Rescue Me || Bellarke AU

By coco1522ox

32.1K 1K 686

Secrets, demons, heartache, anger and a mutual hatred for jazz music. Just how much could two broken souls b... More

1. Face down.
2. Reunions.
3. Because of you.
4. Opposites Attract.. or not.
5. I hate everything about you.
6. Connections.
7. Choices.
8. Rotten Luck
9. Stupid Mistake.
10. Its just business.
11. Too much.
12. Heart to heart.
13. What have you done?
14. You need to heal.
15. Everything is clear now.
16. My senses tell me to stop.
17. Numb.
18. Monsters.
19. How do you love someone?
21. I Hate That I Love You.
22. Whispers In The Dark.
23. I See You.
24. Dates
25. A Whole New Game.
26. I Am The Fire
27. Freedom Comes With A Price.
28. Come Back To Me.
29. Awake and Alive.
30. Recovery.
31. Start Again.
32. Moving On.
33. You Have My Heart.
34. Epilogue.

20. A Battle Of Power.

929 28 7
By coco1522ox

"What do you mean he's gone to find Cage?!" Clarke exclaimed.

"He said something about fixing his mistakes?" Octavia looked baffled.

"What? What does that mean?!" Clarke asked desperately.

"I don't know. But he left this." Octavia said softly.

Clarke looked down to see Octavias extended hand holding a crumpled piece of paper. She took the note and after giving Octavia a worried look, began to read.


I made a huge mistake that I have to fix. None of this would be happening to Clarke if I had just given her a chance. All this mess is my fault and now I have to do the right thing. I love you O and I'm sorry.

Tell Clarke I'm sorry. I never meant for things to go this far.

Love, Bellamy.

Clarke looked up at Octavia in shock. Bellamy had gone after Cage, for her.

"We gotta find him. Cage will kill him!" Clarke exclaimed.


Bellamy walked with a confident stride as he made his way through the abandoned building. He ignored the anxious feeling swimming in his chest as he approached the arranged meeting point.

After leaving Clarke, he'd decided to meet Cage. He sent him a text and told him to meet him at an abandoned warehouse, not far from the one they'd been in only hours ago.

He was surprised that Cage had agreed to meet up, but not as surprised to find him already waiting for him. Alone.

"Lets make this quick Blake, I've got places to be." Cage grumbled as Bellamy stopped before him.

"This whole game you got going on with Clarke, it needs to stop. And whatever money you paid me, you can have it back. I don't want any part in this." Bellamy said strongly.

Cage chuckled darkly to himself. "It stops when I say it stops. Why do you care anyway? It was you who came to me remember?"

"What I did was a stupid reckless mistake. Clarke doesn't deserve any of this!" Bellamy growled. He felt his anger bubbling.

"Look. Bellamy, you're a smart guy. You know as well as I do that nothing you do is going to stop me." Cage smirked.

"It's just you and me now Cage. And I'm not scared of you." Bellamy said darkly.

"What makes you think it's just me?" Cage smiled evilly.

Before Bellamy could reply, four large muscly men walked out of the shadows. Bellamy looked around at each one and realised he'd make a big mistake. He was surrounded.

"Do your worst." Bellamy said, holding his hands out to his sides.

"Calm down Rocky, they're not going to do anything. Not unless I tell them to anyway." Cage smirked.

"I'm here to make things right. I owe Clarke that much. So if that means getting your henchmen to beat me up, then go ahead." Bellamy stated.

"What makes you think I won't go after Clarke when we're done here?" Cage asked.

"Because by the time I'm done with you, there won't be enough of you left to go after her." Bellamy threatened.

"Am I supposed to be scared?" Cage snorted.

Bellamy took this as his opportunity. Reaching into the waistband of his pants, he pulled out a gun.

"You tell me." Bellamy growled.

Cage didn't falter as he stared straight at Bellamy. "You got guts, I'll give you that."

"This game is over Cage. From today, Clarke is no longer your property. You don't go near her, you don't contact her, you don't even look at her!" Bellamy ordered.

"You know she will never be yours either? You betrayed her. You broke her trust." Cage smirked.

Bellamy ignored the tugging feeling in his gut.

"But there is one thing you're forgetting Bellamy." Cage continued. "I don't take kindly to threats."

Bellamy didn't even have time to blink before a large fist collided with his face. He wasn't sure how many hits to the face he took. He just knew that he would take it, for Clarke.

Just as Bellamy thought he might pass out. The beating stopped. Cage dismissed his guards as Bellamy pulled himself to his feet, stumbling slightly, and looked Cage in the eye.

"You don't scare me." Bellamy wheezed.

"Don't try and play with the big guys Bellamy. You won't win." Cage said, stepping closer.

With a final smirk, Cage brushed past Bellamy and headed towards the exit. Bellamy spun around to watch his back exit the empty room. Without a second thought, Bellamy snatched the gun that had been knocked from his hand. He aimed at Cage's retreating back.

"Hey Big guy!" Bellamy yelled.

Cage glanced over his shoulder, partly turning to face Bellamy. However he didn't realise his mistake until it was too late. Bellamy fired the gun.

Cage stumbled backwards, clutching his arm. Bellamy watched as blood poured from his shoulder. He hadn't aimed to kill. He'd aimed to show Cage just what he was capable of. He stumbled over to Cage as he dropped to the floor. He looked down at Cage and dropped to a painful crouch.

"Don't threaten me. You won't win." Bellamy growled.

Without another word, Bellamy stood and walked away. He needed to get away from Cage, away from the building. He needed a drink. A strong drink. Thinking of his stash, sitting in his bedroom, Bellamy stumbled to his car and drove home.

Just as Bellamy turned down his street, his vision began to blur. Pulling up to the curb, Bellamy turned off his car and decided to walk the rest of the way home. It wasn't far. The cool night air was refreshing.

His house came into view and Bellamy couldn't wait to collapse on his bed and drink until he passed out. He just wanted to forget this whole thing. He wanted to forget Cage, he wanted to forget the image of Clarke leaning over her mother's lifeless body. He wanted to forget that he had ever betrayed Clarke. But he knew it wasn't that easy. He would have to face Clarke the next morning. If she was even still there.

Bellamy was relieved to walk through the front door. However he wasn't expecting Clarke to be sat at the kitchen table with her head in her hands.

"Clarke?" Bellamy said softly.

Clarke's head shot up. Her eyes met his and Bellamy winced at the gasp that escaped her.

"Oh my god Bellamy! What happened?" Clarke asked rushing over to him.

Bellamy expected her to stop just before she reached him. However she caught him completely off guard as she continued and threw her arms around his neck.

"I'm fine." Bellamy said as he pulled away.

"Look at your face Bellamy! That is not fine!" Clarke exclaimed.

"It doesn't matter. I had to do this." Bellamy shook his head.

"Do what? Risk getting yourself killed?!" Clarke shot back.

"I'm still alive aren't I? Don't worry about me." Bellamy smiled.

But Clarke didn't return the smile. In fact, if anything she only grew more furious.

"Don't worry? Don't. Worry?!" Clarke almost yelled. "You leave a note saying you're fixing your mistakes by finding Cage. A man who could kill you quicker than you can blink, and you tell me not to worry?!"

"I had to Clarke. If this is the price I pay for what I did to you, then so be it. But I'm not sorry. I'm not sorry for coming home like this." Bellamys voice was no more than a whisper.

"Please don't say you did it all for me?" Clarke shook her head.

Bellamy finally met her eyes. Those piercing blue eyes that made his stomach flip. Those eyes that were filled with so much pain.

"You don't deserve any of this Clarke. And I don't deserve your forgiveness, but you need to understand one thing." Bellamy said seriously.

"What?" Clarke whispered.

"If this is what it takes for Cage to stop, then I'd do it again. Not because I want your forgiveness. But because you deserve a life where someone sees you for the amazing woman you are. I didn't do this for me. I did it for you." Bellamy kept his face stone like as he said the words.

Clarke now had fresh tears streaming down her cheeks but she didn't say a word. Bellamy nodded his head once and turned to leave. He'd said all he needed to say.

" Wait." Clarke called, causing him to stop and turn around.

"Sit down. You can't leave your face like that." Clarke said as she pulled out a chair.

Bellamy was about to argue but Clarke had already wondered off to find the first aid kit. So Bellamy let out a sigh and dropped into the chair Clarke had pulled out.

So much for that drink.

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