BROKEN SECRETS (Assassination...

Por dora_is_evil-fite_me

268K 7.6K 7.2K

Female Pronouns Used You're an assassin for hire. Anything for the money, right? Even going to a rundown old... Más

Gossip Queen and Pudding Princess?
Never Piss Off (Y/N)
Slang (Not a Chapter)
(A/N) thanks!!
Dead Dad's and TopNotch Teachers
Perfect Moment
Finals Part 1
Finals Part 2
Gay or European
Assassination Vacation
Two Truth's and a Lie
Idiots, Perverts, and the 4th Wall
Karma X Reader One Shot
Welcome to E class
(Special)One Shot - Secret Message
Kiss, Kiss, Fall, and Love
One Shot - I love you
Secrets Unveiled
Secrets Unveiled Pt. 2
Too Late
One Shot - You're on
Karaoke - Ending
Tired Of Waiting - Ending
First Kiss - Ending
Smile For Me? - Ending
Friends - Ending
Bullseye (Ending)
My Minecraft Boat is Big Enough for 2

No More Promises

2.5K 99 51
Por dora_is_evil-fite_me

3rd POV

Isogai crept through the door into the empty room, followed closely by his classmates. As they looked around the room, the sound of mic feedback filled the room, "Is that all of you? Good! Watch the doors!" As the reaper spoke, the metal door closed behind the E-class students, trapping them in the room.

"Ah..." Karma looked straight at the camera, "You like to keep an eye on us, huh? Kinda kinky."

A chuckle resounded from the shadowy corner of the room, "Trapped in a metal room with no escape, and you're still the same as always."

The room began to move downward, and the figure who had spoken was brought into the light. A girl sat with her legs crossed, arms chained above her. Her clothes had ripped in places, revealing plenty of her (s/c) skin. Karma smirked and licked his lips, "We may be trapped, but seeing you like that is kind of a turn on."

Kayano hit him on the head, "Pervert."

The (e/c) eyed girl rolled her eyes, a slight blush on her cheeks, and kicked her shoe off. The shoe flew straight into Karma's face, and she laughed, "Karma may be a bitch, but I'm bitchier."

A laugh came from the man on the other side of the bars, "As fun as that is to watch, we have some matters to take care of."

"Professeur Bitch!" The class yelled as they saw the woman chained up behind him.

Some of the boys began banging on the walls, trying to escape, "No worries," the cheery voice continued, "If he comes quietly, no one gets killed."

"Hey," the (h/c) haired girl yawned, taking the chains off her wrists and throwing the bobby pins behind her, "You mind killing me first?"

"No can do, Snapdragon. You're too important to kill yet."

"What if we, like, resist or something," Okajima asked, "would you be mad enough to kill us then?"

"Nevermind," I sighed, "kill him first."

"Relax, it's pitiful how scared you are."

"Uh, sorry. I can't really do much about it."

"You don't pugging apologize to the enemy, you dumb mule!"

A cloud of pink smoke billowed through the cage and a loud explosion was heard before my arm was roughly grabbed and I was pulled from the room.

"Okay," Isogai commented, "moment of truth's upon us."

The speaker was heard again, "Hello? E class? Can you hear me?" We stopped, "Nice work! Honestly, I'm happy you escaped! It'll be a good warm-up for the real game, I expect great things!"

"I knew it," Hayami voiced, "it's a game to him."

"It always is," I sighed.

As Isogai gave orders, I closed my eyes, trying to sense where the reaper was hiding. Footsteps echoed down the hallway and I immediately walked toward them, standing between the class and my old partner, "He's here."

"Take him down!"

"No!" I stretched my arms out, fists curled, and the two idiots crashed right into them, falling backward, "Don't attack."

"Too late," the hidden reaper began to pick off my classmates one by one, "You were never able to beat me. And though you learned new skills, I've been watching you. I know everything that's been going on in that classroom as well, even how those kids feel about you."

"What do you mean?" My classmates continued to fall, but I was unable to move.

"Oh, (Y/N). Those kids have been rebuilding your sanity piece by piece, and you don't even know how much they care about you."

Nagisa's bloodlust began to grow and he walked toward the reaper. "Stop!" I yelled out, but it was too late. The reaper clapped, the sound resonating through the tunnel, and Nagisa froze, "The stun clap... temporary paralysis."

I walked toward the reaper, finally able to move, "Leave them alone."

"But why would I want to do that? When the octopus comes, I'll kill him, get the bounty, and without a purpose, I'll have you all to myself again. Right?"

"Little sister?"








"Little sister?!" Maehara exclaimed, "What is he talking about, (Y/N)?"

I lowered my head, "Remember when I told you about the assassin who took me in and preceded to break me to pieces? This is him, my big brother, the Reaper."


"I know I lied to you, and I'm sorry. But I promise I'll make it up to you."

"What are you talking about?" Rio asked, "What are you planning to do."

I ignored her question as I walked to face the Reaper, saying nothing I aimed a punch at his face. I managed to hit him, but it did little damage. He kicked at my stomach, giving me no time to dodge, and I was thrown into a wall. I managed to stand up and rushed him, fists flying as we exchanged blows. My anger grew, and the man before me could tell, "Remember, (Y/N), you're a monster, no one will ever love you. Your parents hated you. Those mind doctors feared you. Those hospital workers only wanted to use you. But when that doctor wanted to help, you killed her. It's All your fault."

I snapped, My fault. My vision became red and I chuckled a bit, soon breaking into a cackling laugh. I tilted my head to the side, "They told me too. They said they would help me fly, they said those people were in my way. I want to see the stars, they said they'd help me reach the sky. They said you're in my way."

I preceded to throw punches at his face but was blocked every time. He ducked and aimed a punch at my gut, but I spun away, grabbing his arm and throwing him over my shoulder. He turned midflight and landed on his feet, but barely had time to catch his breath as I kicked at his solar plexus, followed by a punch to the throat. He doubled over, unable to breathe, and I struck at his chest, preparing to take his heart from his chest. As I was merely a hair length away, I stopped. He had his finger gun pointed at my head, "You know exactly what this does, so I'd recommend you don't fight back. I wouldn't want to kill you just yet." He quickly lowered his arm and shot through my shoulder, blood pouring from the new wound. With a punch to the chest, I flew back, oxygen refusing to enter my burning lungs.

I stood, ready to risk my life to kill him, but my energy was fading. My bloodlust tearing me apart from the inside. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see the concerned face of Karasuma, "You're strong, but you still care about him and you can't kill him. Plus, you're injured and you need to rest right now. I promise I'll handle him."

I nodded, falling on my back, and closed my eyes, "Please don't die."

'I promise I'll protect you.'

'I promise we'll fix you.'

'I promise I'll never leave you.'

'I promise I'll save you.'


No more promises.

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