and he is not home. I should just go.

I turn around to leave when I hear the door open and my name being called by no one other than Joshua Jonson.

''Casey. '' and I stop in my tracks and turn around to face him. ''Where are you going?'' he asks

''Oh well, you didn't answer so I thought you might not be home. ''

''I am sorry. I had my hands full. Please, come in. '' he says and steps away from the doorframe for me to walk in, which I do. ''Thank you for coming.'' he tells me but I am not focused enough to what he is saying when an indescribable smell gets to my nose. Making my other senses trying to figure out what could smell so divine.

Am I dreaming?

''Casey. Casey. CASEY.'' Joshua repeats as I come back to reality.


''Are you okay?'' he asks

''Yeah sorry. I was uh mesmerized by the smell. If this is your way of making me listen to what you have to say, then you just got a point.''

He chuckles. ''Come in the kitchen, I am making lasagna from the scratch.'' he says and goes in the kitchen with me following from behind.

''You know, if you continue like this your hour will pass.'' I let him know and then I step in the kitchen to be met with a more intense smell, a table set for two, with candles and flowers.

''I uhm kind of waiting for more than a hour.'' he says and scratches the back of his head.

''Hold it right there. What's this?'' I ask. Please don't tell me he thought this was a date.

''It's dinner. '' he said going to the oven to check on to the lasagna.

''Why? You asked for a chance to explain, not for a date.'' I tell him. Why would he think this was a date? He didn't even ask properly, and before today we weren't even on speaking terms, and not to forget I am wearing a Minnie top and sweatpants. This can't actually be a date.

''It's not a date. ''

''Well it looks like one. ''

''Look, you wanted an explanation, and the only way for me to explain this is showing you who I am. So, take a seat Casey Jensen. '' he says as he opens a bottle of wine. I mean sure, we're not even eighteen yet, but let's drink. It's not like I have never tasted alcohol before. And red wine, was pretty much my favorite.

''Fine.'' I say and do as told.

''What exactly do you want to know about me Casey?''

''I want to know why you hid him here.''

''Fair enough. The day after you had your seizure and woke up with no memory was one of the hardest days of my life. You woke up, you were going to be okay, but you didn't remember me. All you remembered was Tom your hero saving you, you didn't remember him leaving and hurting you in the process or anything after he came back. While I was like a crazy stranger in your hospital room, claiming you knew me. Short to say, I was devastated.'' he says and takes a deep breath before continuing. ''I came home, and there he was, on the steps of my house. My cousin Richard. He claimed to have a few business things to solve here and needed a place to stay. So, I let him stay at my house since I had free rooms. ''


He takes my hands in his and looks me in the eyes. ''Casey you have to believe me. I had no idea he was the one who did this to you, or otherwise I wouldn't have let him stay, hell I wouldn't even let him live. I should have known better than to trust him.''

I still don't make a sound. He was his cousin. They are related. So there was no doubt he would choose family before me. I take my hands from his trying to process all he told me.

''Do you know where he is?'' I ask

''No. I don't.'' he tells me

''Do you work for him? Did you even care how this would affect me? Was this all a game?'' I ask

''What? No. Of course not. '' he tells me and comes around the counter to my side. ''Casey, all we've been through, everything I said is real. I never lied to you Casey.'' he tells me capturing my face in his hands.

''How could I know you're telling the truth?'' I ask and a tear escapes my eyes. He wipes it away before answering.

''Because I am the same Joshua you met a few months back. Nothing has changed.'' he tells me

''You have to promise me that you are not working with him. And if you lie to me, there won't ever be a third chance. Got it?'' I tell him.

''I promise.'' he tells me and he gets closer to me. Is he trying to do what I think he is? Oh no mate. I just forgave you, don't take this too far.

''Now about that lasagna. I am starving.'' I say and step back to create some distance. I take my glass of wine and take a sip. ''How did you know red wine was my favorite?'' I ask him

''Oh, well isn't it something every girl loves?'' he asks getting the lasagna out of the oven.

''Well not always every girl. There are girls who don't like it, or girls who don't even drink.'' I state

''Yeah well it was my sister's favorite too.'' he says with a low voice

''Your sister? Your sister is five.'' I tell him and he stops cutting the lasagna

''My uhm my other sister.'' he tells me and brings the plates to the table and takes a seat as well.

''You have another sister?'' I ask taking my fork to start devouring the lasagna.

''Had.'' he says and I stop eating. Shit. How am I supposed to react at this?

''I am so sorry. '' I say. I am sorry? Really? That's the best you could do? You hate it when people tell that to you after they find out your grandma is dead. Why would you put him in that situation? You're right inner voice, I can do better. ''Do you want to talk about it?'' I ask him

''I uh- sure.''

''You don't have to if you don't want to.'' I try to reassure him. ''I know how hard it is to talk about someone who is no longer alive.'' I tell him and for some reason I find myself touching his hand.

''You do?'' he asks me

''Yeah. My grandma died not long ago.''

''Oh I am sorry.''

''It's okay. You know what? Let's just eat. This lasagna is delicious by the way.'' I tell him and he chuckles.

The next couple of minutes we just eat in silence, cracking a joke or two and laughing. I have to admit, this hasn't gone as bad as I thought. In fact, I no longer wish this was something that would take just a few minutes. I feel comfortable, and I now have all my friends back. Maybe life wasn't that bad as I thought.

After we finish eating I decide to help him clean, even if he insisted that he could do it himself. We did not finish the entire bottle of wine, which is a good thing. I was already sleepy enough from it, but I also wished the night could still go on. I know that this was not a date, but if it were, I would say that this has been perfect.

After we finished cleaning, I had no idea what I was supposed to do. But as any other days, the night has to end somewhere.

''It's getting late, I think I am gonna go home. '' I say and he turns around after he sets the wine bottle in the fridge.

''Oh you sure? If you want you can still stay, we could talk more. ''

''Thanks but I think the wine got to me, and if I don't meet my pillow soon enough, I will fall asleep standing. That's what the alcohol does to me. But thanks again for dinner. The lasagna was amazing. '' I tell him and he comes in the hallway now in front of me.

''Oh if you say so. And if there is anyone who has to thank, it should be me. Thank you for hearing me out.'' he tells me and slides his hands into his pockets.

''It's actually my fault. I jumped to conclusions as soon as I saw him get out of your house. I guess now I know the truth. So, uh I am sorry. ''

''It's okay. I understand why you would think that. Hell, if I were in your shoes I would have done the same. '' he admits and we chuckle.

Silence. Again.

But this time wasn't that kind of silence. This time it was pure silence, he was staring in my eyes, and I was staring in his, which made me forget where I was and for the first time in like ever, my mind stopped thinking, it was just blank. A comfortable blank. A blank I loved to be in.

Looking him in the eyes was like a trance, a trance I couldn't get out of. I wouldn't even notice him or anything else moving. Technically before this happened, I was on my way to the door, so when I crashed in the door my back hurt a bit, but the feeling of pain was soon gone.

His lips crashed into mine, more like met, as he kissed me out of nowhere with a urge that felt as if it lasted forever. His lips were warm, soft and his touch made me feel as if I was on the clouds. I guess what they say it's true, your first kiss is magical.

His hands were cupping my face as I kissed him back, wanting this feeling last forever. My skin was full of goose bumps but nothing felt more right than this. Which made wonder, how the hell have we been friends all along? My hands were covering his as if I wanted to remove them from my face, but I was trying to do the exact opposite, keep them there for as long as I can.

But every beautiful moment needs to come to an end. I just had my first kiss. He takes a step back and looks at me. I don't know what to say or do.

''I-'' I am lost of words and I can't focus. Everything is foggy. So, my instinct said ''Get out of there.'' so that's what I did. I opened the door from the back, and got out. Laying on the door of his house I now understand why everyone in movies does it. You just need a break to process it.

I just had my first kiss.

I just had my first kiss.

''I just had my first kiss. '' I whisper to myself ''Fuck.'' I say and touch my lips. Did that just happen?

I raise my head, only to see Tom in front of my house. I guess he was about to knock when he heard Joshua's door open and close.

He stares at me, probably wondering what the hell am I doing getting out of Joshua's house at 9pm.

And one thing I know is that, the good thing just got ruined. There is no way of me explaining this to Tom without telling him what happened. Except if I lied of course. But I am not going to start our new friendship with lies. That's not the Casey I know.

I just have to find a way to explain this to him as soft as I can. But sure that was not the only person I owed an explanation.

Zick's car just pulled out in front of Joshua's house. With him and Cody getting out of it.

Would this be a good moment to run?

A/N: Wow! I can't believe i did this all in almost a day. I started working on it two days ago, and i just got to finish it. Almost 4k words huh. Wow. I am actually pretty impresed and proud of myself. Anyway, i hope you enjoyed it. Let me know in the comments what you think and maybe some ideas of what could happen from now on. Don't forget to hit that vote button as it helps me know if you liked the chapter and if you want more. And last but not at least share the story with your friends. I would love to make this family of Make me understand grow. 

What did you think of Casey and Joshua's kiss?

Would you have forgiven Joshua?

What could have possibly happened to Tom?

I would love to hear your theories

Thank you for reading!

Until next time!



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