Preacher Man // ross lynch +...

By DriverEra

360K 6.1K 1.3K

"Can you help me get away from this life of sin?" / Ross Lynch is like any typical college-aged boy. He's onl... More

The End


2.6K 31 8
By DriverEra

With my jaw dropped, I slowly turn my head to face Ross. "What the fuck?" I mouth, careful not to move my body too much to make noise.

"I'm going to throw up if I hear my sister have sex," Ross whispers with a warning.

I look at him with wide eyes. "What are we supposed to do?" I ask.

"I can't just sit here," he whispers harshly.

I glance over at the furthest thing away from my door. The closet. "Well we can't just walk out there either! Want to sit in my closet and talk?" I stress.

"Fuck, fine," he says.

I nod. "Please, get up softly." This isn't ideal for anyone.

I slide my body off the bed very slowly, refusing to let it creek. My bare feet touch the floor and I move to the side to allow him to get up. Once we were successfully inside of my small closet, each of our backs are touching opposite walls, our knees bent.

"I can't believe this is what we resort to," he whispers once I close the door.

I click my flashlight on and place it on the floor so it illuminates the small area.

I shrug. "It would've been more embarrassing for everyone if we went out there."

"It's fucking hot in here," he complains as usual. "And my knees are going to cramp."

I sigh and stare at his furrowed eyebrows. "So what do you want? You're, like, a giant! Try stretching out."

Ross kicks his feet out, turning diagonal but can't completely stretch out because I have my small shoe rack there. I can tell he's getting frustrated.

"This sucks," he whispers, sitting with his legs criss-crossed.

I place my hand on his knee. "Better than being out there. We have to work with what we got," I reply.

"Where are you going?" He asks as I begin scooting myself to him. "Babe, there is no room."

I squeeze in next to him and wrap my arm around his stomach, placing my head on his shoulder. "I just want to cuddle like before," I reply, also wanting to quiet his complaints.

Ross places his head over mine. "You really want to go mini-golfing?" He randomly asks.

I laugh quietly. "Just an idea. We don't have to," I reply, my hand moving softly over his shirt.

"How long do you think we have to be in here?"

I pull back to look at him. "You have the patience of a fish. Play a game on your phone or something."

Ross rolls his eyes and grabs his phone, trying to occupy himself. I lean back down and watch as he plays some basketball game. Once he gets too frustrated with it, he starts scrolling through his social media.

"I have 302 follow requests on here. It just keeps growing," he brags. "Should I just turn my profile on public?"

I nod. "Yeah, why not? Just make sure you delete or archive anything you don't want people to see."

He nods and begins scrolling through his own profile. He never used to post before and he hardly does now. With the ten posts on his Instagram, three of are us. Three are from  the shows to promote them. Then the rest of the four are either with his family or friends.

"I don't think anything should be deleted. I'm not drinking or smoking in them," he shrugs then switches his profile over to public. He goes back to this profile and clicks on the photo from us at New Years Eve. "I think this will always be my favorite picture of us," he admits, staring down at the picture of us kissing.

I nod. "One of mine too," I agree. "Is it going to be hard for us to be together when you continue to get more and more known?"

I didn't think we'd have this conversation in my closet, but alright.

"We just can't let outside people in for our relationship. It's us. It'll always be us, we just need to trust that," he replies, turning his head to kiss my forehead.

I tilt my head up to look him directly in the eyes. "I'm a little scared."

"It's okay. We just need to remember it's us against the world. Not you versus me versus the world," he says. "We'll take it one day at a time."

I nod. "Okay," I reply.

"I promise," he reassures, leaning down to kiss me gently. Once his lips leave mine, I place my head back down onto his shoulder. "Do you think they've left yet?"

I nod. "It's been fifteen minutes so I would think so. Want to text them?"

"Yeah, what should I say?" He asks, placing his cheek on the top of my head.

I hum. "Why don't you ask them what their plans are and that you and I are heading back to the apartment now? See what Rydel says," I say with my voice still soft in case they are still there.

He nods and begins typing the message in front of me. Once he sends it through, we simply stare at the phone to await a text from one of the three siblings here.

Rocky: We were hanging out at Chance's. We'll be heading back in 10 then we will figure it out

Ross texts back again.

Ross: Okay, we just pulled up to the apartment. See ya soon.

"Let's get the fuck out of this closet," he laughs, opening the door swiftly.

I follow suit and stretch as soon as I can, wiggling out my sore limbs. I decide to change into a cute sundress while waiting for everyone to get back while Ross just laid on my bed with his phone to his face. He was softly singing one of their new songs so it was nice to listen to.

I approach the bed, my hand going out to gently brush his cheek with my fingertips. He slowly places his phone down and shifts his eyes upwards to look at me.

Admiring his facial features, he smiles softly at me and finishes the line he was previously singing.

"You're amazing," I compliment in a whisper, continuing to move my bent pointer finger along his smooth skin.

Ross smirks. "Oh yeah?" He teases with a question, his hand moving out to slide around my hip and pulling me closer to the bed.

I slightly stumble forward until my exposed thighs hit the cold metal of the bed. "Yeah, I wish you showed me your talent earlier instead of hiding them away. You're so good."

He nods and leans up onto his other elbow. "Mm, I'm sorry," he replies. "Forgive me."

"Never," I reply in a soft tone.

I smile down at him before he randomly pulls me down on top. "Please," he whispers, his one hand around my back, the other sliding onto my cheek.

"Maybe," I reply, leaning down and connecting our lips together.

He kisses me back, his hand sliding to the back of my neck. I allow my walls to fall as I cave into him. His lips move swiftly onto the skin of my neck. His tongue teases the area, my heartbeat racing millimeters from his mouth.

"I love you," he mumbles, kissing my collarbone before I push his elbow down gently so he lays fully down onto the bed.

With his head perfectly in the middle of the white pillow, he smiles up at me. "I love you," I reply back, staring down at the man I am madly in love with. With the maybe ten minutes we have before we are interrupted, I have the overwhelming desire to confess everything to him. With my knees on both sides of his hips and my back bent to lean closer to him, I continue to look down at him.

His hand reaches out to my cheek again, attempting to pull me down into him. "What?" He questions, concern flashing across his face.

"I'm so in love with everything about you." I blurt randomly. My mind flashes back to the previous conversation inside of the closet and my fears of what's going to happen when he continues to become more well known and the fear creeps back into my stomach. I feel like a clingy girlfriend, but I decide to just talk and not think. "I really do. I just... I don't know what I'd do without you. And I'm scared. I don't want you to forget me or replace me or I don't know. I know I shouldn't be scared because you've never even somewhat cheated on me, but I just... I don't know."

Holy fuck, why am I so emotional?

Ross is quick to scoot his body backward so he can sit up, his hands going onto my cheeks as his eyes quickly glance from my trembling lips and my watering eyes. "Baby," he whispers, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I'm sorry. I know this isn't fair to you. And I'm sorry I sound crazy, I've just never felt so strongly about someone before and I don't know what to do," I reply. "It's selfish for me to even say that I'm scared for what'll happen when you get more known."

He shakes his head, his eyebrows furrowed. "No, baby, it's not selfish. I understand, trust me I do."

"I just feel like you'll find someone better than me," I say, my insecurities flashing in bright red signs. I've never really talked about these kinds of insecurities with him before.

I think I'm getting my period within the next few days which explains my raging hormones. One minute, I'm far too into our kissing then the next I'm on the verge of tears.

He shakes his head slowly. "Babe, there is nobody better for me than you. What, we've been together for nearly a year now? 9 months? I have never felt more connected to someone in my life than I do with you. I am absolutely obsessed with you. I love you. I genuinely love you and can't see myself with anyone but you. I can see us having little babies together and owning our own house. I couldn't even begin to think about that with anyone else." He rambles, trying to reassure me. "Oh no, baby, don't cry," he smiles, his thumbs moving to wipe beneath my eyes.

I bite down onto my lip hard, swallowing the lump in my throat. "I'm sorry," I whisper.

"Don't, don't, don't," he replies, tucking my hair behind my ears. "It's okay to be sad and scared sometimes. I'm here for you all the time. But I do love you. And I'll reiterate it a thousand times a day if you want me to." With my hands laying pathetically in my lap, I inhale deeply. "I'm sorry for moving out of town, I know that doesn't help our relationship at all."

I shake my head. "You needed to move out of this shitty town. You deserved to."

"Still. It puts a bit of a roadblock in our relationship. Neither of us were prepared for it. And I understand where you're coming from, baby. I understand how hard it is that I moved into a huge city with thousands of new people everywhere I go. Trust me, I haven't talked to another girl or even seen another girl who I'd even be somewhat interested in. You're the only one and you have me absolutely fucking wrapped and tangled around your little finger."

I exhale with a sad laugh, my hands sliding up to put my hands onto his face. "I love you so much," I say, pushing my lips onto his again.

With the whiplash of my emotions, he quickly kisses me back. And it isn't just a normal kiss. He kisses with such desire, his hands moving to my back to push me further into his own body as though I am about to slip from his grasp.

I hear the front door open and a burst of loud noises. We disconnect our lips only, our breathing heavy from anticipation and build up. His forehead stays leaning against mine and I want absolutely nothing more then to kiss him again.

"If you're stupid fucking door wasn't broken, I would just ignore them, but I have a feeling they're going to barge right in," he whispers.

My whole body has tingles. "I want you," I confess in a low whisper, the bottom of my stomach agreeing with me as the butterflies move.

Ross exhales and glances at the door, his hands loosening from their previous tight grip. "Let me text Rocky. I'll meet you in the bathroom," he says.

I nod and climb off him, jumping onto the floor and walking toward the bathroom as he grabs his phone from beside him. Not even fifteen seconds later, he jumps off the bed and makes the strides toward me.

He walks inside and closes the door behind him, locking it for extra measure. I observe as he walks over to the shower and turns on the water so it's running through the tub faucet which is louder.

He walks next to me to wash his hands suddenly. "What'd you say to him? That you were showering?" I ask as he dries his hands on the towel.

He's taking his sweet time and it's driving me nuts.

"Maybe," he smiles, gripping my hips and picking me up onto the bathroom counter.

I furrow my eyebrows. "Did you tell him the truth?" I gasp.

His hands push at my knees, opening wide enough so he can walk in between them. "Maybe," he replies, leaning up to grab the back of my head and pushing his lips on mine before I can answer.

~ sexual ~ skip down to the next bold letter to continue reading ~

His other hand moves to my dress, sliding his hand up my bare thigh. His slowly presses his two fingers against my panties and I immediately jerk my hips impulsively.

"Oh my god," I whimper between kisses.

He moans against my lips and removes the one hand from the back of my neck to hold my lower back against him. Ross moves the thin fabric to the side and slides his two fingers against the bare skin, making me gasp into him.

"Fuck, you're so ready for me," he says, dragging his lips to my neck again. Inserting his two fingers into me, I arch my back and grip onto shirt at the sudden feeling. With his musical talents, he immediately follows into a rhythm. I slide my hand down his chest, wanting this shirt off now. I know he won't stop his movements to take it off though so I don't even try. "Touch me," he requests in a light tone.

I let out a shaky exhale. I grip onto the bottom of my dress and pull it off over my head throwing it onto the floor and out of our way. His eyes immediately rack in my body as he keeps up the smooth movements that I can hardly contain.

"Don't you make me wait too long," he teases as I fumble with the belt.

I glance up at him, my chest already expanding quickly. "I can't even fucking think right now," I whisper, finally getting his belt undone.

I press my bare feet against his jeans, pushing them down to his knees once unbuckling them. My eyes immediately lock onto his white briefs and I slide them down as well.

I grab onto him and gently begin to use my hand on his member. He's all ready as I was before. He inhales immediately and speeds up his movements.

"Fuck, I know you just started, but I don't think I can handle this foreplay much longer. I need you so much," he admits, sliding his fingers out.

I nod quickly. "Take this off," I demand, my hands gripping his shirt to pull over his head.

He smirks at me, helping pull it over and throwing it onto the floor next to my dress. He discards his pants, his warm hands gripping my thighs to pull me closer to the edge.

"You're absolutely nuts to think that I'd ever give you, this, all of this up," he groans then sinks himself into me.

I wrap my arms around his neck, our bare chests pressed against each other's. With the sound of the water pouring out of the faucet, I have to remember to keep my noise to a minimum no matter how bad I want to do otherwise.

"Fucking nuts," he reiterates.

I grip onto his shoulder, leaning my head up to look at him as our bodies move quickly with his movements. "Ross," I whimper in pleasure.

He glances down at me. "Say it again," he demands, his hands gripping onto my hips tightly.

With our vigorous movements, I put my hand onto the counter to stop myself from sliding too much. I knock down two plastic perfume bottles and they fall down to ground loudly.

I repeat his name and he leans down, shoving his lips onto mine. I slide my hand up into the back of his hair, keeping him in the same spot.

His lips are warm and sloppy, his quick movements with his body causing his mouth to slide off mine with his desperate kisses.

I rake my nails down his back, the feeling of euphoria taking over my whole senses. "I am yours, only yours... always," he reassures once he pulls his lips off mine.

"I love you," I whimper as his pace quickens.

With my euphoric ending, I can tell he's moments away from his. His hands grip my hips, his own hips moving quickly. "Fuck, I love you so much," he moans with his voice strained as he reaches his own climax.

Once finishing, he inhales and exhales loudly, placing his head onto my shoulder. He kisses the soft skin then leans up shortly after to look me in the eyes.

"Wow," I whisper, releasing my legs from around his hips.

~ nonsexual ~

I am still very out of breath as he smiles down at me. "Is that what you wanted?" He asks, leaning down and kissing me sweetly.

I smile against his mouth. "Yes," I reply.

"You look like a hot mess," he laughs as he backs away from me to allow me to get up.

I turn around to glance at the mirror, looking at the mascara down my face and my frizzy hair from being pushed against the mirror itself. I turn back to Ross.

"You really just had sex with me looking like this?" I ask, my mouth opened.

He smiles. "Yeah, I told you that you looked like a hot mess, didn't I?"

Ross pecks my lips then turns the water from the shower to normal. I slide off the sink and walk near the toilet. "I have to pee," I inform him, glancing to the bathroom door.

He nods. "That's great. I'm going to shower," he smiles and climbs into the shower. "Do what you have to do."

I get pee shy.

I manage to go and as soon as I flush the toilet, he pokes his head out. "What?" I ask.

"Joining me?" He asks as I wash my hands.

"What'd you tell your brother?" I asked as he opens the curtain more.

Ross laughs. "I said you were on an important phone call and we'd be out in fifteen minutes. We have approximately five minutes left so let's go."

I quickly jump into the shower and we are out within five minutes. I only had to stop Ross twice from trying to make a move.

I put my dress back in and put my hair into a tight bun. We walk into the living room and all eyes glance at us and I immediately get embarrassed, thinking they possibly heard us.

"Sup?" Rocky asks, glancing back down to his phone.

Everyone is here including Max, Ellington and Chance. "What are the plans?" Ross asks.

"We thought of dinner, bowling, mini golf, movies..." Rydel listed.

Ross nods. "Perfect, mini golf. Let's go," he says and grabs onto my hand, leading us first out the door.

I smile and walk behind him, his hand pulling me. "Did you say mini golf to them earlier?" I ask as we wait at the end of the hallway for everyone else to file out.

He laughs. "Hell no. I'm glad they said it though," he smiles.

I nod. "Me too."

"So what did you guys do today?" Ross asks them as we all pile into the elevator.

Riker replies. "We got lunch then hung out at Chance's. We didn't really do much."

"Rydel, what'd you do?" Ross asks and I immediately step onto his sneaker and squeezing his hand way too hard.

She glances up from her phone. "The same as them?"

"Oh, I didn't know if you went shopping or anything. Those look like new sunglasses," he replies.

I speak up to divert the attention of Rydel and Ross. "Where is the nearest mini golf?" I ask.

Twenty minutes later, we finally got to the mini golf place. Since there were ten of us, we split into two different groups.

The first group: Ross, me, Rocky, Liv and Riker.

The second group: Kayla, Chance, Ellington, Max and Rydel.

To "spice" things up, the group decided that whichever team has the lowest total at the end is the winner. The losing team has to buy the winning team dinner.

Put the Lynch family into any game and it is competitive. Make there be a prize for the winners, it is ten times worse.

"Babe!" Ross whines at me as I hit the golf ball and it bounces to the other side away from the hole.

I glare over at him. "Screaming at me isn't going to change the fact that I suck at this game," I say, hitting the ball.

I hit the ball without even looking and once I glance back down at it, it bounces right into the hole.

"Oh my god, Ross piss her off more!" Liv laughs from the side.

I walk over and grab my ball out of the hole then get off the green. Ross smiles and walks over to me, wrapping his arms around me from behind.

"Maybe you do have to be an angry little one in order to do well," he says, squeezing my arms further into me since they're crossed in front of me.

I tilt my head back to look up at him. "Yell at me one more time and I'll hit my club right into a different ball," I say then kiss his chin and pull from his arms to walk to the next hole.

Maybe I did need to put a little more oomph into it as after that hole, I got them in within one to two shots.

Ross was smirking at me the entire time as he watched me, not cheering me on, just smirking. As we finished the final hole, he walked over and pulled me into his arms as we waited for the previous team to finish up.

"You carried the team, Atkins," he says, mumbling into the top of my head.

I nod. "You sucked," I tease.

"Great job, team. Let's hope we don't have to pay for dinner," Rocky says as he plops onto the bench.

"How should we count the total to make sure people aren't making their numbers lower?" Riker asks, following his brother to sit.

Ross simply shifts himself behind me so he can look at them. "One person from each team can count then at the count of three, they say what that team got. If there is a miscount, two new people count," I suggest.

"Genius," Riker says, nodding as he glances down at the paper in his hand with scribbles of scores everywhere.

Ross squeezes my arm then leaning his head down on mine until the other team comes over. Riker decided to count from our team and Max from the other.

"For team 2, what was the score? Three... two... one," Rydel counts down.

"342," the two of the boys say at the same time.

They next count up our team. Rydel counts down again, "three... two... one."

"301," they say.

Liv and Rocky both jump up. "Come here, team. Free fucking dinner," Rocky yells, grabbing onto Riker and us for a group hug. "Suckers."

"You definitely cheated!" Ellington yelled. "Y'all are too competitive."

Rocky rolls his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Let's get some free wings, bitches."

- - -


hellooooo. extremely long chap as I have been mia. huge rollercoaster of emotions this chap but that's ok - it happens to the best of us. hope ya enjoyed x

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