By VirulentFelicia

342K 8.9K 217

Highest rank:- #13 in Tortured on 24/03/2019 # 18 in Romance. WARNING: This story conta... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chaper 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Author's Note! Please read!

Chapter 1

25.5K 388 26
By VirulentFelicia

WARNING: This story contains mature content, read at your own risk.
Also this story isn't edited. Has few typos and mistakes. So again, read at your own risk!

Also, before you start reading. Please, know. I'm not a professional writer. There may be mistakes along the stories. Few, grammatical, few typos and all.

Read these only if you can be okay with them.

Thank you.

Enjoy reading.




".....Caitlyn..?....Caityln...?..." I hear my mom calling. My eyes closed, trying to avoid her.

"Mmmmm?" I cooed. My eyes still closed.

"Wake up, honey. Everyone's here. They all want to meet you." She gently shake me by my shoulder.

"Mmmm." I nod, with closed eyes. With out making any other move.

"For how long will your nap last, Caitlyn?"

I opened my blue eyes and looked at my mom with bewilderment. Why on earth is she waking me up like this? Dressed up in a fancy, white, foot length, full sleeved dress. Looking at her. You can say I'm a carbon copy of her. Then it hit me. Today is Christmas! I quickly moved my eyes to look at myself. I was wearing my fancy white dress too. I jumped off bed with feet on the floor, slipping my feet into my white heels. Straightening my dress. It is strapless, sticked to my skin like second skin till my low waist. Showing no cleavage. I don't like showing it off. And then the material puffs up at my low waist and flows till my knees. I have an amazing body. All curves at the right place. But, yeah. There is a problem. I'm quite short. Like 5 feet and 4 inches.

"Good. Now, I want you down there in less than 5 minutes." She pointed her finger at the floor, widening her eyes. To threaten me.

"Ok." I nodded. And with that, she left. I let out a breath of relief. Brushed my blonde, naturally extreme straight hair once. Throwing a look at my appearance. In my full length mirror of my black wood dresser. Well, you can say I love black. As my complete furniture, my bed (including sheets, pillows and comforter), dresser, nightstand, a studying table and chair and also the doors are made up of black wood. I have 2 doors in my room, leaving the entrance door. One is my walk-in closet and other my bathroom, silly. You would have expected it. Well, now is the time I leave my room. So I leave, shutting the door behind me.

As soon as I come out of my room. I saw my living room full of people. I might hardly recognise the faces. My eyes zoomed to the people's hands. Some of them were eating CD(Chocolate Devotion). My CD. I walked down the stairs, straight in to my kitchen. As soon as I can move my feet.

I ran towards the fridge. Opened the freezer. Took the huge bucket of my CD, grabbing a spoon on my way. Ran to the counter, set the bucket on the counter. Digging the ice-cream with the spoon and shoved it into my mouth. Moaning, I grabbed a stool collapsing on it, closing my eyes.

"Mmmmm. Wow! I soooo love you." I grinned, moaning.

"I love you too, babe." I heard a heavy masculine voice. I freezed. Lifting my head to my left side, in the direction of the voice. I saw a man, with dark hair and incredibly gorgeous dark orbs. His French beard against his olive complexion. He was wearing an Armani black suit. Loose black tie against white shirt. Two buttons on the top opened. I sneaked a peek at his well defined physique. Ok. The amount that was exposed. Wow! Who is this man? You must be dreaming idiot. This is again some kind of idiotic dream. A man with dark eyes and dark hair. On top of that, well defined physique. The man only exist in your dreams. Only your stupid dreams.

"So,.. done checking me out?" He smirked, raising his those dark eyebrows and brushing his hair with his hands. Snapping me out of my thoughts.

"You wish." I rolled eyes, turning my attention back to my CD. Oh yeah CD. How can I forget.

"You know, you must be quite careful. That ice-cream could stain your beautiful dress."

Ohh God! That voice. "I don't care." I blurt out, shoving more CD into my mouth. This man is really silly. How in hell can anyone care about any dress, when she is eating the incredible CD?

"That means, you love the ice cream." Ohh will you stop talking please. Your voice is sooo distracting. I dare voice my thoughts. Huh. My face.

"It's not just an ice cream, ok? It's the CD. Chocolate. Devotion." I pointed my spoon at him, giving him a glance. Turning back to my heaven. Are hot men really so dumb? Ohh wait. Whats wrong with me? Did I just called him hot? like In hot? Something is wrong with me. Congratulations, Miss Caitlyn Russel. You are officially nuts, now.

"Ohh, really? Then I think, I must taste it." The stupid man again snapped me out of my thoughts. By the time I realise, what's going on. He is digging his spoon in to the bucket. The CD bucket. My CD bucket. I slapped his hand out. Glaring at him, with my eyes practically slits right now. "Ow." He complained, pulling his hand back. "What was that for?" He looked at me pouting. Ohh wow! This is what I was missing in my life. This man, who might be in his mid twenties. As tall as the Eiffel Tower. He is way too tall. Here in his Armani suit. Acting like a kid. Ohh wait, stupid. Don't forget this is your dream. Ohh you shut up. And with that, my inner demon stopped talking.

I pointed my accusing spoon at him. He seemed taken back. "This is CD. The great CD. The Cream Stone CD. My CD. And no one on this earth is allowed to touch it. You get me?" I tried to threaten him. Started eating my CD again. He seemed amazed. But, you know what? I don't care. No matter how hot he is. He is not allowed to touch my CD. Wait. Did I again called him hot? Oh, I dont care. It wasn't direct though.

"Oh. My. God. Chill babe. Was just trying to taste it." He lifted his hands in a 'surrender' position.

"Don't call me that." I shoved more ice-cream. I mean CD in my mouth.


"Don't call you, what. Babe?" I provoked her. She was an complete package of a girl. Beautiful as an angel. Specially in that white dress she was wearing.

I caught a glimpse of her, when she was coming down stairs. I was frozen on my spot. She was gorgeous beyond my words could describe. Those ocean blue eyes. Those blonde straight hair. Those long stunning legs. Not to mention, that amazing upper body. She came running into the kitchen. Without noticing me. When, I was already standing in the doorway. I mean, how is that possible? How can possibly a woman not notice me? Well she is too young, I guess. A teenager. Might be 19 or something. On top of that. She is acting like I'm unwanted. I'm never treated, in this way. By never, I mean never. Which is now, making me want to talk to her more.

And look. She is avoiding me now. ME. Arthur Lancaster. Girls literally droll over me. And this girl, she is avoiding me. Who is this girl?

She was too buzy eating her so called CD. I mean seriously, this girl is definitely someone different. She's got the spark. I so badly wanted her attention. Want her to look at me. Want her to talk to me. I don't care if this conversation turns into a fight. I'll b at least talking to her.

So finally to get her attention. I poked her shoulder. I so wanted to touch her. "Mmmm." She groaned, not even sparing a glance at me. Her mouth full of her CD. I don't know, what to tell her. And then, an idea hit me.

"Hey!.... Watcha you doin'?" She glared at me. I stretched me arm in the air, holding the bucket of her CD, up my head. "Give that back to me." She snapped at me, her hands on her hips. Ohh that ass!

"I want some of it." I said with a pout.

"You can't get that, you jerk." She snapped. Trying to get the bucket from me hand. She was quite short. I loved it. She was jumping to grab it. For some reason, I didn't feel offended.

"Learn to behave. And I'll return it to you." I said in a 'duh' tone. A smirk plastered on my face.

"What?" She was annoyed. "I'm the one who is supposed to behave?" She pointed at herself. "Am I the one, who snatched the bucket of CD?" She was practically glaring at me. Ohh I love this. Now that, I have her attention. So,...... What did I wanted to talk to her? Fuck! What's wrong with me?

"Oh I tell you, they are going to be the best friends again." Is that mom? "Arther? What's going on?" Ohh fuck! Yeah. It's her. I turned and looked at her. She was with auntie Rose. Both of them in their white gowns.

"Uhh... Hi, Aunt Rose?" I did the first thing, that came to my mind. Don't blame me. You have no idea about my mom. Suddenly, the bucket was snatched from my hand. I turn around and see that girl, standing on the stool. Seriously? She held the bucket in between her stomach and a forearm. Hopped off stool, slipping her feet into her heels. Went to my mom. Note this. She went to my mom and hugged her? What am I seeing? She knows my mom?

"Merry Christmas, Auntie Eira." And you know, what my Mom did? She hugged her back. She freaking hugged her back. My jaw literally dropped to the floor. Actually, she squeezed her in her arms. Seriously? She is my Mom. This isn't supposed to happen, dude. This is completely unfair. She pulled away kissing her on her forehead. She gets to kiss her? Now, I also want to wish her, merry Christmas. Desperately. This girl is getting under my skin. I met her like,.... few minutes ago and she is already under my skin? What's wrong with me? What's happening to me. I feel like a complete psycho.

"Ohh, same to you, sweetness. How have you been? I was looking for you. And must tell you, you look really beautiful. " My Mom genuinely smiled. Sweetness? I heard her calling this to someone. But, it was a very very long time ago. Yeah. She is right. She does look beautiful. Then I literally slapped myself, for that. Girls are supposed to look hot for you. Not beautiful, you idiot.

"I'm good, Auntie Eira. Thank you. How are you? Uhh.. And, you too look pretty hot." Her voice was sassy, making Mom giggle. I couldn't look at her. It made me impatient. So, I walked over to aunt Rose.

She looked at me. "Oh, Arthur. Want a drink or something?" She smiled at me.

"Uhh, yeah...." I let my mind race. Why was I in the kitchen, at first place? "I was here to grab a drink." I grinned. Knowing she would definitely fall for it. To my disappointment. Neither mom, nor that girl/ mom's sweetness looked at us. They were buzy in their own praising each other's conversation.

"You would have told me, sweetheart. I would have brought it for you." She smiled. Going towards the counter. "What do you want, sweetheart?"

"You don't have to, Aunt Rose. I'll do it for my self." I said confidently. Ok, I said it a bit too loudly. Damn! I want her attention. I walked towards the counter. Got myself a glass and poured beer. Opening the can after grabbing it from the tub full of ice and other drinks. I did everything calmly. Cautiously moving my muscles.

Then, I could no more hear her. Nor mom. So, I turned, taking a sip of my beer. And surprise! I wasn't able to hear them because they stopped talking and were looking at me? Nice humour! I couldn't hear them, because they already left. My disappointment.

I left the kitchen with one question on my mind. Who on earth is this girl?


Caitlyn in the cover of this chapter.

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