By bibliophilemischief

195K 5.8K 659

Katarina is a 20 year old woman who's had a rough life growing up. She is the kindest person you'll ever mee... More

O N E : B I R D S O F P R E Y
T W O : M E S M E R I Z E
T H R E E : F I T Z G E R A L D H E I R
F O U R : L O V E F O R G O T T E N
F I V E : C O M P L I C A T I O N S
S I X : C O M M I T M E N T
S E V E N : I N T H I S L I F E & T H E N E X T
E I G H T : T H E T E M P L A R
N I N E : C O N T R O L
T E N : U N L O C K
E L E V E N : B A S T A R D
T W E L V E : D E F I A N C E
T H I R T E E N : D A R K W O R L D
F O U R T E E N : B E A S T L Y
F I F T E E N : C A L M B E F O R E
S I X T E E N : T H E S T O R M
S E V E N T E E N : W I L D F L O W E R
N I N E T E E N : N I G H T M A R E
T W E N T Y : A P P E T I T E
T W E N T Y - O N E : U N E X P E C T E D
T W E N T Y - T W O : C O U N C I L O F W A R
T W E N T Y - T H R E E : P H A N T O M
T W E N T Y - F O U R : F A L L I N G A P A R T
E P I L O G U E : B E G I N A G A I N
S A C R I F I C E - T H E S E Q U E L

P R O L O G U E: S N E A K

23.2K 396 24
By bibliophilemischief

Authors Note:
So first things first—I had recently done a rework on my Daniels Family Series and decided, maybe I should do one of my first book I ever wrote on Wattpad. This story is my first born in terms of my very passionate hobby.

For those of you that are #rr there will be some definite changes from the original publishing of it and if you're a #ftr, well, you won't know the difference now will you haha.

If you're a big fan of my other series, just a warning...this series is a complete 180. One, there's a lot more smut in it—and I mean A LOT. Also it's about Supernatural instances. There's a lot more action it is as well. It's not a laid back, slice of life type of book that has happy moments that make you swoon. Don't get me wrong—there will be swooning, but not in a very Christian type of way if you get my drift ;)


So there was a cast at one point and between the first book and the sequel, Dante had been changed from Nicholas Hoult to Alex Pettyfer but I've decided to take all of it down. At the point, I'd rather give you—the reader—free range to come up with your own idea of who you'd think would be perfect for the characters. Have fun with that :)


Social Media:
You can follow me on IG & Twitter at MischiefMaidenx


Stories by MischiefMaidenX:
Underworld Series—
C O M M I T M E N T - Katarina & Dante
S A C R I F I C E [SEQUEL] - Katarina & Dante

The Daniels Family Series—

New and Upcoming Series—
HEAVEN IN A WILDFLOWER - Alexander & Charlotte


Special Thanks:
So this was originally at the end of the book but I moved it towards the front since I'm making half of this into a short prologue but I'd first like to thank my dedicated readers. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be doing this. I wouldn't have continued the story, finished THIS book and continued on with a sequel (that isn't completed yet, yeah I know I'm sorry -_-) and also went on to create a whole other series. You are all amazing and I love you to pieces <3

So without further ado, enjoy this new prologue that wasn't in the original publication and I hope you enjoy the rework on my first book ^_^

Until next time <3


P R O L O G U E : S N E A K

When love is real, it finds a way—Avatar Roku



The first word that comes to mind as I step out of the lobby of the Hilton after a brief session with one of my long time booty calls, if that's what you could even consider Lisa.

My shaft is raw as all hell from the rough grinding I was doing, making me wiggle in my tight black jeans as I adjust myself before pulling the hood to my jacket lowly over my head. I may have went a little too hardcore with her but fuck it. She sure as hell wasn't complaining while I was pulling her blonde hair and biting her shoulder. However, she was pissed that I left right after, more than she usually is.

Lisa knows better by now. I don't do the whole cuddling bullshit. I don't do the talking afterwards either. It's straight fuck and go with me. Simple.

It's the same for every—one—of—them.

I advance towards my car across the street so I can hightail it out of here and see what my best mate is up to. I need a drink, the good shit, to get my mind off of what's been bugging me lately.

I can't put my finger on it but lately, there's just been this hole, this emptiness inside.

Okay—it's been there honestly for as long as I could remember but it's gotten worse lately. Almost like there's this invisible force in the universe that keeps trying to pull me one way while I fight vigorously in the other direction. Maybe it's fate trying to tell me something but fuck that shit.

I don't believe in fate—a preordained destiny of sorts that we have no control over. My life isn't decided for me damnit. If I wouldn't allow my own father to do it, why the fuck would I let some invisible being in the sky to decide it for me.

Here's your universal signal for fuck off as I imagine lifting my middle finger towards the sky.

As I lift my head to look up in the sky, I notice a figure fly overhead that makes me stop in my tracks right in the middle of the street. A loud screech of tires echos in my head as the blaring sound of a horn follows suit. When I tilt my head to the side and turn, an older man in a green and white taxi is half hanging out his window as he lifts his arm up in the air.

"Get the fuck out of the middle of the road you idiot!"

I'm about to walk forward and stomp the hood of his car when I hear the squawk of a familiar bird above me as it flies in a tantalizing circle above me.

What the hell is he doing?

Ignoring the irritated taxi driver, I step away from his vehicle and continue my stride towards my own. I hear another outstretched blare of a car horn as he speeds by. Fuck him.

Before I can even start my car, the shadow circling high above me glides East as if he's following something. Call it curiosity but something tells me to follow this feathered friend of mine.

I rev my car to life with a loud, intimidating roar. Passerby's turn their heads at the sound with either a look of amusement or terror. Either way, doesn't phase me in the least. My car is a beast and I love it that way. It does fit me none-the-less.

After all, I am a demon—a beast of sorts. 

Leaning forward over the steering wheel, I tilt my head up to catch a glance at where that damn raven went to. When I catch his shadow, I pull out from my parking spot, ignoring the honks behind me and follow him to his destination.

Ten minutes, I follow him for ten fucking minutes until he stops his flight in front of a brick three story building that looks like a small apartment complex. What the hell is he doing here?

I park a block away so he doesn't notice I've followed him and patiently wait. I'm going to find out what he's up to since he's been acting so strange lately.

I turn on the radio and Dark In My Imagination is playing over the speakers. Actually like this song so I lean back in my seat and close my eyes as I let the music and it's lyrics consume me.

There's something in the look you give
I can't help myself I fall
I can't help myself at all
There's something in your touch when we kiss
I scream god forgive me please
'Cause I want you on your knees

A vibration in my pocket breaks me from my trance and I open my eyes as I pull my phone out to see a text from my best mate asking what I'm up to.

Before I respond, I happen to glance up and notice a blue Jeep Wrangler drive by, making me take a second glance as it passes—as if it's calling me to it. I didn't get a chance to look at the driver.

As I turn around to look at where my feather friend is at and the sight before me makes me catch my breath.

I watch, frozen in place as he viciously attacks an elderly woman, pecking at her face and arms with his sharp beak. I'm about to jump from my car when I notice her pull out a pocket knife from her purse and swing the blade at the black raven.

What in the bloody hell is going on right now?

Stepping from my car, I'm determined to make my way over to my friend when I notice the old lady grab a large towel from her purse and quickly wrap him up like a swaddled newborn.

Before I can make my way over to her, I notice her glance around, possibly to make sure no one just witnessed her attack on a poor defenseless animal.

"Hey!" I call out, my baritone voice rumbling in my chest.

The old hag ignores me and when I watch her with wide eyes as she jumps effortlessly onto the fire escape ten feet above her, that's when I realize, she's not your ordinary feisty old lady.

I run over to where she was, titling my head back as I watch her climb the stairs at lightning speed that could only be supernatural. When she clears the eight foot gap between the buildings, that's when I decide it's time to follow her. She's clearly not who she appears to be.

Using my demon speed, I quickly jump the ten feet up in the air and climb the fire escape effortlessly. The gaps between the buildings are nothing for me in terms of jumping them. I could do this in my sleep with my eyes closed and my hands tied.

Not once does she stop her journey as she makes her way across buildings for the next few blocks. I half expected it considering I'm not too far behind her so either she's clueless or leading me on. I'm sure she heard me call out to her earlier.

Before I can reach her, she jumps off the last building on the fire escape and glides down the ladders to the concrete beneath her. To any mundane human, they'd probably have a coronary attack watching her run and climb in jerky, inhuman movements.

By her actions alone, I know there's only one explanation for all of this. Demon possession.

Rogue—just great. Thought we had a handle on them but apparently not. They know the consequences to human possessions without authority by the clans.

From the roof top, I watch her with my demon sight as she crosses the street and makes her way inside a beige building. Looking at the large font above the main entrance, I notice it's an animal clinic.

Huh? Why would she stab him and then take him to a clinic afterwards? That's when I look towards the parking lot and notice the same blue Jeep Wrangler from earlier parked out front.

I crouch down on one knee, resting my forearm a top the other, as I peer down at the main entrance.

I could definitely go inside and get to the bottom of this, but it's crawling with simple humans. I don't need to bring unnecessary attention to the supernatural of the Underworld right now. My father would have a shit fit with me if I did, especially over something like this. No, I'll wait it out.

Approximately five minutes later, I notice the entrance door open and the old lady quickly runs out—no bird in hand. From the looks of it, the rogue left him in there with the humans. Just fucking great.

With a heavy sigh, I run my hands across my face, scratching at the short stubble on my jaw. I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration. It looks like I'm going to have to wait it out until the business closes and break in to get him out.

"Just what did you get yourself into this time, Merlin?"

I walk over to the side of the building and slowly climb down the fire escape to not bring any unwanted attention to myself since it's a busy street. Glancing at my phone, I notice it's near 5pm. Good, that means the clinic should be closing soon.

Leaning against the brick wall across the street, I make myself comfortable as I bend my right leg, laying the sole of my boot against the wall and place my hands in my coat pockets. My hood is still hanging low, concealing my face from people passing by.

The song from earlier is stuck in my head and I quietly hum it to myself as I watch the entrance.

When the door opens, my breath is caught in my throat, desperately trying to claw its way out. My chest constricts tightly and I have this sudden emotional urge to weep, in happiness.

What the hell? I can't remember the last time I felt happiness, true happiness. Ever.

With curious eyes, I watch as a dark haired, caramel colored skinned beauty steps out of the entrance and locks the doors. In her hand, she's clutching a bird cage that is currently holding my feathered friend, Merlin.

Something, some invisible force calls out to her and before she gets in her vehicle, she glances up at me. Her emerald green eyes call out to me, holding me captive in place. I can't move from my spot as I stand helplessly, watching her every movement.

I barely break from my trance as I watch her pull out of the parking lot and make her way back to where I initially followed Merlin to.

Without a second thought, I find myself climbing up the side of the building at haste. Not even caring about if anyone saw me.

Using my demon sight, I follow her Jeep, thanking whoever the fuck I need to thank that it's an obnoxious electric blue color that stands out from miles away.

When I catch up to her location, I stay atop the roof and watch as she steps from her vehicle and makes her way inside. She's only inside for a couple minutes before she climbs back into her vehicle and takes off down the street. I follow her with my eyes as she stops in front of the small grocery store.

I want to desperately follow her inside and watch her as she walks around. I want to collect her scent, memorize it for later. I want to taste her glistening skin, her plump lips. Creep.

Fucking Christ—what the bloody hell is going on with me?

Never—never, have I ever felt this way about anyone, especially someone I haven't even technically met yet.


Is the last word that comes to mind before I find myself climbing down the side of the building and taking a stance across the street next to a tree, patiently waiting to make my next move.

Damn fate.


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